Submissions by CreoleLark
Poet Introduction
Hello my name is Lark i write poems and draw iv never been brave enough to let people see the darkness in me i hope i dont scare anyone here sorry if i do its normal from me
Is there a light?
I push myself hard on the whim theres a light at the end of the tunnel.Everybody struggles ...Every turn theres troubles.Demons at my feet attepmt to consume me in there black desires. I TRY I TRY HARDER.fighting for the breath to keep me moving. Oh no there catching up im loseing...control of how my lifes going to be.The demons fuck help there catchup with me...there inside of me consumeing weighing me down i collapse falling crawling dragging my fucking body on the ground.stuggles everyday troubles.fighting to never find that light its just not right
1014 reads
To the reader
I wish that you the reader could feel this...
My words right this moment brush your thoughts...
They excite your soul
They tickle your emotion.
They pull your heart.
They can rip you apart
or makeyou smile.
The tears they can bring
My poems are like Air...For you to breath
I give them out to you that
you could perhaps feel my emotions
perhaps my soul even.My poems are glimpses
A birds eye view
of me and my dance with pain.
My words right this moment brush your thoughts...
They excite your soul
They tickle your emotion.
They pull your heart.
They can rip you apart
or makeyou smile.
The tears they can bring
My poems are like Air...For you to breath
I give them out to you that
you could perhaps feel my emotions
perhaps my soul even.My poems are glimpses
A birds eye view
of me and my dance with pain.
917 reads
Addicted to Your Love
I lay here missing you.
Hot flashes...The crawling over my skin.
The bugs there everywhere
get them off me...
I hurt..Here missing you.
I crave you...
I need you..
i will die without you...
Your gone
Im now Sober
My craveings start again.
Im here missing you.
Dependant on you for happyness
Only breathing you in.
eating you...
drinking you...
Thinking of you...
Your my drug of choice
i heat you up
and inject you into myveins
your my herion....
my cocaine ...
Hot flashes...The crawling over my skin.
The bugs there everywhere
get them off me...
I hurt..Here missing you.
I crave you...
I need you..
i will die without you...
Your gone
Im now Sober
My craveings start again.
Im here missing you.
Dependant on you for happyness
Only breathing you in.
eating you...
drinking you...
Thinking of you...
Your my drug of choice
i heat you up
and inject you into myveins
your my herion....
my cocaine ...
2211 reads
To you (u know who)
My love for you is astonishing more so that it scares me...just how happy you make me..i dont know what to do with happy it confuses me its unfimiliar and scarce..I do hope you will teach me .My days are brighter now that your in my mind.My thoughts never leave you...i blush and wonder what is he he thinking about me to....what if he thinks im just some silly blushing girl that is only infatuated
But im truely in love..the kind of love that others look apon and weep like i did befor i knew why i was so sad...i was without you.
But im truely in love..the kind of love that others look apon and weep like i did befor i knew why i was so sad...i was without you.
1016 reads
Tippy and toeing...through the forest you are going...crunching behind you my loud feet.
You ducking and dodgeing
creeping and sneaking.
All the while you hear me crunching and wheezing.
Gracefully you cross over the water.
Me crunching along sniffleing and sneezing.
I fall in splishing and splashing and you come back to help me
all while laughing.
You ducking and dodgeing
creeping and sneaking.
All the while you hear me crunching and wheezing.
Gracefully you cross over the water.
Me crunching along sniffleing and sneezing.
I fall in splishing and splashing and you come back to help me
all while laughing.
814 reads
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Death Box
Death took the girl from me,her plump lips paled,her tan skin dulled,her eyes forever closed,forever her lovely colors locked away.Yet in my mind her pirceing eyes burn it is the dead woman i yern my bestfriend,my worst enemy ,dangerious but meek with angels voice she would speak.My body fluids start to leak.It is me with angels eyes and devils scream the woman in the box is me.
854 reads
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The Luling bridge
Im flying through deaths door from atop a bridge i fall through the sky wont you come on this trip with me? Its just a flip a slip a dip to jump with me.The feeling is you fly its in slow motion...peaceful..quiet..Untill the sudden crash into deaths doors cracking the frame breaking the hindges splitting the wood....thats the sound of your body didnt bounce this time
790 reads
My heart breaks without you you are the freezing cold of winter.yet i crave your i jumping of the mountain of this flat world only to realize that its round as i hit the bottem. am i to be without you. without your warm summers.the heat that makes my blood boil my passions you awaken your touch that branded my soul. am i a phantom of your past do yourmemorys haunt you can you still hear my crys perhaps thats my soul dieing
810 reads
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As your fingersbrush over my flesh they leave heat trails apon my soul your nails rake hips...then the will starts to crack...what is this feeling you give so wet so moiste this want inside me i do not understand .you slide your hands to mycore shock thrills through me your touching my spot this need im going insaine the blush of heat over my face theres got to be more my body wants itso. then you take me oh...putting it insmall pain but pleasure begins my worlds crashing down oh please dont go my breath quickens to match your beats my thighs start to shake my body beginsto...
1455 reads
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Loveing My Master(slave)

2526 reads
Your Monster (my death)

936 reads
Smile (comatose)
Smile for me just like you use to when you were here,where have you gone where can you be are you there without me ,smile for me just like you did when we were among gods angels and you sang you smiled please awaken awaken and smile with me once more i need your loving lips once more,when you left my heart tore.nomore smiles for me you only said leave me be.Please wakeup from your coma dear god please wake up and smile...if not for me then for everyone elts smile for we.
985 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by CreoleLark