Submissions by AktNorm9
Poet Introduction
Blood Shot Blue Eyes
Hey Dad, you shouldn't drink another beer. You don't know when your time will be and you'll no longer be here. Hey Dad, you're talking to yourself again and we can all hear. I don't understand how you get so drunk that nothing seems clear. I've got daughters now and when you're drunk, I don't want them near. How tragic it is, I still live in total fear. Do you even regret? I've never seen you shed one tear. Why can't you just be normal? Instead of being so damn weird? My heart is scarred with the wounds you left behind, yet on your face is a look of cheer. Staring me up and down with your...
763 reads
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The New Wore Off
I really don't know what to do... No longer does my man love watching me strut around in my high heel shoes. Instead, he watches internet porn where there's always something new. I once believed he'd never make me feel insecure or blue. He really doesn't know how bad it is, it's really rude. To lose interest like he has after everything I do. It just hurts so bad and puts me in this jealous mood. What if I ever lost interst in him and watched some other naked dude? I'd hope he'd bitch me out, then my ass he'd chew. But he don't care at all, he just keeps typing in porno tube. Is he looking...
845 reads
Our Fairy Tale
There once was a beautiful girl, She lived in a small home between her father and a lady named Pearl. She always dreamed her prince would appear, so she waited and waited for 27 long years. He had his eye on her; never knowing her name. He wondered of her background, and of where she came. They crossed paths on Smithdale Ave. And this became their tale.....Handsome and proud, he acted unconcerned. Cheerful and giggly she was able to turn. Turn, that is, her attention to this "familiar" stranger. Having heard the stories for years, she knew he might be danger. This man thought he'd had 'em...
886 reads
Pleasantly Grounded
My feet are hurting; my sanity is nowhere around. I'm exhausted; three kids tucked in their beds not making a single sound. I love my family so much, but by six o'clock in the evening I'm wishing they'd all hush. Once it's quiet, I know without all of them I'd still put up a fuss. As tiring that it is, I know if they weren't here I'd never turned my life around. My feet and legs are always in motion, yet these kids keep them on the ground. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, I don't get paid in cash. My reward will always last. Natalie, Nadia, Dillon, and Kevin; they are my priority. Without...
670 reads
A New Day
As I wake upon a new day, I can't make the pain go away. All the mistakes I have made, no longer hide in the shade. A brand new day is upon me; this time I'm making the choice to do right. So I never have to feel this sorry. There is a new person within, a new spirit lies beneath my skin. The future which is at my feet, is only possible 'cause my decision to speak. The approach I'm taking has created a new me in the making. Like the transformation from catepillar to butterfly, I'm now able to spread my new wings and fly. A difference of night and day, encourages me to never go back that way.
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Recovering Again.....
My life is a bunch of things, always surprising, never perfect even on a great day. The lessons I've learned and some I have not are like tests for me to take. I've changed in ways I'd never even consider a long time ago, not today. Mistakes and disaster lead you to places not worth the stay. Living then, in fear you'll never get away. My three children have guided me into a new mentality; a place that feels okay. Never perfectly allright, yet a brighter light that shines brighter with every good choice i make. Still human, learning and growing, I still have days that feel so grey. The inner...
798 reads
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Dont B Stupid (it'll give u psychological problems)
Attention girls, this message is for you: Boys will tell you lies and then laugh at you too. They will make you believe their love to be true. Then you'll end up left behind, feeling sad and blue. They will slander your name among their little crew. Your reputation is degraded; people are spreading all this news. The humility will eat at you like a wild animal at the zoo. Then you're left, picking up the pieces and trying to overcome being in those old shoes. It won't be easy, nobody will forget your choices and what you'd choose. So, Girls, don't be fooled by tempting pick up lines; use them...
766 reads
The Feeling Again
He didn't know. Which way to go? Confused and alone, as his heart began turning to stone. What happened? And why is help not on the way? The words must be too hard to say. His future was a nightmare of pain and denial. Infesting his body like a family of mice, Death had started to sound quite nice. Only then will it stop the misery he must endure. He no longer can feel the sensation. His words become unrecognizable and need translation. Dear God, let the numbness have a vacation. Staring face to face with death is degenerating. Convincing himself this was his fate...
785 reads
Trapped and Released
At some point, I started hating the person I'd become. Up until that moment, I lived life as if I were numb. Never thinking about my lies hurting anyone; for that, I was dumb. Realizing I was a fake, the mere thought of consequences put me in a slum. Living a lie is equivalent to continually walking after having stepped in chewing gum. Honesty is supposed to be hard sometimes and much more rare than a six figure income. The pain of guilt and regret floods your soul, rising up, beating inside your chest like a drum. The longer you fight it, more and more of you disenigrates into crumbs. They...
818 reads
High Night Show
ONE night, high as a kite, we watched and thought we might. Acting, stars we would be tonight but we couldn't get the light right. Even though, it was still out of sight. Its alot more intense when your on that WHITE! I can't wait until we relapse another night!
660 reads
Love Lost
I never wanted to let him go; I never wanted him to know. So , I wrote, directed and performed in a decade long show. when the guilt and pain began to grow, I knew I was sinking very low. So I cried and confessed about six months ago. For the consequence hit me like a sharp blow. I had turned him into my foe. I tried to mend us, even though it has never seemed this hard to sew. "that man loves you even now," said Jo, and I said "I wish I'd been honest long ago." He leaves me with love; yet he feels he must go.
654 reads
The Bathroom Dance
This poem just came to me one day and only took less than an hour. I used to refer to it as my Pink Floyd Sounding Song. please comment at any timeWill u make it through the night? 'Til the early morning light? In the pitch black darkness what u see is only WHITE! Meet me in the bathroom, and we'll take a flight. Go ahead and have a seat; very soon you will feel the heat. Your ears are burning, and your stomach is turning. Looking out of squinty eyes, u feel like u are on a rise Im telling u NO lies; u should try it on for size. Suddenly, you're as busy as a bee, but first u may feel like...
971 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by AktNorm9