Submissions by keys_and_gloves
Poet Introduction
I'm a story teller not a poet but maybe one day that will change to
Whatever happened to those days
when 2 good friends was enough
4 was pushing your ability to see them all in a week
and more then you could count on one hand meant you were that kid with more money then social skills
What happened to picking up the phone
going 24 hours without texting someone
or god forbid
leaving the house without your cellphone, tablet, E-reader... ext... ext
Where did the enthusiastic answer Hell ya! go?
when was is swallowed up by the strange awkward silence usually following the question
Are you busy?
when 2 good friends was enough
4 was pushing your ability to see them all in a week
and more then you could count on one hand meant you were that kid with more money then social skills
What happened to picking up the phone
going 24 hours without texting someone
or god forbid
leaving the house without your cellphone, tablet, E-reader... ext... ext
Where did the enthusiastic answer Hell ya! go?
when was is swallowed up by the strange awkward silence usually following the question
Are you busy?
805 reads
Comfortable silence
Stop talking
Stop crying whispers into beer glasses between the rasping grasp of other voices
of stars already fading out of memory
feeling eyes that don't exist resting on the backs of people that you have never been and so have no need to try
if badly to regurgitate a version of a day that is to much like the last to strangers that care less for the smell of your cheap cologne then I do
Please stop
Filling these peaceful moment stolen from amidst the rushing sound of air that chases blindly after trains it has ever yet to catch ...
Stop crying whispers into beer glasses between the rasping grasp of other voices
of stars already fading out of memory
feeling eyes that don't exist resting on the backs of people that you have never been and so have no need to try
if badly to regurgitate a version of a day that is to much like the last to strangers that care less for the smell of your cheap cologne then I do
Please stop
Filling these peaceful moment stolen from amidst the rushing sound of air that chases blindly after trains it has ever yet to catch ...
744 reads
When was the last time
anyone took notice
of blank spaces
of silence
the ones that sit
hang back awkwardly
stand guard over lonely stretches
hesitate at crucial moments
in combination
they are limitless with possibility
weaving out of nothing
take notice then of silence
that sits and waits
giving meaning
to every word
by being
anyone took notice
of blank spaces
of silence
the ones that sit
hang back awkwardly
stand guard over lonely stretches
hesitate at crucial moments
in combination
they are limitless with possibility
weaving out of nothing
take notice then of silence
that sits and waits
giving meaning
to every word
by being
802 reads
Salsa on sale
A sign, that was all
proclaiming in bold red letters
Salsa On Sale
below the letters a cartoonish Mexican
grinned and danced merrily
draped in his festive looking poncho
his sombrero that seemed to big
even for his shadow
along side him a monkey in a smart red vest
and tiny hat doing the same
tin cup in hand they danced together
trying to entice just a few more dollars from the pockets of the passers by
the irony of the moment struck me
Monkeys don't like salsa!
proclaiming in bold red letters
Salsa On Sale
below the letters a cartoonish Mexican
grinned and danced merrily
draped in his festive looking poncho
his sombrero that seemed to big
even for his shadow
along side him a monkey in a smart red vest
and tiny hat doing the same
tin cup in hand they danced together
trying to entice just a few more dollars from the pockets of the passers by
the irony of the moment struck me
Monkeys don't like salsa!
613 reads
1 Comment
Never ever
Take more then you give
Bet more then you have
Spend more then its worth
Write love in the sand
Forget your moms birthday
Don't say things that need to be said
Go to bed angry
Throw love letters away
Get to drunk to walk
Throw the first punch
Keep your Ex-girlfriends number on your Facebook phone app
Lose touch with your friends
Drink to be numb
Forget there are people that still want you around
Run up stairs in crappy flip flops
Lie to someone about the scars that you've got
Take it for granted...
Bet more then you have
Spend more then its worth
Write love in the sand
Forget your moms birthday
Don't say things that need to be said
Go to bed angry
Throw love letters away
Get to drunk to walk
Throw the first punch
Keep your Ex-girlfriends number on your Facebook phone app
Lose touch with your friends
Drink to be numb
Forget there are people that still want you around
Run up stairs in crappy flip flops
Lie to someone about the scars that you've got
Take it for granted...
837 reads
I saw a man
He was a strong man
a tall man
though his back was bent with age
He was a wise man
a kind man
with hair of silver grey
He walked with pride beneath each step
though his boots were caked with mud
his hands were worn with years of work
face brown and lines as a leather glove
He passed a man sitting in the street with his hands upon his knees
at his feet an old fishing hat and a sign that read help me please
Here the man did stop and stare when he might have passed him by
instead he got down on one knee as I looked on in awe...
a tall man
though his back was bent with age
He was a wise man
a kind man
with hair of silver grey
He walked with pride beneath each step
though his boots were caked with mud
his hands were worn with years of work
face brown and lines as a leather glove
He passed a man sitting in the street with his hands upon his knees
at his feet an old fishing hat and a sign that read help me please
Here the man did stop and stare when he might have passed him by
instead he got down on one knee as I looked on in awe...
764 reads
1 Comment
Head banging with weeds
Dandelions thrash to the opening chorus of rattle clank by the chain links
yellow heads bobbing
tussled mops of white thrust back defiantly into the wind
until they lean against one another
exhausted and bald
Foxtails sway
feathered limbs thrumming
raised in the air like they just don't care
drumming to the beat of highway traffic
never alone
but gathered together in tight clusters
wary of outside influence
Thistles nod to smoother tunes
the conservative hemming in the edges
seeming almost out of place
until they throw...
yellow heads bobbing
tussled mops of white thrust back defiantly into the wind
until they lean against one another
exhausted and bald
Foxtails sway
feathered limbs thrumming
raised in the air like they just don't care
drumming to the beat of highway traffic
never alone
but gathered together in tight clusters
wary of outside influence
Thistles nod to smoother tunes
the conservative hemming in the edges
seeming almost out of place
until they throw...
552 reads
1 Comment
Just wait
Dragon lady
Wicked witch
flurry of names that come to mind as you set foot in my domain
disapproval of your glances snapping at my heels
as I glide past
inside there is a hissing chorus
drumming every nerve I've got
raging with this bitter hatred that would cause you to recoil
if you knew
behind the calm exterior
there's a bite like a rattle snake
hackles raised so stay away
back off
get out of my face
sooner then you'd like to think
there will be a day
when the choice will...
Wicked witch
flurry of names that come to mind as you set foot in my domain
disapproval of your glances snapping at my heels
as I glide past
inside there is a hissing chorus
drumming every nerve I've got
raging with this bitter hatred that would cause you to recoil
if you knew
behind the calm exterior
there's a bite like a rattle snake
hackles raised so stay away
back off
get out of my face
sooner then you'd like to think
there will be a day
when the choice will...
624 reads
1 Comment
Pacing the livingroom, possibly naked
It's 3 am
I hate that word... again
it feels so certain
so absolute
that I might never sleep... again
that's why I hate it
and the way the walls feel to close together
as though they could be listening
slowly compressing the doorway to the bedroom
so that it would be impossible to pass through
that I might never climb between the soft warmth of those covers
thick carpet is curling up between my toes
tickling the tired soles of my feet as I pace
passing through the...
I hate that word... again
it feels so certain
so absolute
that I might never sleep... again
that's why I hate it
and the way the walls feel to close together
as though they could be listening
slowly compressing the doorway to the bedroom
so that it would be impossible to pass through
that I might never climb between the soft warmth of those covers
thick carpet is curling up between my toes
tickling the tired soles of my feet as I pace
passing through the...
573 reads
There's a racist on the bus

682 reads
Tune unknown
I don't know what happens next
I've never danced this tune
the steps all feel so out of place
is it one left foot or two?
Through the fox trot
to the tango
maybe a waltz or two
I don't know what happens next
I've never danced this tune
Feel your hand around my waist
your voice close by my ear
Never fear I'm right here
please let me lead the way
We've come a ways with our sashay
Ballets and musicals
a better friend I've never had
then when I danced this tune with you
I've never danced this tune
the steps all feel so out of place
is it one left foot or two?
Through the fox trot
to the tango
maybe a waltz or two
I don't know what happens next
I've never danced this tune
Feel your hand around my waist
your voice close by my ear
Never fear I'm right here
please let me lead the way
We've come a ways with our sashay
Ballets and musicals
a better friend I've never had
then when I danced this tune with you
701 reads
Beat but not broken
Down in the dark
when the day feels to hard
the nights just to long
and there aren't enough stars
sleep just a few hours
drink to much caffeine
slip through the days
like water through sand
think of a letter I never did send
the words I missed saying
when I had the chance
keep walking along
my head in the clouds
much better up here
then down on the ground
down there lies my body
my battered heart too
but up here are my dreams
of a lifetime with you
the roads gave me blisters
the skies gave...
when the day feels to hard
the nights just to long
and there aren't enough stars
sleep just a few hours
drink to much caffeine
slip through the days
like water through sand
think of a letter I never did send
the words I missed saying
when I had the chance
keep walking along
my head in the clouds
much better up here
then down on the ground
down there lies my body
my battered heart too
but up here are my dreams
of a lifetime with you
the roads gave me blisters
the skies gave...
887 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by keys_and_gloves