Submissions by seth
Poet Introduction
u might not want to read my poem's thair usualy something ppl say are depressing.
I dont know why
I dont know why anymore my wrist is finaly healing and my heart is fixing it self and yet I do it again I fall in love dont I not diserve to ever feel love again
my eyes tear up as I go to sleep and I dont know why
I dont know why anymore
my eyes tear up as I go to sleep and I dont know why
I dont know why anymore
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the difference hidden behind a smile
I see smile's
every wair so happy life seem's so happy for them
I pretend that im just as happy wail holding back the tears
if only someone knew the pain knew tears knew the darkness as I have
knew the blade like I have then maybe I woldent be so alone
but I will always be alone
every wair so happy life seem's so happy for them
I pretend that im just as happy wail holding back the tears
if only someone knew the pain knew tears knew the darkness as I have
knew the blade like I have then maybe I woldent be so alone
but I will always be alone
606 reads
truly happy dreams
as they one by one shut off thair lights I lay inn my bed staring at the ceiling wondering were is he I call to him to help with my pain but he dosent hear me my tears soak my pillow and the blood from my wrist stains my bed I think of how my pain stains my heart and my hope for love poors away with my tears is this how I remain tell the end I let few people in only to be hurt I go to sleep to night only to dream for only in my dreams may I truly be happy
529 reads
warm tears
I step on the buss and head to my seat in the far back to the left, I stare out the window the frosen winter sky seems to stare back at me as I think of our memories my heart lays smashed in my chest it hurts so much but I stay quiet im so cold. My tears warm my cheeks but then turn cold the buss comes to a stop. I wait im the last to leave the buss its a new school new people I fake my smile so no one well see. This is what I hide this is me from the other side of the of the tears.
567 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by seth