Submissions by BigBadWolf
Poet Introduction
my writings tend to be dark and maybe a little psychotic in nature and that is only because I use them as a release for the demons that live inside my head
my lust for blood
controls my mind
my eyes see everthing
in shades of red
cross me and you
will end up dead
as my claw rips
off your stinking head
controls my mind
my eyes see everthing
in shades of red
cross me and you
will end up dead
as my claw rips
off your stinking head
735 reads
I am here for you my pet and your Master is hungry

863 reads
Time to rage

695 reads
Cant love her enough
she is my breath
my water my food
the very thing I will
always need to stay
calm and at rest, and
you all should thank her
as well cause if it wernt
for her being with me and
loving me there would be
a lot less of you sheep around
my water my food
the very thing I will
always need to stay
calm and at rest, and
you all should thank her
as well cause if it wernt
for her being with me and
loving me there would be
a lot less of you sheep around
648 reads
It is bleeding time again
I walk into a house
it is full of sheep they
gaze at me as the wolf
I am, to late to run no time
to scream, as I rip and cut
claw your flesh till you are
nothing but a bloody leaking
mess unrecognizable as what
you once were, now you are
nothing but victims of my lusts
it is full of sheep they
gaze at me as the wolf
I am, to late to run no time
to scream, as I rip and cut
claw your flesh till you are
nothing but a bloody leaking
mess unrecognizable as what
you once were, now you are
nothing but victims of my lusts
524 reads
she takes me in flight
for all my day I am
solid rooted to the ground
fed by the hate and sin on
this planet it feeds me and
my words, but for a short time
what seems like a mili-second
she speaks and touches me I
am light like a babies breath I
feel as if i am floating above it all
solid rooted to the ground
fed by the hate and sin on
this planet it feeds me and
my words, but for a short time
what seems like a mili-second
she speaks and touches me I
am light like a babies breath I
feel as if i am floating above it all
522 reads
I ask why
those that follow on faith
never ask why
they are blinded by faith
never to ask why
those that follow blindly are victims
so they never have to ask why
I am a Luciferian
so I will not follow blindly or follow
at all
I will ask why
never ask why
they are blinded by faith
never to ask why
those that follow blindly are victims
so they never have to ask why
I am a Luciferian
so I will not follow blindly or follow
at all
I will ask why
490 reads
The tempest of anarchy
I walk in it
breathe in it
live in it
and am comforted by it
to you, you see chaos
to me it is my clam my
respite from your reality
that to me is anarchy and
breathe in it
live in it
and am comforted by it
to you, you see chaos
to me it is my clam my
respite from your reality
that to me is anarchy and
599 reads
how will she steal my mind today
she lives not only in reality
but also in my head and it
is there that she trully owns
her Master, I control her in
everyway in reality but in
my mind I can do nothing but
try and please her always and
truth be told I love it
but also in my head and it
is there that she trully owns
her Master, I control her in
everyway in reality but in
my mind I can do nothing but
try and please her always and
truth be told I love it
676 reads
hit the reset button
this place is fucked
the priorities are askew
nothing is where its
supposed to be, these
humans with thier greed
lust,envy have reached
such a level of depravity
there is no escape from
the oncoming reality.
the priorities are askew
nothing is where its
supposed to be, these
humans with thier greed
lust,envy have reached
such a level of depravity
there is no escape from
the oncoming reality.
606 reads
your touch
your beast misses your touch
the way your fingers stroke
my fur ony you can feed
my love and lust for you with
your touch it is only this can calm
the rage in me my love and pet
the way your fingers stroke
my fur ony you can feed
my love and lust for you with
your touch it is only this can calm
the rage in me my love and pet
563 reads
is it a crime

577 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by BigBadWolf