Alien kidnapping, or was it Chapter 31
Alien kidnapping, or was it
Chapter 31
Sam watched the progress of those with him; he had to go much slower as he and Thantas were the only ones who opened the wormholes. Then again, Thantas wasn't that used to it as she'd only done it twice. She still wasn't projecting as much power as was needed to get more than a few million miles.
He was thankful that he could accommodate all of them. He thought that the more they used it, the stronger and stronger they became.
With another look at those with him, he could see that no matter what, his sister Thantas and Mellos were a force to reckon with. He knew that Drivas and Thallus weren't utterly ready, though they were much more potent than they looked.
Finally, Sam shook his head. They weren't here in human form, so he wasn't all that sure. Another look at the ghostly form of the last member had Sam wondering if they had a chance at all.
They all emerged from the wormhole halfway to the IP home world. Sam bristled slightly. He could feel a massive build-up of the IP forces surrounding the world.
All right, when we next emerge, we will," Sam started, then found other thoughts intruding.
Sam? Came the thoughts; Sam searched through his mind. These thoughts felt familiar. Sam? The thoughts came again: this is Atata, the people on my planet, and I wish to aid you.
I thought that you and them needed far more time to recover, returned Sam's thoughts.
No, when you destroyed the machine, it released a massive amount of the stolen energy. We thought it would take far longer to heal the planet than it did. Our people wish to aid you and your group when the time comes. Atata's thoughts said.
I thank you, Sam thought, you know this will be dangerous. I am afraid that many might cease.
Sam, you returned our planet, thoughts, and others. To be free in our minds, even for a few days? It makes a cessation of our lifeforce, fighting to stay that way, well worth it, especially for one as caring about others as you are.
Sam was shocked; I only did what I thought was right. I do not wish to put you and your people in peril.
I and the others will gladly aid you; our lives are yours, as yours was ours when you helped us. Came Atata's thoughts.
I thank you. If you can follow us, you will be able to know when we need your help. Sam's thoughts returned as all went quiet.
The others could only wait as they caught brief snippets of the conversation. Again, Sam was about to open the final wormhole when he 'heard' two more voices.
Sam, this is Queen Triada; I have the leader of the greys, as you called them. A different voice came to Sam.
Dear friend, we wish to aid you. Our mental power is less than Queen Triada's planet. We will do all we can to help end the terror of the IP and those who controlled them.
As I told Atata moments ago. I do not wish your people to be harmed. It took a significant amount of time to free all your people. I am also sorry that I had to end as many as I did. Sam's thoughts said.
We are free for the first time in a long time; we gladly wish to aid you. Our thoughts are our own, and our actions are our own. Know that we go into this of our own volition.
Sam could only shake his head; he was afraid that a great many would be harmed or killed. According to those he'd spoken to, they were glad to sacrifice their lives to help him.
I accept your help; I do not want you to try attacking them unless you have to. I would prefer it when I ask you to move in. Sam's thoughts said.
We agree came the thoughts of the greys.
We also wish to add to the force that will fight the Tetri cons. You know that of the races aiding you now, my people have significant mental power. We will be there with you when you call. Said Queen Triada's thoughts.
Sam looked at the other five there with him; quickly, he explained the allies that had just contacted him. He then turned toward the three different groups of minds he felt. You will stay close 'til we exit the portal. Then I wish you to remain there as we go in.
All three of the groups agreed; Sam turned to open the portal. He waited a moment as he felt more minds add to each group. At first, a few hundred, quickly grew to thousands; within moments, each group was in the millions. Sam's mouth dropped open; was everyone in all the world adding to this?
Sam's eyes widened when each group hit billions, then tens of billions. Shit Sam thought, was the portal going to be big enough?
Sam concentrated on opening a vast wormhole more giant than he'd ever opened. It was exhausting, and then, strangely enough, he felt the energy flow into him. Smiling, he could feel the touch of all three races.
Finally stabilized, all started to move into it. Sam moved forward as fast as he could a moment later, feeling the wormhole closing behind him as he moved forward.
It seemed an hour later when all of them emerged into space. Sam could see that they were at the edge of the IP world's system.
Alright, I want all of you that have added their aid to wait here. If any of the IPs get near, destroy their equipment and try not to kill them if possible.
All three races agreed, then wished Sam and his group luck as the six approached the IP planet. Again, Sam and Thantas had to go slower for the rest to keep up. Then again, Mellos was near as fast as he and his sister.
They had made the system's middle when several thousand IP ships opened fire. Sam raised his hand as he pointed at the vessel; almost everyone stopped, going almost dark.
Sam heard Thanta's thoughts; you've been holding out on us.
What Sam thought back. Did I have enough time to teach you everything I have learned recently? Shit, I wish I was that good.
They had hardly moved forward when met by an almost solid wall of fighting ships. Sam started to raise his hand when Thantas mirrored the motion. A smirk appeared on her face when over three-fourths of those in front of them stopped moving.
Ok, Sam thought, I have to admit, not too damn bad for a first time. With that, he finished the rest. It's about to get crowded.
All six of them turned toward the direction of the IP home world. More than twice what they had already faced were heading their way as fast as they could.
This was wild. Sam thought they had to know they had no way of winning. Sam knew they would be at this for a long time if it continued like this.
Finally fed up, Sam held up a hand, stopping the others. Rubbing his hands together, Sam suddenly clapped them together. This sent out an energy wave that rapidly washed over the approaching ships, disabling them.
Sam moved forward a few million miles and then repeated the process. Each time they advanced, there were ships disabled everywhere. With a slight smile on his lips, Sam started to go further and further. It appeared that the energy wave was reaching farther and farther each time.
Can you believe just how stupid they are? Thantas thought. Can't they see that they haven't a chance against you? Let alone with the rest of us.
They are going by history, with as many that saw that we were all immune, I'd think they'd learned. Sam thought.
It looks like we have a lot more; let me handle them. I need the practice. Thantas thoughts returned.
Sam nodded as he watched Thantas; she was more substantial than he thought. As fast as she was picking things up, you'd think her Osmosis ability was growing as fast.
A commotion behind the current line Thantas was working on drew Sam's attention. Then Sam saw a considerable battleship that was moving into position.
Sam extended his hand, surprised when nothing happened. Concentrating, Sam poured more power into his attack. Looking at Thantas, he saw that she had a worried look.
With a determined look, Sam put up as strong an attack as he could, frowning when not much happened.
They were somewhat prepared for this type of attack. Sam's thoughts told the rest of them. At that moment, a titanic blast of energy was released from the ship.
Sam was about to block it when he felt his skin crawl. What in the hell was this, he thought? The energy beam passed within a mile of him, and his body momentarily convolved.
So, Sam thought, they had developed something to use against him. A look back at the others showed that they had felt it, too. Reaching inside, Sam adjusted his energy; a few moments later, another beam hit him directly.
He had almost finished the adjustment when it enveloped him. Sam breathed a sigh of relief; he'd barely gotten enough adjusted to save his life. The IP was more dense than he thought they were.
He rapidly touched the four females with a nod, changing them to resist the beam. Sam then turned toward the vast ship, and they started to fire every weapon they had at him.
Sam could hear the crew of the large ship cheer when the next beam enveloped him. Cheers quickly turned into screams of horror as Sam was still moving and advancing.
Sam could see that this ship had a much different type of shield. One that more than resisted the energy wave that he and Thantas had used.
Sam looked the large ship over, deciding how much damage he would cause. A moment later, they launched what could only be described as a "dirty bomb" missile at him.
Sam's face suddenly grew dark as his anger started to surface. Pointing a finger at the ship, Sam's anger grew more when he heard the ship's commander order another missile. This one was like the last, though twice as powerful.
A wicked smile came to Sam's lips as he was suddenly beside the ship, even as the rocket left it. Sam took hold of the missile as it moved away, turning it back toward the boat.
Sam grinned as he watched the missile streak back to the enormous ship, exploding just before it hit. The massive hole in the ship's side made Sam smile more; no more of that, he thought.
The others with Sam had their mouths open. They knew Sam wasn't your average Clive Stone; they didn't think he could do this.
I am through being nice to a race of people who would rather kill everyone than find another way of doing things. I have given the IP and Tetri cons more than enough chances; that stops now. Know that we are at war against both of them. I also suggest that if you can't handle it? Stay back; I have seen how they are and the pain and suffering they have dispensed. They are about to receive it back tenfold! Came Sam's thoughts.
Sam had just turned away when he felt a hand on his shoulder. A look back up the arm revealed his sister Thantas.
Please don't become like them, my brother. Even if you are raised somewhere other than our world, you are still better than they are. You are not some uncivilized creature bent on the destruction of all that disagree with you.
I can feel that Thantas touched above her heart; you are much better than them. Thantas looked at what was left of the vast wrecked ship. I do realize that there are times we have no choice to destroy; the thing is, we still usually have a choice.
Sam stared at his newly discovered sister; when had she gotten? Then he nodded; she had over five hundred years on him. She had to be wiser than him.
Thantas face turned to a sour look as her mouth dropped open. I was a prisoner. Remember that you did more than save me, my brother. Wiser? Perhaps, though, you have a great deal of it yourself.
Sam looked shocked, him? Wise? No, if anything, he was often rash and reckless.
You are far wiser than you think, my brother, Thantas thought. Wisdom isn't always knowledge. There are other things. You are a natural leader, much like our father is. In the words of the planet you lived on? Don't sell yourself short; you are a hell of a lot more than you think you are.
Sam thought momentarily about all she had said; he'd been at this since he started almost entirely alone. Not all his decisions had been the best, though, at the time, they were the best he could think of.
Alright, Sam finally decided, then turned to the rest of them. We're about halfway in; I am afraid we will meet a lot more resistance. Stay with the group; don't let anyone take you away from it. I have a feeling that they are trying to divide us. Stay alert, ok, here we go.
Sam and the others started to advance again, Sam and his sister sending out energy waves, shutting down almost everything before them.
The Lord Doctor had been following the progress of Sam's group. This energy wave that the Sam bastard was using was something new indeed. They were a lot closer, a lot sooner than the Lord Doctor had thought they would be.
"I want all the new batteries brought online., The bastard Clive Stones are closer than they should be." The Doctor spoke into a com.
"Yes, sir, all new weapons are online now. Was the new battleship effective, sir?" The commander's voice asked from the planetary defense station.
"It was at first, though it appeared that the Clive Stone leader could change his energy to negate it. I suggest that when you begin firing? You rotate the frequency as often as possible; it might catch them off guard and destroy some of them." The Doctor said.
"It will be done," The commander said as he shouted orders and cut the communication.
The Lord Doctor nodded. He was about as ready as he could be. Still, something was nagging at the edge of his mind. It still had something to do with the elite offspring, even though it was evading him with all that was going on.
Within the chamber where the offspring were being held, the male smiled. It wouldn't be long now; looking at the female with him, he sent her a short message.
The female also smiled as she looked at the device that her male sibling was hiding. Like he'd thought to her, it wouldn't be long now.
Unlike her male sibling, she could feel both their sires outside the normal thought communication range. She was proud she had worked on it as long as she had. She sent their sires a concise, rapid thought burst.
A moment later, she received an answer that made her happy. They both knew, though, that they were hanging back to see precisely what the group of Clive Stones would do. The simple fact that one of the council had ceased gave her and her sire's hope.
Far from the IP planet where they had remained after Sam and the female left, the two elites waited. They had lowered their energy, almost appearing to be no longer alive. Next to them, the elite they had resurrected the memories of was still weak. The male had managed to stave off death; the little energy Sam had given him had helped. He was still weak, though he could help eliminate the council that had discarded him like trash.
The elite reached deep within, trying to find the energy to move it higher. It soon found its reserves, though not as much there as it had thought.
Its power was nearly at half, and the third elite smiled. At least now he wasn't dying. He owed Mellos a great deal, much as he did the two elites next to him.
The three elites reached out, feeling Sam and his group's progress. The group was far closer than any of them thought that the group would get.
All three elite were anxious to get into space to help Sam's group. They had heard Sam's plan, each nodding it was a sound plan. The whole thing hinged on Sam and his group gaining the IP home world—a nearly actual reality.
Still, the sires of the elite offspring were anxious about them. They were sure the offspring could escape given the time; that’s the thing. They just needed enough time.
Sam and his group were now within the site of the IP home world. Behind them were the wrecked remnants of the IP fleet for millions of miles. Except for the giant battleship, there hadn't been any other deaths. Sam hoped that it stayed that way for a bit.
The IP people had been told for so long that they were superior and that they should rule. The lies supplied by the Tetri cons had the IP thinking they were invincible. That Sam decided was overconfidence, exceptionally far from the truth.
Sam shook his head as they saw the IP home world. You couldn't see the planet from the sheer number of ships ringing it.
Sam and Thantas extended their arms and hands, letting loose a titanic energy wave that washed over the ships. The group quickly moved forward when a beam shot out, striking Drivas.
All of the group heard Drivas cry out in their minds. Sam saw where the beam had come from, hearing the ship's crew cheer in glee. Cheers that quickly turned to screams of horror and pain were suddenly quieted. Sam looked back at the wreckage of the boat he'd flown through several times.
He immediately flew to Drivas, touching her shoulder. Shit, he thought as he felt the pain that was radiating through her body. As quickly as he could, he changed her body to repel the type of energy. He then promptly did the same to the others.
With a slight growl, Sam decided that this had gone on long enough as she suddenly streaked off. Sam accelerated faster than ever on a collision course with the council building. Several sonic booms sounded as he crashed through the building walls and then through the bodies of the first, third, and sixth councilors.
Sam passed through the outer wall on the other side, about to return to finish the rest. Sam noticed that he'd barely been able to exit the building. What the hell? It felt as if half his energy was gone.
Making for space helped to reduce the draining feeling by more than half. Still, Sam thought they had something in or near that building that was siphoning energy at an alarming rate. At least, he thought as he left the atmosphere; it was almost gone. Sam felt the sun start repowering him almost as fast as the siphon had taken his energy.
A look at the line of ships let Sam know that the others still needed to make it through.
The Lord Doctor looked at the crushed bodies of the first, third, and sixth councilors. The Lord Doctor felt another emotion he hadn't in a long time: rage. An almost all-consuming, blinding rage. Who did this Clive Stone think he was to end the galaxy's most fantastic, superior race?
"All ships are still in operation. I want all beam weapons turned full. Use all that you can to end this waste of space. They just destroyed three councilors; they must be destroyed, or our way of life is finished. For the glory of the IP, go forth and destroy the Clive Stones!" The Lord Doctor screamed.
A thin smile appeared on the Lord Doctor's face; these simple-minded fools were and have always been so gullible and desperate to be led. The perfect enslaved people, the Doctor thought.
Grabbing several packets of nutrients, the Lord Doctor started to concentrate, feeling his mental power climb. An almost evil smile came to his face; there was more than one way to kill this bastard, he thought.
Lord Doctor orders are to return Sam to Earth.
Chapter 31
Sam watched the progress of those with him; he had to go much slower as he and Thantas were the only ones who opened the wormholes. Then again, Thantas wasn't that used to it as she'd only done it twice. She still wasn't projecting as much power as was needed to get more than a few million miles.
He was thankful that he could accommodate all of them. He thought that the more they used it, the stronger and stronger they became.
With another look at those with him, he could see that no matter what, his sister Thantas and Mellos were a force to reckon with. He knew that Drivas and Thallus weren't utterly ready, though they were much more potent than they looked.
Finally, Sam shook his head. They weren't here in human form, so he wasn't all that sure. Another look at the ghostly form of the last member had Sam wondering if they had a chance at all.
They all emerged from the wormhole halfway to the IP home world. Sam bristled slightly. He could feel a massive build-up of the IP forces surrounding the world.
All right, when we next emerge, we will," Sam started, then found other thoughts intruding.
Sam? Came the thoughts; Sam searched through his mind. These thoughts felt familiar. Sam? The thoughts came again: this is Atata, the people on my planet, and I wish to aid you.
I thought that you and them needed far more time to recover, returned Sam's thoughts.
No, when you destroyed the machine, it released a massive amount of the stolen energy. We thought it would take far longer to heal the planet than it did. Our people wish to aid you and your group when the time comes. Atata's thoughts said.
I thank you, Sam thought, you know this will be dangerous. I am afraid that many might cease.
Sam, you returned our planet, thoughts, and others. To be free in our minds, even for a few days? It makes a cessation of our lifeforce, fighting to stay that way, well worth it, especially for one as caring about others as you are.
Sam was shocked; I only did what I thought was right. I do not wish to put you and your people in peril.
I and the others will gladly aid you; our lives are yours, as yours was ours when you helped us. Came Atata's thoughts.
I thank you. If you can follow us, you will be able to know when we need your help. Sam's thoughts returned as all went quiet.
The others could only wait as they caught brief snippets of the conversation. Again, Sam was about to open the final wormhole when he 'heard' two more voices.
Sam, this is Queen Triada; I have the leader of the greys, as you called them. A different voice came to Sam.
Dear friend, we wish to aid you. Our mental power is less than Queen Triada's planet. We will do all we can to help end the terror of the IP and those who controlled them.
As I told Atata moments ago. I do not wish your people to be harmed. It took a significant amount of time to free all your people. I am also sorry that I had to end as many as I did. Sam's thoughts said.
We are free for the first time in a long time; we gladly wish to aid you. Our thoughts are our own, and our actions are our own. Know that we go into this of our own volition.
Sam could only shake his head; he was afraid that a great many would be harmed or killed. According to those he'd spoken to, they were glad to sacrifice their lives to help him.
I accept your help; I do not want you to try attacking them unless you have to. I would prefer it when I ask you to move in. Sam's thoughts said.
We agree came the thoughts of the greys.
We also wish to add to the force that will fight the Tetri cons. You know that of the races aiding you now, my people have significant mental power. We will be there with you when you call. Said Queen Triada's thoughts.
Sam looked at the other five there with him; quickly, he explained the allies that had just contacted him. He then turned toward the three different groups of minds he felt. You will stay close 'til we exit the portal. Then I wish you to remain there as we go in.
All three of the groups agreed; Sam turned to open the portal. He waited a moment as he felt more minds add to each group. At first, a few hundred, quickly grew to thousands; within moments, each group was in the millions. Sam's mouth dropped open; was everyone in all the world adding to this?
Sam's eyes widened when each group hit billions, then tens of billions. Shit Sam thought, was the portal going to be big enough?
Sam concentrated on opening a vast wormhole more giant than he'd ever opened. It was exhausting, and then, strangely enough, he felt the energy flow into him. Smiling, he could feel the touch of all three races.
Finally stabilized, all started to move into it. Sam moved forward as fast as he could a moment later, feeling the wormhole closing behind him as he moved forward.
It seemed an hour later when all of them emerged into space. Sam could see that they were at the edge of the IP world's system.
Alright, I want all of you that have added their aid to wait here. If any of the IPs get near, destroy their equipment and try not to kill them if possible.
All three races agreed, then wished Sam and his group luck as the six approached the IP planet. Again, Sam and Thantas had to go slower for the rest to keep up. Then again, Mellos was near as fast as he and his sister.
They had made the system's middle when several thousand IP ships opened fire. Sam raised his hand as he pointed at the vessel; almost everyone stopped, going almost dark.
Sam heard Thanta's thoughts; you've been holding out on us.
What Sam thought back. Did I have enough time to teach you everything I have learned recently? Shit, I wish I was that good.
They had hardly moved forward when met by an almost solid wall of fighting ships. Sam started to raise his hand when Thantas mirrored the motion. A smirk appeared on her face when over three-fourths of those in front of them stopped moving.
Ok, Sam thought, I have to admit, not too damn bad for a first time. With that, he finished the rest. It's about to get crowded.
All six of them turned toward the direction of the IP home world. More than twice what they had already faced were heading their way as fast as they could.
This was wild. Sam thought they had to know they had no way of winning. Sam knew they would be at this for a long time if it continued like this.
Finally fed up, Sam held up a hand, stopping the others. Rubbing his hands together, Sam suddenly clapped them together. This sent out an energy wave that rapidly washed over the approaching ships, disabling them.
Sam moved forward a few million miles and then repeated the process. Each time they advanced, there were ships disabled everywhere. With a slight smile on his lips, Sam started to go further and further. It appeared that the energy wave was reaching farther and farther each time.
Can you believe just how stupid they are? Thantas thought. Can't they see that they haven't a chance against you? Let alone with the rest of us.
They are going by history, with as many that saw that we were all immune, I'd think they'd learned. Sam thought.
It looks like we have a lot more; let me handle them. I need the practice. Thantas thoughts returned.
Sam nodded as he watched Thantas; she was more substantial than he thought. As fast as she was picking things up, you'd think her Osmosis ability was growing as fast.
A commotion behind the current line Thantas was working on drew Sam's attention. Then Sam saw a considerable battleship that was moving into position.
Sam extended his hand, surprised when nothing happened. Concentrating, Sam poured more power into his attack. Looking at Thantas, he saw that she had a worried look.
With a determined look, Sam put up as strong an attack as he could, frowning when not much happened.
They were somewhat prepared for this type of attack. Sam's thoughts told the rest of them. At that moment, a titanic blast of energy was released from the ship.
Sam was about to block it when he felt his skin crawl. What in the hell was this, he thought? The energy beam passed within a mile of him, and his body momentarily convolved.
So, Sam thought, they had developed something to use against him. A look back at the others showed that they had felt it, too. Reaching inside, Sam adjusted his energy; a few moments later, another beam hit him directly.
He had almost finished the adjustment when it enveloped him. Sam breathed a sigh of relief; he'd barely gotten enough adjusted to save his life. The IP was more dense than he thought they were.
He rapidly touched the four females with a nod, changing them to resist the beam. Sam then turned toward the vast ship, and they started to fire every weapon they had at him.
Sam could hear the crew of the large ship cheer when the next beam enveloped him. Cheers quickly turned into screams of horror as Sam was still moving and advancing.
Sam could see that this ship had a much different type of shield. One that more than resisted the energy wave that he and Thantas had used.
Sam looked the large ship over, deciding how much damage he would cause. A moment later, they launched what could only be described as a "dirty bomb" missile at him.
Sam's face suddenly grew dark as his anger started to surface. Pointing a finger at the ship, Sam's anger grew more when he heard the ship's commander order another missile. This one was like the last, though twice as powerful.
A wicked smile came to Sam's lips as he was suddenly beside the ship, even as the rocket left it. Sam took hold of the missile as it moved away, turning it back toward the boat.
Sam grinned as he watched the missile streak back to the enormous ship, exploding just before it hit. The massive hole in the ship's side made Sam smile more; no more of that, he thought.
The others with Sam had their mouths open. They knew Sam wasn't your average Clive Stone; they didn't think he could do this.
I am through being nice to a race of people who would rather kill everyone than find another way of doing things. I have given the IP and Tetri cons more than enough chances; that stops now. Know that we are at war against both of them. I also suggest that if you can't handle it? Stay back; I have seen how they are and the pain and suffering they have dispensed. They are about to receive it back tenfold! Came Sam's thoughts.
Sam had just turned away when he felt a hand on his shoulder. A look back up the arm revealed his sister Thantas.
Please don't become like them, my brother. Even if you are raised somewhere other than our world, you are still better than they are. You are not some uncivilized creature bent on the destruction of all that disagree with you.
I can feel that Thantas touched above her heart; you are much better than them. Thantas looked at what was left of the vast wrecked ship. I do realize that there are times we have no choice to destroy; the thing is, we still usually have a choice.
Sam stared at his newly discovered sister; when had she gotten? Then he nodded; she had over five hundred years on him. She had to be wiser than him.
Thantas face turned to a sour look as her mouth dropped open. I was a prisoner. Remember that you did more than save me, my brother. Wiser? Perhaps, though, you have a great deal of it yourself.
Sam looked shocked, him? Wise? No, if anything, he was often rash and reckless.
You are far wiser than you think, my brother, Thantas thought. Wisdom isn't always knowledge. There are other things. You are a natural leader, much like our father is. In the words of the planet you lived on? Don't sell yourself short; you are a hell of a lot more than you think you are.
Sam thought momentarily about all she had said; he'd been at this since he started almost entirely alone. Not all his decisions had been the best, though, at the time, they were the best he could think of.
Alright, Sam finally decided, then turned to the rest of them. We're about halfway in; I am afraid we will meet a lot more resistance. Stay with the group; don't let anyone take you away from it. I have a feeling that they are trying to divide us. Stay alert, ok, here we go.
Sam and the others started to advance again, Sam and his sister sending out energy waves, shutting down almost everything before them.
The Lord Doctor had been following the progress of Sam's group. This energy wave that the Sam bastard was using was something new indeed. They were a lot closer, a lot sooner than the Lord Doctor had thought they would be.
"I want all the new batteries brought online., The bastard Clive Stones are closer than they should be." The Doctor spoke into a com.
"Yes, sir, all new weapons are online now. Was the new battleship effective, sir?" The commander's voice asked from the planetary defense station.
"It was at first, though it appeared that the Clive Stone leader could change his energy to negate it. I suggest that when you begin firing? You rotate the frequency as often as possible; it might catch them off guard and destroy some of them." The Doctor said.
"It will be done," The commander said as he shouted orders and cut the communication.
The Lord Doctor nodded. He was about as ready as he could be. Still, something was nagging at the edge of his mind. It still had something to do with the elite offspring, even though it was evading him with all that was going on.
Within the chamber where the offspring were being held, the male smiled. It wouldn't be long now; looking at the female with him, he sent her a short message.
The female also smiled as she looked at the device that her male sibling was hiding. Like he'd thought to her, it wouldn't be long now.
Unlike her male sibling, she could feel both their sires outside the normal thought communication range. She was proud she had worked on it as long as she had. She sent their sires a concise, rapid thought burst.
A moment later, she received an answer that made her happy. They both knew, though, that they were hanging back to see precisely what the group of Clive Stones would do. The simple fact that one of the council had ceased gave her and her sire's hope.
Far from the IP planet where they had remained after Sam and the female left, the two elites waited. They had lowered their energy, almost appearing to be no longer alive. Next to them, the elite they had resurrected the memories of was still weak. The male had managed to stave off death; the little energy Sam had given him had helped. He was still weak, though he could help eliminate the council that had discarded him like trash.
The elite reached deep within, trying to find the energy to move it higher. It soon found its reserves, though not as much there as it had thought.
Its power was nearly at half, and the third elite smiled. At least now he wasn't dying. He owed Mellos a great deal, much as he did the two elites next to him.
The three elites reached out, feeling Sam and his group's progress. The group was far closer than any of them thought that the group would get.
All three elite were anxious to get into space to help Sam's group. They had heard Sam's plan, each nodding it was a sound plan. The whole thing hinged on Sam and his group gaining the IP home world—a nearly actual reality.
Still, the sires of the elite offspring were anxious about them. They were sure the offspring could escape given the time; that’s the thing. They just needed enough time.
Sam and his group were now within the site of the IP home world. Behind them were the wrecked remnants of the IP fleet for millions of miles. Except for the giant battleship, there hadn't been any other deaths. Sam hoped that it stayed that way for a bit.
The IP people had been told for so long that they were superior and that they should rule. The lies supplied by the Tetri cons had the IP thinking they were invincible. That Sam decided was overconfidence, exceptionally far from the truth.
Sam shook his head as they saw the IP home world. You couldn't see the planet from the sheer number of ships ringing it.
Sam and Thantas extended their arms and hands, letting loose a titanic energy wave that washed over the ships. The group quickly moved forward when a beam shot out, striking Drivas.
All of the group heard Drivas cry out in their minds. Sam saw where the beam had come from, hearing the ship's crew cheer in glee. Cheers that quickly turned to screams of horror and pain were suddenly quieted. Sam looked back at the wreckage of the boat he'd flown through several times.
He immediately flew to Drivas, touching her shoulder. Shit, he thought as he felt the pain that was radiating through her body. As quickly as he could, he changed her body to repel the type of energy. He then promptly did the same to the others.
With a slight growl, Sam decided that this had gone on long enough as she suddenly streaked off. Sam accelerated faster than ever on a collision course with the council building. Several sonic booms sounded as he crashed through the building walls and then through the bodies of the first, third, and sixth councilors.
Sam passed through the outer wall on the other side, about to return to finish the rest. Sam noticed that he'd barely been able to exit the building. What the hell? It felt as if half his energy was gone.
Making for space helped to reduce the draining feeling by more than half. Still, Sam thought they had something in or near that building that was siphoning energy at an alarming rate. At least, he thought as he left the atmosphere; it was almost gone. Sam felt the sun start repowering him almost as fast as the siphon had taken his energy.
A look at the line of ships let Sam know that the others still needed to make it through.
The Lord Doctor looked at the crushed bodies of the first, third, and sixth councilors. The Lord Doctor felt another emotion he hadn't in a long time: rage. An almost all-consuming, blinding rage. Who did this Clive Stone think he was to end the galaxy's most fantastic, superior race?
"All ships are still in operation. I want all beam weapons turned full. Use all that you can to end this waste of space. They just destroyed three councilors; they must be destroyed, or our way of life is finished. For the glory of the IP, go forth and destroy the Clive Stones!" The Lord Doctor screamed.
A thin smile appeared on the Lord Doctor's face; these simple-minded fools were and have always been so gullible and desperate to be led. The perfect enslaved people, the Doctor thought.
Grabbing several packets of nutrients, the Lord Doctor started to concentrate, feeling his mental power climb. An almost evil smile came to his face; there was more than one way to kill this bastard, he thought.
Lord Doctor orders are to return Sam to Earth.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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