Submissions by LesAngelWi (SSensitiveSoul)
Poet Introduction
I have been writing since I was teenager. I just recently started writing erotic.I write about varying subjects. I was just looking for a place for others to read my stuff and hopefully not judge. Hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment.
I close my eyes and dive
into the toxicity that is you.
You are poisonous
steadily killing me.
Im addicted
I need to have it
the slow slow death.
The toxicity that is you.
into the toxicity that is you.
You are poisonous
steadily killing me.
Im addicted
I need to have it
the slow slow death.
The toxicity that is you.
1308 reads
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Whatever (Journal entry)
I really hate that word, whatever. What does it even mean? Does it mean your tired of me being right. Im always there for you, physically and emotionally but you cant do the same. Through death, relationships, joblessness and depression Im always there. Why cant you do the same me? Are you afraid someone will love me when you couldnt? Are you jealous? Or are you just unable to? I cant say I wasnt warned, that you would just steal my heart and play with it. You have to have you cake and eat it too. Im not a goody to be devoured when you feel like it. I needed a friend, someone to talk to, cry...
806 reads
more pain
As I sit on bed surrounded by a dozen pillows in the dark running water from the fish tank far off in the back ground I stalk your movement through the technology before me the glow of the screen the tapping of my nails on the keyboard your name, her name, your postings the ones you think I cant see your blazen lies typed across my laptop for the world to see but not me the pain of your words through my heart like a knife the heat of my anger flush through my chest aching in my head text messages sent regretfully knowing there will be more lies arguements and my own stupidity
903 reads
Deceit, lies, unthruths
whatever you call them
Pain, dishonesty, heartache
that what I call it.
Am I worth so little
My feelings mean less.
My tears mean nothing.
Your happiness is all that matters
whatever you call them
Pain, dishonesty, heartache
that what I call it.
Am I worth so little
My feelings mean less.
My tears mean nothing.
Your happiness is all that matters
831 reads
I need to possess
to have
to own
the sweetness with-in.
I need to feel
to touch
to explore
the silhouette beside me.
I need to consume
to devour
to deplete
your deepened soul.
The need drives me hunger, consumes my thoughts
its all desire.
to have
to own
the sweetness with-in.
I need to feel
to touch
to explore
the silhouette beside me.
I need to consume
to devour
to deplete
your deepened soul.
The need drives me hunger, consumes my thoughts
its all desire.
857 reads
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dont think ahead
A fuck is just a fuck,
a lay is just a lay,
sex is just sex
unless you think ahead
and then it becomes more.
More one-sided
more heartache
more pain
more nothing
a lay is just a lay,
sex is just sex
unless you think ahead
and then it becomes more.
More one-sided
more heartache
more pain
more nothing
772 reads
Sitting in a pit of dispair,
ladder of opportunity fleeting
slightly out of grasp, beyond my fingertips.
My dreams crushed, non-existent
under the weight of reality.
Sadness, anger and hatred
for my life that is nothing.
ladder of opportunity fleeting
slightly out of grasp, beyond my fingertips.
My dreams crushed, non-existent
under the weight of reality.
Sadness, anger and hatred
for my life that is nothing.
782 reads
I have tracked you for
hours, days weeks maybe months.
Something about you I just have
to have.
The look in your eyes
the slowing of your heart
your shallow breath.
As i approach, take you by surprise
plunge my knife into your soul
easing you down,
Your life I have collected
hours, days weeks maybe months.
Something about you I just have
to have.
The look in your eyes
the slowing of your heart
your shallow breath.
As i approach, take you by surprise
plunge my knife into your soul
easing you down,
Your life I have collected
1021 reads
God vs. Satan
Angel vs. Demon
Good vs. Evil
Heaven vs. Hell
No clear line
they are all entwined.
Truth and fairytale,
what is real?
No one really knows
Angel vs. Demon
Good vs. Evil
Heaven vs. Hell
No clear line
they are all entwined.
Truth and fairytale,
what is real?
No one really knows
969 reads
A different kind of craving
Carpet I kneel on
hands between my shoulders pushing
smell of the blanket
armsoutstretched to thier limit
softness of cuffs
sounds of whip being retrieved
the smell and sound of the leather
the waiting anticipation holding my breath
feel of the whip across my skin
smoothly, softly across my skin
wanting more
harder and harder
barely moving
crying gasping with each lash
feel of her skin against my back
soft breath
kisses against my neck and face
longing for the softness
hands between my shoulders pushing
smell of the blanket
armsoutstretched to thier limit
softness of cuffs
sounds of whip being retrieved
the smell and sound of the leather
the waiting anticipation holding my breath
feel of the whip across my skin
smoothly, softly across my skin
wanting more
harder and harder
barely moving
crying gasping with each lash
feel of her skin against my back
soft breath
kisses against my neck and face
longing for the softness
1104 reads
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I miss you
Protective arms around me
head nuzzled in my neck
warmth of your body against mine
sweet senuous kisses we shared
legs entwined
the scent of you
The moments we shared
head nuzzled in my neck
warmth of your body against mine
sweet senuous kisses we shared
legs entwined
the scent of you
The moments we shared
895 reads
f**k you
Yeah I said it FUCK YOU Im tired ofall the you do
Treat me like shit no kindness not a bit.
Youswear, you cheat,my emotions you depleat.
Youjust dontcare, taking more than your fair share.
Just leave me alone so the breaks can be sewn.
I cant find the strength to walk away,
cant seem to stray.
Even when you leave,
you come right back
I fall it even when I know what you lack.
I should of stayed away when you were gone
Treat me like shit no kindness not a bit.
Youswear, you cheat,my emotions you depleat.
Youjust dontcare, taking more than your fair share.
Just leave me alone so the breaks can be sewn.
I cant find the strength to walk away,
cant seem to stray.
Even when you leave,
you come right back
I fall it even when I know what you lack.
I should of stayed away when you were gone
802 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by LesAngelWi (SSensitiveSoul)