DD/lg Chapter Two: Spoiled
"DD/lg Chapter Two"
Lyz poked her toe under the throw rug protecting the light bamboo flooring from a rectangular coffee table. She felt odd being home alone, like something was something was missing. She walked around touching everything she walked by with the tips of her fingers, as if that was the only way to prove everything was real. After some lingering she took her new clothes into her room. Before storing the clothes in a simple white armoire dresser she changed but only into a thong and soft pajama pants with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme. Then she put on a Sleeping with Sirens CD that was next to the stereo in her room along with a few other CD’s. She put away her clothes and pinned up or hung up her posters. She also decided to do a little rearranging and when she did she found the cutest plush rabbit.
She grinned at it widely and fixed its lace bow tie. “I’m going to call you Jasper because you’re speckled, do you like that?” She made it move it’s stubby arms like it was clapping and giggled.
When she was finished in her room she went into the kitchen to make a late lunch. She sat Jasper on the counter and put together a salad. As she sprinkled some toppings onto her salad she looked around the kitchen and into the living room and she realized that her room was the only room that wasn’t black and white or that followed a dark color pallet. Her room had very light pink walls and white or pink furniture. She didn’t mind having a girly-girl room, in fact she kind of liked it. She sat down with Jasper on the couch and eventually learned how to work the 40 inch flat screen television. She ate her salad while holding Jasper in the crease of one arm. She had a feeling she couldn’t describe, a spectacular feeling. She had never felt so happy somewhere before especially not in the care of an owner, she pushed away the memories of her past owners, now she had a loving father.
“Ian.” A fellow doctor called as Mr. Parker was signing out. “Excuse me Doctor Parker.” He called again.
Mr. Parker rarely went by his first name but when he realized the man was referring to him he stopped and turned. “Yes?”
“Doctor Jaret Riley.” Dr. Riley took Mr. Parker’s hand into a firm shake. “I’m glad I could catch you Ian, I was…”
“Mister or Doctor Parker please,” Mr. Parker asserted.
“Of course sorry Doctor, as I was saying I wanted to commend you on today’s transplant. It was practically perfect.”
“Of course if I couldn’t do my job I wouldn’t be here.” He spoke in a much different tone than usual. He was arrogant when it came to his work, but he earned that right. “You’re the anesthesiologist from today’s surgery correct?”
“Yes sir.” Dr. Riley nodded his bald head in unison with his words.
“Well thank you for the commendation sir but I must be going.” Mr. Parker began walking away before Dr. Riley could shake his hand again.
When Mr. Parker settled into the drivers seat of his comfortable CUV he noticed the time. It was already past midnight and it would take him a minimum of 20 minutes to get home, he hoped Lyz would still be awake. He wanted to do things to her, he wanted to fuck her and consummate their new relationship. He wanted to make Lyz scream in pleasure, then after they could relax and have a nice dinner while cuddling and watching a movie. Mr. Parker felt whole again. Losing a child almost killed him but now he had found a new purpose. One that required more than focus during surgery. A purpose of love and care. Mr. Parker drove with a grin on his face and a warm feeling growing in his chest.
Lyz found herself staring at her Blue Exorcist poster she had pinned to her ceiling. She laid nude cuddling Jasper counting the minutes for Mr. Parker to return. It’s ten thirty, maybe he’ll be home soon. She thought to herself. But the night went on and slowly but surely she fell asleep. A gentle warm breeze crept in under the crack between the window and windowsill and danced across her body.
The Tiguan’s tires rolled smoothly on the concrete driveway. Mr. Parker quietly entered the house and set his shoulder bag on the entryway table and took his shoes off and slid them under the table. He was sure Lyz was asleep by the lack of sound in the house. He decided to change into some fleece pajama pants before checking on Lyz. He crept to her door and cracked it, the hallway light trickled in lighting up her bare back and ass. Mr. Parker stood in the doorway for some time just observing the way her body would rise with each breath. He noticed Lyz was cuddling the stuffed rabbit it’s eyes reflected light back at him. Something stirred in him when he saw her with Jasper.
Lyz felt a deep penetrating sensation inside her. Before opening her eyes she knew what it was. Mr. Parker had awoken her with full penetration. He almost immediately began thrusting hard and deep inside her. Lyz’s pussy grew more lubricated with each thrust. “Oh, Daddy you’re home.” She spoke between thrusts.
“Shush. Don’t speak.” Mr. Parker quickly quieted her while gently pushing her head down into her pillow.
Mr. Parker filled Lyz’s pussy with his hard cock and every thrust made a whimper escape Lyz’s lips, barely audible through the pillow. Lyz could feel herself tremble as she grew closer to climaxing. With a hard thrust of Mr. Parker’s dick she came. She trembled and shook holding in her moans the best she could but she ended up moaning loudly almost screaming. Mr. Parker continued to pound Lyz hard making her scream louder. Eventually he pulled out and Lyz caught his hot semen in her mouth and swallowed it all.
“Do you want to sleep with Daddy, Princess?” Mr. Parker asked softly after some clean up.
“Can Jasper come?” She asked while shaking Jasper so he knew what she had been referring to.
“Of course Sweetheart.”
“Okay um...Daddy, could you um...carry me? My legs are really shaky.”
Mr. Parker wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his thin but toned waist. Then he stood and carried her down and across the hall to his bedroom. Mr. Parker’s room was very simple yet expressed a touch of elegance. As Lyz expected the scheme of cool tone colors continued into his room. Mr. Parker set her on his memory foam mattress that was raised of the floor by a plainly painted black wooden frame. Lyz covered herself in his onyx and bronze colored comforter and when her skin touched the ivory white sheets her body melded with the bed. Mr. Parker powered on his wall mounted flat screen opposite of his bed. He left the volume low and moved under the comforter with Lyz. He changed the channel to a cartoon about twins in Oregon but neither of them paid much attention to the television. Instead Lyz cuddled into Mr. Parker under his arm and rested against his defined chest. Mr. Parker wasn’t extremely muscular but he was tone and in good shape and Lyz’s cheek felt warm against his pectoral. They both deeply enjoyed what they now had.
Lyz traced her fingers through the small amount of chest hair Mr. Parker had, as she did her tender giggling vibrated Mr. Parker’s sternum and filled his ears with warmth. “What’s so funny Baby girl?” He spoke softly in a hushed voice.
“I was a little scared to come in here but now that I’m in your arms I’m not, I’m not afraid of anything. I love you Daddy.” She looked up at him and smiled as he kissed her forehead.
When Mr. Parker’s lips left her forehead she noticed a painting above the bed. The image sent a slight shiver up her spine. The image was a drastic, jarring change from the sweet little girl in the entryway. It depicted a young girl hunched over hugging her legs. She had large colorful feathery wings that seemed to have been removed and the feathers along with blood were falling upwards. The color gave it a happy tune but the image was almost depressing. She wondered if this was the same girl from the portrait. The painting peaked her interest and her anxiety. What does it mean, why would he paint it, was it the same girl?
“Are you okay Baby girl?” Mr. Parker asked breaking her train of thought.
“More than okay Daddy.” She kissed him then kissed Jasper and proceeded to drift into sleep.
“Lyzzy, baby it’s time to blow out your candles.”
“Mom?” Lyz asked confused.
She walked around the corner and into her old kitchen. On her old beat-up table was a cake with seven candles. Her mom was in the other room but she continued to encourage her to sit and make a wish. She sat in the worn unbalanced chair she vaguely remembered but she felt tall, like she wasn’t seven. She looked across the table and saw her reflection in an empty china cabinet. She was her 16 year old self sitting naked with a cone party hat. She had to know she was dreaming but what made it completely obvious was that Mr. Parker sat across from her smiling. He had a small painting canvas and he moved a brush back and forth slowly while staring in her eyes.
There was a crash in the kitchen but Lyz couldn’t move when she tried. She tried to call out but was interrupted by both her mom and Mr. Parker hollering, “Blow out your candles.”
Lyz began to shake with fear but she hoped blowing out the candles would end the developing nightmare. She leaned to the candles and as she tried to blow she found herself unable. Instead she felt a hot liquid creeping up her throat, hot semen slowly oozed from her mouth and trickled over her lips and down her chin. Her heart started racing more than it had been and slowly the semen dripped onto the candles and one by one they went out. As the last candle went out a potato sack was pulled over her head and she was dragged away kicking and screaming.
“Baby girl.” Mr. Parker spoke softly while holding Lyz’s arms down. “Shhh it was just a dream.”
Lyz woke to his soft eyes looking deep into hers trying to provide her with comfort. “Daddy.” She whimpered and tears started to pool in her eyes. She sat up and hugged him tight. “It was so scary.”
“You’re okay now Baby girl, I’ve got you.”
Mr. Parker kissed the top of her head and squeezed her in a tight hug. “Come Princess, I’ll make you some pancakes from my dad’s recipe while you watch t.v.”
She nodded against his chest and sniffled a little bit. “Should I get dressed?”
“Only if you want Baby girl.”
She stood while holding Jasper close and timidly asked. “Will the pancakes have chocolate chips in them?” She stared at her feet and fidgeted around stepping on her toes.
Mr. Parker lifted her chin with one finger and caressed her face. “Even better, they have chocolate, peanut butter, butterscotch, and vanilla chips.”
Lyz’s giggle embodied cuteness and practically spelled teehee. She hugged Mr. Parker tight and ran off to change. She changed into short pajama shorts and a tight tank top. Lyz hopped onto the slightly curved gray couch and pulled her feet up and sat cross-legged.
She hummed and held Jasper grabbed the remote and turned on the television. “What should we watch Jasper?” She paused and pretended to listen to the bunny. “Great idea.” She navigated the menus and turned on a show she had found the night before using On Demand.
“What’chu watching Baby girl?”
“It’s called Bates Motel it’s about Norman Bates when he’s a teen.”
“Oh is it good? I love Hitchcock's Psycho and the previews look really good.”
“I love it, will you watch it with me Daddy?” Lyz asked hopefully.
“I’d love to Baby girl, just as soon as I finish making breakfast.”
She stood and faced him, “Do you want me to help?”
“No Princess you just relax, it’s okay.”
Mr. Parker whisked two bowls of pancake batter together, one with chips and the other he mixed in strawberries and blueberries. Lyz watched the show intently and Mr. Parker fried up some country sausage and bacon. He moved the finished food to the center of the dining table then served up a portion for them both and poured them each a glass of orange juice. He leaned over the couch and kissed the top of Lyz’s head while pausing the show. They sat across from each other on the sides of the table and ate and laughed together, enjoying each other’s company and the food.
“Daddy do you think that I could get some plants and flowers and I could plant and cultivate them while you’re at work?” Lyz asked after swallowing a bite of pancakes and sausage.
He swallowed his food. “Hmmm, I don’t see why not. If you come up with a list of what you want and need we can go shop for everything sometime next week.”
Lyz smiled brightly. “Really? Thank you Daddy.”
They finished their breakfast and Lyz insisted on helping with the dishes. After the dishes were in the dishwasher Lyz cuddled into Mr. Parker on the couch and they watched a few episodes. Mr. Parker stroked her hair and spoke as the credits started to roll. “Would you like to go for a swim Princess?”
Lyz’s ears seemed to perk up. “Where would we go?”
“My other house, I inherited it from my parents. It has a large pool and a hot-tub, it’s in Dover and is only about forty minutes from here.”
Lyz jumped up. “I’d love to Daddy.” She quickly kissed him. “I’ll go change.” She skipped to her room swinging Jasper while she did.
Mr. Parker lagged behind her but he knew it wouldn’t take him long to change. He passed by Lyz’s open door and gawked for a short minute as she stripped off her clothes. He changed and entered the kitchen wearing simple black and white trunks and a tight white shirt. He grabbed two cold root beers from the fridge and turned around to see Lyz in a tight black shirt and short-shorts.
“Are you going to swim in that? I thought we got you a couple of bikinis?”
“I’m wearing one, I just wanted to keep it a surprise.” She winked.
Mr. Parker returned her wink with a sly smile. “Well now you’ve aroused my interest. Let’s go Sweetheart.”
Lyz giggled and walked to the door and when she opened it Mr. Parker pinched her ass cheek. The cute noise she made prompted Mr. Parker to chuckle. Lyz stood at the passenger door of the Tiguan waiting for Mr. Parker to unlock it but instead he stood in front of one of the garage doors that was opening. Lyz stared at the front bumper and grill of a sterling silver Jaguar F-type. Mr. Parker rolled the Jaguar out of the garage and next to Lyz and opened her door from inside the car. Lyz ran her hand along the hood like she was petting the car. The engine vibrated the hood with a constant low but loud growl. Lyz sat in the passenger seat and looked around admiring the leather of the seats and the tight weaved aluminum dashboard.
“Daddy it’s so pretty, is it fast too?”
Lyz buckled her seat belt and tugged on his arm. “Show me Daddy, please.” She begged extending the syllables of please.
“Maybe Kitten, maybe.” He smiled.
“Kitten.” She giggled. “I like that.”
Mr. Parker grew lost in thought while Lyz sang out to Fall Out Boy and he drove. She’s so much like her. He thought. It’s not wrong, we’re not related. She’s gone and now I’ve got Lyz. He glanced to her and watched as her mouth seemed to move in slow motion while she sang. Part of Him understood the negative implications their relationship but that was only a small part, most of him validated their relationship with She hasn’t had any objections.
Lyz looked on the light blue two story colonial house from the driveway. She followed Mr. Parker into the house and up the thick creaky stairs. He collected a couple of towels from a bathroom next to a set of doors that opened out to a deck. “I’ll be out in a minute Daddy.” Lyz said while closing herself in the bathroom.
Mr. Parker proceeded out onto the red cedar deck and hung the towels over the deck’s railing. He slipped off his tight shirt leaving it inside out and on the floor of the deck. He retracted the cover of the hot-tub and tested the water with his hand. He slid into the 100℉ water and his muscles immediately released their tension. Normally the hot-tub would be off but because he didn’t live there Mr. Parker hired a maid to keep the house clean and stocked with non-perishables and the night before he asked the maid to turn the tub on. He hung his head back with his arms resting on the rim of the hot-tub and sighed happily.
He hadn’t heard Lyz step out onto the deck giving her perfect timing to strike a cute pose. She held her arm with her other arm behind her back. “Call me Harley, everyone does.” She not only had on a black and red bikini with Harley’s diamond logo but she had also put her hair up in pigtails. “Don’t you want to rev up your Harley Daddy?” Lyz batted a pigtail to the side and made a revving gesture with her hands.
“I’d love to Baby girl, hop in.”
Lyz moved into the hot-tub slowly and sat in Mr. Parker’s lap facing him. The water bubbled on their chests and Lyz traced her lips up his chest, lightly kissing his skin. He ran his hands up her body feeling every inch of her and she giggled when he touched her sides. Mr. Parker grinned and pinched her sides making Lyz gasp. “Daddy that tickles and it,” She looked down and bit her lip. “And it makes me feel good, down there.”
“What else makes you feel good down there Princess?”
Lyz’s face lit up bright red. “Um well...pleasing you, being bitten, being bruised, light choking, spanking. I like it rough Daddy.”
Mr. Parker slid his hand up to Lyz’s throat and gently squeezed. “Is that all Baby girl?”
Lyz whimpered and spoke through his light grasp. “I like being yours, I like it when you order me to do things, I like being you’re plaything Daddy.”
He squeezed her throat a bit harder before letting go. “Take off your bikini.”
“Yes Daddy.”
Lyz stood and quickly loosed the knot on her top. “No, slowly.”
Lyz did a slow turn and gradually slipped off her top. She bent over sticking her ass out and tugged her bottoms off. She looked back with pleading eyes. “Daddy?”
Mr. Parker took a hold of both her ass cheeks and squeezed hard making Lyz whimper. He fondled more whimpers out of her before leaning in and biting her bare ass. Lyz moaned loud and reached back and grabbed his hands and sat in his lap and started to grind her ass into his crotch. She placed his hands on her breasts for him to squeeze and he instinctively did. He squeezed them hard and flicked her nipples while she continued to grind into the bulge in his trunks. Mr. Parker started to suck and bite her neck making her moan. She turned around and sat in his lap again and wrapped her legs around him and shoved her wet perky b-cups in his face. Mr. Parker quickly took a hold of them squeezing hard and sucking on her nipples. He played his tongue around her areolas and even nibbled on them. He stood holding Lyz to him; her arms and legs wrapped around his neck and waist, and pulled his trunks down enough to release his hard penis. His shaft teased and tickled Lyz’s pussy by rubbing under her. Mr. Parker guided his dick deep into her pussy and started bouncing Lyz up and down squeezing her ass cheeks while he did.
Lyz began to whimper wildly. “Daddy spank me, I’m naughty.”
Before Mr. Parker set her down he bounced her on him hard for a short minute. He then bent her over the side of the tub letting one of the jets blow on her pussy forcing more whimpers and soft moans from Lyz’s lips. Mr. Parker gripped her left ass cheek with his left hand and squeezed hard. He cocked back his right arm and released it with force. Lyz bit her lip hard as he struck her ass and splashed water as he did. Each slap seemed to increase in power but the pain was a good pain. Tears did start to form in her eyes but she loved it, the sting and the bruises aroused her. Lyz lost count of the number of times he spanked her, it had grown harder to count because the sting from each spank blurred together. When he was done Mr. Parker turned Lyz to face him and wiped away the few tears that had started down her cheek.
Lyz kissed his hand and stepped out of the tub and leaned over the waist high railing. “Can I jump in Daddy?” She asked while looking down at the pool.
“That should be fine, just be careful.”
“Jump with me Daddy.” Lyz swung her hands back and forth looking cute as can be.
“Oh alright.”
Mr. Parker stepped out of the tub and proceeded to stand on the outside of the railing with Lyz. Lyz counted down from three and they jumped, holding hands, into the deep end. The pool was 16 feet x 32 feet and 15 feet deep in the deepest end, the deck wasn’t much higher than 10 feet from the pool. They made a big splash and Lyz made it a point to kiss Mr. Parker while under the water. They both broke the surface of the water moderately gasping for air.
Lyz threw her arms around Mr. Parker and pushed her naked body against him. “Daddy.” She whispered in his ear. “It feels like you want to fuck me.”
“I do Baby girl.”
Lyz reached down and pulled off his trunks. “Then fuck me Daddy, fuck me hard.”
He grabbed one of her pigtails and yanked it. “I don’t need your permission.”
Lyz whimpered loud. “No of course not Daddy, sorry Daddy.”
He kissed her hard. “It’s okay Princess.”
Mr. Parker swam them over to an edge of the pool and pushed Lyz against the tile rim. He lifted her legs high enough so her pussy was out of the water and then spread her legs. Lyz stared with begging eyes biting her lip and Mr. Parker squeezed her thighs. He slowly inserted his penis into Lyz. He teased her by poking just the head of his dick into her. He pulled out and poked in several times and Lyz bit her lip harder each time. Her eyes begged for more and Mr. Parker gave her more. He thrusted deep into her while pulling her to him forcing his full length in her. He began to slam his cock in her while vigorously rubbing her clitorous. Every thrust prompted Lyz to clench her muscles around Mr. Parker’s cock. She curled her toes and shook violently trying to last as long as she could. Before she could climax Mr. Parker surprised her by pulling out of her. She had thought he was going to cum before she did but he surprised her even more by pressing his tongue into her dripping wet pussy. He licked her, fingered her, and rubbed her clitorous simultaneously. Lyz screamed louder than she ever had and squirted all over Mr. Parker’s face. But he didn’t stop, Mr. Parker continued coaxing more of Lyz’s cum to squirt everywhere. When she could only shake and the squirting was done he put two of his fingers in her mouth for her to suck on while he penetrated her again. He slammed his hips into hers repeatedly, leaving both their hips red and bruised. An hour and three Lyz climaxes later Mr. Parker finally came on Lyz’s stomach and chest. It was the most passionate sex Lyz had ever had especially seeing as she came four times and had almost begged for more.
“Oh my God Daddy, that was super, super amazing.” Lyz trembled and breathed heavy in Mr. Parker’s arms.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, you’re truly perfect Princess.” Mr. Parker caressed her face. “Are you hungry Baby girl?”
“Very.” Lyz smiled.
“How does pizza sound?”
“Sounds yummy Daddy.”
Lyz cuddled into Mr. Parker who was finishing his fourth piece of chicken Alfredo and spinach pizza along with some cheesy marinara pasta. They sat on a long white two piece sofa, Mr. Parker had propped his feet on a soft matching ottoman. Lyz was squeezing his arm while they watched a horror movie on the 80 inch flat screen television. Lyz wasn't truly afraid but she liked having Mr. Parker there in case she did get scared. She liked watching scary movies most of the time she was never scared instead she just enjoyed the way her heart would speed up with intense or suspenseful scenes. They laid and watched movies through the sunset and hours into the night.
Lyz poked her toe under the throw rug protecting the light bamboo flooring from a rectangular coffee table. She felt odd being home alone, like something was something was missing. She walked around touching everything she walked by with the tips of her fingers, as if that was the only way to prove everything was real. After some lingering she took her new clothes into her room. Before storing the clothes in a simple white armoire dresser she changed but only into a thong and soft pajama pants with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme. Then she put on a Sleeping with Sirens CD that was next to the stereo in her room along with a few other CD’s. She put away her clothes and pinned up or hung up her posters. She also decided to do a little rearranging and when she did she found the cutest plush rabbit.
She grinned at it widely and fixed its lace bow tie. “I’m going to call you Jasper because you’re speckled, do you like that?” She made it move it’s stubby arms like it was clapping and giggled.
When she was finished in her room she went into the kitchen to make a late lunch. She sat Jasper on the counter and put together a salad. As she sprinkled some toppings onto her salad she looked around the kitchen and into the living room and she realized that her room was the only room that wasn’t black and white or that followed a dark color pallet. Her room had very light pink walls and white or pink furniture. She didn’t mind having a girly-girl room, in fact she kind of liked it. She sat down with Jasper on the couch and eventually learned how to work the 40 inch flat screen television. She ate her salad while holding Jasper in the crease of one arm. She had a feeling she couldn’t describe, a spectacular feeling. She had never felt so happy somewhere before especially not in the care of an owner, she pushed away the memories of her past owners, now she had a loving father.
“Ian.” A fellow doctor called as Mr. Parker was signing out. “Excuse me Doctor Parker.” He called again.
Mr. Parker rarely went by his first name but when he realized the man was referring to him he stopped and turned. “Yes?”
“Doctor Jaret Riley.” Dr. Riley took Mr. Parker’s hand into a firm shake. “I’m glad I could catch you Ian, I was…”
“Mister or Doctor Parker please,” Mr. Parker asserted.
“Of course sorry Doctor, as I was saying I wanted to commend you on today’s transplant. It was practically perfect.”
“Of course if I couldn’t do my job I wouldn’t be here.” He spoke in a much different tone than usual. He was arrogant when it came to his work, but he earned that right. “You’re the anesthesiologist from today’s surgery correct?”
“Yes sir.” Dr. Riley nodded his bald head in unison with his words.
“Well thank you for the commendation sir but I must be going.” Mr. Parker began walking away before Dr. Riley could shake his hand again.
When Mr. Parker settled into the drivers seat of his comfortable CUV he noticed the time. It was already past midnight and it would take him a minimum of 20 minutes to get home, he hoped Lyz would still be awake. He wanted to do things to her, he wanted to fuck her and consummate their new relationship. He wanted to make Lyz scream in pleasure, then after they could relax and have a nice dinner while cuddling and watching a movie. Mr. Parker felt whole again. Losing a child almost killed him but now he had found a new purpose. One that required more than focus during surgery. A purpose of love and care. Mr. Parker drove with a grin on his face and a warm feeling growing in his chest.
Lyz found herself staring at her Blue Exorcist poster she had pinned to her ceiling. She laid nude cuddling Jasper counting the minutes for Mr. Parker to return. It’s ten thirty, maybe he’ll be home soon. She thought to herself. But the night went on and slowly but surely she fell asleep. A gentle warm breeze crept in under the crack between the window and windowsill and danced across her body.
The Tiguan’s tires rolled smoothly on the concrete driveway. Mr. Parker quietly entered the house and set his shoulder bag on the entryway table and took his shoes off and slid them under the table. He was sure Lyz was asleep by the lack of sound in the house. He decided to change into some fleece pajama pants before checking on Lyz. He crept to her door and cracked it, the hallway light trickled in lighting up her bare back and ass. Mr. Parker stood in the doorway for some time just observing the way her body would rise with each breath. He noticed Lyz was cuddling the stuffed rabbit it’s eyes reflected light back at him. Something stirred in him when he saw her with Jasper.
Lyz felt a deep penetrating sensation inside her. Before opening her eyes she knew what it was. Mr. Parker had awoken her with full penetration. He almost immediately began thrusting hard and deep inside her. Lyz’s pussy grew more lubricated with each thrust. “Oh, Daddy you’re home.” She spoke between thrusts.
“Shush. Don’t speak.” Mr. Parker quickly quieted her while gently pushing her head down into her pillow.
Mr. Parker filled Lyz’s pussy with his hard cock and every thrust made a whimper escape Lyz’s lips, barely audible through the pillow. Lyz could feel herself tremble as she grew closer to climaxing. With a hard thrust of Mr. Parker’s dick she came. She trembled and shook holding in her moans the best she could but she ended up moaning loudly almost screaming. Mr. Parker continued to pound Lyz hard making her scream louder. Eventually he pulled out and Lyz caught his hot semen in her mouth and swallowed it all.
“Do you want to sleep with Daddy, Princess?” Mr. Parker asked softly after some clean up.
“Can Jasper come?” She asked while shaking Jasper so he knew what she had been referring to.
“Of course Sweetheart.”
“Okay um...Daddy, could you um...carry me? My legs are really shaky.”
Mr. Parker wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his thin but toned waist. Then he stood and carried her down and across the hall to his bedroom. Mr. Parker’s room was very simple yet expressed a touch of elegance. As Lyz expected the scheme of cool tone colors continued into his room. Mr. Parker set her on his memory foam mattress that was raised of the floor by a plainly painted black wooden frame. Lyz covered herself in his onyx and bronze colored comforter and when her skin touched the ivory white sheets her body melded with the bed. Mr. Parker powered on his wall mounted flat screen opposite of his bed. He left the volume low and moved under the comforter with Lyz. He changed the channel to a cartoon about twins in Oregon but neither of them paid much attention to the television. Instead Lyz cuddled into Mr. Parker under his arm and rested against his defined chest. Mr. Parker wasn’t extremely muscular but he was tone and in good shape and Lyz’s cheek felt warm against his pectoral. They both deeply enjoyed what they now had.
Lyz traced her fingers through the small amount of chest hair Mr. Parker had, as she did her tender giggling vibrated Mr. Parker’s sternum and filled his ears with warmth. “What’s so funny Baby girl?” He spoke softly in a hushed voice.
“I was a little scared to come in here but now that I’m in your arms I’m not, I’m not afraid of anything. I love you Daddy.” She looked up at him and smiled as he kissed her forehead.
When Mr. Parker’s lips left her forehead she noticed a painting above the bed. The image sent a slight shiver up her spine. The image was a drastic, jarring change from the sweet little girl in the entryway. It depicted a young girl hunched over hugging her legs. She had large colorful feathery wings that seemed to have been removed and the feathers along with blood were falling upwards. The color gave it a happy tune but the image was almost depressing. She wondered if this was the same girl from the portrait. The painting peaked her interest and her anxiety. What does it mean, why would he paint it, was it the same girl?
“Are you okay Baby girl?” Mr. Parker asked breaking her train of thought.
“More than okay Daddy.” She kissed him then kissed Jasper and proceeded to drift into sleep.
“Lyzzy, baby it’s time to blow out your candles.”
“Mom?” Lyz asked confused.
She walked around the corner and into her old kitchen. On her old beat-up table was a cake with seven candles. Her mom was in the other room but she continued to encourage her to sit and make a wish. She sat in the worn unbalanced chair she vaguely remembered but she felt tall, like she wasn’t seven. She looked across the table and saw her reflection in an empty china cabinet. She was her 16 year old self sitting naked with a cone party hat. She had to know she was dreaming but what made it completely obvious was that Mr. Parker sat across from her smiling. He had a small painting canvas and he moved a brush back and forth slowly while staring in her eyes.
There was a crash in the kitchen but Lyz couldn’t move when she tried. She tried to call out but was interrupted by both her mom and Mr. Parker hollering, “Blow out your candles.”
Lyz began to shake with fear but she hoped blowing out the candles would end the developing nightmare. She leaned to the candles and as she tried to blow she found herself unable. Instead she felt a hot liquid creeping up her throat, hot semen slowly oozed from her mouth and trickled over her lips and down her chin. Her heart started racing more than it had been and slowly the semen dripped onto the candles and one by one they went out. As the last candle went out a potato sack was pulled over her head and she was dragged away kicking and screaming.
“Baby girl.” Mr. Parker spoke softly while holding Lyz’s arms down. “Shhh it was just a dream.”
Lyz woke to his soft eyes looking deep into hers trying to provide her with comfort. “Daddy.” She whimpered and tears started to pool in her eyes. She sat up and hugged him tight. “It was so scary.”
“You’re okay now Baby girl, I’ve got you.”
Mr. Parker kissed the top of her head and squeezed her in a tight hug. “Come Princess, I’ll make you some pancakes from my dad’s recipe while you watch t.v.”
She nodded against his chest and sniffled a little bit. “Should I get dressed?”
“Only if you want Baby girl.”
She stood while holding Jasper close and timidly asked. “Will the pancakes have chocolate chips in them?” She stared at her feet and fidgeted around stepping on her toes.
Mr. Parker lifted her chin with one finger and caressed her face. “Even better, they have chocolate, peanut butter, butterscotch, and vanilla chips.”
Lyz’s giggle embodied cuteness and practically spelled teehee. She hugged Mr. Parker tight and ran off to change. She changed into short pajama shorts and a tight tank top. Lyz hopped onto the slightly curved gray couch and pulled her feet up and sat cross-legged.
She hummed and held Jasper grabbed the remote and turned on the television. “What should we watch Jasper?” She paused and pretended to listen to the bunny. “Great idea.” She navigated the menus and turned on a show she had found the night before using On Demand.
“What’chu watching Baby girl?”
“It’s called Bates Motel it’s about Norman Bates when he’s a teen.”
“Oh is it good? I love Hitchcock's Psycho and the previews look really good.”
“I love it, will you watch it with me Daddy?” Lyz asked hopefully.
“I’d love to Baby girl, just as soon as I finish making breakfast.”
She stood and faced him, “Do you want me to help?”
“No Princess you just relax, it’s okay.”
Mr. Parker whisked two bowls of pancake batter together, one with chips and the other he mixed in strawberries and blueberries. Lyz watched the show intently and Mr. Parker fried up some country sausage and bacon. He moved the finished food to the center of the dining table then served up a portion for them both and poured them each a glass of orange juice. He leaned over the couch and kissed the top of Lyz’s head while pausing the show. They sat across from each other on the sides of the table and ate and laughed together, enjoying each other’s company and the food.
“Daddy do you think that I could get some plants and flowers and I could plant and cultivate them while you’re at work?” Lyz asked after swallowing a bite of pancakes and sausage.
He swallowed his food. “Hmmm, I don’t see why not. If you come up with a list of what you want and need we can go shop for everything sometime next week.”
Lyz smiled brightly. “Really? Thank you Daddy.”
They finished their breakfast and Lyz insisted on helping with the dishes. After the dishes were in the dishwasher Lyz cuddled into Mr. Parker on the couch and they watched a few episodes. Mr. Parker stroked her hair and spoke as the credits started to roll. “Would you like to go for a swim Princess?”
Lyz’s ears seemed to perk up. “Where would we go?”
“My other house, I inherited it from my parents. It has a large pool and a hot-tub, it’s in Dover and is only about forty minutes from here.”
Lyz jumped up. “I’d love to Daddy.” She quickly kissed him. “I’ll go change.” She skipped to her room swinging Jasper while she did.
Mr. Parker lagged behind her but he knew it wouldn’t take him long to change. He passed by Lyz’s open door and gawked for a short minute as she stripped off her clothes. He changed and entered the kitchen wearing simple black and white trunks and a tight white shirt. He grabbed two cold root beers from the fridge and turned around to see Lyz in a tight black shirt and short-shorts.
“Are you going to swim in that? I thought we got you a couple of bikinis?”
“I’m wearing one, I just wanted to keep it a surprise.” She winked.
Mr. Parker returned her wink with a sly smile. “Well now you’ve aroused my interest. Let’s go Sweetheart.”
Lyz giggled and walked to the door and when she opened it Mr. Parker pinched her ass cheek. The cute noise she made prompted Mr. Parker to chuckle. Lyz stood at the passenger door of the Tiguan waiting for Mr. Parker to unlock it but instead he stood in front of one of the garage doors that was opening. Lyz stared at the front bumper and grill of a sterling silver Jaguar F-type. Mr. Parker rolled the Jaguar out of the garage and next to Lyz and opened her door from inside the car. Lyz ran her hand along the hood like she was petting the car. The engine vibrated the hood with a constant low but loud growl. Lyz sat in the passenger seat and looked around admiring the leather of the seats and the tight weaved aluminum dashboard.
“Daddy it’s so pretty, is it fast too?”
Lyz buckled her seat belt and tugged on his arm. “Show me Daddy, please.” She begged extending the syllables of please.
“Maybe Kitten, maybe.” He smiled.
“Kitten.” She giggled. “I like that.”
Mr. Parker grew lost in thought while Lyz sang out to Fall Out Boy and he drove. She’s so much like her. He thought. It’s not wrong, we’re not related. She’s gone and now I’ve got Lyz. He glanced to her and watched as her mouth seemed to move in slow motion while she sang. Part of Him understood the negative implications their relationship but that was only a small part, most of him validated their relationship with She hasn’t had any objections.
Lyz looked on the light blue two story colonial house from the driveway. She followed Mr. Parker into the house and up the thick creaky stairs. He collected a couple of towels from a bathroom next to a set of doors that opened out to a deck. “I’ll be out in a minute Daddy.” Lyz said while closing herself in the bathroom.
Mr. Parker proceeded out onto the red cedar deck and hung the towels over the deck’s railing. He slipped off his tight shirt leaving it inside out and on the floor of the deck. He retracted the cover of the hot-tub and tested the water with his hand. He slid into the 100℉ water and his muscles immediately released their tension. Normally the hot-tub would be off but because he didn’t live there Mr. Parker hired a maid to keep the house clean and stocked with non-perishables and the night before he asked the maid to turn the tub on. He hung his head back with his arms resting on the rim of the hot-tub and sighed happily.
He hadn’t heard Lyz step out onto the deck giving her perfect timing to strike a cute pose. She held her arm with her other arm behind her back. “Call me Harley, everyone does.” She not only had on a black and red bikini with Harley’s diamond logo but she had also put her hair up in pigtails. “Don’t you want to rev up your Harley Daddy?” Lyz batted a pigtail to the side and made a revving gesture with her hands.
“I’d love to Baby girl, hop in.”
Lyz moved into the hot-tub slowly and sat in Mr. Parker’s lap facing him. The water bubbled on their chests and Lyz traced her lips up his chest, lightly kissing his skin. He ran his hands up her body feeling every inch of her and she giggled when he touched her sides. Mr. Parker grinned and pinched her sides making Lyz gasp. “Daddy that tickles and it,” She looked down and bit her lip. “And it makes me feel good, down there.”
“What else makes you feel good down there Princess?”
Lyz’s face lit up bright red. “Um well...pleasing you, being bitten, being bruised, light choking, spanking. I like it rough Daddy.”
Mr. Parker slid his hand up to Lyz’s throat and gently squeezed. “Is that all Baby girl?”
Lyz whimpered and spoke through his light grasp. “I like being yours, I like it when you order me to do things, I like being you’re plaything Daddy.”
He squeezed her throat a bit harder before letting go. “Take off your bikini.”
“Yes Daddy.”
Lyz stood and quickly loosed the knot on her top. “No, slowly.”
Lyz did a slow turn and gradually slipped off her top. She bent over sticking her ass out and tugged her bottoms off. She looked back with pleading eyes. “Daddy?”
Mr. Parker took a hold of both her ass cheeks and squeezed hard making Lyz whimper. He fondled more whimpers out of her before leaning in and biting her bare ass. Lyz moaned loud and reached back and grabbed his hands and sat in his lap and started to grind her ass into his crotch. She placed his hands on her breasts for him to squeeze and he instinctively did. He squeezed them hard and flicked her nipples while she continued to grind into the bulge in his trunks. Mr. Parker started to suck and bite her neck making her moan. She turned around and sat in his lap again and wrapped her legs around him and shoved her wet perky b-cups in his face. Mr. Parker quickly took a hold of them squeezing hard and sucking on her nipples. He played his tongue around her areolas and even nibbled on them. He stood holding Lyz to him; her arms and legs wrapped around his neck and waist, and pulled his trunks down enough to release his hard penis. His shaft teased and tickled Lyz’s pussy by rubbing under her. Mr. Parker guided his dick deep into her pussy and started bouncing Lyz up and down squeezing her ass cheeks while he did.
Lyz began to whimper wildly. “Daddy spank me, I’m naughty.”
Before Mr. Parker set her down he bounced her on him hard for a short minute. He then bent her over the side of the tub letting one of the jets blow on her pussy forcing more whimpers and soft moans from Lyz’s lips. Mr. Parker gripped her left ass cheek with his left hand and squeezed hard. He cocked back his right arm and released it with force. Lyz bit her lip hard as he struck her ass and splashed water as he did. Each slap seemed to increase in power but the pain was a good pain. Tears did start to form in her eyes but she loved it, the sting and the bruises aroused her. Lyz lost count of the number of times he spanked her, it had grown harder to count because the sting from each spank blurred together. When he was done Mr. Parker turned Lyz to face him and wiped away the few tears that had started down her cheek.
Lyz kissed his hand and stepped out of the tub and leaned over the waist high railing. “Can I jump in Daddy?” She asked while looking down at the pool.
“That should be fine, just be careful.”
“Jump with me Daddy.” Lyz swung her hands back and forth looking cute as can be.
“Oh alright.”
Mr. Parker stepped out of the tub and proceeded to stand on the outside of the railing with Lyz. Lyz counted down from three and they jumped, holding hands, into the deep end. The pool was 16 feet x 32 feet and 15 feet deep in the deepest end, the deck wasn’t much higher than 10 feet from the pool. They made a big splash and Lyz made it a point to kiss Mr. Parker while under the water. They both broke the surface of the water moderately gasping for air.
Lyz threw her arms around Mr. Parker and pushed her naked body against him. “Daddy.” She whispered in his ear. “It feels like you want to fuck me.”
“I do Baby girl.”
Lyz reached down and pulled off his trunks. “Then fuck me Daddy, fuck me hard.”
He grabbed one of her pigtails and yanked it. “I don’t need your permission.”
Lyz whimpered loud. “No of course not Daddy, sorry Daddy.”
He kissed her hard. “It’s okay Princess.”
Mr. Parker swam them over to an edge of the pool and pushed Lyz against the tile rim. He lifted her legs high enough so her pussy was out of the water and then spread her legs. Lyz stared with begging eyes biting her lip and Mr. Parker squeezed her thighs. He slowly inserted his penis into Lyz. He teased her by poking just the head of his dick into her. He pulled out and poked in several times and Lyz bit her lip harder each time. Her eyes begged for more and Mr. Parker gave her more. He thrusted deep into her while pulling her to him forcing his full length in her. He began to slam his cock in her while vigorously rubbing her clitorous. Every thrust prompted Lyz to clench her muscles around Mr. Parker’s cock. She curled her toes and shook violently trying to last as long as she could. Before she could climax Mr. Parker surprised her by pulling out of her. She had thought he was going to cum before she did but he surprised her even more by pressing his tongue into her dripping wet pussy. He licked her, fingered her, and rubbed her clitorous simultaneously. Lyz screamed louder than she ever had and squirted all over Mr. Parker’s face. But he didn’t stop, Mr. Parker continued coaxing more of Lyz’s cum to squirt everywhere. When she could only shake and the squirting was done he put two of his fingers in her mouth for her to suck on while he penetrated her again. He slammed his hips into hers repeatedly, leaving both their hips red and bruised. An hour and three Lyz climaxes later Mr. Parker finally came on Lyz’s stomach and chest. It was the most passionate sex Lyz had ever had especially seeing as she came four times and had almost begged for more.
“Oh my God Daddy, that was super, super amazing.” Lyz trembled and breathed heavy in Mr. Parker’s arms.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, you’re truly perfect Princess.” Mr. Parker caressed her face. “Are you hungry Baby girl?”
“Very.” Lyz smiled.
“How does pizza sound?”
“Sounds yummy Daddy.”
Lyz cuddled into Mr. Parker who was finishing his fourth piece of chicken Alfredo and spinach pizza along with some cheesy marinara pasta. They sat on a long white two piece sofa, Mr. Parker had propped his feet on a soft matching ottoman. Lyz was squeezing his arm while they watched a horror movie on the 80 inch flat screen television. Lyz wasn't truly afraid but she liked having Mr. Parker there in case she did get scared. She liked watching scary movies most of the time she was never scared instead she just enjoyed the way her heart would speed up with intense or suspenseful scenes. They laid and watched movies through the sunset and hours into the night.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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