Submissions by Smookdhapoet
Poet Introduction
I may not have alot but at least I'll always have God, & my poems
Listen Silent
Why you continue to taunt dealn fronts I owe wat I knw I grow & grow roots running deep gotta keep wat you kill dishes served patients at itz virtue V.I.P reserved for violence R.I.P delicacy dha smoothness of a smooth criminal your a gentlemen respected is your motto being such an hard act to follow oceans so shallow
Watz dha side dhatz winning wit everything being had a sale toe tagged glad I got my herbal relieve & best believe I got my 40 too feeling god's touch touching me making his statement a displacement
Lighting my port realizing dha reflection is ntn but...
Watz dha side dhatz winning wit everything being had a sale toe tagged glad I got my herbal relieve & best believe I got my 40 too feeling god's touch touching me making his statement a displacement
Lighting my port realizing dha reflection is ntn but...
621 reads
Hatz & Cloths off
I be so far gone you'll think Ima fiene til itz 2 late mean!!! stories becomes plots & remain ntn mo than a folk tale well....... I'm in my bucket so a nigga said fuck it so roll it spark it & pass dha bytch I levitate so I can't be stiff new realms ready to burst so to dha next verse
My gift my curse riding shot gun in dha hurse staring at death n my rear view mirror lyke I suppose ta fuck fear so watz holdn ya trippy trippy reality is silly so u gotta pour up & get torn up for itz dha only way 2 war up so wazzup who dares shyt on my dream get dropped on my GP team stop...
My gift my curse riding shot gun in dha hurse staring at death n my rear view mirror lyke I suppose ta fuck fear so watz holdn ya trippy trippy reality is silly so u gotta pour up & get torn up for itz dha only way 2 war up so wazzup who dares shyt on my dream get dropped on my GP team stop...
619 reads
Yo yo yo I sit up in this room reminiscing on dha places I've been partying in my sin yet ima Christian man truth beyond truth non understand no negotiations we can't comprehend just agree to disagree dhatz dha end.....
Written in fine print more phophets waa sent more dead than alive dha hustle thrive one mo night lord just one mo night all in wit my chipz being low letting dha dice roll but catch it if I get snake eye's surprise gott em I can neva relax I'm alwayz on go for better or worse on vowes I swore til flatline in dha middle of dha war
Honestly I got say I ain't...
Written in fine print more phophets waa sent more dead than alive dha hustle thrive one mo night lord just one mo night all in wit my chipz being low letting dha dice roll but catch it if I get snake eye's surprise gott em I can neva relax I'm alwayz on go for better or worse on vowes I swore til flatline in dha middle of dha war
Honestly I got say I ain't...
628 reads
Integrity Thoughts
Okay my faith is strong choices be wrong Jesus carry dha cross I carry dha boulder while popz got creation on his shoulders but wait it was a breathe his breath now'z dere only a144,000 left kill or be killed death is only guaranteed coma itz only lead
Ain't gotta Clue to Guess Who falling to get to you for admittedly until I opened dha blinds I would've neva met dha sun ya son follow I follow vanity vanity dhatz shallow watz a Kingsman without his crown my loca her brown
Beauty in dha making souls awakening shaping into this image dhat includes chief keefing in dha hot...
Ain't gotta Clue to Guess Who falling to get to you for admittedly until I opened dha blinds I would've neva met dha sun ya son follow I follow vanity vanity dhatz shallow watz a Kingsman without his crown my loca her brown
Beauty in dha making souls awakening shaping into this image dhat includes chief keefing in dha hot...
636 reads
Can you fill it senses drift amongst dha universal kiss exist yeah everything does just as it was yes mind over matter no matters in my mind experienced dha crucifixion stars align & all dha planets shifted rifted n dha dimensions flood dha supernatural suspicious a mark dhat we all bare
My head is busted mirage of clusters beat beat beat heart bang bang bang start this volcano erupted xploded outa dreams of dha cosmos I'm exposed exposed n dha heart of dha kingdom exile dha genocide for searching for wisdom cnt judge so I punch
Steady punching death until I have ntn...
My head is busted mirage of clusters beat beat beat heart bang bang bang start this volcano erupted xploded outa dreams of dha cosmos I'm exposed exposed n dha heart of dha kingdom exile dha genocide for searching for wisdom cnt judge so I punch
Steady punching death until I have ntn...
647 reads
Captivated Thought
Pleads in motion eve took dha potion commotion erupted peace I'm sippn & watchn Da Vinci both on our final episode exposed dha talk still to this day I park on the walk with every port that I spark heavy wages of truth & right fight thru dha night
Ying & yang supple a system we can't denial a special court case face on trail dha feather with dha softest touch custody liquor pass dha dutch playing space lyke a device twice as nice 1 for certain 2 do 3 ways 4eva I love you
Last dayz are last dayz dhey have no end something only your sheeps comprehend how I can...
Ying & yang supple a system we can't denial a special court case face on trail dha feather with dha softest touch custody liquor pass dha dutch playing space lyke a device twice as nice 1 for certain 2 do 3 ways 4eva I love you
Last dayz are last dayz dhey have no end something only your sheeps comprehend how I can...
664 reads
Bleaked Mind
Space just got belittled cause it can't hold dha thoughts of my mind even time neglected to find dhat yet some how I left speed of light at dha starting line oh what in shame a real ashame existance barely can process dhat new realms had open up just to clean dha mess
Organizations be organized in dere collaborations hosting celebrations fade to black blackout & black listed so more than 80% of dha total population missed it see I think outside dha box I think outside of park on dha walk I've discov swimming against the tide going against dha grain
how to avoid dha...
Organizations be organized in dere collaborations hosting celebrations fade to black blackout & black listed so more than 80% of dha total population missed it see I think outside dha box I think outside of park on dha walk I've discov swimming against the tide going against dha grain
how to avoid dha...
646 reads
the asylum have moved to my head I blinked twice & woke up dead spread the virus fighting demons toe to toe for a whole different reason thus be the season wen it rains it pours sweat glands spilln blood outa my pores there goes that awkward moment silence has risen gone in my self inflicted prison infested in one clean sweep our genes of mutations love with all its frustrations
Flipped upside dwn topsy turvy swimming with the cheetahs running with the sharks heart of the lion sparks burning like blackwoods yankn the entourage in the hoods however still remains the missing peace...
Flipped upside dwn topsy turvy swimming with the cheetahs running with the sharks heart of the lion sparks burning like blackwoods yankn the entourage in the hoods however still remains the missing peace...
603 reads
Anniversary lyrics
Dear love do you feel the love knowing without a doubt we're meant from above I may bust this rhyme but you wrote this line it's 11-26-11 redefined
In harmony for eternally you & me bliss of our matrimony me and you the passion grew gone with the wind hearts beat lyke a drum pause........ I applause you along with everything that you do your tyme is more cherished than on a beach watchn the sunset more precious every second 4rm we first met I apologize cause my body don't exist with the emotions I feel so I ask....
Dear love do you feel the love knowing without a doubt...
In harmony for eternally you & me bliss of our matrimony me and you the passion grew gone with the wind hearts beat lyke a drum pause........ I applause you along with everything that you do your tyme is more cherished than on a beach watchn the sunset more precious every second 4rm we first met I apologize cause my body don't exist with the emotions I feel so I ask....
Dear love do you feel the love knowing without a doubt...
734 reads
talkn tipsy
I'm steady looking out while people lookn in judging me of my sin like it ain't part of our nature cursed by being genetically DNA infected so it ain't ntn major I gotta wife & a sissy who's always down to ride the best of the best outa the worst of worst crest of our family pride
rather there's a dutch in the air or plenty of shots to share we're a bit off krazy and deranged communication I lik strange its love & respect love & respect unneglectedly can't be proven proudly accepted unfucknbelievable grooven
living in peace still a king but a thrown I release...
rather there's a dutch in the air or plenty of shots to share we're a bit off krazy and deranged communication I lik strange its love & respect love & respect unneglectedly can't be proven proudly accepted unfucknbelievable grooven
living in peace still a king but a thrown I release...
611 reads
Stopped n breathed n love n peace all is incline a weight off dha shoulders no worries dha mind living out dha dream dhat i see never things neva bn clearer even problems seize 2 b sayn Yes 2 his will being bless while blessing his name cause outa dha Valley of dha shadow of death i over came givin my testament thru poetic justice as i should presenting my gift 4rm tho who is endlessly good for his heart is purity made outa light so i bind dha devil & thrive 2 fight & continue 2 pray 4 all those who souled out bestowing ntn but peace love & happiness which is wat lyfe is all about...
525 reads
Is it fate
All is written so itz truly ntn dhat dha heavenly father dnt knw yet many move in secrecy thinkn they hiding something but not at all. For what goes on in the dark you cnt hide in the light, & the heavenly is the light he knows everything that your gonna say, do & think before you even have a clue. In his mysteries ways that he works yet he keeps all completely blunt. You just got 2 open ya other eyes dha 1's dhat has no blind side so u can not see but understand dha truth fully recognizing the Real Vs dha Fake. I admit things always tend to get worst before they get better, but dhat...
673 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Smookdhapoet