Submissions by moe0303
Poet Introduction
I write most things from an introspective approach. I write mostly spoken word stuff though I've only performed once. Looking to post some of it here. I also enjoy Senryu and other 5-7-5 variations.
The Kiss
The Kiss
Through the darkness and rain
She strained
To find a place to put him down
All she could hear was the sound
Of her heart pounding
The surrounding rain
seemed to mimic her tears
over fears, of what she was about to do
See, she knew it was wrong
But she wasn’t strong enough
to do what was right
it was such a cold night
for such a cold act
but the cold fact
was that this is what was best for her
The rest, for sure, would fall in place
At least that’s what she thought
As she fought, inner feelings...
Through the darkness and rain
She strained
To find a place to put him down
All she could hear was the sound
Of her heart pounding
The surrounding rain
seemed to mimic her tears
over fears, of what she was about to do
See, she knew it was wrong
But she wasn’t strong enough
to do what was right
it was such a cold night
for such a cold act
but the cold fact
was that this is what was best for her
The rest, for sure, would fall in place
At least that’s what she thought
As she fought, inner feelings...
730 reads
Standing in line at the WaWa
Young couple in front of me
Some white dude
With a dread beanie
Or whatever you call those things
His girl is kind of cute
But she has a flabby ass
She's gonna be sloppy fat
when she gets older
I can just tell
Dude catches me looking at his girlfriend's ass
He stakes his claim
By putting his arm around her shoulder
He's short
like me
But much more confident
Life will cure him of that
What the fuck is taking so long?
Shorty looks at me
Then averts his...
Young couple in front of me
Some white dude
With a dread beanie
Or whatever you call those things
His girl is kind of cute
But she has a flabby ass
She's gonna be sloppy fat
when she gets older
I can just tell
Dude catches me looking at his girlfriend's ass
He stakes his claim
By putting his arm around her shoulder
He's short
like me
But much more confident
Life will cure him of that
What the fuck is taking so long?
Shorty looks at me
Then averts his...
1152 reads
boys eulogy
We punch love
and connect on kicks
sticks are swords
and words are fists
and tears don't fall
when all's amiss
proud to bear palls
we're walls affixed
so call your wrecking balls
to break our bricks
we'll clinch our jaws
and ball our fists
then answer the call
with balls and grit
and fight and fall
and claw and spit
we'll die for it all
before we call it quits
leave the tearfall to y'all
when we're done with it
because we're Fathers
and Brothers
and Sons, legit
and we fight one...
and connect on kicks
sticks are swords
and words are fists
and tears don't fall
when all's amiss
proud to bear palls
we're walls affixed
so call your wrecking balls
to break our bricks
we'll clinch our jaws
and ball our fists
then answer the call
with balls and grit
and fight and fall
and claw and spit
we'll die for it all
before we call it quits
leave the tearfall to y'all
when we're done with it
because we're Fathers
and Brothers
and Sons, legit
and we fight one...
822 reads
The request for bread
Eyeballs falling out of fucking heads
From backyard brawler
To baller fed
The crowd drawer
Opponents' dread
Bohemian born
Miami bred
A boy from the south
Those streets he wed
The shock when I saw
The headline read
"At age 42, Kimbo dead"
Prayers go up
For the player who bled
May he receive in heaven
His daily bread
Eyeballs falling out of fucking heads
From backyard brawler
To baller fed
The crowd drawer
Opponents' dread
Bohemian born
Miami bred
A boy from the south
Those streets he wed
The shock when I saw
The headline read
"At age 42, Kimbo dead"
Prayers go up
For the player who bled
May he receive in heaven
His daily bread
1241 reads
Knock, Knock (You're gonna wanna read this)
Hey, knock knock! Who's there?
Hike! Hike who? Not quite, you need...
Five more syllables!
Author's note: I'm here all night, folks.
I kill me.
Hike! Hike who? Not quite, you need...
Five more syllables!
Author's note: I'm here all night, folks.
I kill me.
1238 reads
Cellular Communication
Our conversations
consist of concepts
Too complex
To be confined within the context
Of normal media
We communicate along encrypted lines
That cannot be confined
Or bound
In the realm of sound
It's an instant message
But the information is too vast
To be displayed on a 4.3 inch screen
In fact, it can't even be seen at all
See, this is what you call 'cellular communication'
But there's no device needed
It's already been seeded
Deep beneath the skin
We don't really talk, we blend
As thoughts transcend...
consist of concepts
Too complex
To be confined within the context
Of normal media
We communicate along encrypted lines
That cannot be confined
Or bound
In the realm of sound
It's an instant message
But the information is too vast
To be displayed on a 4.3 inch screen
In fact, it can't even be seen at all
See, this is what you call 'cellular communication'
But there's no device needed
It's already been seeded
Deep beneath the skin
We don't really talk, we blend
As thoughts transcend...
1096 reads
The Game We Play
This is my first attempt at erotica, so hopefully it makes the grade. Let me know what you think, either way.
Her lover lay rejected, restless
She slips into a soft slumber
Her eyes, closed
a slight smile on her lips
He likes it that way
His blocked cock stirs
Her breath falls into a pulse
As he creeps from their bed
She stirs for only a moment
The night is cold, but the heat…
She poses for his gaze, sleeping
As he mans his member
Her pulsed breath hardening his weapon ...
Her lover lay rejected, restless
She slips into a soft slumber
Her eyes, closed
a slight smile on her lips
He likes it that way
His blocked cock stirs
Her breath falls into a pulse
As he creeps from their bed
She stirs for only a moment
The night is cold, but the heat…
She poses for his gaze, sleeping
As he mans his member
Her pulsed breath hardening his weapon ...
1148 reads
The Web
In a web of intimate silky sentiments
We entangled in an instant
And instantly the distance
Between our hearts was non-existent,
For instance...
For every systolic beat your heart created
Mine diastolically reciprocated
As you marinated my heart with emotion
I serenaded yours with devotion
And all the water in the ocean
Couldn’t hold a drop to our love potion
For in a web of love we reign
And rain down on the pain
Sustained through life’s lessons
The strife, stress and Depression,
we lessen The sting ...
We entangled in an instant
And instantly the distance
Between our hearts was non-existent,
For instance...
For every systolic beat your heart created
Mine diastolically reciprocated
As you marinated my heart with emotion
I serenaded yours with devotion
And all the water in the ocean
Couldn’t hold a drop to our love potion
For in a web of love we reign
And rain down on the pain
Sustained through life’s lessons
The strife, stress and Depression,
we lessen The sting ...
1144 reads
A dark red fury courses thru her veins
As her fangs pierce the skin of my soul
Seeping their poisonous payload
Injury injecting, infecting
With malicious intent
Instant paralysis follows
Hard to swallow this bitter pill
Stoically reply
As if unchanged
This strange way of
Dealing with feelings works…sometimes.
But words spit from the cobra queen…sting
Like bullets…hot
Shot from cold guns
As the blood runs
From phantom holes
My soul
Dies a little
each time
We delve into this
Abysmal realm
As her fangs pierce the skin of my soul
Seeping their poisonous payload
Injury injecting, infecting
With malicious intent
Instant paralysis follows
Hard to swallow this bitter pill
Stoically reply
As if unchanged
This strange way of
Dealing with feelings works…sometimes.
But words spit from the cobra queen…sting
Like bullets…hot
Shot from cold guns
As the blood runs
From phantom holes
My soul
Dies a little
each time
We delve into this
Abysmal realm
1094 reads
The Innkeepers (Senryu/Haiku)
They're there in their inn
Therein intending to tend
Their inn till their end
Therein intending to tend
Their inn till their end
761 reads
The Wing Zoo (Haiku/Senryu)
In the Eagles' land
Elephants and Jackasses
Kill those who would soar
Elephants and Jackasses
Kill those who would soar
791 reads
Something To Say
I've got something to say
But it's locked away
in that dark space of the mind
You know, where you find
Those feelings that intertwine
with the spine
So that when you touch on them it hurts.
I don't mention them often
Because when I start talking
It seems like something's missin
So I listen
to what I'm saying
And when the words don't match the emotions
I get the notion
To just bite my tongue
And no matter how much it stung
That's what I've always done
But those feelings are starting to overrun
That place that hurts too...
But it's locked away
in that dark space of the mind
You know, where you find
Those feelings that intertwine
with the spine
So that when you touch on them it hurts.
I don't mention them often
Because when I start talking
It seems like something's missin
So I listen
to what I'm saying
And when the words don't match the emotions
I get the notion
To just bite my tongue
And no matter how much it stung
That's what I've always done
But those feelings are starting to overrun
That place that hurts too...
1187 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by moe0303