Submissions by HeatherMarie
Amid all the flowers
I see no light
Held captive through the night
Above lights shine
Stealing all that remain
Leaves of sorrow cover my face
Cold follows
Like a knife to the throat
Regret knows no bounds
I knew too much
Not knowing enough
Emotions bury me alive
No breath is left
I breath no more
Strangled by truth,
Haunted by lies.
Amid all the flowers
I see no light
I see no light
Held captive through the night
Above lights shine
Stealing all that remain
Leaves of sorrow cover my face
Cold follows
Like a knife to the throat
Regret knows no bounds
I knew too much
Not knowing enough
Emotions bury me alive
No breath is left
I breath no more
Strangled by truth,
Haunted by lies.
Amid all the flowers
I see no light
723 reads
The keeper of the dragon
loosens his reigns
The once powerful dragon
full of fire, burns low
Tries to fly, lands head first
to the mud covered ground
Dragon, she is no more
twitching,cold and wet
Just a scared helpless animal
naive to the world
And the keeper
lost without her
loosens his reigns
The once powerful dragon
full of fire, burns low
Tries to fly, lands head first
to the mud covered ground
Dragon, she is no more
twitching,cold and wet
Just a scared helpless animal
naive to the world
And the keeper
lost without her
568 reads
1 Comment
White rain
piercing the skin,
Unbearable sound
breaking the silence,
Smelling of blood
she raises her hand,
Sliced from the vein
the liquid feels warm,
The weight of her head
is too much to bare,
Breathing is labored
almost nonexistent,
Remembering the face
all she can see are eyes,
Dark brown almost black
no soul behind them,
Fear consumes her mind,
as her body trembles
Vision goes black,
life is lost
piercing the skin,
Unbearable sound
breaking the silence,
Smelling of blood
she raises her hand,
Sliced from the vein
the liquid feels warm,
The weight of her head
is too much to bare,
Breathing is labored
almost nonexistent,
Remembering the face
all she can see are eyes,
Dark brown almost black
no soul behind them,
Fear consumes her mind,
as her body trembles
Vision goes black,
life is lost
694 reads
In the short life she has lead
Tragedy has been there
Despair being a best friend
Sadness is pulling at her every fiber
Clouds of darkness follow her
She has no one to really confide in
Nothing but pen and paper to soothe her
Being positive on the outside used to be her strength
She is finding it harder to keep her emotions at bay
Sitting alone on her couch
Tears escape her deep blue eyes
Her heart aches with melancholy
Searching her sole for happiness
Will she ever forget the past
Destruction, separation, and death be her...
Tragedy has been there
Despair being a best friend
Sadness is pulling at her every fiber
Clouds of darkness follow her
She has no one to really confide in
Nothing but pen and paper to soothe her
Being positive on the outside used to be her strength
She is finding it harder to keep her emotions at bay
Sitting alone on her couch
Tears escape her deep blue eyes
Her heart aches with melancholy
Searching her sole for happiness
Will she ever forget the past
Destruction, separation, and death be her...
816 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by HeatherMarie