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Why do the trump haters get to have all the say??

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 327

Josh said:

Interesting link.

That article cites a psychological environment that is just as applicable to the U.S.A., and it is just as clear that the far-right in either country wants to continue to plug their ears to any and all psychological critiques of character, or to even try and come to grips with any of the psychological vocabulary involved, proving that the far-right mindset is not in a position to improve itself with any introspective character development or soul searching whatsoever, and none of us has to be Shakespeare to see the tragedy waiting in the wings because of it.  

it's a powerful observation that tends to replace politically spectral thinking with a model that favors the greater and broader discernment only attainable through advanced literacy, rather than the proletarian preference for hand tool expertise perverted into a thrown brick or Molotov cocktail.

I can't remember exactly how I stumbled across The New Left Review, but after reading just a few articles by their Boffins, I got a subscription as soon as I could afford it, but some of their work is available to read on their Facebook page.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 327

Ahavati said:

You absolutely DID say it out loud! I'm WOKE as f*uck and proud of it.

I admire your reasons for not blocking; however, I need to maintain my boundaries in whatever way I can. I can't control them shadowing me in the forums throughout threads that have nothing to do with politics; however, I can damn sure prevent them from regurgitating their vitriol on my poetry submissions.

Oh I get it. There's only so many times a bloke wants to be addressed as a "fucker", or a "pedo", or a "Jim Crow".

After my years on a rehab staff I became immune to it, but only from teenage boys.

One expects better from adults, or at least one did before The Don-Old normalized aberrant behaviors.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

I am always amazed at the left. They are very proactive with lies to rewrite their history. In America, when Trump was elected, they immediately began the Russian collusion hoax, 24/7 and every possible lie that Trump stole the election. This was mirrored by every leftist institution and the Clinton crime syndicate was eventually found guilty of paying to push this lie and "fined" HA!!! FINED for treasonously trying to claim Trump stole the election to falsely oust her winning opponent. Interesting how the lies were spit but they did nothing to audit or recount the election. NOTHING! If Trump stole it, then why not audit the STOLEN election??? Because they knew it was legit and were simply trying to use the media to spread their bullshit. You have but to watch the rigged debate to hear CAMEL TOE spitting all the other lies about Trump during his four years that have been demonstrably debunked over and over and over and over and over. Currently documented on Snopes and most any honest site. But that didn't stop CAMEL TOE from spitting the lies to try to defame Trump....

As soon as Biden "won"... Mind you, according to leftist numbers, more black people voted for Biden than voted for Obama in 2008.... HAHAHAHA!!!! You must be joking, my side!!!...But immediately, the Democrat started arresting regular Republicans voters, journalists, and politicians on manufactured crimes with a host of false charges that have been thrown out by the courts but only after keeping citizens in prison without a court hearing for YEARS, some moved around to multiple prisons to keep them in solitary confinement. Ten years ago, Obama started treasonously using government agencies to censor speech which federal judges ruled the Biden administration guilty of with ZERO repercussions. As soon as Trump announced his candidacy,  he was raided by Biden, and scores of manufactured inditements dropped to interfer in the election, attempts to kick him off the ballot and now multiple assassination attempts by Democrats all allowed by the secret service, FBI and DHS. For 4 years, the Biden regime has flown, trucked and bussed paid voters into strategic areas and given supplies, housing, phones and credit cards at tax payers expense to steal this election.

The entire world sees every last bit of Democrat treason done for years.

But according to Jim Crows on this thread, the only problem in this country is the "vitriolic mean comments" online by Trump supporters.

By the way, If anyone has a problem with me calling communist traitors that slept their way to the top CAMEL TOE....then they should go take more leftist medication and watch sex in the city reruns with their vibration devices in hand.  

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

runaway-mindtrain said:
By the way, If anyone has a problem with me calling communist traitors that slept their way to the top CAMEL TOE....then they should go take more leftist medication and watch sex in the city reruns with their vibration devices in hand.  

Hi, Runaway.

I have no problem with you calling Harris 'Camel Toe', if that's what floats your boat, but to call her a communist is grossly inaccurate. She's just another corporate mainstream Democrat, no better or worse than Clinton and Obama (probably worse in comparison to Obama). If you also consider those two to be communists ... well, keep taking the tablets is all I'll say.


Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
Joined 11th June 2024
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Truthstream media


Theyre just pointing some stuff out.
This is what they do for a living.
Regardless of whether you disagree with what they say, that's beside the point.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

ajay said:

Hi, Runaway.

I have no problem with you calling Harris 'Camel Toe', if that's what floats your boat, but to call her a communist is grossly inaccurate. She's just another corporate mainstream Democrat, no better or worse than Clinton and Obama (probably worse in comparison to Obama). If you also consider those two to be communists ... well, keep taking the tablets is all I'll say.


Democrats were slave owners, then eugenic pseudo science klan Jim Crows, then international socialists, then national socialists, then hippe counter culture drop outs, then anti corporate activists, then Reagan democrats, then pervert Clinton-ites, then pro war neo cons, then police state Obama sycophants and now globalist pro pedo leftist. ..black magic zionist Marx would be ecstatic seeing the societal destruction his philosophy has wrought.....

When were the Democrats the good guys???

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

runaway-mindtrain said:
When were the Democrats the good guys???

What does that have to do with the price of fish? I never said they were. I merely remarked that Harris, whatever else she may be, is in no way a communist. For you to call her one is incorrect and detracts from anything else you may say.


Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

ajay said:

What does that have to do with the price of fish? I never said they were. I merely remarked that Harris, whatever else she may be, is in no way a communist. For you to call her one is incorrect and detracts from anything else you may say.


Her family were Marxist. Everything she says and does and believes is straight out of the collectivist agenda put forth 100 years ago by the Frankfurt school and Fabian socialists. Herself, Biden and the Jim Crows have intentionally flooded the country with criminals, refused to deport, or jail convicts and used every scam to jail and silence  Republicans for years. They are raping this country and the economy to collapse it and then rebuild it in their fashion. This is their fifth column tactic used in country after country after country for a century.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 327

ajay said:

What does that have to do with the price of fish? I never said they were. I merely remarked that Harris, whatever else she may be, is in no way a communist. For you to call her one is incorrect and detracts from anything else you may say.


Hey Ajay!

How's it going?

Here's a nut full of awesome for Mister cranked up Brain Drain...

Sent by Copilot:

"Yes, Abraham Lincoln was aware of Karl Marx. In fact, there was a notable exchange between them. Karl Marx, on behalf of the International Workingmen’s Association, wrote a letter to Lincoln in 1864 congratulating him on his re-election and praising his efforts in the fight against slavery1. Lincoln responded through Charles Francis Adams Sr., the U.S. Ambassador to the UK, thanking the association for their support1.

However, there is no substantial evidence that Lincoln read or was influenced by Marx’s economic theories2. Their interaction was more about mutual recognition of their respective efforts against slavery and exploitation rather than a deep intellectual exchange.

Is there a specific aspect of their interaction you’re curious about?"

Let me be the first to say that Honest Abe was most likely a Marxist:)  

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

runaway-mindtrain said:

Her family were Marxist. Everything she says and does and believes is straight out of the collectivist agenda put forth 100 years ago by the Frankfurt school and Fabian socialists. Herself, Biden and the Jim Crows have intentionally flooded the country with criminals, refused to deport, or jail convicts and used every scam to jail and silence  Republicans for years. They are raping this country and the economy to collapse it and then rebuild it in their fashion. This is their fifth column tactic used in country after country after country for a century.

Bollocks! Her university-professor Dad is a Keynesian economist. Admittedly, he's not a supporter of the neo-liberal economics that have prevailed in the Western world since the 1980s, but neither does Keynes have anything to do with Marxist economic theory.

As far as Harris herself is concerned, as I said, she's just another right-wing corporate mainstream democrat, a continuation of Joe Biden, in other words. She backed all of his corporate handouts, is a firm supporter of the mad Zionists in Israel, did nothing to oppose the Democrats' swing to the right earlier this year on immigration policy and is all over the place, as far as I can see, on Medicare.  None of those things has anything whatsoever to do with Marxist thought.

What does coincide with Marxist thought, though, is Trump's position on the situation in the Ukraine, where he's consistently said a diplomatic solution, not more bombs and bullets, is necessary to end the fighting in that country, and he would bring it about. Every Marxist, including me, would agree with him on that. Does that make him a Marxist? Of course it doesn't, but it would by your reasoning, and would also allow me to call you a Marxist, too. You're not, of course, and neither is Harris.

And by the way, before you begin heaping abuse on me, I've swapped sides and want the Republicans to win the election, precisely because of Trump's position on the situation in the Ukraine. Escalation could very easily result in World War Three, especially when the current carnage in the Middle East is taken into consideration. No one could repeal that outcome with legislation. If Trump prevents that, four years of a Republican administration would be a small price to pay.





Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

ajay said:

Bollocks! Her university-professor Dad is a Keynesian economist. Admittedly, he's not a supporter of the neo-liberal economics that have prevailed in the Western world since the 1980s, but neither does Keynes have anything to do with Marxist economic theory.

As far as Harris herself is concerned, as I said, she's just another right-wing corporate mainstream democrat, a continuation of Joe Biden, in other words. She backed all of his corporate handouts, is a firm supporter of the mad Zionists in Israel, did nothing to oppose the Democrats' swing to the right earlier this year on immigration policy and is all over the place, as far as I can see, on Medicare.  None of those things has anything whatsoever to do with Marxist thought.

What does coincide with Marxist thought, though, is Trump's position on the situation in the Ukraine, where he's consistently said a diplomatic solution, not more bombs and bullets, is necessary to end the fighting in that country, and he would bring it about. Every Marxist, including me, would agree with him on that. Does that make him a Marxist? Of course it doesn't, but it would by your reasoning, and would also allow me to call you a Marxist, too. You're not, of course, and neither is Harris.

And by the way, before you begin heaping abuse on me, I've swapped sides and want the Republicans to win the election, precisely because of Trump's position on the situation in the Ukraine. Escalation could very easily result in World War Three, especially when the current carnage in the Middle East is taken into consideration. No one could repeal that outcome with legislation. If Trump prevents that, four years of a Republican administration would be a small price to pay.





I directed no abuse on you, quit your victimhood jive. Everything I said about her and her administration is true by their actions. She is an authoritarian that slept her way into power. The whole world is aware of this...If the precious Marx, who, via Leninites, are responsible for over 150 million of their own citizens being killed, is too much of an idol...then I will simply call her a 30s Jim Crow democrat Nazi like Biden and the gestapo he rules that currently are eliminating speech and political dissenters with the full force of government agencies. Furthermore her lack of empathy makes her a cackling heifer like Trotsky who in the end was killed by the very government tyranny he helped install. She speaks propaganda with a shit eatin grin like Geobbels and spits doublespeak to make a Leninist proud.

She is a great politician, left or right...

I am surprised you still speak of this left/right paradigm. Hegel's dialectic is clear on the false division created by elites as a distraction ...There is only liberty against authoritarianism.

You and I want liberty and law. She is paid off to usher in tyranny by military rule in response to a planned collapse of America. It matters not what name it is called.  

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

runaway-mindtrain said:
I directed no abuse on you, quit your victimhood jive. Everything I said about her and her administration is true by their actions. She is an authoritarian that slept her way into power. The whole world is aware of this...If the precious Marx, who, via Leninites, are responsible for over 150 million of their own citizens being killed, is too much of an idol...then I will simply call her a 30s Jim Crow democrat Nazi like Biden and the gestapo he rules that currently are eliminating speech and political dissenters with the full force of government agencies. Furthermore her lack of empathy makes her a cackling heifer like Trotsky who in the end was killed by the very government tyranny he helped install. She speaks propaganda with a shit eatin grin like Geobbels and spits doublespeak to make a Leninist proud.

She is a great politician, left or right...

I am surprised you still speak of this left/right paradigm. Hegel's dialectic is clear on the false division created by elites as a distraction ...There is only liberty against authoritarianism.

You and I want liberty and law. She is paid off to usher in tyranny by military rule in response to a planned collapse of America. It matters not what name it is called.  

First, if you read my words, I never said you were abusing me. I said 'before you begin heaping abuse on my head'. You didn't, so thanks for that.

Secondly: the person responsible for the deaths of nearly three-quarters of a million – not 180 million as you said – Russians was Stalin. The people who, in the main, he was murdering were old Bolsheviks, the Marxists/Leninists/Trotskyists – they're the same thing – who were very much in opposition to Stalin's theory of State Capitalism. Why did Stalin do this at the time he did it? Simply because he knew that once Hitler had become Chancellor of Germany war was inevitable. As well as fighting Hitler, he didn't want to have to deal with 'an enemy within, to use Margaret Thatcher's charming phrase, so he eliminated any possible opposition  To equate Stalin with Marx, Lenin and Trotsky etc. is insanity, when supporters of those three were the very people whom Stalin was murdering in their thousands.

If we now consider Harris, she is very much a supporter of Global Capitalism, the diametrical opposite to the ideas of Marx and Engels etc. To equate her with Marx/Lenin/Trotsky etc. is nonsense. It is also nonsense to equate her with Stalin, although for obviously different reasons, of course. The whole MAGA thing, however, very broadly (and loosely) speaking), actually places Trump closer to Stalin than Harris is.

The only reason Harris is the Dems' presidential candidate in this election is because Biden is obviously suffering from cognitive impairment. Big Business, in consequence, had begun to stop donating their millions of dollars to the Democrat Party. Once Biden went, the donations began again Now why would the billionaires of Big Business want to donate to a party led by a woman who, according to you:

is paid off to usher in tyranny by military rule in response to a planned collapse of America'?

Wouldn't that be like killing the goose that laid, and continues to lay, their very golden eggs? If I were the CEO of a multi-national corporation, I would certainly not do such a thing. Neither would the businesses presently making their huge donations to the Democrats. Your contention has no basis in reality.

Thirdly: You mentioned Hegal's dialectic. I'm not quite sure what you've read, but as I understand it his dialectic is based on the following two assumptions:

first, that 'all things are contradictory in themselves;
secondly, that 'contradiction is at the heart of all movement and life, and it is only insofar as it contains a contradiction that anything moves and has impulse and activity'

but if you want to discuss that we'll leave it for a separate post.

I'm a fan of the politics of neither the Democrat or the Republican parties, Runaway. If I were a US citizen I'd vote Republican/Trump in this election because of his commendable stance on the situation in the Ukraine, but that's about all. Having watched the Trump/Harris debate the other week, like you, I found Harris to be an intensely irritating woman, but to say she and the party to which she belongs want to bring about the collapse of America and the introduction of a military government is absurd, for the reasons stated above. If you wanted, you could very easily make a more than creditable case against the Dems/Harris based only on their position on the situation in the Middle East. Personally speaking, I think they're all (war) criminals. If the opportunity should ever arise, they should be tried as such. If you took that line in your argument, I'd be cheering you all the way


Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

Collectivist control speech, the press and suffrage. The most certainly are the biggest mass murderers in history. The social engineer their countries into police states. While still using capital to move goods and services around in their countries. It is not about the label, or the money bur rather the manipulation of the society into their version of utopia.
The Biden Harris regime has censored speech via government agencies, arrested citizens, journalists,  and main political opponents,  allowed attempt at assassination and refuse to prosecute criminal or deport illegals.
It is common for Marxist apologists to ignore the evil tyranny done and focus on economic theories or Marxist/Hegel writings.

Harris stated to the Blacks press association that she intents to ramp up the arrest of "extremists" which is code for MAGA.  

They fact that she claimed to be a capitalist is meaningless. She has to claim to be moral. Tyranny must cover up their plans and constantly state they are here to " help the common man". She takes money from billionaires and then states she is against them. She uses corporations to manipulate politics and then claims she is warrior against corporatism...

I have watched the Jim Crow democrats for 40 years. The used to be for liberty and free markets but now they do everything to destroy such...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834

ajay said:

First, if you read my words, I never said you were abusing me. I said 'before you begin heaping abuse on my head'. You didn't, so thanks for that.

Secondly: the person responsible for the deaths of nearly three-quarters of a million – not 180 million as you said – Russians was Stalin. The people who, in the main, he was murdering were old Bolsheviks, the Marxists/Leninists/Trotskyists – they're the same thing – who were very much in opposition to Stalin's theory of State Capitalism. Why did Stalin do this at the time he did it? Simply because he knew that once Hitler had become Chancellor of Germany war was inevitable. As well as fighting Hitler, he didn't want to have to deal with 'an enemy within, to use Margaret Thatcher's charming phrase, so he eliminated any possible opposition  To equate Stalin with Marx, Lenin and Trotsky etc. is insanity, when supporters of those three were the very people whom Stalin was murdering in their thousands.

If we now consider Harris, she is very much a supporter of Global Capitalism, the diametrical opposite to the ideas of Marx and Engels etc. To equate her with Marx/Lenin/Trotsky etc. is nonsense. It is also nonsense to equate her with Stalin, although for obviously different reasons, of course. The whole MAGA thing, however, very broadly (and loosely) speaking), actually places Trump closer to Stalin than Harris is.

The only reason Harris is the Dems' presidential candidate in this election is because Biden is obviously suffering from cognitive impairment. Big Business, in consequence, had begun to stop donating their millions of dollars to the Democrat Party. Once Biden went, the donations began again Now why would the billionaires of Big Business want to donate to a party led by a woman who, according to you:

is paid off to usher in tyranny by military rule in response to a planned collapse of America'?

Wouldn't that be like killing the goose that laid, and continues to lay, their very golden eggs? If I were the CEO of a multi-national corporation, I would certainly not do such a thing. Neither would the businesses presently making their huge donations to the Democrats. Your contention has no basis in reality.

Thirdly: You mentioned Hegal's dialectic. I'm not quite sure what you've read, but as I understand it his dialectic is based on the following two assumptions:

first, that 'all things are contradictory in themselves;
secondly, that 'contradiction is at the heart of all movement and life, and it is only insofar as it contains a contradiction that anything moves and has impulse and activity'

but if you want to discuss that we'll leave it for a separate post.

I'm a fan of the politics of neither the Democrat or the Republican parties, Runaway. If I were a US citizen I'd vote Republican/Trump in this election because of his commendable stance on the situation in the Ukraine, but that's about all. Having watched the Trump/Harris debate the other week, like you, I found Harris to be an intensely irritating woman, but to say she and the party to which she belongs want to bring about the collapse of America and the introduction of a military government is absurd, for the reasons stated above. If you wanted, you could very easily make a more than creditable case against the Dems/Harris based only on their position on the situation in the Middle East. Personally speaking, I think they're all (war) criminals. If the opportunity should ever arise, they should be tried as such. If you took that line in your argument, I'd be cheering you all the way


Collectivist control speech, the press and suffrage. They most certainly are the biggest mass murderers in history. They social engineer their countries into police states. While still using capital to move goods and services around in their countries. It is not about the label, or the money but rather the manipulation of the society into their version of "utopia".

The Biden Harris regime has censored speech via government agencies, arrested citizens, journalists, and main political opponents, allowed attempts at assassination and refuse to prosecute criminals or deport illegals.

It is common for Marxist apologists to ignore the evil tyranny done and focus on economic theories or Marxist/Hegel writings, although I don't think that is your intent.

Harris stated to the Black press association that she intents to ramp up the arrest of "extremists" which is code for MAGA.  

The fact that she claimed to be a capitalist is meaningless. She has to claim to be moral. Tyranny must cover up their plans and constantly state they are here to "help the common man". She takes money from billionaires and then states she is against them. She uses corporations to manipulate politics and then claims she is warrior against corporatism...

I have watched the Jim Crow democrats for 40 years. The used to be for liberty and free markets but now they do everything to destroy such...

I appreciate your support against the authoritarians in my country. It matters not the label attached to tyranny because their actions show their intent...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 834


Where is FEMA? Camel Toe insults disaster victims with $750 check while stating there is no money for FEMA after sending billions to Ukraine and spending 2 trillion on paid voter immigrants. Just like Hawaii.

But they care for the common man, right? They are "capitalists fighters for freedom" while ignoring those states that will vote against them. Harris regime has threatened to arrest helicopter pilots trying to help. Maintain chaos is the name of their game...

Abosolute evil

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