Submissions by Ikehope
Eoins travels
Eoins going traveling to the land of the Thai with no money no income no place to reside but with more independence than the fourth of July. He'll live off beans chickpeas and flowers become a Buddhist monk and meditate for hours. He'll dress in orange shave his hair to the bone and shake off the shackles that make him conform. He'll live in seclusion harmony and peace. He'll wonder around allover the place. He'll say fuck this break in a safe empty the contents and ransack the place get fucked up on whiskey acid and speed and head for the boarder on a trusted white stead with the guards and...
467 reads
A cargo of rum
A cargo of rum is due in this port! A cargo of rum. You bloody young scrote. A cargo of rum now don't blame me if its late I'm just the harbour boy you stupid old. Now that's enough billy he's a paying guest go help the fishermen gut the rest. But I hate that job sir. Just do as your told remember what happened last time you were bold. Were is my rum harbour master its due it should have been docking or at least in the que. There's been a small problem I've just heard through! The captain is drunk and so is the crew. They were spotted off single making a hell of a din laughing and singing...
489 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by Ikehope