Submissions by Amazon
Stepping Stones
To say goodbye to your past
and walk boldly into your future.
Stepping stones to guide your way,
help you along.
You learn who is true, as well as
who is not.
Your heart breaks, more than once,
never to be the same again.
Stepping stones, things that we are to learn from,
experiences, knowledge, pain and heartache.
Losing pieces of your mind, leaving them
as a trail of crumbs for others to find.
Where do they lead, this trail?
What will they find?
What will you find as...
and walk boldly into your future.
Stepping stones to guide your way,
help you along.
You learn who is true, as well as
who is not.
Your heart breaks, more than once,
never to be the same again.
Stepping stones, things that we are to learn from,
experiences, knowledge, pain and heartache.
Losing pieces of your mind, leaving them
as a trail of crumbs for others to find.
Where do they lead, this trail?
What will they find?
What will you find as...
1052 reads
A Thank You...
I don't cry much anymore,
at least not over you.
Oh, I still cry, but mostly over things
that won't ever be.
Dying dreams and such.
It isn't just you, others have killed
many dreams too.
Despite the shattered dreams the
sun rises each morning.
The mountains magnificent,
the sky bright and clear.
Thank you for leaving me,
for not doing as you promised.
Without you, I have continued to
grow, learn and experience.
My horizons have expanded and
at least not over you.
Oh, I still cry, but mostly over things
that won't ever be.
Dying dreams and such.
It isn't just you, others have killed
many dreams too.
Despite the shattered dreams the
sun rises each morning.
The mountains magnificent,
the sky bright and clear.
Thank you for leaving me,
for not doing as you promised.
Without you, I have continued to
grow, learn and experience.
My horizons have expanded and
914 reads
Blaze was born under the computer table in the back room. He was the largest of the litter at birth, a lovely red spotted tabby with white trim. At his biggest, Blaze weighed in at 28lbs, approximately 2-1/2' long from tip of nose to tip of tail...a truly big cat.
For all of Blaze's life I couldn't have a plastic cover on my sewing machine. You see, Blaze had a passion for plastic: ziplock bags, shopping bags, 6 pack holders...he dug my little photo album out of my purse one night and chewed it all up. He would find plastic anywhere, I had to be very careful and diligent at keeping...
For all of Blaze's life I couldn't have a plastic cover on my sewing machine. You see, Blaze had a passion for plastic: ziplock bags, shopping bags, 6 pack holders...he dug my little photo album out of my purse one night and chewed it all up. He would find plastic anywhere, I had to be very careful and diligent at keeping...
736 reads
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I Pretend...
..there was a fire.
It's heat curled and burned all the photos and cards I had saved.
It's flames engulfed my furniture and curtains.
It melted and scorched my Christmas ornaments, nativity scene and
pine cone lights.
The pages of my books curled as the flames consumed them.
Quilt tops, never to be finished, burned to ashes. Their colors
Stereo, television, clothes, fabric, kitchen, bedroom...all gone.
I pretend there was a fire, this is how I can better accept the
loss of so...
It's heat curled and burned all the photos and cards I had saved.
It's flames engulfed my furniture and curtains.
It melted and scorched my Christmas ornaments, nativity scene and
pine cone lights.
The pages of my books curled as the flames consumed them.
Quilt tops, never to be finished, burned to ashes. Their colors
Stereo, television, clothes, fabric, kitchen, bedroom...all gone.
I pretend there was a fire, this is how I can better accept the
loss of so...
769 reads
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Thoughts of You
I thought of you today
and smiled sadly.
Did you think of me?
Do you ever?
I suppose you no longer
remember our talks.
How you would tell me
of your day.
Do you remember the last thing
you said to me?
I do.
and smiled sadly.
Did you think of me?
Do you ever?
I suppose you no longer
remember our talks.
How you would tell me
of your day.
Do you remember the last thing
you said to me?
I do.
890 reads
At Least To Me...
Do you collect pieces of
people's hearts?
Display them on a shelf
that only you can admire?
Does this bring you happiness
and love?
Your voice, music to my ears
and soul.
We talked and laughed.
Discussed our lives.
Designed gardens for flowers
and food.
Talked about what we wanted
in our home.
We made plans.
But something changed, you stopped
talking to me.
Was it the age difference?
The distance apart?
Or did you only want...
people's hearts?
Display them on a shelf
that only you can admire?
Does this bring you happiness
and love?
Your voice, music to my ears
and soul.
We talked and laughed.
Discussed our lives.
Designed gardens for flowers
and food.
Talked about what we wanted
in our home.
We made plans.
But something changed, you stopped
talking to me.
Was it the age difference?
The distance apart?
Or did you only want...
786 reads
It Is More...
..... than just
your wallet or purse,
more than your
shoes or belt.
It is a living thing.
And in my bed, it
sleeps with me nightly,
reminds me I'm not
alone with it's warmth,
soft touch and welcoming
your wallet or purse,
more than your
shoes or belt.
It is a living thing.
And in my bed, it
sleeps with me nightly,
reminds me I'm not
alone with it's warmth,
soft touch and welcoming
820 reads
What You See...
You see my eyes,
bright and intelligent,
before you see the color.
My smile, gentle,
perhaps playful, sweet.
What you can't see,
lies deep inside,
buried but not forgotten,
pain and torment.
You don't know that
I have been to hell.
Not once but twice.
And have scraped and
climbed my way out.
You can't see my dark desires,
my fantasies and dreams.
Things not normal to most,
but very normal for me,
for I have accepted who
bright and intelligent,
before you see the color.
My smile, gentle,
perhaps playful, sweet.
What you can't see,
lies deep inside,
buried but not forgotten,
pain and torment.
You don't know that
I have been to hell.
Not once but twice.
And have scraped and
climbed my way out.
You can't see my dark desires,
my fantasies and dreams.
Things not normal to most,
but very normal for me,
for I have accepted who
886 reads
Moonlight Part 3

983 reads
Moonlight Part 2

944 reads

884 reads
Dry leaves skitter across the road
and pile in the yard.
They crunch when you dare
venture a path thru them.
Autumn is upon us,
their death knoll.
Sunny days, cool nights,
crisp fresh air, wearing sweaters.
Dry leaves skitter across the road
and pile in the yard,
the fore bringer of winter.
and pile in the yard.
They crunch when you dare
venture a path thru them.
Autumn is upon us,
their death knoll.
Sunny days, cool nights,
crisp fresh air, wearing sweaters.
Dry leaves skitter across the road
and pile in the yard,
the fore bringer of winter.
834 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by Amazon