You Saw Me

You saw me crying a river last night
I was holding a knife

You saw me down on my knees
Begging for mercy

You saw me screaming WHY
looking out into the night

You saw me praying to God
asking for my life to pause

Why did you just stand there starring
Why didn't you come to my side

Why did you just stand there when I cried
Why didn't you rush to me when you saw me lift the knife

You saw me slitting my wrists
letting the damage done to me show this time

You saw me sitting there
letting the blood flow to the ground

You saw me wisper out
that I would end my life

You saw me slide the blade across my neck
letting the blood flow down my chest

Why did you just walk away
Why didn't you come to me when I needed you most

Why did you just let me fall down and die
Why didn't you even cry
Written by strong_tower7613
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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