Image for the poem A Taste Of Paradise

A Taste Of Paradise

Chazz Palminteri Italian Restaurant  
New York, New York
Isabella and Sherell arrived at the destination where their business luncheon was scheduled.  
Both women stood in line waiting to be escorted to their seat.  
Isabella had a gifted amount of time to canvas her perimeters.  
The Italian Ristorante Steffen choose to conduct his business affairs in was commodious, yet intimate.  
The enclosed atmosphere, which apparently catered to the prevalent aristocracy and social exclusive citizens, was impartial. Her hasten observation was based upon the majority of distinguished men.  
Isabella noticed the greater of the male-seated patrons were garbed in Giorgio Armani, Rudolph Valentino, and tailored Ozwald Boateng attire. Several gold diamond cufflinks glistened against the mounted chandelier lights of the ristorante.  
“How may I help the signora,” the maître d’ addressed Isabella.  
“Yes, we are expected by Sig. Galeio. Can you bring it to his attention his guests have arrived?”  
Certamente Signorina.”  
The maître d’ excused his presence.  
“This place is very nice, isn’t it Isabella?”  
“I’ve seen better.”  
Isabella did not appreciate the idea of having to step into Steffen’s sociable expensive dwellings.  
Isabella peered over the seated population.  
“I do not see Mr. Galeio anywhere.”  
“Handsome as he is, he can’t be missed,” boasted Sherell. “Here comes the maître d’.”  
“Is there a problem? Has Sig. Galeio arrived yet?” Isabella asked.  
“Yes. He is expecting you ladies, this way please.”  
The maître d’ led Sherell and Isabella around a bar, then pass the seated diners, and pass several male glances.  
Curious men of all ages swiftly pivoted their head to capture a full view of the beautiful women heading toward the private dining area.  
“Here we are. Would either of you signore like something to drink?”  
“Nothing for me, thank you.”  
“I’ll have a mineral water,” Sherell charged in. She glanced over in Isabella’s direction. “Are you all right mon cheri.” She noticed Isabella’s face was pale.  
“I’m all right, thanks.”  
Isabella collected her wits, held her head high, and gripped her portfolio and purse tightly. She prepared herself for the mental challenge of confining herself in Steffen's immediate company.  
The maître d’ opened the door and stepped aside.  
Sherell entered the private dining area first. Isabella was on her heels.  
Steffen and Julius stood upon Isabella and Sherell’s entrance.  
Both men awaited their approach.  
Steffen inadvertently regarded the way Isabella’s eyes did not meet his. God he missed her.  
Today she materialized self-assured and business efficient, although, he knew otherwise. He knew what lies beneath that business austere was a very giving and passionate donna.  
“I hope this unplanned business luncheon did not inconvenience you signore in any way?”  
“No Mr. Galeio, this luncheon did no such thing.” Isabella turned toward Julius. “It’s really nice to see you again, Mr. Carlos.”  
“Please call me Julius.”  
“If you insist,” Isabella replied sweetly.  
“Yes I request that you do.”  
Julius turned his attention in his employer’s direction. He had to reassure himself he did not overstep his bounds.  
Lately he discerned Sig. Galeio has been impractical to deal with.  
“Signorina Bizet` St. James.” Julius nodded his head in greeting.  
“You remembered, how endearing.”  
“And how do you do?  
“I’m fine, thank you for asking Mr. Carlos.”  
“Call me Julius.”  
“Now that everyone’s title has been properly addressed. I suggest we get down to business,” Steffen barked.  
Isabella noticed Steffen’s frown lines in his face were visible.  
Steffen scooted Isabella’s chair away from the table.  
“Thank you.”  
Isabella claimed her seat.  
Steffen walked around the table and sat.  
Julius seated Sherell, and then himself.  
“I take it signore the contract is in satisfactory order?”  
“Yes, the written text of the contract seems to be to our advantage. Neither I, nor Sherell have any complaints or concerns Mr. Galeio.”  
“Very well then.”  
Steffen lifted a sterling silver Cross Townsend ink pen from out the inside pocket of his suit jacket. He handed the ink pen to Isabella.  
Steffen’s fingers intentionally interlocked with Isabella’s fingers. He clasped her fingers between his.  
Isabella refused to level her head. She completely ignored the physical attention of Steffen’s touch. She quietly detached her hand from his. Her eyes remained affixed on the contract she was about to sign.  
Steffen grinded his teeth in frustration.  
Isabella did not witness the displeasure on Steffen’s face for ignoring him at all cost.  
If she can pretend as nothing transpired between us, then so it is Steffen thought. He cleared his throat.  
Isabella signed the contract and handed Steffen back his ink pen. She was careful not to touch any part of his anatomy.  
Sherell then signed the document to make the contract official and legal.  
“You signore have made a wise choice.”  
“I’m sure I have,” Isabella rushed out.  
Why did he have to look so good today she thought?  
Isabella stepped out her shoe and slid the sole of her foot slowly up and down Steffen’s inner leg. Her foot crawled up to his groin; she gently pressed her foot down.  
Steffen looked into Isabella’s eyes.  
“We will definitely finish this later.”  
Steffen winked at Isabella.  
“Excuse me Sig. Galeio?”  
“Hum..., the... the..., specifics of the contract.”  
Isabella blushed at Steffen’s faux pas. She was glad she would never see him again after this day.  
Julius leaned over and unlocked his briefcase near his chair. He dropped the contract inside and closed it.  
The waiter advanced to their table.  
Isabella stepped back into her shoe.  
“Here is the beverage you ordered signorina.”  
The waiter placed Sherell’s mineral water down in front of her.  
“Thank you.”  
The waiter handed everyone a menu.  
Sig. Galeio, would your company be ordering anything now?”  
Steffen looked around the table.  
“I will have the special of the day.”  
“And you Sig. Galeio.”  
“I will have the special of the day,” Steffen affirmed; he tried to capture Isabella’s attention once again.  
The waiter gathered Isabella and Steffen’s menu from off the table.  
“Nothing for me.”  
Julius handed the waiter back his menu.  
Isabella hoped Sherell would join Steffen and her; she did not want to remain in the privacy of his company alone.  
“Nothing for me either.”  
Sherell handed the waiter back her menu.  
Dammit Isabella silently fumed.  
The waiter left the seated diners.  
Steffen cleared his throat.  
“Signorina Tramaine, how have you been doing since the last time we met?”  
Three pair of eyes focused on her.  
“Fine Mr. Galeio, and yourself?”  
“I’ve been coping.”  
Neither one said more than what they were feeling.  
“Isabella, I have some disappointing news.”  
“What is it Sherell?”  
“Richard notified me this morning his cousin’s trip to Manhattan has been postponed to a later date. Apparently you will have to ask someone else to attend the opening night opera performance of Madame Butterfly with you.”  
“I’m sure I can ask...”  
“I would love to attend,” Steffen put forth.  
Isabella pivoted her head in Steffen’s direction.  
“I’m sure my company will not be to your liking outside the boundaries of business.”  
“Signorina Tramaine, I will concern myself about that notion when the evening arrives.”  
Steffen’s ebony-colored eyes apprehended hers. He fought to regain his emotions from complete surrender.  
Sherell witnessed the attraction first hand between Isabella and Steffen; she was thrilled about the occurrence. Sherell glanced down at her Donna Karan watch.  
“Isabella, I just remembered I have an important engagement to attend. If you can be so kind as to catch a taxicab home.”  
“I’ll see to it Signorina Tramaine gets home properly.”  
“Thank you Mr. Galeio.”  
Steffen captured Isabella’s eyes.  
“It will be my pleasure.”  
Sherell scooted her chair back and stood.  
Julius and Steffen scooted their chair back and stood.  
“Thank you for lunch Mr. Galeio.”  
Sherell extended her hand.  
Steffen shook it.  
“You’re welcome Signorina Bizet` St. James.”  
Both dropped their hand.  
"Mr. Galeio, Julius, I’m sorry to excuse my presence, but I have a prior engagement, which I must attend.”  
“I understand.”  
“Sig. Galeio, I will be leaving as well. Signorina Tramaine and Signorina Bizet` St. James, you both will receive a copy of this contract in its original text form.”  
“Thank you Julius and it was a pleasure to see again.”  
“Likewise Signorina Tramaine. Signorina Bizet` St. James I would escort you to your car.”  
“Thank you Julius, I would appreciate that.”  
Sherell winked at Isabella when she strolled pass her chair. She hoped her good friend will not hold this ruse against her, but someone had to set the wheels in motion.  
All week long, she noticed the mention of Mr. Galeio’s name to Isabella would inspire a brief smile from her, before turning into a dispassionate front.  
Isabella gathered her portfolio and purse, preparing to stand.  
Steffen sat back down.  
“Why haven’t you returned any of my calls or grant my visits?”  
Isabella looked across the table, and then reclaimed her seat.  
“We have nothing outside of business to discuss with one another.”  
“Is that so?”  
Steffen became agitated over Isabella’s lack of concern.  
“Yes it is.”  
Isabella focused her eyes elsewhere besides on Steffen.  
Maledizione, would you look at me!”  
“Please refrain from using that tone when you are addressing me.”  
“I’m sorry belle; do forgive me. Now that I have your undivided attention. Let me refresh your memory about some things that could be pertinent to you as well as to me. We made love belle.”  
Yes they did Isabella remembered so vividly.
“You were inexperienced, which means you nor I took the extra precaution of using any kind of contraceptive.”  
Little did he know how many times she damned herself for getting so lost in the wave of passion and for taking the risk of an unwanted pregnancy?  
Judging by the confounding look on Isabella’s face Steffen knew he hit a sore spot.  
“I should be getting home; I have plenty of paper work to complete.”  
Isabella reached for her portfolio and purse.  
“Do you mean work, or are you going home to wait for your politician boyfriend’s return? Since you have familiarized yourself with the forbidden pleasure of ecstasy with me. Will you be returning back down that path again with him?”  
Steffen sat back in his chair.  
“Mr. Galeio.”  
Maledizione, will you at least call me Steffen!”  
Isabella tried to establish a common ground while addressing him.  
“I’ve missed you Isabella.” Steffen palmed his chin down and sighed. “I’ve missed you calling my name. I swear when you say it, it sounds sultry and seductive. It almost sound as if you’re on the verge of fulfilling all my whispered fantasies.”  
“Steffen, I do not know what results Sherell was aiming to gain by abandoning me in your company, but there will be no romantic interest on my behalf, not now not ever. Do you understand me Steffen, never?”  
“I’ve missed you belle, I hunger to hold you. I physically yearn to be inside of you. Please reconsider your firm decision about us and give this relationship another try.”  
“Please discontinue calling me that, I am not your belle. To you I am Miss. Tramaine.”  
“You will always be my belle. If I could for one single moment undo the emotional pain I must have inflicted upon you, I would.”  
“What nerve you have!” Isabella’s voice became scornful. “You falsely accused me of being promiscuous, you referred to our unplanned brief physical encounter as a sexual liaison, and now you sit there trying to convince me you’ve missed me? Steffen you have got to be the most arrogant male of all the human species I have come to associate myself with. Tell me one thing. If you did not have to return to my bedroom to retrieve your watch this conversation would not be open for discussion.”  
“The belief remains to be proven. What is between us is not so simple to dismiss. This relationship needs to be nourished, cultivated.”  
“By whose standard?” Isabella questioned rudely.  
“Ours. Can you actually look me straight in my eyes, and tell me you did not feel an underlying allurement that night. It was transmittable, and I must sound arrogant, but today as well.”  
“It’s physical Steffen, it will pass in due time.”  
Steffen sat up and banged his closed fist down on the table.  
Isabella realized he was annoyed with the direction of the conversation.  
“The night you gave your ver`ginity to me makes you mine. Maledizione! You belong to me!” Steffen sustained possessively.  
“How dare you refer to me, as if I’m a piece of property?”  
Steffen continued talking, he left Isabella’s outburst unheard, “Now that I’ve experienced a slice of paradise within your arms. Do you really think I will let another mon chance that?”  
Isabella observed a scowl appear on Steffen’s face. She could not find any way to reason with him; therefore, she abstained from further speaking.  
The dialogue was becoming too serious for her liking.  
Steffen saw the waiter wheel in a serving cart from out the corner of his eye.  
Before the waiter wheeled their order closer to the table.  
Steffen leaned over the table; his ebony-colored eyes made direct contact with emerald-colored eyes. He gently clasped Isabella’s chin.  
In a voice edged with steel. Steffen forewarned Isabella threateningly, “We will finish this conversation on my terms.”  
He released her chin and stroked her cheek.  
Steffen sat back in his chair, and smiled as if nothing questionable was stated.  
Isabella was about to stand and leave.  
Steffen placed his hand over hers.  
“Join me for lunch.”  
Isabella sat back down in her chair.  
“Here you are signorina.”  
The waiter removed Isabella’s covered dish from off the serving cart. He placed it in front of her.  
Sig. Galeio.”  
The waiter placed Steffen's covered dish in front of him.  
The waiter lifted both silver lids from off both plates, and placed the silver lids on the serving cart.  
The aroma of rich spices and fresh herbs instantly attacked Isabella’s olfactory senses.  
Both men waited on Isabella’s compliance.  
“Is it to your liking signorina?”  
Isabella glanced at Steffen.  
“He wants you to sample it,” Steffen whispered.  
“Yes, pardon me,” Isabella addressed the waiter with an innocent smile.  
A simple nod of the waiter’s head, told her he understood her uncertainty.  
Isabella unfolded her dinner napkin and laid it across her lap; she lifted her silverware and spooned a concoction of steamed white rice sauté with buttered garlic sauce into her mouth. She consumed the serving, rested her eating utensil near her plate, and then lifted her dinner napkin. She blotted her lips, and laid the dinner napkin back over her lap.  
“Very delicious,” Isabella expressed.  
The waiter let out a small sigh of contentment.  
“Would Sig. Galeio or the signorina approve of anything else?”  
“Nothing for me, thank you.”  
Isabella unbuttoned her suit jacket, took it off, and then rested it on the back of her chair.  
Sig. Galeio?”  
“Yes, your best bottle of Avignonesi Desiderio Merlot.”  
Certamente Sig. Galeio.”  
The waiter took the opportunity to glance at Isabella once again. He found the outline of her breasts displayed through her sheer blouse arousing.  
Steffen followed the path to where the waiter’s eyes penetrated.  
“That will be all for now!”  
The harsh tone of Steffen’s voice broke though the waiter’s line of vision.  
The waiter nodded his head. He was embarrassed for being caught staring.  
“Si Sig. Galeio.”  
He rolled the serving cart away.  
“How is business at Galeio’s Shipping Company Incorporation since the recent takeover?”  
“I’ve been a very busy mon. Thus far, I have not heard any disruptive disputes or cruel comments from my clients.”  
“That’s definitely an added bonus. And very crucial when interacting and interweaving additional changes with established clients.”  
Isabella sliced into her Braciole Stuffed Cod Roll and ingested the tender chunk of fillet She looked up from her plate. She regarded the way Steffen stared at her.  
Isabella placed her fork and steak knife down on the table napkin. She lifted her dinner napkin from off her lap, blotted her lips, and placed the napkin near her plate.  
“Is something wrong?”  
Steffen sat back and studied Isabella’s demeanor.  
“No. You are a very stunning womon who I will have the pleasure of keeping satisfied at all cost.”  
“As long as you understand I am not for sell.”  
“Everybody has a price belle, and I hope never to give another mon the chance to find yours.”  
The waiter wheeled in a serving cart with an ice-bucket filled with a chilled bottle of Avignonesi Desiderio Merlot.  
He positioned the serving cart near the table. He placed a wine glass near Isabella and then Steffen's plate. He whisked the Merlot inside the ice-bucket, uncorked it, and then lifted the bottle. He poured the contents into Isabella’s wine glass and smiled down at her. He walked around the table and poured Steffen a glass. He placed the bottle of Merlot back inside the ice-bucket.  
The waiter bowed and left the table.  
Isabella lifted her glass of wine and took a sip.  
Steffen continued to study Isabella. He took a sip of his wine and placed his glass back down on the table.  
“Can I have this dance Isabella?”  
Steffen wiped his mouth with his dinner napkin, threw it down on the table, and then stood. He held his hand down to Isabella.  
Isabella placed her glass of wine down on the table, and clasped her hand in Steffen’s hand. She inched her chair back and stood.  
Steffen walked Isabella in the center of the spacious dining room. He pulled her within his embrace.  
The symphonic music flooded the dining room.  
Isabella inched back and looked up into Steffen’s eyes. She was way out of her league she thought.  
Steffen pulled Isabella closer.  
“I believe I advised a very beautiful womon we will finish what she started earlier.”  
Steffen kissed the side of Isabella’s temple.  
“I have all night, and now that you know I like strawberries and whip cream. You have the honors to provide the dessert.”  
Isabella pulled Steffen’s face down and kissed him slowly on the lips. She inched her face back and kissed him on the chin.  
“Oh, do not forget the main course.” Isabella kissed Steffen on his bottom lip. “Did I tell you I like ice cream in the wee hours of the night? I wonder how this revelation would fit into the scope of things Mr. Galeio.”  
“I’m sure when I found out; you my love would not be disappointed.”  
Steffen lifted Isabella's feet from off the floor and held her against his body.  
“I have that physical contract already drew up.” Isabella felt Steffen’s erection. “And an inserted clause states I get to take my time to sample before I sign on the...”  
Steffen affixed his lips to Isabella’s lips and hungrily kissed her. He held his lips against an closed eye.  
“I want to make love to you Isabella,” Steffen whispered. “You owe me dinner, and I promise to bring the strawberries, the whip cream, and…”  
“Steffen, the waiter is coming.”  
Steffen hugged Isabella’s physique to his, before he allowed her body to slide down his slowly.  
“I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock this evening. Also, I suggest you bring a toothbrush Signorina Tramaine.”  
He seized her hand, lifted it, and then kissed it.  
Steffen and Isabella walked back to the table.  
Hayward waited in his car for over two hours. He saw the dark-brown-haired woman exit the ristorante over thirty minutes ago. He placed a pair of Isabella’s thong against his nostrils and inhaled while looking at the ristorante entrance door. He looked down at his watch; he did not have a dinner jacket on to enter the high priced establishment. Hayward looked at the parking meter. He knew his time was nearing an end.  
“Fuck,” Hayward yelled out. He wanted to see his sunshine.  
Hayward placed the thong inside the side pocket of his jacket and reached for a single red rose lying on his dashboard. He opened his car door, got out, and closed his door back. He walked up to the entrance of the ristorante and placed the rose near the entrance. He walked back to his car, opened the door, and got back in. He strapped his seatbelt, turned his key inside the ignition, and drove off.  
“Steffen, thank you for the delicious lunch.”  
Isabella’s mood enlightened throughout the course of their meal and conversation.  
“Also, I loved the melody of the enriching serenade you provided for me and the entire Fifth Avenue pedestrians.”  
“My pleasure always,” Steffen teased.  
“But really, I must be going.”  
“Then that makes two of us.”  
“I don’t understand.”  
“I did give my word to Signorina Bizet` St. James I would personally see you home safely.”  
Steffen stood and walked around to where Isabella sat. Isabella scooted her chair back and stood.  
Steffen lifted the black check presenter from off the table, grabbed Isabella’s hand, and walked out the dining area.  
Both walked in the direction of the cashier.  
Steffen placed the check presenter on the wooden raised surface. He reached inside his back pants pocket and took out his wallet; he opened his wallet, took out his Platinum credit card, and handed it to the cashier.  
“I hope your dining has been pleasurable Mr. Galeio.”  
The cashier smiled at Isabella.  
“The food was in excellent taste.” Steffen looked over at Isabella. “In as much, the lovely company kept my appetite quite satisfied.”  
The cashier lifted the check presenter, opened it, and then processed Steffen’s credit card for payment. He handed Steffen back his credit card.  
Steffen placed his credit card back inside his wallet, and then returned it to his back pants pocket.  
Isabella and Steffen headed out to the ristorante parking-lot.  
Steffen placed his arm around Isabella’s shoulders and drew her body closer to his hipbone.  
Isabella felt safe; she was tired of oppressing her true feelings for Steffen.  
Steffen stopped Isabella in front of his vehicle.  
“I refuse to ride in that.”  
“Is there a warranted reason, why not?”  
“It’s a documented fact, men, a road, and a fast car do not mix.”  
Isabella’s eyes questioned the mechanism of Steffen’s metallic colored Veyron Bugatti 16.4.  
“What if I drop several miles below the speed limit and keep both hands on the steering wheel, would you risk it?”  
“You promise?”  
“My word is my bond.”  
Steffen unlocked Isabella’s door and opened it.  
Isabella got it.  
Steffen closed the door and proceeded to the driver side of his vehicle. He opened his door, got in, and pulled his car door close. He inserted the key into the ignition, but did not crank the engine.  
The delay puzzled Isabella.  
“Forgive me belle.”  
Steffen leaned over and kissed Isabella on the lips with an indescribable tenderness.  
Isabella returned Steffen’s kisses. She surrendered to him completely; she kissed him in return, as if his lips were the last thirst of water.  
Steffen suddenly stopped.  
“I only needed confirmation I have you all to myself.”  
He outlined her full lips. He was too old to carry on like this he thought.  
Steffen gazed into Isabella’s eyes, which at the time were downcast. He placed his finger under her chin, and lifted her head.  
Isabella’s eyes met Steffen’s eyes head on.  
“Do not ever be ashamed of your responses to me Isabella. I have a little secret to confess, the feeling is mutual.”  
“I do not understand what you mean Steffen.” Isabella fumbled to reach for her seatbelt; she snapped it in place. “Is this how you react after you’ve been kissed by a woman?”  
“Only by a certain womon who haunts my thoughts constantly.”  
“If that's how you feel, then maybe you should be kissing her instead of me.”  
Isabella refused to rise to the bait of Steffen’s proclamation.  
“Signorina Tramaine, you are not only beautiful, but very sarcastic.” Steffen laughed.  
He snapped his seatbelt in place and turned the key in the ignition.  
The engine grunted smoothly.  
Isabella took the time to observe Steffen’s side profile unaware.  
Today he was dressed in an Alberto Cellini Italian designer two-piece black business suit with SG initialed solid gold cufflinks accented through his white shirtsleeve cuffs. The décor of his suit was topped with a black silk tie knotted around his neck, and a gold ESQ watch on his wrist.  
His face was set in a grimace expression; only when he spoke did she notice the softening of his facial features. His strong olive skin-tone colored hands gripped the steering wheel.  
Isabella remembered how those very same hands roamed over her body ever so slowly.  
The reflection had Isabella turning to look out the window to hide the blush on her face.  
The Bugatti came to rest at a traffic stop light.  
Steffen positioned one of his palms on Isabella’s thighs.  
“Are you going to keep your hand there, or should I remove it?”  
“I was curious what material your skirt was, it’s very soft.”  
Steffen moved his palm up and down Isabella’s thigh slowly; he exposed her flawless golden skin.  
“The material is satin.”  
Isabella knew the material was not soft, but in lieu of the situation she smiled.  
Neither paid attention to traffic until a car horn blew from behind.  
“This will definitely have to wait until later.”  
“I have to assure you Mr. Galeio; there will never be a later in regards to that.”  
“The adverb, never is not a part of my vocabulary.”  
Isabella’s eyes remained focused straight ahead the remainder of the ride.  
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Published | Edited 11th Jun 2023
Author's Note
Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.


This was my fifth published novel in 2017.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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