Departed Love (Empty Hearts)

Departed Love (Empty Hearts)

This poem is dedicated to my beloved husband Kris.

Tears stream down my sullen face
I cry for my, departed love
He left me for a hollow grave
With you in my veins, my blood
Now I've nothing, but a shell for a heart
Nothing pumping to my heart, but pain
My entire world is torn apart
God if pain could be washed away by the rain
You always loved to hear the thunder
Now the thunder lies within me
And I'm left, to sit and wonder
Why did you have to leave
We shared a lifetime of laughter and tears
I beared the children you so dearly loved
Had I known I would have savored the years
Now it's my empty heart I drag
All alone, in this world without you
Never knowing, what to do
I'd bare my heart, if you could see
I'd do anything, if you could come back to me
But I'm left with these empty hearts
If only we could go back to the start
You've left behind your loving pride

Chelley Bean Poetess
Written by zosogirl7 (Chelley Bean)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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