“It’s Just Who I Am” ... A Poem written by Big Virge 16/7/2020

Now ... “ It’s Just Who I Am “ ... !!!

A Man Who Chats FACTS ...
In Spoken Word Tracks ... !!!

Or YES ... Poems ...
That REJECT Nonsense ... !!!

Because What I AM ...
Is A Rejector of Sham’s ... !!!

And The Type of Plans ...
Made By IGNORANT Mans ...
Because Who They Are ...
Is ... Darker Than Dark ... !!!

While I Am A Man ...
Who Has Dark Skin ...

Who Chooses To THINK ...
Instead of Being STUPID ... !!!!

Like Those FALLING For Tricks ...
Because ARROGANCE Lives ...
Where It Shouldn’t Reside ... !!!

Inside of The Mind ...

WITHOUT Gangster Ties ...
Or ... Foolish Pride ... !!!

BECAUSE ... Who I Am ...
Is Really NOTHING Like THAT ... !!!

I’m The Type of Chap ...
Who Is TIRED of Chat ...
That STINKS Like CRAP ... !!!

It’s Just Who I Am ...
An HONEST Man ... !!!

Whose Seen Them Come ...
And Seen Them ... GO ... !!!!!!

IGNORANT Folks ...
Whose Use of Prose ...
And Rhymes That Flow ...
Are THOSE Now Known ...
As Being .... “ DOPE “ .... !!!

BUT ... Are They REALLY THOUGH ... ?!?

These Days I Think ... NOPE ... !!!

Because I Think The Dope Label ...
ISN’T One That Tells Fables ... !!!!!

Because THAT Dope Quote ...
Is Trying To Tell Folks ...
That Those With BIG SHOWS ...
Be SNIFFING That Coc’ ...
... In The Studios ...
Where There Creations Grow ... !!!

I’m NOT One of Those Blokes ...
Or ... INDUSTRY Ho’s ... !!!!!

Cos’ That’s NOT Who I Am ... !!!

I Now Stand Up TALL ... !!!
Having Been In Stalls ...
At BIG AWARD Shows ...
Where What Was SHOWN ...

Is That Girlies Love To Take ...
That Drug .... COCAINE ... !!!

And Will ALLOW Males ...
To ... Have Their Way ...
And SPREAD Their Thighs ...
If What They SUPPLY ...
Really BLOWS Their Mind ... !!!

Which I Guess Is WHY...
I REJECTED That Life ... !!!

Where I Sniffed Coc’ Lines ... !!!

But That’s Who I WAS ...

... NOT Who I Am ... !!!!

Because I RECOGNISED ...
That It WOULDN'T Be WISE ...
To Let THAT DRUG DESTROY My Life ... !!!!!

Because Who I Am Is A HERBAL Guy ... !!!
Who Is ... NOW The Type ...
Who Likes NATURAL Highs ... !!!

And That’s Lead Me To Write Poetic Lines ...
That Now DEFINE Who It Is That ... I ...

Have NOW BECOME ... !!!

A ... CREATIVE Guy ...
Whose Preference Is LOVE ...
Instead of Drugs And Fights ... !!!

A ... FORTHRIGHT Man ...
Who Now Uses My Hands ...
As Well As MY MIND ...
To Write REALITY Rhymes ... !!

And THOSE Words Like THESE ...
Are Now Words of FACT ...

Because The TRUTH Is THIS ....

....... “It’s Just Who I Am” .......
Written by BigVirge (Big Virge)
Author's Note
As the poem title suggests folks.....
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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