MURMUR MENSEENUH'S MARTYR ARENA  (SKC5 VS MTP) - I'm accepting new challengers.

An Epic Poem by: Master Tasteless Poetaster
(Based on actual events.)

SKC5 (SweetKittyCat5)🐾
(Master Tasteless Poetaster)🃏

👹Welcome viewers to the Martyr Arena!
I am your host, Murmur Menseenuh and
tonight within our anathema, we've a
very exciting event for you! Two seasoned,
long-time 'rival poets' from the Deep
Underground Poetry venue have agreed
to treason our ears their knowledge and
skills on the pulpit of their own retinue.
Indeed with the purpose of rending a bleed,
and mostly running each other through.
Head-to-head in real-time combat steez;
regulation-free in rhythmic debut to
determine by no uncertain means who
shall befall and out-rap whom. Never again
to them or their creed shall the vanquished
the other party exhume.

👹Our two contenders for tonight’s battle
have prattled each other for nearly a year.
About what or whom doesn't really matter,
and is, at best to them, entirely unclear.
But they're both extreme, ‘high-energy’
writers; talented alpha-type ankle-biters,
which makes for entertaining fighters to
sneer at from an ulterior tier... and leer,
jeer and pop-cornily cheer, as they shear
each other's king-lyrical spears. Due to
the graphic nature of anticipated violence,
sensitive viewers, and children should NOT
be here.

👹Viewers it is our understanding that both
contenders have a solid landing in battle
rap, and slam poetry. Should they get hurt,
and I'm demanding solely that they do, both
contenders are versed in nursing and one has
a degree therein too. We expect this fight
should be evenly-stacked with a high chance
of knock-out occurring late in the match;
unless for some reason there's early drop-out
or about face. As the fighters take their place
on stage, let’s show them why we’re here.
How we came to rage and maim the cage;
rightfully putting them into gear!

😈Onto the stage first is our challenger.
Known for broad-sweeping erotic prosetry,
smoothly paced, and vicious Hudson-area
murder-rap flows. She's great with a
narrative, and knows how to instantly
hook a reader with her salacious x-rated
prose appeal. Fans adore her, will do
anything for her; she’s sweet and
keeps it real. Please welcome
our challenger, DUP darling and
Queen… give it up for... the 5 of SKC,

😈And now viewers for our title defender...
He's been around a while; ever elusive,
and always a thorn in the establishment.
Reviled by most (especially those with
a weak stomach). Known for his gruesome,
obscure horror-imagery, transcendental
tactics, multi-entendres, and use of devices
so meticulous that you could build a space-
shit with them! Breaker of the fourth wall,
the disgusting, exquizical, shade of Sade;
super-sonic-sinewave-weaver of words...
Show him what you came for! give it up for
Master… Tasteless... Poetaster!

🧛(Folks, this will definitely be a wild fight,
if not a dirty one. Pretty much anything goes!)

🧟(Yes, I've seen MTP enlist some bizarre
rhymes and tropes before. Beyond being often
unassuming, they're mostly just downright sick
and deeply twisted.)

🧛(Yeah, Zeke, I've heard that too, but I
understand that SKC has a long history with
freestyle rap and due to the meticulousness of
MTP, the time constraints of being in an active
ring might be the advantageous thing that a
seasoned spitter would use to quickly monopolize
the fight.)

👹Viewers we're getting the indication that our
fighters are ready, so without wasting words
outside of the ring: non-descript entites,
and gender-equal gentlepersons...

👹Let's get ready to MuuuMBLLLE!!

💀(Okay you two,
I'd like a no-holds-barred attitude
from both of you, and no leavin' for
anything other that takin' a shit or
gettin' a drink. And use yer fuckin'
punctuation & line breaks!)

💀(Make it count!
SweetKittyCat5, you go first.)

👹Round 1.

I'm going to laugh,
while you stand there
with lies coming out’ your ass!
Don’t worry trick, I’m your worst risk.

I will bring the fight to you; cut you up,
serve your cheap ass on Styrofoam,
and make your homies think it’s food.

Don't fuck with me.
You're not ready for this.
I suck hard dicks, and machete
stank-ass clits. Only bitches talk shit.
Fuck that... my swag is certified and legit!

'Burn your ass while my bullets
pierce for the head-shot hit. Then
dump your bloody meat in the
Hudson River; giving the sharks an
underwater gift.

*** *** ***
Laugh all you want, I like your teeth.
A tall carafe of giraffe guffawin' at me...
I'm thinkin's gotta be better
than whatever's underneath.
Stickin' your neck out proud
to prune low-hanging fruit.
I drink pesticides, Geoffrey.
It's your funeral suit.

If apple-ing syphilis on tapeworm’s
the death that you want,
then sess up the mess, bitch.
We'll back up the potty-bus!
And your "Allies”... A plus!
I take pro-phylaxis, meth-mouth,
so I don't give an amateur's fuck.

And it's not even a Reach®.
Don't even bother to brush.
I'm just touched by the rush
of a golden-angel sheen.
To each your own and for me,
the color yellow is jaundicey clean!
"My Queen",
because I'm equal opportunity for
scarred, scared gangrene!

Not that this’ll mean much now, but...
I’ll go back in time later again
with ten dents in your Dentine® to
try to show you what I mean.
You picket-fenced yourself in a time loop
when you jumped on my skein.

But I'll feed your blush, and
we'll roadkill time together,
Maybe, I'll carry you into a
semi-traffic slaughter-scene
sunsetter®. Maybe…
It’ll start to 'sound'
ugly* and obscene,
'stick* around though.
I’ll definitely
make it 'look' like
it's Maybelline®.
-Trim the fat with a freightline flatliner.
Now we're cookin' with steam!
I'll hold the door to the freeway for you.
Ladies first!

(I'm sorry, your honor.
I didn't mean for the whole
house to fall on her.
I think these awnings should
come with a warning: faulty lugs hurt.)

or maybe...
it’ll be your twin sister Halitoes who
wraps you up with Owen's Corning®.
'Cause everybody knows
how jealousy grows the next morning.
Any warm body with arms
could take care of you, really.
Who the 'truck' knows?! Silly me,
I misappropriated a curse word
just to be corny.

It’s okay, old yeller...
keep looking at them birds.
These mailer Mack® bucks are
driving by like holiday-cucked
buffalo herds.

It's like they don't even
bother to slow down
in this weather!

You’re definitely
getting a "new grill" this winter!!!

And if that diamond-plated
18-wheeler grill won’t sing,
neither will your pancake-shoveled ass
splattin' your new 0.2 sec. radiator bling.

And if your amalgam slop blob won’t fit
on a plate, Carri-on, we'll find you
more birds in a future date on a
desolate satellite platter.
I'm sure the vultures can’t wait!

(Pew! That was a whole stomach full
of rancid strange!
Is this meal too small
for your hunger pangs?

You ARE uniquely hairy and rotund
for a mange.)

- But don’t be flattered when I
bluntly say, for you, Boaty Spaghetti,
we’ll rearrange the driveway.
And if it doesn’t work out (like you),

'plenty of vessels in the
bubbles of soap-semen.
You’ll find your Bodie Spagotti,
or Betty Spumoni, whatever-
manifests to float you,
for which ever season.
You do you.

As for Ms. Right... Now,
You’re definitely something my
homo-ghouls should see.
Ring em up, ring em up, mates.
Place your bets on Dumpster Humpty!

Will she fall or will she swing?
Yellatross on a wire is
becoming a thing and,
she's gonna show us how to groove:
"electric swan-songing"

'And in the sideshow tonight,
there's a special double-feature.
Sister Halitoes is here!
(they're twins) -nice to meetcha!

Without further delaying our
dusky roast-event Allow me to
present to the block via cleaver...
Please welcome:
Yella-Tusk & ZomBeaver!!

Now-now, don't be bashful about it!
Wash down that iceberg
with a slice of teppanyaki.
It's not always sunny in
Real-a-delphia. Sometimes the
wrecking ball of the bell
is the Jabberwocky.

Second place- so what?
Come and eat your sushi.
Don't worry, you'll get
used to logs eventually.

Meanwhile me and my dead-dawgs
are playing Fort Hunter Ligget.
You're the spitune
playing to the tune of
piss, spit, sit & spin in-it.

'And if I may, as an honest critic,
be the first to get my leg upon in it.
"Damn, Wookie! You were right,
your hydrant IS legit!"

Look! My lipstick almost twitched!
Hey, This isn’t time to quit.
What's the rush, bitch?
The game is still going!

Plus, think of how much the
toilet is gonna miss your tits.
Did I mention to you,
that I like the size of your zits?

Your tusks just distract me a bit.
Of course the wool is also an issue.
Come on Sis, again?
Okay, clear the wind.

Now lay back, and give me
time to poor the keg on you.
You’re not worth jizz,
but you’re DEFINITELY
worth piss and voodoo!

Definitely, definitely!
This much is TRUE!
So cheer up! Swill some beer.
Let's see what you can doo-doo.
Bump hooves with me! ~I mean “fists”,
"fists” ...sorry.

Holy shit. baby girl,
slow down, don't drink that much.
My homos won’t rape you
if you seem like a crutch.

It's gotta be like an
ethics thing or some such.
(And about that "hooves" bit, it
deserves a boo, and a
freebee return booboo.)
🧛(Ouch! That was sinister
for a first round!)
🧟(Yes, she really came out the
gate blazin'... I don't think she was
expectin' to be subverted.)

👹Round 2...

You better bring the
bible and the motherfucking guns!
'Luv to see a bitch
when he’s about to elude me and run.

Before your feet hit the door, my
Glock pumping hollow points
into your ass some more.

'No one here to save a fucking worm,
squirming on my hook like live bait!
Chopping off your legs; my
rage refuses to wait.

I pay the po-po
to look the other way.
Your last breath you will take today.

Flying your ass
all up in my kingdom
like you the godman, man?!
Gee, strip this pale ass
joker where he stands.

Hand me my straight razor...
Death for a squealing bitch
with me is never swift.

You' flossing
like you' the fucking "it"!
'let you breathe long enough...
Open your mouth, and
taste Gee’s panther’s piss!

Hold this fuck’s mouth-
open wider and let my
Asp crawl in and spit.

'Stomping your teeth out,
then cutting out your tongue;
gagging your eyes,
making sure you feel the
heat before the Urn.

Don’t bring me those
sissy-ass nursery rhymes
you recited out' a book!

I will sneak up behind you and
slit your throat-
before you can even turn
to take a look.

*** *** ***
Yeah... like the panther,
I'm still pissing too. One minute,
though, I do have advice for you,
take some time with your shit.

Unless, you just want to prove
that yours is less proof than mine.
Really, are you TRYING to lose?

It’s time you realize that some of us
are connoisseurs, not just wine drinkers.
But if it’s sewers and winos, then...
your stinky ass is probably fine!

Put that liquid in your thinker.
Don't blink, but don't go blind...
An entire septic tank of your swagger
is worth a Kaposi ho's swig of mine.

Mislabeling and packaging-
your shit in a cleanex box
doesn’t make it clean. Another thing,
who tapes 'Nutrition Facts:'
on a cleanser bottle of Clorox?!

Seriously, aren’t you Glad
I know how to read???
Seal that shit in a Ziploc!

Maybe I'm wrong.
Perhaps your lips do kind of
taste like wine… And when I say lips,
it means a pox. And by pox,
that means "ataxia"!

'And when I say wine, I’m still
thinking of the  dumpster-dive
sewage-kind. And it probably
would have been slightly no-different
without the mold-scent of the
apocalypse in mind.

Look at that, I even
gave an easy attack-rhyme setup...
(What rhymes with "ataxia"?
...and "setup" for that matter?)
Here;s a hint: put 'em together.
🧟(MTP really meta-floored her with that
wine-cleaner bit.)
🧛(Haha! That's what makes it an
MTP fight! He converts the bite that you
sink into him into poison, for you.)

👹Round 3...

Your wanted to see how a doll feels,
crazy fuck, you got your thrills.
Now, where the fuck is my money?!

You feel the burn when you
mess with my dope, my
bitches, my weapons, or
my honey! If I come
looking for you, I’m slamming.

I will implode your house,
kill your family... while Gee'
deep inside your bitch
choking her and ramming.

Then watch you dig your own grave...
to give you your just due.
Hell has no fury when using my tools.

I have not even went Nun Runner
on that trashy ass;
pistol whipping your creed
all over DUP you will never last.

Gee, string this begging fuck up.
Cut his testicles first and let his ass
bleed into my cup.

Shh... 'You make one more sound,
my pet Scorpion is going up your nose
before the shit really goes down.

'You think you could talk about me
like a spoiled kid?
I peeped your manifesto, bitch.

You' still in Pampers
babbling like G.I. Joe
trying to work that fake ass façade
from under your lid.

I am the cunning ego,
the deranged super-ego, and
I'll take you out with my psycho id.

Writing blueprints about what you gon' do.
If and when you never get the time, you
best watch the silence of your enemy
when you' stepping on their land mine.

Blow up this trap house!
I’m the Kitty who ate the
canary AND the motherfucking mouse.
Kill this faggot!

(My Queen…
What you want me to do with his body?)

Waterboard his ass then hack it…
keep his fingers and head.
Leave the rest for the maggots.

Stupid Motherfuckas.
Gee… get the crew on the line.
It’s a war declared on our turf.
Fuck peace and nice words.

*** *** ***
🧛(For viewer who aren't familiar,
SKC has an interesting array of
deadly exotic familiars.)

Meh, I guess that wine box hasn't
been in the closet long enough.
(Answer: you could have said,
~"I attack and don't let up!")

But... responding to the
unedited version, before the
surgeon had time to clean up?!
That’s pretty sucker-punch cuck.
Better just shut up and get those legs
back in the stirrups. If all you're gonna do
is fuck up wacky-ass freestyle...
we might as well cut it, and chuck that
crocodile in the recycle pile.
See this flat file? Our warm up,
is about to get SHARP and vile!

Sorry, only come-uppers
in the Editing Room...
"No Cum-Downers Allowed."
So hold your broom, Transylvagna,
this won't take but a short while,
Be back soooon...

🧛(SKC really muscled down
on that one! I hope we get to see
those Nun Runners!)
🧟(I dig the cup-bleeding
scorpion-snifter! 'Reminds me
I'm parched, haha!)

👹Round 4...

Gee, this mother fucker apparently
do' not who or what I am. Follow his ass!

(I got you, Queen.)

If he moves sideways,
take his ass out like Son of Sam.
Me and my boys do not get
got up in jams!

(You wan' me to take care of him now?)

After we get his dope,
weapons, and money...
the only thing I wanna hear is a
series of pow-pows!

Here that fuck comes.
His crazy ass done
went and bought some words...
This cracker thinks he' already won.

 *** *** ***
(To don the matter, we'll
address a stanza long gone,
which will show you got
splattered before you got on.

Remember that sign post?
The one with the "freebee"?
Hold on, I'll get it.
This one's on me.


- Here it is: Exhibit A.
""(About that "hooves" bit, it
deserves a "boo", and a
freebee return booboo.)""

- Which I gave you!: Exhibit B.
""Look at that, I even gave an
easy attack-rhyme setup...
(What rhymes with "ataxia"?
...and "setup" for that matter?)
Here's a hint: put 'em together.""
Then I double-hinted to it!

- But you didn't!!!
Shit... you COULD have had
your way with me! So let me
re-direct your attention...

to: Exhibit C.
""Meh, I guess that wine box hasn't
been in the closet long enough.
(Answer: you could have said,
~"I attack and don't let up!")""

Do you see now,
SweetKittyCat Queen?
Seems you either choked-5,
or suffered a severed
neural-network hiccuped!

We tried.
Since you missed it...
unfortunately for you,
that was just the
setup to the setup's setup
in the setup factory line.

Because while you were
telling me what you were
'going to do' I was writing
instructions to guide you.

Tell me then, who's the one
who walked right up to the
front of someone... and
magically "sneaked up"
behind 'whom'???!

You must be dumber than a cat,
SchroeDINGER, to
want to fuck with someone
who has to travel through
time to get through to you.

Yup, it's lookin' pretty gloom...
with your generous freebee dead,
it's time to present your
fortune in doom.

Firstly, we don't have to 'assume'
that the dolly spits better cudd
than your blood. No lie. I'm already
scrying inside your crystal room.

Triple sec' sec' secondly...
hit this studded door knob,
there's blow and MONEY inside.
Yes, yes, I'm giving you a job.

As for honey?
Get your jugs ready.
I'll raze you m’ m’ m’ m-mud!
Do you take your upheavals
with spiders or ants?

Meh, you get both
by the billion billion trillion!
Here comes the eschaton
Sandstorm trance!

Open WIDE, Baby T-cell
tapout bug, Talko Braille"s
a bout to drought you an
ento’m’m-ology flood!

Did I stutter?
You' right, I guess I d'd'd'dud.
Constantly musing about me:
“'running away’ to your
imaginary friend “Gee””

doesn’t make me go away.
To the contrary, I set my
library up in the cemetery.
Can you even say "libRary"?

My invitation to you,
is a bitch-invocation.
To you AND your pretend nation.
Where do I live? Look no further,
I'm ready for castration...

I live in the streets!
Come to my house,
then you can really
learn the beat.

Hey, why don’t you ‘run’
those “nunners” you’ve been
taking about this way.
I'll twist them out to

You're not a kid... even so,
my expectation for wit
would have nowhere to go with a
stray stream of runaway mouse flow.
Thanks for being considerate,
about the faggots though.

Just like them, I
also eat maggots out,
and I'm all too familiar
with lice, louse!

Better rip your own uvula out!
Here comes a sample full-size serving
of maggot-shitty litter reprise
down your blouse.

Via this, I vow to fist ya, La.

So now that we're both here
waiting outside,
Conjure your Sweat-Skit-Scat
text to number 5!
Then gag your reflexes
on my dotted line-
with your very own...
Candyman bee-hive!!

You'll bee a lot prettier
with an oblong medulla,
you wannabe head-swollen
intestinal-spill of medusa.
Mmmm... It’s a seppu- kind of night,
this St. Valentines.

And if it's not too late for you,
come be a slice of mine,
take my hand girl,
and let's walk the line.
I can't promise you much,
but you'll be, well... fed.
'Cause this evening
we dine with undead-heads...

 In my personal outdoor
public carnival, you're going to
eat, and eat, and be eaten-
out alongside cannibals!

If there are no 'additional' guests
(excluding raccoons and canids),
then I guess it's about

Perhaps now that I'm taking YOU out,
it's more appropriate that you call me,
Son of Samhain.
🧛(I've been around for more than
3 cents, and that one, even surprised
me!! Who the fuck is MTP?!! And look,
SKC is still putting the nails in her
🧟(Yes, I've seen her trick before.
But what is she doing?! Doesn't she
see that he obviously fights prone?)

👹Round 5...

Gee, bury that wacked ass fucker, dick sucker,
and clean this shit up in a hurry. I hear
sirens, and you know I keep my business
on the down low, that’s for sho'!

Gee, let’s get the fuck of out of hear!
This not over! its time to bring the fear.

Publish this. If you do not, then I will.
Think about (it) and let me know... no rush.

🧛(That coffin's ready! She has to know
though, that MTP wouldn't just let the battle
end mid-round before it's his turn to go.)
🧟(Yes, but it seems the coffin trick
has worked for her too many times before.
Apparently it's hard for an old 'cat' to
learn new trick too.)

*** *** ***

Sure. I'll wet-scribe it,
on the Tombstone® on
TOP of your tombstone.

Victory is sweeter
with cat-shit piss pizza
Now that you're dead...
you're free to take 5,
Kitty Litter.

   . .   .   ________U_____
There/    .   .
goes    .    .  here lies
your     . .   -  SKC5  -
Does that mean I win now?
🧛(And there it is! Classic MTP
jumps right in to do telepathy
from the coffin!)
🧟(That's an unsurprisingly
short reprieve. Folks,
battle extension!)

👹Round 6...

Naw bitch,
you did not get that internal memo.
Felines have nine lives.
I went 'nfront of the judge got off.

If not, his wife and kids
woulda' felt the burn
after my weapon popped.

You' a punk-ass freak.
'In the Bahamas on my
yacht with your money,
your dope, and your bitch,

while she' licking all
up in my creamy peach pie.
No limit for me
but the sky!

You know how this plays out?
Carving my initials in her back
(my thank you token),

then tossing her dead ass
in the ocean. You lose!
Again, like way back when...
I do not believe, therefore I am,

Gee, kerosene his ass and
watch his skin and bones.
Burn to nothing but a faded joke.
Acid the rest.

And leave my initial calling card,
letting his boys know they' boy'
been dealt.

Don't worry, his next of kin will
get a rose from me
before my hand around her neck-

-presses her pipe as I squeeze
until she chokes...
right before she
see my Glock smoke.

Did you make sure that fuck
was six feet under?
I have no time for peak-a-boo
evidence, or blunders!

"My Queen, that fuck is eating dirt.
You brought the pain..."

Yeah, but not the hurt. That comes
when I wipe his crew out,
and I know who to start with first.

"You up for this, My Queen?
You retired from this life."

Just as sure as the DEA numbers,
I got to fix a gangster when
he comes to me with his hush creeds,
after taking care of his personal strife.

*** *** ***
Music, to immortal ears:
a yearling spitter,
stealing other artists' stale tropes

from beyond the grave both ways,
and still not acknowledging a choke.
Which makes you the ghost you float.

Some things are only relevant in an
alternate uni-verse. None of your verses
are unique. But they ARE all the same one.
🧟(These poets won't die!)
 🧛(Just wait, I sense a lesson coming.
With a heady meta-line, short and
succinct like that, it usually means
he's brewing something.)

👹Round 7...

I'll be placing my part on my wall -
the 'corrected version' to let the
readers know you tried an insurgent...
It failed.

I don't know how many lives you had
before this evening,
but I've taken at least five of them,
right here, tonight.

I still stand with your
severed dick in my hand.
I'm like a ghost.. you feel my heat,
after I axed yo' flesh
down to pulp-bloody meet.

You know you lost even with this
unedited bullshit. You couldn't
survive my venom out this mix.
I catch you anywhere near my dope,
my weapons, or my cash...
Be advise, that's yo' ass.

Yo' kinfolks will be getting
your head and fingers
in the mail.

🧟(Yeah! These are the kinds of blow
exchanges that I know! Fast alternating
spits on the mortuary-a-go-go!)
🧛(There are no rules dictating
how many turns contenders can exchange
in a time-based rounds.)

You wanted to step.
So why did you trip?
I wasn't challenging you.
Why lay in my way?
For ass play?

My target is a...
Pride flag bag
of candy-man.
They're going to the parking lot!)
🧟( Zoinks, these fighters have
some shit to flush.)

👹Round 8...

You can place those tissues down.
Music to my ears is when I hear
a man’s cryin' sounds.

You got your nuts stomped and
plastered all over your wall.
All these readers seen your ass
take that nasty fall.

When you wanna blaze, and
not with those Marvel Comic books,
life' a real weapon... at-at!
Just took you out with an
arrow to the H.E. 'art hit.

Cement to your shoes,
pushing your lifeless body
into the river. Swim you dead fuck!
I am the receiver... and now your
watery grave deliverer.

Don’t bring your dead ass to New York.
Me and my boys will slaughter you
where you stand, and then
roast you like pork.

🧟(They're circling each other!)

Pedestrian bitch can't seem to appreciate
that I’m an auto-cannibal...
Homotarian, and I prefer it raw.
Don't wait too late, it's already ate.
(No utensils necessary.) 😈🤘🏿🥩

Cooking you is too fucking good.
I torture cock suckers then
bathe in your blood.
Don't get my creed misunderstood,

I am the morning and the night;
opening your ass wider then
ramming it hard with a stick of dynamite.

Smoking my pipe as you plead,
beg for mercy.
I'm the Queen B to your
deaf sobs of pain. I will curtsy,
You' blown away bitch.
I will keep for a souvenir
of your little dick.

🧟(Oh shit! MTP just turned up the beat
to 184!!!)
🧛(Yikes! That's really going to put the
pressure on SKC.)

Let me draw attention to reality...
This is going to be fast AF...
Are you ready?
Here comes Fredddy!! ;.)

I’m untamable, I’m indelible.
You got a ladle? Do you wanna prattle
off your little bitch-piddly barely-rhymeables?
Then giddy up, bitch! Bring your Lunchables!

Cough up your furballs, make ‘em a saddle,
because I’m available and I’m unsattible.
My horse is unstable, and it’s quinpired.
New words are required to fill up my table.

I’ll gobble you whole fucker,
‘cause I’m a soulsucker.
Check out the rattle.
It'll make you a fable:
ingestible babble..
feed for the cattle.

(Your future...
I'ma' tell ya mamma,
as manure, your existence
won't get any calmer.
While you're in a transcendental coma...
All THIS was inserted
in the middle of a comma.)

🧛(The beat's still at 184. Wait for it.)

Y'wanna be cum o' mushroom?
I'll eat you again,
and we'll trip out your ilk
and I'll evolve your kin,
and the next time you see me
your brain won't have eyes,
a millennia later,
I'm Lord of the Flies.
So then what will you be
when the earth is the sky?
You're a nematode, see?
Welcome wormwood,

...Well, SKC, that's 184BPM of 196
uniquely worded syllables in perfect rhyme
that all hold cohesive-in-crime,
completely-original, slamming concepts;
which are in-depth, direct,
relevant response to you,
the situation and your
attempted nuances, which I just shit out...
on a dime.

I'll do the math for you.
That's over 10 syllables per second.
Flow is all about time.
If you can't work at that caliber,
learn how quickly,
or you're done.

Anybody else wanna come at me?!

🧟(Wow!!! Did you catch all that?
'Like he's possessed!)
🧛(Hell, I don't know if that's even survivable!
??...Wait... SKC5 is stirring... She's getting up!
Unbelieve! You know what that means!)
🧛(I thought that cats only have nine lives.)
🧟 (Yeah, SKC5 really wants this fight!)

👹Round 9...

This ain’t no school!
We are in the middle of war, fool.
Get your game up! No time for a break.
You pissing out your mouth and
bleeding from your ass once in my wake!
You can take your 184. I got your 187!
Enough hollow points for you t'go to
Hell after you bypass Heaven.

you suppose to be some kind of
Fairy demon? Yeah, the one I made
wear a dress and high heels, after I
raided your stash and left you screaming.
Your ass' still boiling in a pot on my stove
after failing to my devious scheming.

Naw... you' not dreaming.
You' kissing dirt…
'now you feel what I’m meaning.
And keep that school shit off my page!
I am Master Degree Certified!
What's in your wallet?...
beside your balls covered in flies.

"Anybody else wanna come at me???"
Yes, to get that pale ass
waxed all over DUP!

Never bring a dull knife to a gun fight.
Not when my Glock has taken your last
labored breath for the night.

I put your mouth out of commission!
You still thumbing through those
pages of Rhymes for Dummies.

'now that you lost, you made and wishing.
Acid your ass, bitch you're goin' fishin!

The po-po 'still trying to
identify my carved initials
in your palm with all their might.
I'm Ghost... bitch...
I have been your worst fright.


🧛(Excellent, recovery!)

*** *** ***

Bummer, another missed opportunity!
The ventriloquist should have said,
“What’s in your wallet?
Trick question. No wallet.
You’re an MT Pocket!"

And if you had been clever,
at least enough to say that,
do you know what I would have said?
“Yep, you’re right: a question from a trick..."

Speaking of trick, you must be
the ‘Queen Moby Trick of Amoeba'
with a bad case of
And I just pulled your
word-scared hare-y,
hippo-potty microscopic
whale-turdy ass out of a hat!

Here's an "untrick" I just performed.
You're microscopic next to me, so
nobody can see your jokes land
but you, with your
pussy up your hand.

Attempting to be
the mental cess-queen of Nairobi,
burying your surface-level shit
in the pit under the slurry
spit of my heavy metal niobium.

Here's another tip.
Wanna Plan-B for you...
consider coming at me (safety)?!
Mamma Mia, Diarrhea, to
get with the magic seed
of my sea of pyuria?!
I'm disinterested now,
better listen to me!
Skeet skeet,
before I exercise you
by your true name,
my rotten-pie,
Earl of Sea Dove,

Haha! Oh well._________ __________ ________&
No knives para Que Ghost Felina,
on show and tell!
Spirit beware,_______ _________ ______________l  
I already spent the ghost in the shell, and
below, right there is the meta-bullet,
'n' lil’ slugger’s got your name on it.
_________ ________ _______ ______ ___________l
  .     . .   All I have to do
     ....   is just (k)eep re-posting
    ....   my (s)peedrap response, and...
   ....    And it PROVE(5)EVERYTHING,
    ...    and ac(c)omplishes more
    ....   than any protest that
       .    you can conceive.
__________ __________ ___________ __________. _________ ________ l
despite.the.timeloop.I’   __/

👹And... our fighters are out of range.
Sorry viewers.

🧛((Down of a missile sound) It looks like SKC
just got served a grand slam.)
🧟(Nice, Marq!

🧟(This almost looked like it would be
a death match.)
🧛(Yeah! And that bullet at the end! 911!!
What was that?!)

🧟(I've never seen a shape poem
bullet before! Wild!)
🧛(Did you notice MTP inscribed
SKC5 initials into it?!)

🧟(I just checked.
That's actually a world first.
But the speedrap was absolute evil!)
🧛(I admire how SKC never once backed
down! She barely skipped a beat. And
what a beat it was! Such an epic fight!
Too bad there wasn't a judge.)

🧟(Well viewers, cast your votes!
You decide the winner. Thanks.)

This program was provided
commercial-free by:
Written by arortiz73 (MTP)
Published | Edited 9th Aug 2021
Author's Note
The short epic is near complete.
Please vote for the winner!
Enjoy the vitriol.

*special thanks to SKC5!
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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