THE RAVING LUNATIC: Targeted Individual Script
“Me mad, why the thought is quite insane.” The Mad Hatter, ALICE IN WONDERLAND
The impact of stigma on people with mental disabilities by the general public can lead to negative stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination against individuals living with psychological disorders.
Political abuse in the field of psychiatry is the misuse of Mental Health, includes false or inaccurate diagnosis, unethical detention and treatments used as a form of punishment for the purposes of alienating and obstructing the sovereign rights of any individuals/groups in a given society.
Once a targeted person is labeled mentally ill there seem to be a growing trend by many psychological and behavioral science professionals to disregard the need to get non coerced consent for treatment by the persons being affected. And when the person gives consent it is usually done because they feel threatened, afraid and intimidated. Individuals are terrified that if they do not give consent they will be deprived of their liberty. Psychiatrist and Psychologist have the power to do what no courts in the United States has the ability to do. To lock people up indefinitely without a fair and impartial trial which is guaranteed by the United States Constitution for actions not deem criminal. Isolation, abusive therapies, over drugging, violent restraints, inducing fear through psychological abuse, physical abuse and torture. The use of coercive persuasion techniques are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the abuses in the field of psychology.
"When the Founders wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal,” they were not ignoring the obvious differences that make people individuals differences in appearance, personality, aptitude, skills, and character. All men are equal in the sense that, since we are all human, we are born with certain inherent, natural, and unalienable rights. Those rights include “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This essential equality means that no one is born with a natural right to rule over others without their consent, and that governments are obligated to apply the law equally to everyone." *1
When I first arrived in Charlotte in two thousand and four I started seeing a psychologist whose office reside in the Caramel Commons area of Charlotte. I was working at a commercial printing company and my insurance was pretty good. I even had full dental coverage and my co pay was only ten dollars. The psychologist is also the main author of the book Solving Psychiatric Puzzles, the other author being George W. Jacobs. The book cover jacket colored is Carolina Blue and has a double spiral resembling a maze in the upper left. A big rectangular box with the title in all capital letters colored in dark cherry red ink on the white area encased in a black border with small lines underneath each title word. The authors names are directly below printed in black ink as well over a rectangular gold box. An interesting design done by Evie Chang Henderson that looks appealing to the eyes especially since the jacket cover paper is of a high gloss substrate that was probably varnished adding a very polished look to the final finish. You may asked what does this have to do with anything and I would say you're right except being a student of Graphic Arts, Advertising and Graphic Design, I know all too well the role of designs and colors used in subliminal messaging. However I don't think this is the case because I have known this doctor for a while and I trusted him. I know for a fact that he is the kind of doctor who values ethics and cares for his patients first and foremost. The Same cannot be said for many other psychiatrist and psychologist in the field of Mental Health and Behavioral Science.
I had no idea that my being an atheist and the Muslim employees at my next place of psychiatric sessions CMC Randolph Behavioral Health and Science Center located at 501 Billingsley Road would lead to another attempt on my life once they found out that I was an apostate and what better victim could they have stumbled upon. After all no one is going to believe the words of a raving lunatic, right, or so they thought. This is the only psychiatric facility I know of that has a twenty four Hour psychiatric emergency room.
Sluggish Schizophrenia: A condition of eccentric or inconsequent behavior and anomalies of affect which give the impression of schizophrenia though no definite characteristics of schizophrenic anomalies, present or past have ever been manifested. It is also known as slowly progressive schizophrenia.
This diagnosis was used to allow the authorities to label those who are in disagreement with their philosophy, methods of actions, and whose social activism were rendered unacceptable to a psychiatrist who believes in an approved script as being psychotic. It also allowed for a person or persons to be disposed of in psychiatric facilities and psychiatric hospitals without any reason or justification. This method of psychiatric abuse was extremely prevalent in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic which used three different criteria for treatment of symptoms in their development stages, their response to treatments, and their pathogenesis. They list the schizophrenia subtypes as (1) ”sluggish,” (2) ”moderately progressive [paranoid],” (3) malignant juvenile.”
Sluggish Schizophrenia was developed by Russian Psychiatrists for use as a diagnostic tool to diagnose political opponents with a mental disorder. Psychiatrists in the Soviet Union infamously used this diagnosis against political dissidents who showed no symptoms of schizophrenia or any other psychotic disorders, on the assumption that symptoms would arise later to justify indefinite detention.
The Catholic Church has had a very long history of calling people who do not adhere to their religion and religious doctrines as having a mental disorder.
Muslim Lawmakers and Cleric have used psychiatry to control and punish women by labeling them mentally ill. To diagnose gay men and women as being mentally ill, physically abuse, torture and murder homosexuals. To detain, to misdiagnose as insane, torture, and exterminate apostates and those not belonging to the religion of Islam.
The Central Intelligence Agency in its brief existence in comparison with the Archdiocese has and continue to have a chilling legacy of hiring psychiatrist and psychologist to create new and sinister psychiatric disorders to redefine the definition of torture as it relates to pleasure. If you do not enjoy waterboarding someone then it’s not torture.
The Catholic Church has since use psychiatry to protect and care for abusive nuns and priests throughout the world while using the same psychiatry to place blame on and silence the victims of abuses. They have used psychiatry to murder and silence the voices of strong women, (look to Ireland as an example). To torture Africans and other indigenous people. To steal children from their parents, and to hide atrocities done to human beings. The CIA used psychiatry to experiment on unsuspecting people during the MKUltra and Operation Monarch periods. To silence and punish government whistle blowers. To violate our constitutional rights and to discredit victims of illegal and unethical experiments.
Aliens in our midst:
While under heavy remote neural monitoring (RNM) which is a form of functional neuro imaging, and was developed by the NSA. This technology is capable of extracting EEG data (Electroencephalography a noninvasive electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity of the brain) from the human brain at a distance with no contacts required. RNM can electronically identify individuals and track them anywhere and an awareness aspect of mind control (best way to describe this feeling is exactly what Sergeant James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes also known as The Winter Soldier from Captain America Civil War was experiencing as he told Iron man a small part of him was aware of everything but the real him was rendered powerless by the mind control) I was awaken from my sleep and giving instructions to turn on my computer and visit the YouTube website. I then began to scroll through channels until I was guided to any number of videos pertaining to Aliens. One set of videos I was suggested to watch through the silent sound spread spectrum had a title stating that NASA scientist detected an anomaly just outside of the planet Saturn outer rings and along side the planet’s largest moon. The anomaly could not be seen with the telescope but the space and light around the object was refracted and made the area warped. The proceeding script and artificial telepathy goes as followed. The United States Military had recovered a crashed alien ship with an alien. For decades the alien had been experimented on and taught them the advance technology used by the captive. This captured alien possessed the ability to communicate telepathically and the military scientist learned how to build a device or devices that allow the human brain to be mapped and transmit the thoughts inside a persons brain to another persons brain. This technology would be the future in communications. Only a few special civilians will be trained by the military to act as prototype test subjects. Once the technology is perfected any soldiers who are trained to communicate through telepathic means along with the aid of satellite tracking and surveillance will have the upper hand in combat situations. They will be able to know the position of the enemy through precise and undetected instructions using silent sound spectrum giving away the position of any enemy combatant. The soldiers will be directed when and in what directions to turn, to wait around corners and when to discharge their firearm without seeing the target but knowing the target will be in line of sight for a kill shot.
The object near Saturn appears to be using some form of cloaking technology and that they are here on reconnaissance missions, looking for the alien that crash landed. I know this sounds like Kal el crashing in Smallville and General Zod seeking him out. If I was far gone in their attempts to render me paranoid and doped up on psychotropic medications in order to place me into a near vegetative state I might have fell for it. But having a scientific mind I kept saying to myself why are there no military people at my door. And why would the military make me, a nobody in terms of military employment and rank, which I have no legal and no illicit affiliations trust me with such top secret information. In top secret military installations around the world it is damn near impossible for people who do not work there to gain entry and have access to any place and information. Once they realized I was not running to a psychiatric facility screaming like a mad man about aliens are coming like chicken little in the children story “the sky falling” they moved on to another script. However they continued and are still attempting by making subtle psychological attacks trying to break down my mental wall of strength, hoping I will drop my guard for another go at it. This is an example of the kind of videos used in the Alien scripts.
They were also transmitting to me that they needed to do biological experiments. The purpose of this particle experiment was to prepare future astronauts for missions to Saturns moon Titan which as far as we know with recent scientific data is the most hospitable celestial body within our solar system for human colonization. Titan's atmosphere is dense, made mostly of nitrogen and methane with seasonal weather cycle. There's standing bodies of liquid, including rivers, lakes and seas, made of methane and ethane on the moon's surface. During the heavy influence of subliminal, silent sound messages and mind control techniques used against my sovereignty I was the made to believe or they were attempting to make me believe that my sacrifice was supposed to pave the way for the transformation of human bodies adapted to survive the difficulty of our species not being able to breathe nitrogen, ingest and our skin's reaction to methane and ethane. For this reason they needed to put these elements in my drinking water, my air conditioner, my refrigerator's refrigerant and in my dish washing liquids. The effects were devastating on my body. I felt like how Senator Robert Kelly looked in the movie X-Men. Not to the extreme where he expired, but my entire body felt bloated at times, like it was becoming round and smooth. I began to realized how they planted (inception) the idea of me adding the organ donor status to my drivers license and attempted to use my love and admiration of science and philosophical ideals of bettering and advancing human kind to move beyond our pale blue dot and into the ever expanding universe to reach new worlds as a rally for my service to assist humanity.
They are sick, demented and extremely deranged. The things they think of and how they are very good at making the wicked, cruel and vile wrongdoing seem high minded and virtuous.
Senator Kelly special effect scene in X-Men
On September twelfth two thousand and seventeen I went to see a new therapist at the Monarch Mental Health facility at 5700 Executive Center Drive here in Charlotte North Carolina. I live in an apartment building whose number is also 5700. Across the street and next to the church from Wellington Farms is a house that also has the street number 5700. On the light post next to the house these is a sign posted which reads Charlotte Episcopalian Society. I was baptized as a baby in the Anglican/Episcopalian Church in Grenada. They are playing the numbers game.
The main reason I stopped going to see psychiatrist Doctor Penn at the Randolph behavioral health and science facility located at 501 Bellingsley Road is because I was in an altercation where I was assaulted and my property destroyed and my vehicle vandalized. The person in particular was a woman I had no prior meeting with before she moved into the building down from mine at the apartment complex. The woman was convicted for aggravated assault and had to pay restitution for my damaged property. I also had a restraining order placed on her, and the judge sternly warned her to keep away from me. My vehicle was insured and the insurance company took care of the repairs.
Doctor Penn could not identify with me as a victim and this was a major problem. I have been seeing her for close to six years and I would have thought that she would understand that I was in a position where I had to defend myself. She said to me that I should never put my hands on a woman no matter what she has done. I have a bad lower back, a hip flexor that is severely damaged, and my spine is misaligned. I was not about to get into a scuffle with this women. She slapped me in front of five eye witnesses and I slapped her back. In all honesty it was reflex. She took her shirt off and proceeded to charge at me, I walked to the leasing office and the leasing manager called the police on her.
After the hearing I bought all the court paper work to Doctor Penn and showed her video footage of this woman vandalizing my vehicle, attempting to run me over with hers, and acting a fool by standing on the roof of her car yelling and screaming curse words in my direction as I was speaking with one of my neighbors. I told the psychiatrist what was I suppose to do stand there and let her hit me for as long as she wanted. This lady was huge, tall with arms and legs way bigger than mine. “I never said that you should never put your hands on a woman,” is what she said. I was visible upset and told her that I did not want to continue any more therapy sessions with her as my psychiatrist. Since she could not identify with me as being a victim of violence against my person and the fact that I am a targeted individual who has been and is still being experimented on. I have since been searching for a secular psychiatrist to continue my therapy sessions with. However, living in the Bible Belt and trying to find one is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. In the mean time I visited the twenty four hours emergency room whenever I needed to speak with someone and to get my medication refilled. At my last visit I explained to the psychologist what had transpired and she referred me to the Monarch Site.
My first meeting with Canon, the therapist was great and we scheduled a second meeting. I arrived early, my appointment was at eight in the morning. I saw a therapist and after our session had ended I went to the checkout window and was told for first time meetings with the psychiatrist I would just have to walk in. Being that it was early I decided to stick around to speak with a psychiatrist. I was scheduled for a two thirty p.m. session and the clock on the wall said nine thirty a.m. I left to go and vote in the Mecklenburg County Primary Elections. I returned at one fifty six p.m. and alerted a staff member to my presence. Two thirty came and I waited for my name to be called. At two forty five I got up and as the staff member why am I still waiting. She replied not to worry your in the system. I reminded her that my appointment was set for two thirty. She said it was for two forty five p.m. she was lying because she told me to be back at the office at two fifteen p.m. I sat down once again waiting. She approached me with a piece of paper in her hand and said that someone else made an appointment for another person to see the doctor at the same time. I was also told that all the other doctors were out and that this particular doctor was the only one in the building.
The bottom line is, I was not able to see the psychiatrist and the other psychiatrists in Gastonia and Concord North Carolina. Both of which are a great distance from my residence and would be an inconvenience for me to travel to speak with either of them. I was also told I needed to be prepped by the psychiatrist before I see a psychologist. I was giving a triage form to fill out and she wrote the word doctor along with the time seven thirty on the top of the page. “As long as you have this piece of paper when you arrive in the morning there should be no problems.” I asked her if she could make me a copy of the form. I went to her window a few minutes later, she handed me the form then I left. As I was about to walk up the street to the bus stop another staff member called out my name and said that someone canceled their appointment and I would be able to see the psychiatrist. However once I got inside she said there was an error and I was asked to hand back the form. She said the form was for billing purposes only and that I was not allowed to retain a copy of it. Not wanting to argue or create a scene I took photos of the form with my cell phone and handed it back to them.
As I was leaving the office these three guys rushed out the door and one of them yelled out, “You ate the crackers right.”
The Cancer Assassination Plot: Don't Bond With Us, Be Like Bob Marley
The impact of stigma on people with mental disabilities by the general public can lead to negative stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination against individuals living with psychological disorders.
Political abuse in the field of psychiatry is the misuse of Mental Health, includes false or inaccurate diagnosis, unethical detention and treatments used as a form of punishment for the purposes of alienating and obstructing the sovereign rights of any individuals/groups in a given society.
Once a targeted person is labeled mentally ill there seem to be a growing trend by many psychological and behavioral science professionals to disregard the need to get non coerced consent for treatment by the persons being affected. And when the person gives consent it is usually done because they feel threatened, afraid and intimidated. Individuals are terrified that if they do not give consent they will be deprived of their liberty. Psychiatrist and Psychologist have the power to do what no courts in the United States has the ability to do. To lock people up indefinitely without a fair and impartial trial which is guaranteed by the United States Constitution for actions not deem criminal. Isolation, abusive therapies, over drugging, violent restraints, inducing fear through psychological abuse, physical abuse and torture. The use of coercive persuasion techniques are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the abuses in the field of psychology.
"When the Founders wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal,” they were not ignoring the obvious differences that make people individuals differences in appearance, personality, aptitude, skills, and character. All men are equal in the sense that, since we are all human, we are born with certain inherent, natural, and unalienable rights. Those rights include “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This essential equality means that no one is born with a natural right to rule over others without their consent, and that governments are obligated to apply the law equally to everyone." *1
When I first arrived in Charlotte in two thousand and four I started seeing a psychologist whose office reside in the Caramel Commons area of Charlotte. I was working at a commercial printing company and my insurance was pretty good. I even had full dental coverage and my co pay was only ten dollars. The psychologist is also the main author of the book Solving Psychiatric Puzzles, the other author being George W. Jacobs. The book cover jacket colored is Carolina Blue and has a double spiral resembling a maze in the upper left. A big rectangular box with the title in all capital letters colored in dark cherry red ink on the white area encased in a black border with small lines underneath each title word. The authors names are directly below printed in black ink as well over a rectangular gold box. An interesting design done by Evie Chang Henderson that looks appealing to the eyes especially since the jacket cover paper is of a high gloss substrate that was probably varnished adding a very polished look to the final finish. You may asked what does this have to do with anything and I would say you're right except being a student of Graphic Arts, Advertising and Graphic Design, I know all too well the role of designs and colors used in subliminal messaging. However I don't think this is the case because I have known this doctor for a while and I trusted him. I know for a fact that he is the kind of doctor who values ethics and cares for his patients first and foremost. The Same cannot be said for many other psychiatrist and psychologist in the field of Mental Health and Behavioral Science.
I had no idea that my being an atheist and the Muslim employees at my next place of psychiatric sessions CMC Randolph Behavioral Health and Science Center located at 501 Billingsley Road would lead to another attempt on my life once they found out that I was an apostate and what better victim could they have stumbled upon. After all no one is going to believe the words of a raving lunatic, right, or so they thought. This is the only psychiatric facility I know of that has a twenty four Hour psychiatric emergency room.
Sluggish Schizophrenia: A condition of eccentric or inconsequent behavior and anomalies of affect which give the impression of schizophrenia though no definite characteristics of schizophrenic anomalies, present or past have ever been manifested. It is also known as slowly progressive schizophrenia.
This diagnosis was used to allow the authorities to label those who are in disagreement with their philosophy, methods of actions, and whose social activism were rendered unacceptable to a psychiatrist who believes in an approved script as being psychotic. It also allowed for a person or persons to be disposed of in psychiatric facilities and psychiatric hospitals without any reason or justification. This method of psychiatric abuse was extremely prevalent in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic which used three different criteria for treatment of symptoms in their development stages, their response to treatments, and their pathogenesis. They list the schizophrenia subtypes as (1) ”sluggish,” (2) ”moderately progressive [paranoid],” (3) malignant juvenile.”
Sluggish Schizophrenia was developed by Russian Psychiatrists for use as a diagnostic tool to diagnose political opponents with a mental disorder. Psychiatrists in the Soviet Union infamously used this diagnosis against political dissidents who showed no symptoms of schizophrenia or any other psychotic disorders, on the assumption that symptoms would arise later to justify indefinite detention.
The Catholic Church has had a very long history of calling people who do not adhere to their religion and religious doctrines as having a mental disorder.
Muslim Lawmakers and Cleric have used psychiatry to control and punish women by labeling them mentally ill. To diagnose gay men and women as being mentally ill, physically abuse, torture and murder homosexuals. To detain, to misdiagnose as insane, torture, and exterminate apostates and those not belonging to the religion of Islam.
The Central Intelligence Agency in its brief existence in comparison with the Archdiocese has and continue to have a chilling legacy of hiring psychiatrist and psychologist to create new and sinister psychiatric disorders to redefine the definition of torture as it relates to pleasure. If you do not enjoy waterboarding someone then it’s not torture.
The Catholic Church has since use psychiatry to protect and care for abusive nuns and priests throughout the world while using the same psychiatry to place blame on and silence the victims of abuses. They have used psychiatry to murder and silence the voices of strong women, (look to Ireland as an example). To torture Africans and other indigenous people. To steal children from their parents, and to hide atrocities done to human beings. The CIA used psychiatry to experiment on unsuspecting people during the MKUltra and Operation Monarch periods. To silence and punish government whistle blowers. To violate our constitutional rights and to discredit victims of illegal and unethical experiments.
Aliens in our midst:
While under heavy remote neural monitoring (RNM) which is a form of functional neuro imaging, and was developed by the NSA. This technology is capable of extracting EEG data (Electroencephalography a noninvasive electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity of the brain) from the human brain at a distance with no contacts required. RNM can electronically identify individuals and track them anywhere and an awareness aspect of mind control (best way to describe this feeling is exactly what Sergeant James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes also known as The Winter Soldier from Captain America Civil War was experiencing as he told Iron man a small part of him was aware of everything but the real him was rendered powerless by the mind control) I was awaken from my sleep and giving instructions to turn on my computer and visit the YouTube website. I then began to scroll through channels until I was guided to any number of videos pertaining to Aliens. One set of videos I was suggested to watch through the silent sound spread spectrum had a title stating that NASA scientist detected an anomaly just outside of the planet Saturn outer rings and along side the planet’s largest moon. The anomaly could not be seen with the telescope but the space and light around the object was refracted and made the area warped. The proceeding script and artificial telepathy goes as followed. The United States Military had recovered a crashed alien ship with an alien. For decades the alien had been experimented on and taught them the advance technology used by the captive. This captured alien possessed the ability to communicate telepathically and the military scientist learned how to build a device or devices that allow the human brain to be mapped and transmit the thoughts inside a persons brain to another persons brain. This technology would be the future in communications. Only a few special civilians will be trained by the military to act as prototype test subjects. Once the technology is perfected any soldiers who are trained to communicate through telepathic means along with the aid of satellite tracking and surveillance will have the upper hand in combat situations. They will be able to know the position of the enemy through precise and undetected instructions using silent sound spectrum giving away the position of any enemy combatant. The soldiers will be directed when and in what directions to turn, to wait around corners and when to discharge their firearm without seeing the target but knowing the target will be in line of sight for a kill shot.
The object near Saturn appears to be using some form of cloaking technology and that they are here on reconnaissance missions, looking for the alien that crash landed. I know this sounds like Kal el crashing in Smallville and General Zod seeking him out. If I was far gone in their attempts to render me paranoid and doped up on psychotropic medications in order to place me into a near vegetative state I might have fell for it. But having a scientific mind I kept saying to myself why are there no military people at my door. And why would the military make me, a nobody in terms of military employment and rank, which I have no legal and no illicit affiliations trust me with such top secret information. In top secret military installations around the world it is damn near impossible for people who do not work there to gain entry and have access to any place and information. Once they realized I was not running to a psychiatric facility screaming like a mad man about aliens are coming like chicken little in the children story “the sky falling” they moved on to another script. However they continued and are still attempting by making subtle psychological attacks trying to break down my mental wall of strength, hoping I will drop my guard for another go at it. This is an example of the kind of videos used in the Alien scripts.
They were also transmitting to me that they needed to do biological experiments. The purpose of this particle experiment was to prepare future astronauts for missions to Saturns moon Titan which as far as we know with recent scientific data is the most hospitable celestial body within our solar system for human colonization. Titan's atmosphere is dense, made mostly of nitrogen and methane with seasonal weather cycle. There's standing bodies of liquid, including rivers, lakes and seas, made of methane and ethane on the moon's surface. During the heavy influence of subliminal, silent sound messages and mind control techniques used against my sovereignty I was the made to believe or they were attempting to make me believe that my sacrifice was supposed to pave the way for the transformation of human bodies adapted to survive the difficulty of our species not being able to breathe nitrogen, ingest and our skin's reaction to methane and ethane. For this reason they needed to put these elements in my drinking water, my air conditioner, my refrigerator's refrigerant and in my dish washing liquids. The effects were devastating on my body. I felt like how Senator Robert Kelly looked in the movie X-Men. Not to the extreme where he expired, but my entire body felt bloated at times, like it was becoming round and smooth. I began to realized how they planted (inception) the idea of me adding the organ donor status to my drivers license and attempted to use my love and admiration of science and philosophical ideals of bettering and advancing human kind to move beyond our pale blue dot and into the ever expanding universe to reach new worlds as a rally for my service to assist humanity.
They are sick, demented and extremely deranged. The things they think of and how they are very good at making the wicked, cruel and vile wrongdoing seem high minded and virtuous.
Senator Kelly special effect scene in X-Men
On September twelfth two thousand and seventeen I went to see a new therapist at the Monarch Mental Health facility at 5700 Executive Center Drive here in Charlotte North Carolina. I live in an apartment building whose number is also 5700. Across the street and next to the church from Wellington Farms is a house that also has the street number 5700. On the light post next to the house these is a sign posted which reads Charlotte Episcopalian Society. I was baptized as a baby in the Anglican/Episcopalian Church in Grenada. They are playing the numbers game.
The main reason I stopped going to see psychiatrist Doctor Penn at the Randolph behavioral health and science facility located at 501 Bellingsley Road is because I was in an altercation where I was assaulted and my property destroyed and my vehicle vandalized. The person in particular was a woman I had no prior meeting with before she moved into the building down from mine at the apartment complex. The woman was convicted for aggravated assault and had to pay restitution for my damaged property. I also had a restraining order placed on her, and the judge sternly warned her to keep away from me. My vehicle was insured and the insurance company took care of the repairs.
Doctor Penn could not identify with me as a victim and this was a major problem. I have been seeing her for close to six years and I would have thought that she would understand that I was in a position where I had to defend myself. She said to me that I should never put my hands on a woman no matter what she has done. I have a bad lower back, a hip flexor that is severely damaged, and my spine is misaligned. I was not about to get into a scuffle with this women. She slapped me in front of five eye witnesses and I slapped her back. In all honesty it was reflex. She took her shirt off and proceeded to charge at me, I walked to the leasing office and the leasing manager called the police on her.
After the hearing I bought all the court paper work to Doctor Penn and showed her video footage of this woman vandalizing my vehicle, attempting to run me over with hers, and acting a fool by standing on the roof of her car yelling and screaming curse words in my direction as I was speaking with one of my neighbors. I told the psychiatrist what was I suppose to do stand there and let her hit me for as long as she wanted. This lady was huge, tall with arms and legs way bigger than mine. “I never said that you should never put your hands on a woman,” is what she said. I was visible upset and told her that I did not want to continue any more therapy sessions with her as my psychiatrist. Since she could not identify with me as being a victim of violence against my person and the fact that I am a targeted individual who has been and is still being experimented on. I have since been searching for a secular psychiatrist to continue my therapy sessions with. However, living in the Bible Belt and trying to find one is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. In the mean time I visited the twenty four hours emergency room whenever I needed to speak with someone and to get my medication refilled. At my last visit I explained to the psychologist what had transpired and she referred me to the Monarch Site.
My first meeting with Canon, the therapist was great and we scheduled a second meeting. I arrived early, my appointment was at eight in the morning. I saw a therapist and after our session had ended I went to the checkout window and was told for first time meetings with the psychiatrist I would just have to walk in. Being that it was early I decided to stick around to speak with a psychiatrist. I was scheduled for a two thirty p.m. session and the clock on the wall said nine thirty a.m. I left to go and vote in the Mecklenburg County Primary Elections. I returned at one fifty six p.m. and alerted a staff member to my presence. Two thirty came and I waited for my name to be called. At two forty five I got up and as the staff member why am I still waiting. She replied not to worry your in the system. I reminded her that my appointment was set for two thirty. She said it was for two forty five p.m. she was lying because she told me to be back at the office at two fifteen p.m. I sat down once again waiting. She approached me with a piece of paper in her hand and said that someone else made an appointment for another person to see the doctor at the same time. I was also told that all the other doctors were out and that this particular doctor was the only one in the building.
The bottom line is, I was not able to see the psychiatrist and the other psychiatrists in Gastonia and Concord North Carolina. Both of which are a great distance from my residence and would be an inconvenience for me to travel to speak with either of them. I was also told I needed to be prepped by the psychiatrist before I see a psychologist. I was giving a triage form to fill out and she wrote the word doctor along with the time seven thirty on the top of the page. “As long as you have this piece of paper when you arrive in the morning there should be no problems.” I asked her if she could make me a copy of the form. I went to her window a few minutes later, she handed me the form then I left. As I was about to walk up the street to the bus stop another staff member called out my name and said that someone canceled their appointment and I would be able to see the psychiatrist. However once I got inside she said there was an error and I was asked to hand back the form. She said the form was for billing purposes only and that I was not allowed to retain a copy of it. Not wanting to argue or create a scene I took photos of the form with my cell phone and handed it back to them.
As I was leaving the office these three guys rushed out the door and one of them yelled out, “You ate the crackers right.”
The Cancer Assassination Plot: Don't Bond With Us, Be Like Bob Marley
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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