Submissions by DanielEHastings
Sunset One
She was breath-taking
in a way that left deliciousness
clinging to mouth
Beauty isnt the right word
when she looked at you
it would destroy everything
then peice you back together
all in the same moment
Her embrace
That lovely embrace
Prone to pull iron from blood
Leaving me soft and vulnerable
Her arms would make a brilliant death and a perfect heaven
in a way that left deliciousness
clinging to mouth
Beauty isnt the right word
when she looked at you
it would destroy everything
then peice you back together
all in the same moment
Her embrace
That lovely embrace
Prone to pull iron from blood
Leaving me soft and vulnerable
Her arms would make a brilliant death and a perfect heaven
566 reads
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Not too gone
Born in a time forgotten
Left for somebody else's future
Rocking body fading memory
The only place she feels safe
Whatching light dance
against curtains dark
Reminds her of beginning
The place where roads converged
Defining existence
She didn't ask to be brought into being
sorrow and desperation cling
As tattered cloth hang
Off a shriveled frame
Brittle bones support every advance
She's 90 today
Gave up long ago
Yet her body refuses to follow
Soon she prays
Left for somebody else's future
Rocking body fading memory
The only place she feels safe
Whatching light dance
against curtains dark
Reminds her of beginning
The place where roads converged
Defining existence
She didn't ask to be brought into being
sorrow and desperation cling
As tattered cloth hang
Off a shriveled frame
Brittle bones support every advance
She's 90 today
Gave up long ago
Yet her body refuses to follow
Soon she prays
623 reads
Around the block
I know this girl named Grace
has her master's degree in social work
but can't quite make it work
so she washes dishes day in and day out clever awkwardness and social dissonance aside this is upwards of the best thing
in her life. stepping up to the plate each day trying to make her world a better place
even though sometimes she feels
she can't keep pace
Called back from the edge
at least once a week
things may never get better
but at least its steady
I have a friend named Bill
worth well over million
years before the construction...
has her master's degree in social work
but can't quite make it work
so she washes dishes day in and day out clever awkwardness and social dissonance aside this is upwards of the best thing
in her life. stepping up to the plate each day trying to make her world a better place
even though sometimes she feels
she can't keep pace
Called back from the edge
at least once a week
things may never get better
but at least its steady
I have a friend named Bill
worth well over million
years before the construction...
1005 reads
For the old soul
Art is beauty. Beauty is soul.
Seoul is a place in South Korea.
Cryptic the idea that destiny is above
Arbitrary accusations accosting every lucid expressive minute sucking the life out of each moment in a push to philosophise productivity
Life is perfect
even when each moment
is perfectly disguised as hell.
Push. Fall. Rebel.
That's the only way to shine
Turn fractures into flaws
Lesions into lessons
Blessed be introspection, respect and vision
Anticipations aimed at the tendons
Dissolve dilute...
Seoul is a place in South Korea.
Cryptic the idea that destiny is above
Arbitrary accusations accosting every lucid expressive minute sucking the life out of each moment in a push to philosophise productivity
Life is perfect
even when each moment
is perfectly disguised as hell.
Push. Fall. Rebel.
That's the only way to shine
Turn fractures into flaws
Lesions into lessons
Blessed be introspection, respect and vision
Anticipations aimed at the tendons
Dissolve dilute...
684 reads
I sit in my car door open cigarette in hand
The sound of mountain air curious
Thinking of the rock shop
how you said the stones looked happy
That was a good day
A memory I hold close
The sound of mountain air curious
Thinking of the rock shop
how you said the stones looked happy
That was a good day
A memory I hold close
672 reads
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Soft and Away
So many have found a resting place below the birch canapes
The cottonwoods confess their gratitude
Yearly with a shower of new life
Unwilling to fight back are the dead after death.
Maybe there is something to that
Grass always proper
The whole place smells of lilac bushes
And wild roses
If you didn't know any better
one might forget
The skeletons dressed to the nines
On a journey to become whole again
These trees would be
hard pressed to remember
a time before their roots tasted bone.
Yet they grow ...
The cottonwoods confess their gratitude
Yearly with a shower of new life
Unwilling to fight back are the dead after death.
Maybe there is something to that
Grass always proper
The whole place smells of lilac bushes
And wild roses
If you didn't know any better
one might forget
The skeletons dressed to the nines
On a journey to become whole again
These trees would be
hard pressed to remember
a time before their roots tasted bone.
Yet they grow ...
748 reads
Little by little
Stainless steel talons adorning each finger individually
Exploring every part of her lust
Sometimes I was delicate in my tactile confession
Others moments would squirm
indiscriminately carved into skin
I used her back to write my novel of delight
She bled
I licked
She moaned
I smiled
Exploring every part of her lust
Sometimes I was delicate in my tactile confession
Others moments would squirm
indiscriminately carved into skin
I used her back to write my novel of delight
She bled
I licked
She moaned
I smiled
696 reads
I want to cook with you
To create with you
To cut carrots into quaint little orange coins
That are all slightly different than the one before
Julian onions until our eyes drip
Into the marbling of fresh cut beef
Then laugh about what we see in it
as if it were dragons and giraffes making themselves known in clouds.
I want to meditate over morels and pray the red into marinara with you
I want to discover new ingredients and try each one at least three times
just to make sure you like it...
I want to create with you
In-twine our personalities into...
To create with you
To cut carrots into quaint little orange coins
That are all slightly different than the one before
Julian onions until our eyes drip
Into the marbling of fresh cut beef
Then laugh about what we see in it
as if it were dragons and giraffes making themselves known in clouds.
I want to meditate over morels and pray the red into marinara with you
I want to discover new ingredients and try each one at least three times
just to make sure you like it...
I want to create with you
In-twine our personalities into...
654 reads
So so many
She tried to bite one of them
Mashed the teeth like a last resort
To stand up to the light
Why you're listening
Let me spell it out for you
Nothing is well with this
I mean I'm well
You helped me separate soul from mathematics
Thank you
I needed you
Needed that
I'm not sure I need you
The way you move is intense
Never mind
its interesting
It's intentional
Yeah that sounds about right
Often as of late I've found myself feverishly wondering...
Mashed the teeth like a last resort
To stand up to the light
Why you're listening
Let me spell it out for you
Nothing is well with this
I mean I'm well
You helped me separate soul from mathematics
Thank you
I needed you
Needed that
I'm not sure I need you
The way you move is intense
Never mind
its interesting
It's intentional
Yeah that sounds about right
Often as of late I've found myself feverishly wondering...
637 reads
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Welcome to the present
There are no rules in this - We make them up as we go and even then they are tentative at best - It seems more like boundaries, invisible lines, some we cross and recross - Yet others we must respect and admire - It's not like there are an abundant amount of chances here, opportunity yes - So then things - Life- Morality - Become more like a code live by - musts musen'ts, shoulds shouldn'ts. If we wish to persevere-to push and ultimately to suffer- Isn't it better to suffer with purpose - To live with intent - All the while seizing life with a kind of awe inspired grip that makes life rue the...
676 reads
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When we met the feeling was far from immediate
it was more gradual
subtle as a pot coming to boil
then it hit me
all at once
the accumulation of heat, fire, and passion bursting forth a new state of being
a finite yet infinite connection
on an etheral level
like I don't know what the f*** this is
but I like it
I suppose that's the beauty of love
that we get to experience the unpredictable high of being so rooted in the moment because that's what love is pure presence of now shared betwixt two or more souls
it was more gradual
subtle as a pot coming to boil
then it hit me
all at once
the accumulation of heat, fire, and passion bursting forth a new state of being
a finite yet infinite connection
on an etheral level
like I don't know what the f*** this is
but I like it
I suppose that's the beauty of love
that we get to experience the unpredictable high of being so rooted in the moment because that's what love is pure presence of now shared betwixt two or more souls
671 reads
New Arrivles
You nervous plague
You gorgeous ending
Those were days that carried on
And ones I don't remember
It's all in the view
It's all in the way I surrender
To the thought of you.
If you can for a moment
Just stop
Stop taking this whole thing so serious
It's a dangerous place
A scenic view with tigers and shit
Life is beautiful
worthy of history
Worth the humility
The compassoin
Spread like an umbrella of integrity
To shield oneself from insecurities
You gorgeous ending
Those were days that carried on
And ones I don't remember
It's all in the view
It's all in the way I surrender
To the thought of you.
If you can for a moment
Just stop
Stop taking this whole thing so serious
It's a dangerous place
A scenic view with tigers and shit
Life is beautiful
worthy of history
Worth the humility
The compassoin
Spread like an umbrella of integrity
To shield oneself from insecurities
735 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by DanielEHastings