
sea birds flying overhead the giant crater in the ground, the aftermath bares no sound, just the darkness of poisoned soil, the full moon on one side dropping slowly, a jet fighter bomb in slow motion, opposing the full sun, no clean white clouds masking the day, it peaks over the horizon to share dancing hues of orange and red, the crater bowl, where lain the night before, mystery city, a bustling metro haven lighting up the shore with it's city light array of neon and flash, now secret-silent aftermath, waits the crew and their automated machines, their technology, their epa regulated chemical sprays, their 15 minute breaks, they'll start with gravel fill, they'll raise the surface to where it was before, level with the shore, the cawing birds will linger, wishing to protect their corpse food, they see the living as future raw meat, they are the truth to life, we all scavenge and kill, what was alive we devour, within an hour the men in hardhats will invade the space, work-ants who know their timely pace, who know their place in line as they put in their time for wage, at lunch they too will swoop down for carrion, the savage 30 minute consumption company interruption, then their bodies will produce more cyclical waste, they have a taste for destruction and jokes, they can't wait to go home, their production feeds the money machine, their lovers need no seduction, and they both tend to be mean, the women excrete children to hold dna in place for cyclical centuries, and I am mourning the chaos of sweet city ills, where poison is sweet, where fighting is right if you stay on your feet, where sin gluts religion with punitive tenets, repentance, and love, where predatorial dirty white angels fly above; a pleasant demise I surmise...
Written by Conley (Delling)
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