We are Poets

we are poets
feeling everything
all the great loves  
and all the great hates
simple seeds growing  
finding fertile loam in our souls
our deep conviction
is our addiction
living on pure emotion
and if, by chance, our harvest is bare
we set fire to the whole damn thing
just so we can breath
the smoke of our burning desires
we are poets
empaths on steroids
living on rhyme
on love and hate we dine
finding the slightest offence magnified
until being offended fills our need
Oh, it is so good to hate
and so hard to know love
and hardest of all
is finding love for an enemy
hardest of all  
is denying our jealousy
give me your hand
and accept this welcoming kiss
for both good and bad we are family
and I love you all
Written by APissPoorShaman (Ryszard)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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