A Gothic Fairytale

Once upon a time,  
there was a gorgeous princess    
who lived in a beautiful gothic castle,    
Decorate with black roses and Lace curtains,    
Fill with Victorian furniture  
The candles that lighted the castle,  
Spread the smell of wild roses,  
Lavenders, lemon and honey.    
In the garden of the mansion,  
grew fresh apples, cherries and berries,    
which made any mouth water  
In the gothic castle,    
the princess had a pet,    
named Forbidden    
It was a little kitten    
with Black mix grey fur.  
Every stormy night,  
when thunder hits the ground,  
Forbidden ran to the princess  
And crawled under her feet.  
She found comfort in these days.    
Darkness was her home  
Her life seemed like a perfect fairytale.  
A beautiful gothic fairytale.  
She had everything    
a girl would ever dreamed of.  
Gorgeous dresses, jewelleries and shoes  
 that went along with the dresses.  
She had servants at her hand.  
Parents that loved her and ruled the country.  
Her life was filled with luxury.  
Money was at her feet.  
But none of these brought her happiness,  
Because the princess was alone,  
With no one to talk,  
and no one to listen,  
She was sad and lonely,  
In the gothic castle  
Her only friend was Forbidden,  
He was a good listener,  
but not much of a helper,  
She had no real friends,  
No one to hanged out with,  
No one to vanish her loneliness,   
Nobody understood her,    
nobody saw through her  
She was different from all other children,  
She did not like the same things they liked,  
She did not have the same dreams they had,  
Her parents weren’t proud of her,  
Because she was different, nothing like the princess,  
who follow their parents' will and made them happy,  
She didn’t followed what her parents planed,  
did not achieved the goals that they set,  
She wanted to make them proud,    
But she was too depressed to try,  
What they wanted is not,  
what she wanted  
Every night when the moonrise,  
The princess climbed the stairwell,  
to the top of the castle,  
She  walked to the balcony,  
stared at the black sky,  
And weep thousand tears,  
let them sweep across her face  
She cried till her eyes were red, and    
She cannot bear the pain any longer,  
She seek for the answer to life  
She screamed to the night sky,  
Beg the angels to take her away,  
Ask the Goddess for forgiveness,  
 For whatever she done ,  
She Called her guardian angel,    
asked him for help  
She cried in the pain,    
lost million tears,  
But no pain was released,  
No answers were found    
She was buried in her pain,    
and  drown by her misery,    
She was blind in the nothingness,  
No colours, no shapes, no pictures,  
Nothing was clear,    
everything was so blurry    
She felt hopeless and mindless  
and eager to escape this pain  
In the darkness,    
where no one was there,  
She pulled the dragger,  
and count down her breaths,  
Held the dragger to her heart,  
Then stabbed it through,    
with no last thought  
Princess laid still,    
as a beautiful ice sculpture,  
frozen under the night sky,  
Her tears had stop,    
her pain was gone,    
Red rose petals    
covered her fragile body,  
she laid peaceful on the gory floor  
and went for an endless sleep  
Alternate ending to Gothic fairy tale  
A Gothic fairytale  

Once upon a time,  
there was a gorgeous princess    
who lived in a beautiful gothic castle,    
Decorate with black roses and Lace curtains,    
Fill with Victorian furniture  
The candles that lighted the castle,  
Spread the smell of wild roses,  
Lavenders, lemon and honey.    
In the garden of the mansion,  
grew fresh apples, cherries and berries,    
which made any mouth water  
In the gothic castle,    
the princess had a pet,    
named Forbidden    
It was a little kitten    
with Black mix grey fur.  
Every stormy night,  
when thunder hits the ground,  
Forbidden ran to the princess  
And crawled under her feet.  
She found comfort in these days.    
Darkness was her home  
Her life seemed like a perfect fairytale.  
A beautiful gothic fairytale.  
She had everything    
a girl would ever dreamed of.  
Gorgeous dresses, jewelleries and shoes  
 that went along with the dresses.  
She had servants at her hand.  
Parents that loved her and ruled the country.  
Her life was filled with luxury.  
Money was at her feet.  
But none of these brought her happiness,  
Because the princess was alone,  
With no one to talk,  
and no one to listen,  
She was sad and lonely,  
In the gothic castle  
Her only friend was Forbidden,  
He was a good listener,  
but not much of a helper,  
She had no real friends,  
No one to hanged out with,  
No one to vanish her loneliness,   
Nobody understood her,    
nobody saw through her  
She was different from all other children,  
She did not like the same things they liked,  
She did not have the same dreams they had,  
Her parents weren’t proud of her,  
Because she was different, nothing like the princess,  
who follow their parents' will and made them happy,  
She didn’t followed what her parents planed,  
did not achieved the goals that they set,  
She wanted to make them proud,    
But she was too depressed to try,  
What they wanted is not,  
what she wanted  
Every night when the moonrise,  
The princess climbed the stairwell,  
to the top of the castle,  
She  walked to the balcony,  
stared at the black sky,  
And weep thousand tears,  
let them sweep across her face  
She cried till her eyes were red, and    
She cannot bear the pain any longer,  
She seek for the answer to life  
She screamed to the night sky,  
Beg the angels to take her away,  
Ask the Goddess for forgiveness,  
 For whatever she done ,  
She Called her guardian angel,    
asked him for help  
She cried in the pain,    
lost million tears,  
But no pain was released,  
No answers were found    
She was buried in her pain,    
and  drown by her misery,    
She was blind in the nothingness,  
No colours, no shapes, no pictures,  
Nothing was clear,    
everything was so blurry    
She felt hopeless and mindless  
and eager to escape this pain
In the darkness,   
where no one was there,  
She pulled the dragger  
and count down her breaths,  
Held the dragger to her heart,  
Order her hand to move,  
stab it deep and kill the pain  
with no more thoughts  
But she couldn't make it through,  
She was mad and felt shame,  
Because she couldn’t get the job done,  
she realized she didn’t had the guts to  
commit this selfish, bloody deed  
The princess decided to give    
life one more chance  
To let it works its way,    
and bring her the answer  
to the point on living,    
why to bear this endless pain  
She decided wait for one good thing to happen,  
Something to put a real smile on her face,  
waited for a smile that comes from her heart,  
She waited and waited,  
But nothing happen,  
So far.......................  
A poem written by Aqua  
Written by Aqua (Everline)
Published | Edited 1st Aug 2011
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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