
I fought for you
for your sanity, and mine.
it drove me to utter madness just thinking about it.
i wanted to help you, save you
i wanted to make sure you were okay
that you had a place where you felt safe
a sanctuary
i wanted to be the one you would come to, to rely on
i stood up to the world for your sake
id give my life for
or i would have
but your truth wasnt right
it was so wrong
it came back at me with a vengeance
it hit me harder than any punch, kick
i loved you
now i cant even look at you
we were like twins together
now i dont even know you
you lied to me
just to make others look bad
you said you loved me
well guess what?
honestly your existance is meaningless
you told me you were hurt
when in turn you hurt me
the day you let me down
was the day you lost a part of your family
not only will i never look at you
im never going to talk to you
nor speak your GODDAMNED NAME
your a bitch
and a slut
who manipulates people who actually give a shit
so FUCK you and your whorish ways
im better without you
your a million pounds of stress gone from my life
Written by spazzoid
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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