Submissions by LillyRosa
Poet Introduction
Poetry is the window to my mind
Your Smile
Never have I seen
Someone smile like you do
Cause you smile with your eyes
That have nothing to hide
They say a smile
Could light up a room
Yet yours
Lights up the entire universe
Why don't I, just once
Make you smile like you do?
So you can light up my day
Wash the darkness away
Won't you be my lighthouse
That flickers in the infinite darkness?
A prize I obtain
At the end of a long day
Someone smile like you do
Cause you smile with your eyes
That have nothing to hide
They say a smile
Could light up a room
Yet yours
Lights up the entire universe
Why don't I, just once
Make you smile like you do?
So you can light up my day
Wash the darkness away
Won't you be my lighthouse
That flickers in the infinite darkness?
A prize I obtain
At the end of a long day
253 reads
Es dauerte nur eine Sekunde
Ein einziger Glanz
Wie auf Zufall
Richteten sich meine Augen
Auf deiner
Du standest über alle
Dein Gesicht war klar
Auch wenn es kaum Licht gab
Und wir in der Menschen Masse
Doch neben dir stand eine andere
Sie mochte dich auch
Doch sie, im Gegensatz
Hatte mehr Glück
Denn sie hielt deine Hand
In einem Paralleluniversum
Irgendwo da draußen
Existieren nur wir beide
Und deine Augen suchen nur meine
Ein einziger Glanz
Wie auf Zufall
Richteten sich meine Augen
Auf deiner
Du standest über alle
Dein Gesicht war klar
Auch wenn es kaum Licht gab
Und wir in der Menschen Masse
Doch neben dir stand eine andere
Sie mochte dich auch
Doch sie, im Gegensatz
Hatte mehr Glück
Denn sie hielt deine Hand
In einem Paralleluniversum
Irgendwo da draußen
Existieren nur wir beide
Und deine Augen suchen nur meine
148 reads
Often times I find myself
Angry at my thoughts
Frustrated with myself
And all the things I do
Sometimes I wish
That there was a switch
To turn off my thoughts
Make them just background noise
Yet today I found myself
Looking at myself
And I saw my emotions
Reflect in the mirror
How unique they are
My thoughts and feelings
That only I feel
Only I create
Angry at my thoughts
Frustrated with myself
And all the things I do
Sometimes I wish
That there was a switch
To turn off my thoughts
Make them just background noise
Yet today I found myself
Looking at myself
And I saw my emotions
Reflect in the mirror
How unique they are
My thoughts and feelings
That only I feel
Only I create
194 reads
Beauty Salon
Is this what I have to do
In order to be pretty?
Is this what I should wear
To be considered sexy?
First dress up
With the shortest skirt you own
Next your make-up
Apply it until you're unrecognizable
Go to the club
Take a few shots
Dance in the middle of the crowd
Flirt with all the boys
And when he calls you pretty
You feel a little better
Because you can't say that to yourself
You need his confirmation
Is that what it takes to feel loved?
Is that what it takes to be...
In order to be pretty?
Is this what I should wear
To be considered sexy?
First dress up
With the shortest skirt you own
Next your make-up
Apply it until you're unrecognizable
Go to the club
Take a few shots
Dance in the middle of the crowd
Flirt with all the boys
And when he calls you pretty
You feel a little better
Because you can't say that to yourself
You need his confirmation
Is that what it takes to feel loved?
Is that what it takes to be...
159 reads
Glass Doll
I'm made of fragile glass
One fall and I crash
And as the ground shakes
I fit the pieces back together
Tell me I'm beautiful
Because I can't see
Tell me you love me
Because my heart has ceased to beat
All those things that they say
Float right above my head
A cloud gray and angry
That rains daggers down on me
And I stay still
Taking the sharp pain in
Because all the walls I built
Have long since broken down
One fall and I crash
And as the ground shakes
I fit the pieces back together
Tell me I'm beautiful
Because I can't see
Tell me you love me
Because my heart has ceased to beat
All those things that they say
Float right above my head
A cloud gray and angry
That rains daggers down on me
And I stay still
Taking the sharp pain in
Because all the walls I built
Have long since broken down
202 reads
Behind a Mask
Every time I take a step outside
I have to pretend to be someone else
Cause I don't want to draw you into my madness
I don't want to show you all the sadness
And you might be thinking
That I look just fine
That when I smile and laugh it's all alright
But you'll never be able to understand
And it's my fault for not giving you a chance
But you're just so good to me
I would hate to erase
That childlike happiness on your face
You don't need my misery
So I think I'll stay quiet for now
Let me enjoy...
I have to pretend to be someone else
Cause I don't want to draw you into my madness
I don't want to show you all the sadness
And you might be thinking
That I look just fine
That when I smile and laugh it's all alright
But you'll never be able to understand
And it's my fault for not giving you a chance
But you're just so good to me
I would hate to erase
That childlike happiness on your face
You don't need my misery
So I think I'll stay quiet for now
Let me enjoy...
193 reads
Night Fever
This party is too much for me
So I step out to the night
At the edge of the moonlit lake
I see your perfect silhouette
You shift your eyes upon me
In your hand a lightened cigarette
That your tender fingers grasp
With such a raw delicacy
Both our spirits under the influence
Thus I feel no fear or hesitation
As I let myself slip down beside you
My hand reaching out for your cigar
Speaking about anything
Laughing about everything
We lie down on the warm grass
Hand in hand, shoulder to...
So I step out to the night
At the edge of the moonlit lake
I see your perfect silhouette
You shift your eyes upon me
In your hand a lightened cigarette
That your tender fingers grasp
With such a raw delicacy
Both our spirits under the influence
Thus I feel no fear or hesitation
As I let myself slip down beside you
My hand reaching out for your cigar
Speaking about anything
Laughing about everything
We lie down on the warm grass
Hand in hand, shoulder to...
227 reads
Wait For Me
Turn my gaze and you're no longer there
Search for you in an endless maze
Step outside to the blinding light
Your silhouette casting shadows on the ground
Won't you wait for me?
Won't you turn around?
Won't you look me one last time in the eyes?
Can't cry out when you're so far away
Just run until I reach you
Until my legs won't be able to bare it
And my lungs will light on fire
At the end of the world we meet
Your eyes look blankly down on me
And my heart aches, my throat tightens
As I make out...
Search for you in an endless maze
Step outside to the blinding light
Your silhouette casting shadows on the ground
Won't you wait for me?
Won't you turn around?
Won't you look me one last time in the eyes?
Can't cry out when you're so far away
Just run until I reach you
Until my legs won't be able to bare it
And my lungs will light on fire
At the end of the world we meet
Your eyes look blankly down on me
And my heart aches, my throat tightens
As I make out...
183 reads
Can't have what you can't take
Can't give what you don't have
Stuck with what God gave you
For good and for bad
Don't try to deny yourself
It will just go in vain
Learn how to love myself
Cause that's all that I have
Routine of my day to day life
Same people same faces
People who love me and whom I love
But sometimes the air gets hard to breathe
A fire in me lights up my deepest desire
And my legs take me somewhere
Far away
Can't give what you don't have
Stuck with what God gave you
For good and for bad
Don't try to deny yourself
It will just go in vain
Learn how to love myself
Cause that's all that I have
Routine of my day to day life
Same people same faces
People who love me and whom I love
But sometimes the air gets hard to breathe
A fire in me lights up my deepest desire
And my legs take me somewhere
Far away
150 reads
Lay me down here
On your bed
Let me look into your eyes
Lose myself in them
And as your soft lips
Attach themselves to mine
I'm drugged by the sensation
Can't focus on anything but your touch
Feel the heat waves of your body
Your hands find every part of my skin
Every sound that you create
Makes me want to give you full control of me
Mind and body out of reach
The pleasure consumes every part of me
Pure euphoria as I close my eyes
Letting it take me to paradise
On your bed
Let me look into your eyes
Lose myself in them
And as your soft lips
Attach themselves to mine
I'm drugged by the sensation
Can't focus on anything but your touch
Feel the heat waves of your body
Your hands find every part of my skin
Every sound that you create
Makes me want to give you full control of me
Mind and body out of reach
The pleasure consumes every part of me
Pure euphoria as I close my eyes
Letting it take me to paradise
311 reads
Falling down the rabbit hole
Sitting here
I'm slowly losing focus on what's real
Don't close your eyes
Your mind will lead you down endless paths
Seeing into the past
Wishing that now I could go back
Stronger and more mature
To correct everything that has gone wrong
Eyes wide open
Reality hits me without a warning
And for a moment
I'm present in body but my thoughts linger
Suddenly, your voice
Arouses in hazey waves through the void
Like bells ringing underwater
Your presence brings me back onshore
I'm slowly losing focus on what's real
Don't close your eyes
Your mind will lead you down endless paths
Seeing into the past
Wishing that now I could go back
Stronger and more mature
To correct everything that has gone wrong
Eyes wide open
Reality hits me without a warning
And for a moment
I'm present in body but my thoughts linger
Suddenly, your voice
Arouses in hazey waves through the void
Like bells ringing underwater
Your presence brings me back onshore
169 reads
Lost Myself
Ich drehe mich im Kreis herum
Mein Platz auf dieser Erde zu finden
Doch alleine schaff' ich das nicht
Ich brauche dich
An meiner Seite stehend
So viele Menschen an so vielen Orten
Hat etwas tu tun
Und ich stehe hier, mitten im nirgendwo
Auf irgendwas
Nichts passiert, Straße steht verlassen
Nur der funkeln der Laternen, begleitet mich
Mein Platz auf dieser Erde zu finden
Doch alleine schaff' ich das nicht
Ich brauche dich
An meiner Seite stehend
So viele Menschen an so vielen Orten
Hat etwas tu tun
Und ich stehe hier, mitten im nirgendwo
Auf irgendwas
Nichts passiert, Straße steht verlassen
Nur der funkeln der Laternen, begleitet mich
166 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by LillyRosa