Submissions by Paulajobi (Paula Jobi)
Poet Introduction
I started writing these type pieces around 2005. I was one of many writers on a porn site that closed in 2008. That left me no outlet for my frustrations. I just sank into life as it bit me in the ass repeatedly. Not good. I'm going to try again.
Ladies Room Conquest
You are crying...
I've been there and back...
...lean on me!
It's ok...
you don't have to
go back out there!
My name is Paula.
Nice to meet you!
You have a pretty smile.
Yes you do!
I have no reason to lie.
You're shaking.
Come here!
I will comfort you.
I will walk you out.
No one should make
anyone hurt this way.
You didn't deserve this!
They always say...
that it's your fault!
Honey, that's abuse!
I have been where you are.
No one comforted...
I've been there and back...
...lean on me!
It's ok...
you don't have to
go back out there!
My name is Paula.
Nice to meet you!
You have a pretty smile.
Yes you do!
I have no reason to lie.
You're shaking.
Come here!
I will comfort you.
I will walk you out.
No one should make
anyone hurt this way.
You didn't deserve this!
They always say...
that it's your fault!
Honey, that's abuse!
I have been where you are.
No one comforted...
87 reads
$20 Frankie
Frankie is a gurl...
...a wannabe girl...
...very passable!
Without the makeup...
...and very close shave...
...and, of course the fake boobs...
Frankie looks like Elliot Page.
Made up...he looks like Ellen Page!
That's where he got the idea!
Ellen transitioned to Elliot.
Frankie just fakes it!
Convincingly well!
He turns tricks in the alley..
...outside my window...
...and in cars cruising here!
He likes guys!
He loves $$$
Blowjobs only!
Special panties tuck... ...
...a wannabe girl...
...very passable!
Without the makeup...
...and very close shave...
...and, of course the fake boobs...
Frankie looks like Elliot Page.
Made up...he looks like Ellen Page!
That's where he got the idea!
Ellen transitioned to Elliot.
Frankie just fakes it!
Convincingly well!
He turns tricks in the alley..
...outside my window...
...and in cars cruising here!
He likes guys!
He loves $$$
Blowjobs only!
Special panties tuck... ...
#money #sex
#money #sex
99 reads
Holy Shit!
God and I are having disagreements...
God said, "Let there be light!"
I said, "Let there be light beer!"
God created Eve from Adam's rib.
I ordered a plate of ribs for a hot lesbian orgy!
Satan, disguised as a snake, tempted Eve and she and Adam ate the forbidden fruit and were banished from the Garden of Eden.
I said, "Wait a minute! God tempted them by putting the forbidden fruit there in the first place!"
God said,...
God said, "Let there be light!"
I said, "Let there be light beer!"
God created Eve from Adam's rib.
I ordered a plate of ribs for a hot lesbian orgy!
Satan, disguised as a snake, tempted Eve and she and Adam ate the forbidden fruit and were banished from the Garden of Eden.
I said, "Wait a minute! God tempted them by putting the forbidden fruit there in the first place!"
God said,...
80 reads
Buffalo NY Sunday (Parody)
Buffalo NY Sunday
Pleasant Valley Sunday (Parody)
The kid who raps is down the street
...someone just kicked his ass!
He sang of doing bitches to a...
lady dressed up for mass!
Another Buffalo NY Sunday...
empty houses burning everywhere...
so many burkas that are all the same...
...a ghetto in such disrepair.
Mohammed's wife's a tween -
she's years away from legal vote..
Abdul has just been charged...
for making his goat!
Another Buffalo NY...
Pleasant Valley Sunday (Parody)
The kid who raps is down the street
...someone just kicked his ass!
He sang of doing bitches to a...
lady dressed up for mass!
Another Buffalo NY Sunday...
empty houses burning everywhere...
so many burkas that are all the same...
...a ghetto in such disrepair.
Mohammed's wife's a tween -
she's years away from legal vote..
Abdul has just been charged...
for making his goat!
Another Buffalo NY...
84 reads
All About Balls!

361 reads
Did I Learn From It? Nope!
Don't be me!
Make the choices you THOUGHT ABOUT. Don't back out at the last moment! Don't get scared and quit or give up. Unless that is what you were thinking about! Don't be me and stick with status quo because...It's all I Knew!
When I was abused physically, emotionally, and sexually as a child - I did not speak up. I was scared to get hurt for telling so I remained and was hurt far more...but it was all I knew.
Don't be me!
I waited as a child for my mother to love me. If I had been removed I would have lost that chance at being loved. She...
Make the choices you THOUGHT ABOUT. Don't back out at the last moment! Don't get scared and quit or give up. Unless that is what you were thinking about! Don't be me and stick with status quo because...It's all I Knew!
When I was abused physically, emotionally, and sexually as a child - I did not speak up. I was scared to get hurt for telling so I remained and was hurt far more...but it was all I knew.
Don't be me!
I waited as a child for my mother to love me. If I had been removed I would have lost that chance at being loved. She...
87 reads
The Bartender's Tip
I get his tip and what I do
to him is my tip & bar tab!
I take his tip into my warm
wet mouth greedily wanting
to taste him! I fondle his
nuts and he moans and we
are both happy when he cums.
I keep it simple with cheap beer
and then a shot of peach schnapps
I order when I am leaving.
Until next time, Tony.
to him is my tip & bar tab!
I take his tip into my warm
wet mouth greedily wanting
to taste him! I fondle his
nuts and he moans and we
are both happy when he cums.
I keep it simple with cheap beer
and then a shot of peach schnapps
I order when I am leaving.
Until next time, Tony.
150 reads
I have a windowless closet
in my apartment that I
sometimes lock myself in
and use it as a deprivation chamber.
I know that sounds weird but
it shuts me off from all stimuli.
Locks are on the inside.
I have my knife!
I use sound damping headphones
that shut off nearly all noise.
I bring a bottle of water that I sip and
my huge pillow and a thick blanket.
I think about one topic or try to
remember things forgotten.
I have alot of memory gaps.
I have no fear in that closet.
I come out when ...
in my apartment that I
sometimes lock myself in
and use it as a deprivation chamber.
I know that sounds weird but
it shuts me off from all stimuli.
Locks are on the inside.
I have my knife!
I use sound damping headphones
that shut off nearly all noise.
I bring a bottle of water that I sip and
my huge pillow and a thick blanket.
I think about one topic or try to
remember things forgotten.
I have alot of memory gaps.
I have no fear in that closet.
I come out when ...
78 reads
A Suzy Fantasy...what if?

166 reads
Campground Swimming Pool

117 reads
Summer 1994: Camping Again!

72 reads
It was at a campground in Virginia Beach... Fat boy took us camping. It was my first time. It was a small tent that barely held us and our sleeping bag. Fat Boy was about 350 lbs and I was heavier right then at about 200. This was summer 1994 and very hot.
We got there at 4pm. We stocked munchies for two days in the car. No room in the tent. We had stopped on the way at a Ponderosa and he had pigged out. After the tent was up he went to shit in the woods. I pointed out the bathrooms but he wanted to shit in the woods. I found out later that he had a boyfriend who followed us...
We got there at 4pm. We stocked munchies for two days in the car. No room in the tent. We had stopped on the way at a Ponderosa and he had pigged out. After the tent was up he went to shit in the woods. I pointed out the bathrooms but he wanted to shit in the woods. I found out later that he had a boyfriend who followed us...
72 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by Paulajobi (Paula Jobi)