Submissions by Vinci (Stephan)
Till We Meet Again
With a sad sigh
I say goodbye to the world of spoken word
As my imagination dwindles
And the flames of my ideas burn out
Their ashes blown through the wind, riding the breeze
I stare as the light of my glory ends
I lay down the pen that had the power to make universes
I renounce the potential of creation at the tips of my fingers
After choosing my own road and leaving a trail
Instead of following the ways carved and walked by many
My journey ends where it started
An ill lit room where the darkness at the bowels of humanity is set free ...
I say goodbye to the world of spoken word
As my imagination dwindles
And the flames of my ideas burn out
Their ashes blown through the wind, riding the breeze
I stare as the light of my glory ends
I lay down the pen that had the power to make universes
I renounce the potential of creation at the tips of my fingers
After choosing my own road and leaving a trail
Instead of following the ways carved and walked by many
My journey ends where it started
An ill lit room where the darkness at the bowels of humanity is set free ...
383 reads
One Man
Just one man
A world of horror and pain
And against it stood
Just one man
Alone, he stood and he saw
He watched as his people are persecuted
He watched as his family was cut down
He watched as babies where torn from their mothers
He watched as his sisters were forced to flee
He watched as husbands turned on their wives
As neighbors cheered as their supposed friends were killed
He watched as his brothers were hunted
Killed for who they were
Killed for where they were born
Killed for how they were born
He watched as his...
A world of horror and pain
And against it stood
Just one man
Alone, he stood and he saw
He watched as his people are persecuted
He watched as his family was cut down
He watched as babies where torn from their mothers
He watched as his sisters were forced to flee
He watched as husbands turned on their wives
As neighbors cheered as their supposed friends were killed
He watched as his brothers were hunted
Killed for who they were
Killed for where they were born
Killed for how they were born
He watched as his...
432 reads
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My Better Half
My love
Her voice as warm as the morning sun
Her smile brighter than the stars in a clear sky
Her twinkling coal eyes, a vacuum sucking my being in
With her words she weaves her magic on me
A light to brighten my way
Along the narrow roads, the twists, the turns
The fork roads of indecision and doubt
Along the endless ups and downs
The rollercoaster rides of life
She remains my constant
A lifeline
I was always on the outside looking in
And whenever I looked in
All I saw inside me was her
She is the best thing that has...
Her voice as warm as the morning sun
Her smile brighter than the stars in a clear sky
Her twinkling coal eyes, a vacuum sucking my being in
With her words she weaves her magic on me
A light to brighten my way
Along the narrow roads, the twists, the turns
The fork roads of indecision and doubt
Along the endless ups and downs
The rollercoaster rides of life
She remains my constant
A lifeline
I was always on the outside looking in
And whenever I looked in
All I saw inside me was her
She is the best thing that has...
470 reads
My Story, Your Story.
My story starts the same as all stories
With the birth of a child
The embodiment of innocence
Quick to laugh with no malice in my heart
An easy smile and a twinkle in my eyes
Since I wasn't born or raised in a tower
Since I wasn't locked away from the world
I looked, I saw and I changed.
The twinkle dimmed down
As I became a shadow of who I was
The smiles became fewer and far between
As my identity slipped away, replaced by masks
Masks forced onto me so I can fit in
To make my place in society I had to make personas ...
With the birth of a child
The embodiment of innocence
Quick to laugh with no malice in my heart
An easy smile and a twinkle in my eyes
Since I wasn't born or raised in a tower
Since I wasn't locked away from the world
I looked, I saw and I changed.
The twinkle dimmed down
As I became a shadow of who I was
The smiles became fewer and far between
As my identity slipped away, replaced by masks
Masks forced onto me so I can fit in
To make my place in society I had to make personas ...
469 reads
Player Player
Player, player
Watch your game
An ace from the deck of hearts
A weaver of words
An enchanter and a charmer
A liar, a breaker and a faker
An atrocity for some
A role model for more
A flawed human for none
The views vary and intertwine
Like the guilt he carries from acting like a swine
Blends with the reason he won't leave it all behind
Is it because he is a heartless monster?
He enjoys breaking hearts as he pleases
He is a bastard who plays with the feelings of women
He is a macho who chases, charms, uses...
Watch your game
An ace from the deck of hearts
A weaver of words
An enchanter and a charmer
A liar, a breaker and a faker
An atrocity for some
A role model for more
A flawed human for none
The views vary and intertwine
Like the guilt he carries from acting like a swine
Blends with the reason he won't leave it all behind
Is it because he is a heartless monster?
He enjoys breaking hearts as he pleases
He is a bastard who plays with the feelings of women
He is a macho who chases, charms, uses...
424 reads
Dear demoiselle en détresse,
I’m sorry I’m not the prince charming you expected
Who would run after you as the clock hit midnight
Or fight my way through all perils to free you from your slumber with a kiss
I’m sorry I’m the one who would rather spend his evening in his room
Surrounded by books rather than waste the night away at a party
The one who’s idea of a perfect date is eating our way through a pizza
While talking about everything and nothing
Instead of a candlelight dinner making promises we both know we can’t keep
The one who balls with...
I’m sorry I’m not the prince charming you expected
Who would run after you as the clock hit midnight
Or fight my way through all perils to free you from your slumber with a kiss
I’m sorry I’m the one who would rather spend his evening in his room
Surrounded by books rather than waste the night away at a party
The one who’s idea of a perfect date is eating our way through a pizza
While talking about everything and nothing
Instead of a candlelight dinner making promises we both know we can’t keep
The one who balls with...
491 reads
I Look Up
Look up
Tell me what you see
The stars, the clouds, the Sun
Majestic winged beauties in all their glory
The wonders of God and Man
Time and time again I wish for wings to take flight
Leave it all behind and flee
But life in its eternal irony has me grounded
And to add insult to injury
The only time I look to the skies is when I can't see
To me, it's all a blur
Because my vision is clouded
I descry the vague shapes like I am watching through a shattered lens
Yes, I look up
But not to appreciate the view
No, I look up to...
Tell me what you see
The stars, the clouds, the Sun
Majestic winged beauties in all their glory
The wonders of God and Man
Time and time again I wish for wings to take flight
Leave it all behind and flee
But life in its eternal irony has me grounded
And to add insult to injury
The only time I look to the skies is when I can't see
To me, it's all a blur
Because my vision is clouded
I descry the vague shapes like I am watching through a shattered lens
Yes, I look up
But not to appreciate the view
No, I look up to...
406 reads
To Love In Vain
It was a normal day when fate put you in my way
A gift or punishment, I'll never know
You were a revelation, a sight from heaven
At the time I had forgotten that the devil himself was an angel
And you were a perfect advocate with your skinny jeans, crop top and sneakers
So I fell hard and with no restraint
For your attention I'd endure every pain
For your love, I'd walk through the strain
I took it all in my stride all for hope
Hope that you would notice me
Hope that it would finally click that I'm the only one for you
I was wrong ...
A gift or punishment, I'll never know
You were a revelation, a sight from heaven
At the time I had forgotten that the devil himself was an angel
And you were a perfect advocate with your skinny jeans, crop top and sneakers
So I fell hard and with no restraint
For your attention I'd endure every pain
For your love, I'd walk through the strain
I took it all in my stride all for hope
Hope that you would notice me
Hope that it would finally click that I'm the only one for you
I was wrong ...
502 reads
As It Ends
As I stand alone on the edge
The abyss although beneath me
Looms over my soul and weighs me down
The void beckons me closer
As soft and gentle as a lover's touch
Enticing, twisting, tormenting but I love her nonetheless
But for all its reassurences it is naught but a liar
A harsh mistress
But in her arms my eyes finally open
And I see
Yes I see
I see the world end
It goes down screaming
But who cares since there is no one to hear it
Like a majestic oak
Struck down it begins a slow decent to the ground
In an empty...
The abyss although beneath me
Looms over my soul and weighs me down
The void beckons me closer
As soft and gentle as a lover's touch
Enticing, twisting, tormenting but I love her nonetheless
But for all its reassurences it is naught but a liar
A harsh mistress
But in her arms my eyes finally open
And I see
Yes I see
I see the world end
It goes down screaming
But who cares since there is no one to hear it
Like a majestic oak
Struck down it begins a slow decent to the ground
In an empty...
528 reads
What is life?
What is life?
From far and wide that question resounds
Like the chiming of the morning clock
In the dark where the dawn has yet to break
That question howls across minds with the fury of a thousand winds it sounds.
And for all the pride that the brightest minds bestow in their intellect
They have yet to answer that one question
Along with every other mystery that is yet to be solved
And new ones each day we detect
Curious by nature we question
The past, the present, the future
For fear of the unknown we forsake revolution and evolution ...
From far and wide that question resounds
Like the chiming of the morning clock
In the dark where the dawn has yet to break
That question howls across minds with the fury of a thousand winds it sounds.
And for all the pride that the brightest minds bestow in their intellect
They have yet to answer that one question
Along with every other mystery that is yet to be solved
And new ones each day we detect
Curious by nature we question
The past, the present, the future
For fear of the unknown we forsake revolution and evolution ...
531 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by Vinci (Stephan)