Submissions by Eriko
Poet Introduction
Hi, I'm Erik. I write poems that will make you happy, sad, angry, loving, dead inside, etc... whatever I feel like writing at the time. Please browse my selection of poems. :-)
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)
Fires burning, scorching the land. No hope of rain, turn cities to sand. Rubble and dust, the air is so thick. Mothers they cry as their children get sick. Clouds made of toxins, a ravenous plague, I can fit all my things into one plastic bag. The air filled with doom, a result of the blast, the sky colored blue is a thing of the past. Go into your bunkers, store as much as you can, this villanous evil turning boy into man. It's kill or be killed, there's no live and let be. The raiders are coming, guns pointed at me. Our earth is a crater, now nothing's the same. There are no survivors, so...
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In Between
Angels come as demons fall, I open my eyes, one lie fits all. Meaningless banter, a solemn vow, heaven and hell look the same to me now. A match without fire, a game without win. It's time that I wake up, but where to begin. There's a hole in the window, a lie made of hope. When dealing with what's real, it's a slippery slope. Some things are real, some are clearly fake, but some are in the middle, like me before I wake. The sound of quaint laughter, the voice rings a bell, when all that is reason, sent that laughter to hell. Yet it drones on through silence, a message, a plea. A constant...
692 reads
Endless Night
Bury me, bury me deep underground where I belong, where nobody can hear the screaming, the constant battle being fought inside my head. Let the soft, cold dirt take me to a place where time will cease to exist. Set a flower over my tombstone, an offering to a corpse, a shell of what I could've been, had the world not been so. Let mother nature patch the hole left in the earth, let new life grow atop my rotting remains, and let father time make my memory fade, and those left behind return to their lives. Yes, let the dirt fall over my empty shell, let the light of the candle burn out. Make me...
727 reads
I'm Sick of all the people, who try to fuck with me
Why must they remind me, of who I used to be
I try to become better, I try to learn and grow
But these people reveal what is hidden deep below
My past was plagued with agony, and pain and shame and doubt
And leave it to these people, to show what I'm all about
I left you for a reason, a reason clear to me
You are the steel cage of shit, that keeps me from being free.
Why must they remind me, of who I used to be
I try to become better, I try to learn and grow
But these people reveal what is hidden deep below
My past was plagued with agony, and pain and shame and doubt
And leave it to these people, to show what I'm all about
I left you for a reason, a reason clear to me
You are the steel cage of shit, that keeps me from being free.
742 reads
Just to be Sure
I search, I'm dying
I found, I'm flying
It ends, I'm falling, down.
We're through, she told me
I wish, she'd hold me
But friends, they told me that she left town.
It felt, like everything
It ended like nothing
I knew, I wasn't anything to her.
To ignore her, or to ask her
I had to choose the latter
I knew I'd get hurt, but I had to be sure.
I found, I'm flying
It ends, I'm falling, down.
We're through, she told me
I wish, she'd hold me
But friends, they told me that she left town.
It felt, like everything
It ended like nothing
I knew, I wasn't anything to her.
To ignore her, or to ask her
I had to choose the latter
I knew I'd get hurt, but I had to be sure.
734 reads
It’s 6AM, the sun peaks up from the desolate horizon. I am jarred awake by the nightmares. I am jarred awake by the nightmares. I struggle to find the will to get out of bed, to do anything but lie there, wallowing in the unending misery that is my existence.
It’s 8AM, I’m sitting in school, nothing is going on. The bars of education hold me prisoner another day. The more I learn the more I hate about myself.
It’s 12PM, I sit alone at the lunch table, my friends around me are talking about hair metal. Do they even know who I am? I glance across the cafeteria, I see her, the hundredth...
It’s 8AM, I’m sitting in school, nothing is going on. The bars of education hold me prisoner another day. The more I learn the more I hate about myself.
It’s 12PM, I sit alone at the lunch table, my friends around me are talking about hair metal. Do they even know who I am? I glance across the cafeteria, I see her, the hundredth...
930 reads
Lone Wolf RIsing
Lone Wolf rising, lone wolf bark
Lone Wolf howling in the cold and dark
Lone Wolf young and lone wolf say
I have more tomorrows than yesterdays
Lone Wolf sees this as a curse
How could this world get any worse
It’s a dark, dark planet and it’s full of sin
To the light, Lone Wolf has never been
But he howls at the moon and hopes for the day
That everything will be okay
His mood turns to anger and his heart to slime
Every time he sees a crime
So Lone Wolf howls for everyone
Who’s seen too much and said their done
He tries to show the cold...
Lone Wolf howling in the cold and dark
Lone Wolf young and lone wolf say
I have more tomorrows than yesterdays
Lone Wolf sees this as a curse
How could this world get any worse
It’s a dark, dark planet and it’s full of sin
To the light, Lone Wolf has never been
But he howls at the moon and hopes for the day
That everything will be okay
His mood turns to anger and his heart to slime
Every time he sees a crime
So Lone Wolf howls for everyone
Who’s seen too much and said their done
He tries to show the cold...
948 reads
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Soul Robber
Save me from the emptiness
That flows inside of me
There lies a giant black hole
Where my soul should be
I really can’t explain it
It all happened so fast
First I was the king of kings
Then fell flat on my ass
The thief, it took most everything
But less than it could give
The only thing it really took
It took my will to live
That flows inside of me
There lies a giant black hole
Where my soul should be
I really can’t explain it
It all happened so fast
First I was the king of kings
Then fell flat on my ass
The thief, it took most everything
But less than it could give
The only thing it really took
It took my will to live
712 reads
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Sadness is like plummeting into a bottomless hole.
You just keep falling into overwhelming darkness,
Anticipating the bottom but not knowing
What hitting it will bring.
You find it harder to climb out, the farther down you go
But once you get out, you worry about
When you will trip and fall into another
But one must first fall into the bottomless hole
To fully appreciate the world above.
You just keep falling into overwhelming darkness,
Anticipating the bottom but not knowing
What hitting it will bring.
You find it harder to climb out, the farther down you go
But once you get out, you worry about
When you will trip and fall into another
But one must first fall into the bottomless hole
To fully appreciate the world above.
685 reads
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Question the Deceased
A student died today.
I didn’t know his name.
Did anyone else know his name?
A student died today.
I’d never said “Hi” to him.
Did anyone else ever say “Hi” to him?
A student died today.
When they announced it, I wondered, Who? How? Why?
How many other people wondered about these things?
So who was this person?
I hope someone can tell me the answer,
Someone who this student has left behind, crying.
He is floating up above us now, in heaven looking down.
But is he worried about the many people he’s left behind?
Or is...
I didn’t know his name.
Did anyone else know his name?
A student died today.
I’d never said “Hi” to him.
Did anyone else ever say “Hi” to him?
A student died today.
When they announced it, I wondered, Who? How? Why?
How many other people wondered about these things?
So who was this person?
I hope someone can tell me the answer,
Someone who this student has left behind, crying.
He is floating up above us now, in heaven looking down.
But is he worried about the many people he’s left behind?
Or is...
680 reads
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Love is Just a Type of Drug
Love is Just a Type of Drug
by; Eriko
Love is just a type of drug.
When you have it, it’s the best.
But when you don’t, you wish you did.
There is no use in trying to quit.
You’ll just suffer from withdrawl.
The dealers are quite unpredictable.
Some you can trust, some will rip you off.
What they give you is never certain.
You can never assure it’s quality.
The side effects are disasterous.
You’ll end up doing stupid, irrational things,
that seem right at the time.
But then you’ll look back, on the long term effects.
by; Eriko
Love is just a type of drug.
When you have it, it’s the best.
But when you don’t, you wish you did.
There is no use in trying to quit.
You’ll just suffer from withdrawl.
The dealers are quite unpredictable.
Some you can trust, some will rip you off.
What they give you is never certain.
You can never assure it’s quality.
The side effects are disasterous.
You’ll end up doing stupid, irrational things,
that seem right at the time.
But then you’ll look back, on the long term effects.
756 reads
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
By; Eriko
I look out the window, to find a man
Standing outside with a gun in his hand
What is his purpose, why is he here?
Is he from far, or is he from near?
Who is he after, if we both flee
Will he shoot you, or will he shoot me?
It makes me quite frightened, I don't want to die
But what did I do, to anger this guy?
It has been established, he's ready to kill
The tension is rising, it's making me ill.
What should I do, should I stay here and fight
While you run away, off into the night.
I stare on in horror, and...
By; Eriko
I look out the window, to find a man
Standing outside with a gun in his hand
What is his purpose, why is he here?
Is he from far, or is he from near?
Who is he after, if we both flee
Will he shoot you, or will he shoot me?
It makes me quite frightened, I don't want to die
But what did I do, to anger this guy?
It has been established, he's ready to kill
The tension is rising, it's making me ill.
What should I do, should I stay here and fight
While you run away, off into the night.
I stare on in horror, and...
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DU Poetry : Submissions by Eriko