Submissions by beautifullyME
Poet Introduction
Fresh in it...Simply My Thoughts
After the Pain
After all the pain i still see something in you
Am I blinded by my love
Am I fooling myself by fantasing about that day
Knowing my worth and knowing I wouldn't hurt you
The distance between us grows.......
I'm cheating myself I know but for you I don't care
Being determined to make you see something in me
This blame game we play only seems to push you away
Its not just something ill forget yet I won't leave
Day in day out the picture of you as my girl begins to fade away.
I'm starting to realize just because I love you doesn't mean its meant to be...
Am I blinded by my love
Am I fooling myself by fantasing about that day
Knowing my worth and knowing I wouldn't hurt you
The distance between us grows.......
I'm cheating myself I know but for you I don't care
Being determined to make you see something in me
This blame game we play only seems to push you away
Its not just something ill forget yet I won't leave
Day in day out the picture of you as my girl begins to fade away.
I'm starting to realize just because I love you doesn't mean its meant to be...
924 reads
If Only One Night

2358 reads
Now I Know....
I use to wonder why you called so much
When you were around why you followed my every move
I use to wonder why you didnt understand the feeling weren't mutual
I use to think you were insane, but then I met her........
I'm sure she wonders why I called so much
Why I stuck so close when she was around
Why she would call me crazy and all I had for her was love
I stay because I was In Love just knowing
Knowing she realize how strong my feeling were
She never did just like I didn't then
Thanks to her Now I Know I don't wonder anymore....
When you were around why you followed my every move
I use to wonder why you didnt understand the feeling weren't mutual
I use to think you were insane, but then I met her........
I'm sure she wonders why I called so much
Why I stuck so close when she was around
Why she would call me crazy and all I had for her was love
I stay because I was In Love just knowing
Knowing she realize how strong my feeling were
She never did just like I didn't then
Thanks to her Now I Know I don't wonder anymore....
746 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by beautifullyME