secret smiles & gentle reminiscing

skeletal branches outlined  
against a charcoal smudged technicolor sky
a single star...
...defiantly standing out
a thumbs length above the horizon  
as flames give one final glorious push
...blazing insanely  
before fading into a chilled shadowy night
and thought settles into a pool of reflection
paths traveled & bridges crossed
...burnt down...left with no return
watching mile markers glow to my right
swiftly passing them by
headlights dance across my vision
stirring flashbacks
laughter & tears in every memory  
and one special presence
cherished for the gift of surprise  
nobody understands my tender smile
or the moon glow behind my eyes
as it should be... remains unexplained  
beautifully secret
...exactly as I'll keep it
Written by WillowsWhimsies
Author's Note
Copyright @ Willow. All rights reserved
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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