He Held Her Again.

For a brief moment, he hoped, he prayed that his suspicion turn out false. Only to in the next second, hope and pray that it be confirmed.
He stared hard, his heart beating hard enough to burst, and his mind reeling enough to send him into a coma. And then she turned, deep green eyes immediately burning down the defenses he'd set around his heart just for this moment. It'd been years since he last saw her, and longer still since he'd last heard her voice, since her beautiful visage had graced his eyes. And now the unexpected occurred, and only one thing was in his mind. Almost running, he leapt from his seat and to her, grabbing her arms as though she'd spectre away if he didn't hold her securely, and in that single space of time, and a million years passed. “Hi,” she said, in that special soft voice. The single syllable word was more a breath than a whisper. They both knew that no words could ever express the emotions that each felt, and her jade irises flicked back and forth between his hazel's that burned so intensely into her own. Her greeting had only started the avalanche of freed memories that would flash like bursts of lightning across their mind's eye and after the minute that felt more like a millenia, she suddenly, almost shyly leaned forwards. It took only an instant his lips locked with hers. They used action in the stead of words, and the action matched perfectly what was happening in their hearts. They intertwined, arms finding their proper places, hers around his neck pulling his face down to and against her, and his around her lower waist, pulling her soft yet tight body up against his own so that they were flush and seemed one mass. He pulled away and looked into her eyes only to find that, she had begun fading into times past. He fell to his knees, reaching for her only to have her move back away from him like the alike ends of a magnet. It was too.much for his mind to handle and with a gasp that could push back the darkness of the long winter night he awoke, tears glistening in his eyes and refusing to drop.
Written by argedion (Naiko)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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