The Maids Adventures chapter 2 part 3
The Maids Adventures chapter 2 part 3
What about me? She heard Blaine say from the side, sounding both amused and disappointed. It's your turn to have her in your bedroll tonight, replied Samuel from behind her. Bridget should have realized it was him, the way he was tightening his fingers on her hips as he pumping her from behind, obviously enjoying her discomfort as she adjusted to the large intrusion and the battering of her sore feminine folds. You have her all night. Bridget moaned as Samuel leaned forward so that his thrusts bumped against the thing in her bottom. She felt incredibly full, much tighter around his thrusting member, as if the thing in her bottom was taking up too much space inside of her body, leaving less for him. As her hands flexed on Garrett's thighs, she found herself pushing back against Samuel. Even though she fought it, the need that was coiling in her belly was beginning to overtake her determination not to climax for them again. Especially not for Samuel!
But Garrett's hand caressing her breast and pinching her nipple had her squirming, the fullness of her ass was starting to feel good again as sensations she'd never felt before rippled through her, and the rough friction of Sam's energetic thrusts was having its effect on her body, despite her soreness and her intentions. As Samuel filled her from behind, his groin slamming into her bottom, her mouth was forced down further onto Garrett's hardness. The small mewling noises that escaped her caused him to moan, his hand tightening on her hair as he started to thrust upwards against the movements of her mouth. She felt like she was drowning in sensation, the aching soreness of her body somehow melding with the hot need and shocking pleasure that was rising inside of her. There must be something wrong with her, she thought in a spurt of sexual despair, that her body would respond like this, especially to the pain that Samuel was causing, which was starting to feel far too good.
Inside of her she could feel Samuel swelling, pushing against the tight confines of her body, his hard length turning unyielding and steel like. Bridget cried out as she shuddered around him, the instinctive responses of her body taking over as her inner confliction peaked and the ecstasy tore through her, running riot over her defenses and taking her for an unwilling rapturous ride. Samuel's fingers tightened on her hips even further and he bellowed as he shoved deep, pulsing inside of her as he released frothy jets of seed into her body. The vibrations of her moans obviously effected Garrett as she took him deep into her throat, pushed onto him by Samuel's force of motion.
Her throat worked automatically as Garrett groaned and spilling his own load down her throat, his hand pressing tightly to the back of her head and holding her in place until he was finished. Samuel had already moved away by the time Garrett released her and she slumped down fully onto her knees, closing her eyes in shame of her body's betrayal. Even worse, Garrett stroked her hair almost comfortingly, her head resting against his thigh, and part of her didn't want to move.
Pick up your toy, Patrick said, sounding amused. It's the Princess' turn to be plugged. All of the men laughed at his turn of phrase as Garrett gently pulled Bridget's hair back to bring her upright, taking her by the hand and lifting her up.
Come on, said Blaine, taking charge of her. The bulge at the front of his pants made Bridget want to groan. It was like these men set each other off, once one started the others followed suit! Time for dinner and then we're going to bed early.
The gleam in his eye said that he was looking forward to satisfying himself in her body now that it was his turn to have her in his bedroll. Bridget was grateful that she got dinner first. Sitting on the plug was uncomfortable, its rigid length making her shift back and forth as she tried to ignore the strange sensation, as well as the tenderness of her womanly parts after Samuel's energetic abuse of her body for his pleasure. Sticky wetness was leaking from her and onto her thighs, but she did her best to ignore it as she ate the meaty soup that Blaine provided her.
There was so much to ignore. The juices leaking down her legs the sensitivity of her body and the heavy feeling of satiation between her legs Samuel's leering presence and the way he was avidly watching the Princess' degradation, occasionally looking at Bridget as though he'd like to save himself in her body again. The Princess' mewling cries as Garrett filled her backside under Patrick's watchful eye. Bridget knew exactly how she felt, but she didn't want to look or watch. It felt wrong to be a witness to someone else's degradation. However, she couldn't quite block out the groans and small yelps and wonder if that's how she sounded as well.
After eating she cleaned the dishes and took the opportunity to clean between her legs with a wet clothe. The wait for food seemed to have cooled Blaine's urgent need and he and Samuel seemed to prefer to have her do the work while they sat and enjoyed themselves with a dicing game while the others ate. This was the first time since their capture that Bridget had been able to get close to the Princess, but the other woman only glared at her when she tried to approach. So she backed off. Perhaps the Princess was worried about getting in trouble if they tried to talk. Mealtime seemed to be over all too soon and Garrett was replacing Blaine at the dicing game with Samuel as Patrick and the Princess disappeared into his tent. Stretching as he stood up, Blaine grinned in anticipation. He was so boyishly good looking that Bridget could almost pretend he was an ardent young suitor from town, a respectable and unthreatening young man. Of course, that only lasted until he opened his mouth.
Come on little maid, he said as he came towards her. Time for bed!
The masculine smugness in his voice was daunting, but she followed after him quietly. There was no where else for her to go.
My turn tomorrow, she heard Samuel say as she and Blaine headed towards the tent and she shuddered. The cruel man frightened her. Unlike Garrett and Blaine he truly seemed to enjoy it when she was frightened or hurting. Blaine was just indifferent to it, which she could deal with much better than Garrett's occasional and confusing kindnesses. Inside the tent there was the illusion of an intimate setting, she and Blaine were alone with only the extra two bedrolls for company. Garrett and Samuel's voices were only a murmur of sound.
Lay down, Blaine said, unlacing his breeches. The urgency in his voice reminded Bridget that this man had had to wait while Garrett and Samuel took their turns with her and she became a little more anxious as he climbed on top of her without preamble. Fortunately she still had some residual wetness between her legs or it would have hurt a lot more as he shoved into her tender folds, his indifference towards her in this case turning into something almost painful.
Bridget bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as Blaine began pumping on top of her, his breathing harsh and ragged, body slamming against her tender thighs as he used her like she was truly the toy that Patrick had called her. She couldn't help the small whimpers that escaped her as he sawed back and forth, but the sounds she was making were drowned out by his low groans as he pleasured himself. After the more sensual ministrations of Garrett, she found herself confused as to whether or not be thankful that Blaine made no effort to include her pleasure in his.
Enduring his rough thrusts, Bridget could feel her inner channel slickened in defense against Blaine's plundering assault. She gasped with relief as she felt his body tense against her; he shoved in deeply and his hard rod pulsed, filling her with a generous flood of cream. Bridget moaned softly, the sore ache between her legs feeling much sharper now that it was over.
Standing up, Blaine grinned at her happily. "I needed that. Strip down now, I want you naked before I get back in here."
And with that he walked outside. For a moment Bridget lay there frozen and then she quickly stood and stripped off of her clothes. Feeling incredibly vulnerable she slipped under his blanket, curling up and gingerly touching the stickiness between her thighs. Her poor sex felt swollen and tender. Reaching back further she bit her lip as she encountered the cool metal of the plug inside of her, wondering if she dared take it out.
Wondering if she even could?
Outside she could hear the men laughing as Blaine requested Garrett's 'oil' and she could also hear the cries and pleas coming from Patrick's tent.
The Princess sounded like she was begging, although Bridget couldn't tell what she was begging for. She wondered if the Princess also found occasional moments of ecstasy, some of the sounds she was hearing were remarkably similar to the ones she knew she'd made herself. The comments from the men seemed to confirm that, as they joked about how her royal highness was enjoying herself in a very common way.
Then the tent was opening again and Blaine stepped back inside, his eyes immediately going to the small pile of clothes that she'd left neatly folded at the base of his bedroll. Seeing her covered by the blanket he just laughed.
No need for modesty, little maid, he said, almost teasingly. Bridget felt completely out of her depth at his almost jocular tone, having him address her almost as if they were friends. So far I've liked everything I've seen.
She blushed. She couldn't help it, and that seemed to amuse him even further. When he grabbed the blanket and pulled it from her body she squeaked as she tried to cover herself with her hands. Blaine ignored her attempts and peeled her arm off of her breasts, sighing happily as he cupped them and nuzzled his face into the soft flesh. Somehow having his body covering her own seemed to help with her sense of outraged modesty; at least if one of the other men in the tent came in they wouldn't be able to see her naked body, Blaine's would block the view.
It was almost surprising how much he seemed to enjoy her breasts, not just squeezing them, but also playing with the rigid little nipples, twisting them with his fingers and sucking them into his mouth. He lavished his attention on them, seeming to enjoy himself with the touching. The small noises she made in the back of her throat and her squirming, even the tugging on his hair as he bit down on one sensitive nub, seemed to be just incidentals which he ignored. Blaine just wanted to enjoy her breasts, not seeming to care how she reacted as long as she didn't try to stop him.
Unfortunately, Bridget was enjoying his touch on her breasts just as much as him, and it was becoming harder for her to hide it. Her breasts and nipples weren't nearly as sore and abused as her sex and the bounty of attention being heaped on them was causing that slow burn in her stomach to rise again. It had already been stirred by Blaine's time between her thighs, despite his unconcern with her desires, and now she felt that molten heat curling and licking at her core. Heedless of her little noises, Blaine continued to enjoy her soft curves, his manhood already erect again against her thigh, but he seemed to be more interested in playing with her upper body than in sinking into her for the moment.
The little nips and tugs he was giving her breasts made Bridget's hips jerk upwards instinctively, her fingers threaded through his hair pulled him in closer as he sucked one rosy bud deeper into his mouth. She moved against him without thinking, the suckling of her sweet nipple going through her like a lightening, strike straight to her center. When she pushed her hips against him, his hard body pressed down on her mound, rubbing against the sensitive bud there and making her writher beneath him as the pleasure jolted through her.
Mmmmm, I like that you're so responsive, Blaine said as he pulled away and turned her over onto her hands and knees, pulling her hips towards him as he ran an appreciative hand over her bottom, lingering on the plug that was nestled between her creamy cheeks. I'm starting to think Garrett is right about it being more fun if you're squirming for it.
Bridget hung her head in shame, hating that he could now see the puffy, swollen and slick folds of her womanhood. They were wet with her, own desire, not just the culmination of his.
Then he tugged at the plug and she let out a little squeak and then a long low groan as he gently eased it from her body. Her muscles all relaxed as she was emptied of the unyielding metal. Letting out a long sigh of relief, Bridget didn't even protest as an oiled finger pushed into her rear, it was so much less intrusive than the plug.
Very nice, Blaine said approvingly. Apparently he was feeling rather chatter. I thought Garrett was crazy when he first started bringing out this stuff, but I have to say sometimes he does know what he's talking about.
Unsure if he wanted an answer or not, Bridget just closed her eyes and stayed silent, trying not to think about the second finger that was now pushing into her backside. The plug had loosened her up considerably and the movement of his fingers was giving her the strangest sensations. Then his fingers were gone and she could hear him rubbing oil over himself.
The hard, blunt head of his manhood bumped against her prepared ass and Bridget whimpered in fear. Gripping her hips tightly, Blaine began to ease his way into her body, a slow, long thrust that made both of them groan. The thick shaft burned as it pushed deeply into her, giving her a slight ache in her gut as the head opened up her narrow passageway, but the intrusion had none of the sharp pain she'd expected from the insertion of the plug. The strange instrument had done its job well, loosening up the entryway to her body so that Blaine had no trouble fitting his thick meat into her backside.
God that's good, he groaned as his hips ground against her soft backside, making his entire length bounce inside of her. Bridget moaned and clenched down, shuddering as the tightening of her muscles caused a sharp throbbing ache in her lower body. Blaine certainly appreciated it though, as her inner walls rippled over his invading cock. Leaning forward he reached underneath her body to grasp her breasts, one in each hand, fingers unerringly finding her nipples to pinch as he began to draw back out of her.
Crying out at the strange sensation, Bridget found herself leaning forward so that her weight was on her forearms, letting her head rest on the backs of her hands. Her body grasped at Blaine's receding member as he pulled away and then she let out a small shriek as he plowed forward again. That initial lunge done, he began moving with earnest, slowly increasing his tempo and intensity as he thrust purposefully in and out of her, able to maintain control and a slow pace after having sated his initial lust in the more traditional way earlier.
Unfortunately for Bridget, that just meant more time for her body to become adjusted to this awful and unnatural intrusion. More time for him to play with her breasts and fan the flames in her, that had started to dwindle, back up to a needy fire. He was taking her from behind, like a beast, and in the wrong place. It should be the most horrific experience of her life and yet it wasn't that bad. In fact it was starting to feel rather good as he slid back and forth in her dark hole. This new experience relieved the pressure on her womanhood, allowed her tender folds a much needed respite, and yet stirred sensations inside of it anyway.
Her low moans were coming almost non-stop, interspersed with mutters. "No.... no... oh please... no..." Her pleas were partly for Blaine but mostly for herself, begging her body not to respond, not to let this unnatural act feel so pleasurable.
Blaine's hands squeezed and kneaded her breasts as he took his time, luxuriating in the tight heat of her backside. There were times when Bridget found herself pushing back against him, her little hole tightening down on him, increasing the burning friction that made her spasm with surprising jolts of pleasure. Then, as his pace began to pick up, indicating his oncoming release, she cried out as the hardened rod plundered her more fully. Using her breasts as leverage, Blaine pulled her back against him so that it felt like he was delving even deeper into her dark recesses.
As he bellowed out a triumphant orgasm, Bridget felt some part of her insides spasm as the pulsing jets of frothy seed pushed past the tight ring of her entrance and into her empty chamber, fighting for space with the thick meat that was occupying it. Her soft gasps were lost under Blaine's louder noises, her nipples throbbing in his tight grasp. With her thighs tightly together she shuddered as she felt a kind of release wash over her, making her quiver as her inner muscles spammed around his ejaculating member.
Afterwards Blaine got her a damp cloth to clean herself off. She did so almost numbly, still reeling from the events of the evening. By the time she was done cleaning herself, the men were coming into the tent and she burrowed beneath the blankets, hiding from them.
Blaine crawled into the bedroll with her, turning so that she faced his broad back. Curling up behind him, she tucked herself away from him as much as possible as she tried to find her way into sleep, trying to stop her tired mind from wondering what tomorrow would bring. Right now, all she wanted to do was escape into the oblivion of the night.
What about me? She heard Blaine say from the side, sounding both amused and disappointed. It's your turn to have her in your bedroll tonight, replied Samuel from behind her. Bridget should have realized it was him, the way he was tightening his fingers on her hips as he pumping her from behind, obviously enjoying her discomfort as she adjusted to the large intrusion and the battering of her sore feminine folds. You have her all night. Bridget moaned as Samuel leaned forward so that his thrusts bumped against the thing in her bottom. She felt incredibly full, much tighter around his thrusting member, as if the thing in her bottom was taking up too much space inside of her body, leaving less for him. As her hands flexed on Garrett's thighs, she found herself pushing back against Samuel. Even though she fought it, the need that was coiling in her belly was beginning to overtake her determination not to climax for them again. Especially not for Samuel!
But Garrett's hand caressing her breast and pinching her nipple had her squirming, the fullness of her ass was starting to feel good again as sensations she'd never felt before rippled through her, and the rough friction of Sam's energetic thrusts was having its effect on her body, despite her soreness and her intentions. As Samuel filled her from behind, his groin slamming into her bottom, her mouth was forced down further onto Garrett's hardness. The small mewling noises that escaped her caused him to moan, his hand tightening on her hair as he started to thrust upwards against the movements of her mouth. She felt like she was drowning in sensation, the aching soreness of her body somehow melding with the hot need and shocking pleasure that was rising inside of her. There must be something wrong with her, she thought in a spurt of sexual despair, that her body would respond like this, especially to the pain that Samuel was causing, which was starting to feel far too good.
Inside of her she could feel Samuel swelling, pushing against the tight confines of her body, his hard length turning unyielding and steel like. Bridget cried out as she shuddered around him, the instinctive responses of her body taking over as her inner confliction peaked and the ecstasy tore through her, running riot over her defenses and taking her for an unwilling rapturous ride. Samuel's fingers tightened on her hips even further and he bellowed as he shoved deep, pulsing inside of her as he released frothy jets of seed into her body. The vibrations of her moans obviously effected Garrett as she took him deep into her throat, pushed onto him by Samuel's force of motion.
Her throat worked automatically as Garrett groaned and spilling his own load down her throat, his hand pressing tightly to the back of her head and holding her in place until he was finished. Samuel had already moved away by the time Garrett released her and she slumped down fully onto her knees, closing her eyes in shame of her body's betrayal. Even worse, Garrett stroked her hair almost comfortingly, her head resting against his thigh, and part of her didn't want to move.
Pick up your toy, Patrick said, sounding amused. It's the Princess' turn to be plugged. All of the men laughed at his turn of phrase as Garrett gently pulled Bridget's hair back to bring her upright, taking her by the hand and lifting her up.
Come on, said Blaine, taking charge of her. The bulge at the front of his pants made Bridget want to groan. It was like these men set each other off, once one started the others followed suit! Time for dinner and then we're going to bed early.
The gleam in his eye said that he was looking forward to satisfying himself in her body now that it was his turn to have her in his bedroll. Bridget was grateful that she got dinner first. Sitting on the plug was uncomfortable, its rigid length making her shift back and forth as she tried to ignore the strange sensation, as well as the tenderness of her womanly parts after Samuel's energetic abuse of her body for his pleasure. Sticky wetness was leaking from her and onto her thighs, but she did her best to ignore it as she ate the meaty soup that Blaine provided her.
There was so much to ignore. The juices leaking down her legs the sensitivity of her body and the heavy feeling of satiation between her legs Samuel's leering presence and the way he was avidly watching the Princess' degradation, occasionally looking at Bridget as though he'd like to save himself in her body again. The Princess' mewling cries as Garrett filled her backside under Patrick's watchful eye. Bridget knew exactly how she felt, but she didn't want to look or watch. It felt wrong to be a witness to someone else's degradation. However, she couldn't quite block out the groans and small yelps and wonder if that's how she sounded as well.
After eating she cleaned the dishes and took the opportunity to clean between her legs with a wet clothe. The wait for food seemed to have cooled Blaine's urgent need and he and Samuel seemed to prefer to have her do the work while they sat and enjoyed themselves with a dicing game while the others ate. This was the first time since their capture that Bridget had been able to get close to the Princess, but the other woman only glared at her when she tried to approach. So she backed off. Perhaps the Princess was worried about getting in trouble if they tried to talk. Mealtime seemed to be over all too soon and Garrett was replacing Blaine at the dicing game with Samuel as Patrick and the Princess disappeared into his tent. Stretching as he stood up, Blaine grinned in anticipation. He was so boyishly good looking that Bridget could almost pretend he was an ardent young suitor from town, a respectable and unthreatening young man. Of course, that only lasted until he opened his mouth.
Come on little maid, he said as he came towards her. Time for bed!
The masculine smugness in his voice was daunting, but she followed after him quietly. There was no where else for her to go.
My turn tomorrow, she heard Samuel say as she and Blaine headed towards the tent and she shuddered. The cruel man frightened her. Unlike Garrett and Blaine he truly seemed to enjoy it when she was frightened or hurting. Blaine was just indifferent to it, which she could deal with much better than Garrett's occasional and confusing kindnesses. Inside the tent there was the illusion of an intimate setting, she and Blaine were alone with only the extra two bedrolls for company. Garrett and Samuel's voices were only a murmur of sound.
Lay down, Blaine said, unlacing his breeches. The urgency in his voice reminded Bridget that this man had had to wait while Garrett and Samuel took their turns with her and she became a little more anxious as he climbed on top of her without preamble. Fortunately she still had some residual wetness between her legs or it would have hurt a lot more as he shoved into her tender folds, his indifference towards her in this case turning into something almost painful.
Bridget bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as Blaine began pumping on top of her, his breathing harsh and ragged, body slamming against her tender thighs as he used her like she was truly the toy that Patrick had called her. She couldn't help the small whimpers that escaped her as he sawed back and forth, but the sounds she was making were drowned out by his low groans as he pleasured himself. After the more sensual ministrations of Garrett, she found herself confused as to whether or not be thankful that Blaine made no effort to include her pleasure in his.
Enduring his rough thrusts, Bridget could feel her inner channel slickened in defense against Blaine's plundering assault. She gasped with relief as she felt his body tense against her; he shoved in deeply and his hard rod pulsed, filling her with a generous flood of cream. Bridget moaned softly, the sore ache between her legs feeling much sharper now that it was over.
Standing up, Blaine grinned at her happily. "I needed that. Strip down now, I want you naked before I get back in here."
And with that he walked outside. For a moment Bridget lay there frozen and then she quickly stood and stripped off of her clothes. Feeling incredibly vulnerable she slipped under his blanket, curling up and gingerly touching the stickiness between her thighs. Her poor sex felt swollen and tender. Reaching back further she bit her lip as she encountered the cool metal of the plug inside of her, wondering if she dared take it out.
Wondering if she even could?
Outside she could hear the men laughing as Blaine requested Garrett's 'oil' and she could also hear the cries and pleas coming from Patrick's tent.
The Princess sounded like she was begging, although Bridget couldn't tell what she was begging for. She wondered if the Princess also found occasional moments of ecstasy, some of the sounds she was hearing were remarkably similar to the ones she knew she'd made herself. The comments from the men seemed to confirm that, as they joked about how her royal highness was enjoying herself in a very common way.
Then the tent was opening again and Blaine stepped back inside, his eyes immediately going to the small pile of clothes that she'd left neatly folded at the base of his bedroll. Seeing her covered by the blanket he just laughed.
No need for modesty, little maid, he said, almost teasingly. Bridget felt completely out of her depth at his almost jocular tone, having him address her almost as if they were friends. So far I've liked everything I've seen.
She blushed. She couldn't help it, and that seemed to amuse him even further. When he grabbed the blanket and pulled it from her body she squeaked as she tried to cover herself with her hands. Blaine ignored her attempts and peeled her arm off of her breasts, sighing happily as he cupped them and nuzzled his face into the soft flesh. Somehow having his body covering her own seemed to help with her sense of outraged modesty; at least if one of the other men in the tent came in they wouldn't be able to see her naked body, Blaine's would block the view.
It was almost surprising how much he seemed to enjoy her breasts, not just squeezing them, but also playing with the rigid little nipples, twisting them with his fingers and sucking them into his mouth. He lavished his attention on them, seeming to enjoy himself with the touching. The small noises she made in the back of her throat and her squirming, even the tugging on his hair as he bit down on one sensitive nub, seemed to be just incidentals which he ignored. Blaine just wanted to enjoy her breasts, not seeming to care how she reacted as long as she didn't try to stop him.
Unfortunately, Bridget was enjoying his touch on her breasts just as much as him, and it was becoming harder for her to hide it. Her breasts and nipples weren't nearly as sore and abused as her sex and the bounty of attention being heaped on them was causing that slow burn in her stomach to rise again. It had already been stirred by Blaine's time between her thighs, despite his unconcern with her desires, and now she felt that molten heat curling and licking at her core. Heedless of her little noises, Blaine continued to enjoy her soft curves, his manhood already erect again against her thigh, but he seemed to be more interested in playing with her upper body than in sinking into her for the moment.
The little nips and tugs he was giving her breasts made Bridget's hips jerk upwards instinctively, her fingers threaded through his hair pulled him in closer as he sucked one rosy bud deeper into his mouth. She moved against him without thinking, the suckling of her sweet nipple going through her like a lightening, strike straight to her center. When she pushed her hips against him, his hard body pressed down on her mound, rubbing against the sensitive bud there and making her writher beneath him as the pleasure jolted through her.
Mmmmm, I like that you're so responsive, Blaine said as he pulled away and turned her over onto her hands and knees, pulling her hips towards him as he ran an appreciative hand over her bottom, lingering on the plug that was nestled between her creamy cheeks. I'm starting to think Garrett is right about it being more fun if you're squirming for it.
Bridget hung her head in shame, hating that he could now see the puffy, swollen and slick folds of her womanhood. They were wet with her, own desire, not just the culmination of his.
Then he tugged at the plug and she let out a little squeak and then a long low groan as he gently eased it from her body. Her muscles all relaxed as she was emptied of the unyielding metal. Letting out a long sigh of relief, Bridget didn't even protest as an oiled finger pushed into her rear, it was so much less intrusive than the plug.
Very nice, Blaine said approvingly. Apparently he was feeling rather chatter. I thought Garrett was crazy when he first started bringing out this stuff, but I have to say sometimes he does know what he's talking about.
Unsure if he wanted an answer or not, Bridget just closed her eyes and stayed silent, trying not to think about the second finger that was now pushing into her backside. The plug had loosened her up considerably and the movement of his fingers was giving her the strangest sensations. Then his fingers were gone and she could hear him rubbing oil over himself.
The hard, blunt head of his manhood bumped against her prepared ass and Bridget whimpered in fear. Gripping her hips tightly, Blaine began to ease his way into her body, a slow, long thrust that made both of them groan. The thick shaft burned as it pushed deeply into her, giving her a slight ache in her gut as the head opened up her narrow passageway, but the intrusion had none of the sharp pain she'd expected from the insertion of the plug. The strange instrument had done its job well, loosening up the entryway to her body so that Blaine had no trouble fitting his thick meat into her backside.
God that's good, he groaned as his hips ground against her soft backside, making his entire length bounce inside of her. Bridget moaned and clenched down, shuddering as the tightening of her muscles caused a sharp throbbing ache in her lower body. Blaine certainly appreciated it though, as her inner walls rippled over his invading cock. Leaning forward he reached underneath her body to grasp her breasts, one in each hand, fingers unerringly finding her nipples to pinch as he began to draw back out of her.
Crying out at the strange sensation, Bridget found herself leaning forward so that her weight was on her forearms, letting her head rest on the backs of her hands. Her body grasped at Blaine's receding member as he pulled away and then she let out a small shriek as he plowed forward again. That initial lunge done, he began moving with earnest, slowly increasing his tempo and intensity as he thrust purposefully in and out of her, able to maintain control and a slow pace after having sated his initial lust in the more traditional way earlier.
Unfortunately for Bridget, that just meant more time for her body to become adjusted to this awful and unnatural intrusion. More time for him to play with her breasts and fan the flames in her, that had started to dwindle, back up to a needy fire. He was taking her from behind, like a beast, and in the wrong place. It should be the most horrific experience of her life and yet it wasn't that bad. In fact it was starting to feel rather good as he slid back and forth in her dark hole. This new experience relieved the pressure on her womanhood, allowed her tender folds a much needed respite, and yet stirred sensations inside of it anyway.
Her low moans were coming almost non-stop, interspersed with mutters. "No.... no... oh please... no..." Her pleas were partly for Blaine but mostly for herself, begging her body not to respond, not to let this unnatural act feel so pleasurable.
Blaine's hands squeezed and kneaded her breasts as he took his time, luxuriating in the tight heat of her backside. There were times when Bridget found herself pushing back against him, her little hole tightening down on him, increasing the burning friction that made her spasm with surprising jolts of pleasure. Then, as his pace began to pick up, indicating his oncoming release, she cried out as the hardened rod plundered her more fully. Using her breasts as leverage, Blaine pulled her back against him so that it felt like he was delving even deeper into her dark recesses.
As he bellowed out a triumphant orgasm, Bridget felt some part of her insides spasm as the pulsing jets of frothy seed pushed past the tight ring of her entrance and into her empty chamber, fighting for space with the thick meat that was occupying it. Her soft gasps were lost under Blaine's louder noises, her nipples throbbing in his tight grasp. With her thighs tightly together she shuddered as she felt a kind of release wash over her, making her quiver as her inner muscles spammed around his ejaculating member.
Afterwards Blaine got her a damp cloth to clean herself off. She did so almost numbly, still reeling from the events of the evening. By the time she was done cleaning herself, the men were coming into the tent and she burrowed beneath the blankets, hiding from them.
Blaine crawled into the bedroll with her, turning so that she faced his broad back. Curling up behind him, she tucked herself away from him as much as possible as she tried to find her way into sleep, trying to stop her tired mind from wondering what tomorrow would bring. Right now, all she wanted to do was escape into the oblivion of the night.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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