Deprivation - Carra


“Fuck it,” Carra said to the surrounding darkness, “time to go.” She looked around one last time and everything was the same as it had been ten seconds before. On both sides of the fence all she could see was darkness except for the dim blue glow of the lights from the computer control panel in the one existing guard tower. The tower was more a token gesture than anything else. Carra knew that for a fact because she had been in it more than a few times in her two months at the “camp”, primarily for clandestine meetings with various guards. Although the inside of Depriver Detention Camp 692 was guarded and administered solely by female guards and support staff, the idiots in Depriver Control still had their politics to deal with. After the outcry of sexual discrimination by various organizations and unions, male guards were placed in the guard tower. This only partially satisfied the nay-sayers but the DC refused to budge any more than that. This worked to Carras advantage. She learned everything she needed to know about the camp and it’s security measures during post-coital chit-chat.After one more furtive glance, Carra dropped to her knees and climbed headfirst into the hole she had dug underneath the fence. Once at the bottom of the hole she flipped over onto her back. From this position she was staring straight up at the fence. Ten thousand volts of skin frying electricity. A little jolt of fear ran up her spine at the thought of all that power. Fear, and excitement. What a rush it would be to reach up and grab the twisted wires. What would it feel like? Other than the pain? “Not yet.” she whispered to the night. From where she lay she could see the sky lightening with the approach of dawn. Not long before they know I’m gone.            

She sucked in a quick breath and let it out and began to wiggle underneath the fence, the twisted wires only inches from her face. She pulled her body along, her small breasts almost touching the wires. “I never thought I’d be grateful for small tits.” she thought as she crawled out of the hole on the other side and crouched low to the ground. She looked back toward the camps main building. Nothing moved. The only sound was the low hum of the fence. All quiet on the western front. She turned back and surveyed the close cut grass stretching out in front of her. Now the hard part. Although Camp 692 was a minimum security facility, they had to keep up appearances in order to keep their substantial funding. Consequently, the area outside the perimeter fence was kept clear of trees and any other possible cover. The grass was cropped so close you could see the dirt. One hundred and fifty yards of nothing. Carra dropped to her knees and then onto her stomach and began to low crawl slowly toward the tree line. She had nothing but the clothes on her back and the eight hundred and seventy dollars she had wrapped in plastic wrap and stuffed up inside herself. It seemed only fitting to store it where she’d earned it.As she crawled, she thought of Basic Training and Annie. Annie. The only thing she would actually miss about this fucking Army. Ignoring the rocks that kept digging into her knees and scraping across her body, she let her mind wander back to when they’d met, on the seven mile march out to Range Fourteen. About four miles into the march the Drill Instructor decided he felt like running. So they did. Forty pounds rucksacks, M-16’s held out in front, they ran. And ran, and ran.  Fort Jackson, South Carolina in the summer is a killer, simple as that. Seeing as the D.I. was this crazy little Puerto Rican guy with a huge Napoleon complex, the day was pure torture. Ninety-five degrees in the shade, they slogged through sand that covered their ankles and kicked up so much dust that you couldn’t see the grunt in front of you. People were coughing and gagging and falling off to the side in fits of vomiting. Carra was on the verge of passing out herself when she saw this little blond girl lying on her side, her stomach heaving. She stopped dead in her tracks. She’d had enough. The sight of this poor, pathetic thing lying there struggling to breathe was too much. Carra stumbled out of the formation and squatted down next to her shivering companion. “You gonna’ make it?” Carra asked. The girl didn’t answer at first. She just lay there whimpering and coughing. “Hey,” Carra said. “you okay?” The girl lifted her head and looked at Carra. The right side of her face was covered with sand and spit. Carra smiled at her. She smiled back weakly. Even in her obviously tortured state the girl was stunning. Maybe five feet tall, compared to Carras five foot ten she seemed almost like a child. Carra was a goner the minute she saw those angelic green eyes, eyes the color of the sea in a Grecian port of call. When Carra saw those eyes, her ship came into port. The storm was on its way.“Look, if we stay here the D.I. is gonna’ come back and dog us until doomsday. Can you walk?”

“Yeah, I think so.” The angel answered.“Good,” I said. “Let’s get off the trail and over into the woods. We can rest there and catch up in a little while.”
“Okay.” Carra helped the angel up and had her lean against a tree while she grabbed their rucksacks and weapons. She slipped her arms through the straps of her rucksack and jumped up and down to settle it on her back. She then lifted the angels ruck and positioned it in front of her with the straps over her shoulders. Without being asked, the angel slipped the strap of an M-16 over each shoulder and they moved into the cover of the woods. The ground sloped downward for about fifteen yards and then dropped off abruptly. About six feet down was a creek bed with a thin ribbon of water meandering lazily along. Carra dropped the rucks, grabbed her angel by the hands and lowered her tiny body down until her feet were on the sand. Carra then unceremoniously tossed both rucks onto the sand below. Showing off, Carra sat on the edge of the drop and slid her butt over the edge and fell. She rolled when she hit and sprung back up onto her feet. The angel flashed a winning smile, and giggled a little.The heavens sang in Carras heart. Angelic laughter is infectious, and Carra giggled like a schoolgirl seeing her first penis.“What’s your name?” Carra asked as she stripped off her camouflage shirt, balled it up and put it under her head as she lay back on the sand.“Annie.” the angel said shyly.            
“Annie” Carra said softly. She rolled the name around on her tongue, her eyes half-closed, head tilted back, her face soaking in the sunshine. “Annie” she said again, basking in the feel of the name. She slowly lowered her head. She opened her eyes, slowly, sensuously. Carra gazed at Annie, desire apparent in her eyes. “So,” Carra said, “what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
 “Waiting for you.” Annie replied with a half-smile. She said it in a way that made it hard for Carra to tell if she was joking or serious. Carra sensed that it was a little of both. “Well, here I am.” Carra said. “Now what?” Annie stood, stretched her lithe body like a cat after a long nap and removed her camouflage blouse. She then crossed her arms over her stomach and grasped the hem of her government-issue tee shirt. In one fluid movement she pulled it over her head and dropped it to the sand. Her bra came off with only a flick of her left hand at the front clasp. “I think you know the answer to that.” She said with a mischievous smile. Annie moved toward Carra with a grace that defied words and a sensuality that caused Carras’ lower body to tighten with anticipation. The look in her eyes was heavy with desire and when she stopped in front of Carra and cupped her breasts invitingly Carras’ heart began beating like a trip-hammer.            
When Annie took Carras’ face in her hands and lightly brushed her lips against Carras’ cheek, the world contracted around them both. Carra stood absolutely still save for her rapid breathing and the quiver that began in her knees and was now focused between her legs like a second heartbeat.           

Annie pushed Carra to her knees, and the feel of her swollen nipple pressing urgently against her lips was too much. The orgasm came so quickly and intensely that Carra actually lost consciousness for a few seconds. She returned to herself just as another orgasm engulfed her and threatened to sweep her back into the darkness. As the contractions subsided to a dull ache in her lower body, she raised her head from the sand to see Annie looking up from between her legs with a smile in her eyes as she lapped feverishly. The sight of Annies’ hunger brought on a fresh wave of pleasure as contractions wracked her body and she writhed upon the sand with the heat of her coming.            
Carra was ripped from her reverie of pleasure by the sound of Annie crying out with fear, a sound that struck deep into Carras’ heart and awakened the brutal beast within. She scrambled to her feet find that little Puerto Rican D.I. on top of Annie, his pants around his ankles, his buttocks clenching and unclenching as he thrust into her. He had one hand over Annies’ mouth and the other pinning her hands above her head. She thrashed underneath him in what could be mistaken to be pleasure, but Carra knew the truth of the spectacle she was witnessing.           
With bloodlust coursing through her veins, all thoughts of consequences disappeared. Carra leaped on the D.I. and grabbed at his face leaving blood trails where her nails raked his flesh. At her touch the D.I.s body began to convulse as Carra grabbed him by the shirt and threw him to the side. Her unnatural strength surprised even her as the man flew easily ten feet before landing in a heap on the sand. As he looked at Carra in stunned disbelief, blood began streaming from both ears down the sides of his face. He screamed something unintelligible and clapped his hands to his ears. His curses grew more and more disjointed as he appeared to lose the ability to speak coherently.               

Carra turned her attention to Annie. The sight of her lying spread-eagled on the sand, her torn panties around one ankle spawned a horror in her chest the likes of which she had never known before. Annie was moaning softly, her eyes closed and her arms across her breasts and her hands clasped tightly together. There were bruises on her stomach and blood smeared all over her thighs and pubis. Her left eye was starting to turn blue where the little cocksucker had apparently hit her. With tears streaming down her face, Carra went to her knees next to Annie and gently touched her hair. Annie flinched at the touch, and began to cry softly as Carra bent cradle her in her arms. For the better part of an hour Carra held Annie as they cried together until Annie finally fell asleep with Carra gently stroking her hair.            
With a start Carra realized that she hadn’t heard a thing from the D.I. throughout the entire time she was comforting Annie. She looked frantically to where she’d thrown him. He was still there, sitting cross-legged on the sand rocking back and forth with his hands over his ears. His lips were moving, but no sound was coming out. Carra gently placed Annies head onto a pile of clothing she had fashioned as a pillow and cautiously walked over to where the raping bastard was rocking back and forth. As she approached, his eyes turned up to her fearfully and he began to make strange sounds in what sounded like a pleading tone.“Own’t” he said, “nint’ meent!”“What the fuck?” Carra said viciously, “You little raping cock-sucker!” “eeeeeeezzzzzz” he said in a high-pitched whine.           
It happened so quickly that even Carra didn’t know it was coming. Annie was a blur as she swept past Carra and fell on the D.I. with a ferocity so complete it was purely animal. Blood splattered everywhere as Annies delicate little fist slammed into it the D.I.’s nose. Strings of spittle hung from Annies face as she placed her knees on his chest and rode him to the ground, her fists slamming into his face as her rage escaped unchecked.              As she beat him mercilessly, Annie spat out expletives that would make a seasoned soldier blush. Carra stood by and watched the beating with some small satisfaction until she realized that left unchecked Annie would kill him outright.Such was her fury that Annie turned on Carra as she went to pull her off of the bloody excuse for a man. Carra stood impassively as Annie struck her in the face repeatedly, flinching only slightly when she felt the blood flow down her cheek from the cut over her eye. It took a good minute for Annie to realize what she was doing, and when she did, she burst into tears and fell into Carras arms once again, sobbing uncontrollably.            
After maybe five minutes in which Annie calmed down somewhat, Carra pushed Annie to arms length, looked her directly in those amazing eyes and said “I am so sorry that this has happened to you! To us. I feel responsible. I am responsible, and before we leave here, I want you to know that I did all of this. Every bit. I beat him. I killed him when he dies, and he will die for this. Of that I can assure you. I will take full responsibility for all of this. You will walk away the victim. Everyone will look at you and know that you couldn’t possibly have done anything like this. Only you and I will know what really happened. Do you understand?”
“I can’t let you do that!” Annie protested.
“You have no choice.” Carra replied gently.
“No matter what happens, you will not go down for this. You have too much to lose.”
“But I can’t stand the thought of you apart from me!” Annie moaned tearfully.
 “I can’t let you go now. You are in me and I am in you. You know this.”
“And we will be together again very soon. No matter what happens, say nothing.” Carra said.
“From here on out you will be the poor little girl who was raped by the crazy D.I. I am sorry for that, but it’s the only way. I’ll be the crazy Depriver girl who came to your rescue and in a fit of rage and panic I killed him.”   “Depriver girl?” Annie asked uneasily. “You’re a Depriver?”
“Yes, I am.” Carra said sadly.            
Carra waited quietly as she watched the changes occurring behind Annies eyes as she processed this new information. She’d seen it a thousand times before since she’d become a Dep. She’d watched this same process over and over again as her friends and family left her alone, either fading away quietly or burning her from their lives in an inferno of fear that engulfed and destroyed every relationship she’d had prior to her Becoming.
Annie watched Carra watching her, her mind whirling with this revelation. The question formed in her mind as she was voicing it. “Why am I not deprived? You touched me. I touched you? How can you be a Depriver if you touched me and I’m not deprived?”
“I can control it.” Carra said. “I deprive only when I choose to deprive. I’ve heard that there are a few others who can do it too, but I’ve never met any.”
“So how will anybody know you’re a Depriver if I don’t tell them?” “ First of all, he’s deprived,” she said, pointing to the D.I. “and secondly because his and your deprivations are critical to our story.”
“Wait!” Annie said. “I’m confused. What do you mean my deprivation. I’m not deprived.”
“I know. But you will be. In order for you to be beyond suspicion you have to be. Don’t worry. The deprivation will be permanent but the intensity will lessen over time. Eventually you’ll hardly notice it.”
“What will I be deprived of?” Annie asked nervously.
“That depends on what you decide.” Carra replied.
“I have a choice? How can that be?” Annie asked.
“Yes, you have a choice. Let me explain. I’ve been a Depriver from birth. Both of my parents were deprived while my mother was pregnant with me. The way they explained it was that something in their unique genetic makeup created my abilities to control the disease and how it manifests in my body. They were both very talented Deprivers in their own rights. They were among the first deprived and they were able to keep it to themselves for a very long time. They taught me how to control when and how I deprive. So all you have to do is decide which sense you can live without and I’ll do the rest.”
“Hearing” Annie said decisively. “I want out of this fucking Army and that will definitely get me out.”
“Okay,” Carra said “but first let’s get the story straight.”           
After explaining exactly what they were going to say and going over it repeatedly Carra told Annie it was time for her Deprivation. Her Becoming. Carra had Annie lie on her back on the sand. “You need to lie down because you’ll probably lose your equilibrium for a few minutes. You’ll feel really hot and then really cold. You’ll get a pretty bad headache and then you’ll hear a pop. You’ll pass out for about two hours. When you wake up you’ll be stone deaf. You won’t hear anything for a few months. Maybe even a couple of years. Eventually you’ll start to hear a little bit when there are loud noises. Probably in a few years your hearing will be back to as close as normal as it ever will be.” Annie was crying softly as she looked up at Carra and said “I’m scared.”
“I know” Carra replied softly. “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t blame you.” Annie said, “I’ll see you in Virginia Beach?”“If you get there before me, wait. I’ll be there!”
“Ok, let’s do this!”           
The Medics found them both lying in the little riverbed. Annie was unconscious but moaning softly. The D.I. had sung his last cadence. He had gained a few new injuries since his beating from Annie. When the Military Police looked them over they found his semen in Annies vagina and scratch marks on his face and his skin under Annies fingernails. They didn’t investigate further. Even if he’d lived he would have ended up in prison. Carra stood on the ledge above the riverbed with tears on her cheeks and her hands cuffed behind her back. The M.P. holding her arm pulled her away from the scene and led her through the woods to the HUM-V waiting in the road. “Looks like your story checks out.” He said after they were out of earshot of the other officers. “If you ask me he deserved what he got. The little fuck. This isn’t the first time that he’s done this, we just couldn’t prove it before. You’ll spend some time in a military Dep camp, but eventually they’ll kick you loose. Then you’ll be a civilian problem.”     
Written by puckit (S.A. Elrod)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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