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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Happy New Year Each And Everyone Of You

As a reminder, try to say a dollar a day, make sure you learn your child how to save a dollar from a day

It's that beautiful, Haitian Yoruba Goddess in Angel disguise
The Divine Queen who upholds Allah’s secret to the majestic skies
Will seduce my King with that sweet French Maid attire, from night to the gift of a Grand Sunrise

I do hope everyone is adjusting to the Winter weather and the flu and cold that goes with the daunting of Winter.

Therefore, make sure you are washing your hands, if you are working around someone who is coughing and you or the person is not wearing a mask, please refrain from interaction, the droplets are what we inhale when someone is coughing.

And for those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder make sure you find alternative solutions to destress.

If you can book a day spa, the last Spa, I was pampered at was when I traveled to Houston, Texas, the benefits were soothing to the soul and reassuring to the mind, and if I recall, I visited Beyonce’s childhood home, when she was with Destiny Child, wow, times does tend to flee we are already sis day into the new year.

Ladies, please make sure you have or please due your self-breast exam, remember we are in the Winter Solace, and this is the time of self -renewal, rather it is self, a dream, or a neglected hobby.

Once again, this year, I would be embarking on health-related issues we normally would not take about.

I would like to send a thank you to my illustrator who is a graphic designer in assisting me with my first-choice book cover, I had to sit three hours for this. It started out with a sketch, I told him my vision, and this is his final creation.

I do hope you are ready to walk away with what great food for thought to use or pass along to someone else in divine glee.

I just stopped by on a lovely carriage night ride in the Waterloo, inhale, can’t you just feel the excitement in the air when you are just moving on the Quantum Leap of time, I feel so good, it’s like my sacred temple is here, yet my mind is racing a thousand heartbeats a minute, a weightless feeling to be sailing this 3-D dimension, my very on my soft carpet ride, oh yes, I do have enough room for you always handsome man, only an Alchemist would or could ever partake in that cosmic mental floatation.

Ask yourself when was the last time you laughed, did an unselfish act, have given even when you did not have, those are the inner gifts, you must display to the world.
If you want something out of life, find ways to achieve it, by self, or surround your persona with likeminded people who share your same kindred spirit.

Take care of yourself and have a fabulous Monday evening and a cherished Tuesday

Love and Universal Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

The Queen of The Waterloo

Creation by a Queen Crown's Apparel ™

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Homemade Vegan Soup.. Pretty Please (Part One)

No sitting three hours for a book cover, no live blogging, no clothes orders, no revisions, no make-up no manuscript editing from my publisher trying to adjust my word count.

This is a Resting My Temple Day. (I should have remained in bed but had to get up to make me some homemade vegan soup).

I swear, I had plans to talk about that breast smasher machine, however, let’s talk about sinus drainage and coughing.

I have the sniffles, and I am dosed up on some fresh squeezed orange juice, then I am working from home, three of my staff nurses are out due to the flu, and I oversee a vast population of geriatric residential care.

And trying to keep my immune system up to par and during the Winter Solstice, without getting any seasonal vaccinations, and I do not take medications, other than my vegan soup and orange juice my health regiment, does become challenging at times

Remember if it is viral; coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and it could not be treated with antibiotics it must run is agonizing course.

If it is bacteria than it is in your blood stream and whatever symptoms precipitated you to go to the ER, it will be treated with an antibiotic with several blood culture tests following.

Make sure you are eating foods that is high in Vitamin C, that is your defense to ward off the onset of a cold, or if you already have one, it lessens the duration.

Just a reminder ladies to check your breasts for the month of January.

I just snapped this picture before I begin to sneeze again.

Stay well,
SKC Interim DON, APRN🖤

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Homemade Vegan Soup.. Pretty Please (Part Two)

Okay ladies and yes, even gentlemen too, within this year, let's get into the mindset to motivate, that means Spring is returning early than the mind can process, therefore, I will advise you to start managing your overall health. And no, you do not have to be a star or wealthy to give yourself a star rated pass to your health.

Get into the mindset, you must represent yourself in all matters of the heart and all phases of the mind from infancy, through adulthood.

The body is designed to add years to your life, not for you to abuse its beautiful capabilities where you begin to deteriorate your temple from the inside out, drugs and drinking. I know we all have our habits, our quirks, but when it is detrimental to the thinking process, you are selling your ass to obtain it, you need it to calm the sickness/addiction, or it disrupts the family unit, then I will say get help, or just do not start.

The mind is terrible thing to waste, therefore, use it, or the decline of those regenerated brain cells, which brings us such useful information, will decline.

Invest in becoming a member of a local gym, if you are not for sure of the site or what it offers, advise your member recruiter you will think about becoming a member, put can he/she offer you a week pass to see if you are best suited for their facility, with that being said, investigate the equipment, the staff, the personal trainers, or if your membership includes any classes offered.

Be observant of their food or beverage court, take note if they sell any beverages on site, versus vending machine, it is also a bonus to me when both are offered. Make sure the food items even if it say, organic, certified, or is FDA approved, and after any spinning class, or cardio related class, during the recovery, make sure you try to stay away from those energy drinks, or supplements, the body has its own tolerance for pain, and heart calming effects and you help your heart, kidneys.

When you use your body against resistance, it gives you more defined definition of lean muscle mass, especially for us ladies, where we just want to look fit, mmm... sexy legs, sexy arms, and a flat jeweled abdomen. So, working out using your own sheer willpower is more preferable than fade diets the rewards will be yours in the end.

I have much respect for the citizens in society that have to depend on some form of surgical procedure due in part, their weight has become a medical concern, and if no method of medical invention is warranted, then it threatens to the health of the person.

We will be marching out of Winter soon enough, this is that time to make sure you take care of heart, mind, body, and soul.
The brain we have the sole pleasure to use no matter how we live, who we love, or where we live. The mind never quits thinking, planning, plotting at times.

Henceforth, make it your priority to instill it with knowledge, wisdom, adopt productive thoughts, and engage your dialect that will be uplifting and beneficial to the cognitive awareness of its listener, and give us the discernment to know the difference between right from wrong,

It is time to focus on my third eye. A pathway to the evolution where the secrets to the civilization exists in so many parables..

The pineal gland is a relatively small gland centered at the core of your cranium (brain) in recent studies it is known to play a significant role of tapping into the higher awareness of oneself. Once you become aware of its potent spiritual power and the gateway to unlocking the transverse nature of your cosmic being. You can learn to become one with earth and spirit.    

Be advised the pineal receives an abundance of energy among any other gland in your body. It seems there are 17 glands in a human body. Some are ductless and others have ducts. The main way to categorize them is as exocrine glands or endocrine glands.    

In comparison to all your other vital organs; just to name several, your lungs, your heart, and your brain. However, for such a miniature gland it is the receptive source to receive the highest concentration of energy.      

The pineal gland is overly sensitive to light. It is best known as the component for sleep and waking phases.    

Whenever your pineal gland is compromised or is off centered. It is an insomniac worst nightmare.    

In essence, 30% of the population in the US suffers from insomnia. It does not provide melatonin a natural effect of the brain that regulates sleeps. In addition, while stress plays a major role here, we can’t ignore the fact that a compromised pineal gland doesn’t produce melatonin the way it’s suppose to function.    

I will have to say in the spiritual laws of the seven Chakras, the pineal gland primary function as an inner third eye, the Ajna    

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is produced in the human pineal gland. In fact, DMT can give a free rein to the mind’s superior powers to hone in and give credence to a higher perception of consciousness.    

For most of us, our pineal gland becomes dormant early in life, in several initial studies once we become an adult, it has been proven it dawdles into a weakened state of existence.      

The main contribute is the fluoride added to our drinking water and toothpaste we utilize, then you must take into consideration several other damaging factors; processed foods, drinks which contain carbonate, and a lack of the ultraviolent rays we get from sunlight.    

Can your pineal gland ever be restored to its original glorious once channeling into the subconscious on a cosmic level?    

Yes it can, once you begin to as the saying goes, 'you are what you eat' and when you do, please maintain a balanced diet by eating healthy, and pamper your temple, whereas,  it will certainly be beneficial to your, heart, mind, body, and soul, therefore, you can be attuned when summoning positive energy by enrichment of wisdom, boosting your psychic abilities, which, we are all born with the knack, yet most of us are absence to employ.    

The pineal gland is the passage to the doors of a higher realm.    

In life the road that you walk is for your shoes…how tight they may seem to someone else. Have faith as you continue your journey, gain knowledge, it is always the thirst for power.  

Just a reminder ladies to check your breasts for the month of January.

I just snapped this picture before I begin to sneeze again.

Love and Universal Hugs,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Just Do It

I am rooting you on, mothers, fathers, nanas, adoptive foster parents, and as Godmother, this information falls upon my bestie's ears, whom is my Goddaughter's, mother.  

I will check back as a reminder throughout the year as time develops to see how is the progress of your Little Financial Wiz Kid, meeting that daily goal.

I am giving you the first dollar, run with it. Parent this could be so fun, mainly when you ask your child can you borrow a dollar out their bank, oh, my goodness, you will see hesitant emotions cross the face. And that is what you want, give when you can, be a cheerful giver, but make sure you teach them how to save.

If you can give to the Red Cross on any natural disasters and their state’ continues relief effort.

I donated $12.00 on behalf of the relief effort on behalf of the twelve tribes of Judah.


You can donate by their standard monetary amount, or write in your own amount, it could be for a monthly donation or for one time only.

Everyone please have a spiritual Friday, pray for peace and for those who have no time to pray for themselves.

That Gumball machine above, kind of remind me of the one I vowed I would save a quarter a day when my roommate in college first gave me that incentive, and it helped me when my grann discontinued my monthly finanancial stipends for food and basic products to survive; clothes, shoes, and for my semester books, after I told her I switched my major to Criminal Justice without her knowledge, trying to be grown back then after arriving to the states, and my stubbornness and my grann's strong will of determination. I lost, what ten pounds from not eating, well eating junk food, and when you are a born vegan, it is not a maze of food items you can choose from., however, my starving self got my Associate's Degree and learned English in the process, just to prove to her I can regardless of what she held over my fate at the time.

I did continue on and finished obtaining Bachelor's Degrees with a Minor Degree in Criminal Justice behind me.

Every beautiful tale of one's life should be gifted with memories, hopefully, yours will always be from the wisdom someone has taught you to never allow anyone to shake your faith, your confidence, or your inner peace, if so, you have already lost the race before you step up to the starting line.

I love you grann, and you will always have my must spiritual respect, to a wise woman who made me the woman who I am today, passionate, caring, and truthful.

Take care of yourself and be mindful of others,

Universal Love and Hugs, always,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

The Om and the Ba-Rah-Ka (Part III)

There are three elements to the Egyptian concept of the soul: Ka, Ba and Akh. Ka is the life force or spiritual double of the person.

The royal Ka symbolized a pharaoh's right to rule, a universal force that passed from one pharaoh to the next.        
I have been on such beautiful enlightenment channeling a higher cosmic wave since my grann from Haiti has been within my midst as of late.        
Her spiritualism and her ancient beliefs, passed down from each generation has been riveting and has broaden my sense of fortitude for me to tap into the mystic of my inner abilities.

Those divine secrets, which when the Ka and the Rah are in alliance and the mind, body, and the spirituality of the soul are in unity it is a covenant you build with your own soul, whereas, mankind cannot put asunder.        
Indoctrinating the force with a seeded belief in the holistic healing elements utilizing natural remedies derived from plants to the blending of liquidated of spices.        
Applying the natural laws of healing thyself within and not incorporating toxin agents to be bio-engineered to offset the metabolism and alter our DNA structure.        
Such the beauty adaptation in that, when recently learning of lead and arsenic found of low calibration not to alarm the FDA, but surprisingly a detrimental deterrence when organs are at its most vulnerable developing stage.        
We are all Gods, from the knowledge we are capable of tapping given to us to adjust, adapt, and assimilate in this realm we call life.        
In as much to store intellectual wisdom and then decipher to dissimulate those universal coded messages found in the core of the two hemispheres of our cerebral cortex encasing the brain matter to the food we ingest on a daily basis.      
Food once consumed, metabolizes into tiny molecules, the primary fueling substance we need to bodily function the colonic process of eliminating its waste that cannot be used.            
Thenceforth, the concept of you are what you eat is a very true statement worth adhering too.        
The body needs food to propel the source of energy and heighten the powers of the brain to ponder. You will be dismayed how many people do not practice that resolution, polluting their sacred vessels with sugar, eating of unclean fowl or swine. Only years later to be advised you have Hypertension, Diabetes, or some form of cancer has invaded and has metastasized.      
I asked my grann, is there such the way to place the mind above all until the point, whereas, it breathes for us every aspect of our life, from dating, to sleeping, to uplifting our cognitive awareness.        
She advised me to close my eyes and feel the vibrancy of the frequency around me, please be advised my grann is one hundred now, and has retired in Haiti as a midwife. I am a Director of Nursing and pushing to obtain my Master’s Degree in Nursing come tomorrow. I was silently thinking those ways are not accepted or my logic way of thinking.        
I closed my eyes, inhaled to appease her and she wanted me to listen, just listen. I am thinking to what? The only sound I heard was cars passing in the near distance and my brownstone is soundproof.        
She advised me I am not spiritually attuned, she stated she heard the rustle of the bird’s wings, she felt the air circulating past her. She wanted me to feel the universe around me, its potent power, I begged to differ with her, citing I meditate and practice Chakras religiously; she stated if you have to meditate to find inner peace then you will never possess it, summing up her notion, peace is a state of mind.        
Did my grann know I am moving into Forensic Psychology? And I know how the mind and all hidden forthright of its labyrinth complexity's function. Then we spoke of the embodiment of the soul and my inborn Indigo Child gifts passed down, which she seems to think I have sequestered since adopting western cultivation and civilization's ideology of popping mood stabilizer medications, unprotected sex, and fornication.        
She went on to explain to me in lament terms for me to fully understand the gist of her words.  
The soul is the pinpoint of our existence, which by nature is eternal (it is without birth or death, or it has no beginning or no end) the soul is of substance, and it does differ from that of the physical body which has its own consciousness.        
Our soul is always reflected in our personality. Our spirit does quite differ from our soul because our spirit is always pointed toward and exists exclusively for God, whereas our soul can be self-centered        
The true magnifications of the soul        
The Ba is most often in reference to ‘soul’        
Ba, in ancient Egyptian religion, with the ka and the akh, a principal aspect of the soul; the ba to its contrary will appear in the form of a bird, thus articulating the movement of the soul after death.        
The Platonic soul consists of three parts  
The logos is the mind, nous, or reason, then you have the thymus, where we are gifted with emotions, spiritedness, or (masculine) and the Eros, which is appetite, desire, or (feminine)        
The nine components of the soul      
Jb (The heart) was an extremely important part of the Egyptian soul. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the heart was the key to the afterlife.        
Shuyet (The Shadow) is always present. The ancient Egyptians believed the shadow summarized what a person represents in their true stance.        
Ren (The name) was another crucial part of the soul. A person’s Ren was given to them at birth and the Egyptians believed that it would live for as long as that name was uttered.        
(The personality) The Egyptians believed that Bâ was everything that makes a person unique in its own characterizes        
Ka (The vital spark) According to the Ancient Egyptians the Ka was a vital concept in the soul as it distinguishes the difference between a living and a dead person.        
Khat (The Body) the Khat was referred to by the Ancient Egyptian as the physical body which when deceased, provided the ling between the soul and one’s earthly life.        
Akh (The Immortal Self) according to ancient Egyptians, the Akh was the transformed immortal self which offered a magical union of the Ba and Ka.        
Sahu (The Judge) The Sahu was the aspect of Akh which would come to a person as a ghost or while asleep in dreams        
Sechem (Another aspect of Akh) It was considered the vital life energy of the person which manifested itself as the power that had the ability to control one’s surroundings and outcomes.        
After all these years without the blessings of my grann’s spiritual guidance, I thought I was living, no, I was just surviving off money, looks, and notoriety to self, a pretty vessel but spiritual deficient. She has reinsured and has reinstated so much knowledge of my French/Haitian doctrines of old, it’s as if I was if looking for answers to all the wrong questions.        
As you meditate and chant Om 108 times to channel the beautiful positive forces of your Crown Charka.    
The number 108 is of the wholeness of existence. This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth may you find the divinity within yourself        
For further reading, I recommend,        
The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice by Gary Zukav  

This was written when my grann visited New York.

Love and Universal Hugs, always,


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Universal Compassion Starts At Home

I did have my staff and physicians to bring in a canned good, or any non-perishable food item today to donate to the Red Cross. We loaded up a long U-Haul..  my back is a tad sore, but it was well worth it.

I never knew the power of giving, community outreach for strangers who we may or never meet, however, in that mood, the ambience of human compassion, humanity at its finest, it moved me to tears.

As a country, together we stand, divided we fall.

There were so many other groups, companies dropping off clothing, can food items, it was nice, serene to see so many people of all races, ethnicity, cultures, just pouring in with compassion, spiritual offerings all in that moment with the common goal of just sharing,

If you do not know what that feels like, look likes, I have to attest, words cannot capture the emotions, it is something you will have to experience in your journey through this realm we call life if you have not already.

Please take care of yourself, and always be respectful and mindful of others, in addition, send prayers of mercy.

Love and Hugs, always,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Live Blog shot, I am just now getting back to my up and running self, from getting over the sniffles.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Universal Compassion Starts At Home Part II of Part II

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.    

The duality inter-actions of the brain and can the theories of either two be divided among the cause of thinking and the specific concentration of specific actions.    
In my studies and relevant theorists based of Einstein’s ideology. The man was simply brilliant in his mental aptitude of creating mind of matter and using all the dynamics of the brain’s two hemispheres. Before we even begin, we must come to understand in brevity exactly what gifts we receive from either side of the brain.    
The left side of the brain is responsible for logic and reasoning    
The right side of the brain controls intuition and the core of our emotions  

Therefore, if a person has had an unfortunate cerebrovascular accident (stroke) the damages to the body such as partial paralysis, speech is noted to be on the left side, then the right side of the body will be affected and vice versa with the complexities of the brain the thought process. With that being said, let’s delve into the beautiful necessaries of life and what the brain’s two hemispheres are capable of allocating.      
The speech pattern, that enticing and alluring vernacular engagement we use daily or in the stare of its receptive responses. Have you ever wondered the phases one must adhere to bring the thoughts into the medium of communication for someone to comprehend its subsidies?      
In simplistic terms of gravities terms, the left side of your brain primarily controls the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain dominates the left side of your body.    
Now comes the intuition of the question, which was asked, can you separate the brain and the mind yet can still operate as a whole from a spiritual level or in quantum physics adaptations.      
You must keep the notion in mind, the brain is made of physical matter and the mind is not.      
In my adolescent years, my grann use to say use your brain and not your mind… reading several volumes of English Britannica Encyclopedias all day long, and not quite understanding the visual dialect, I think I was using my brain and, in my mind, I was thinking how to make an excuse in disregarding them, and finding any means not to be disrespectable to sass her stern educational politics when being self-taught of what my brain evidently came to tolerate.      
Upon that conception, my mind had to systemically absorb a cognitive patten to balance those two hemispheres to finally accept, either I grasp the presented circumstances or continue to be ignorant of information, which was there, although, gibberish, unlearned, and foreign to my mindset.      
Somehow through the grace and many hard smacks upon my hand to pay attention and focus. I became the concept in differing the dynamics of the brain, mental growing into the understanding, it is a very powerful tool of chance in the progress of where we stand, sit, or lie, my motto is, ‘knowledge is power’ it is our most divine reward to separate fact from fiction and discord from the distinction of reasoning; it opens oppressed doors by utilizing dialogue, or by the sense of contributing to the cause and constructive liabilities of its beautiful or haunting actions.      
In essence, the brain is a substantial organ in the body that controls all vital human functions, along with the factual account we only use ten percent of our brain’s compatibles. There are different advantages one could use to unlock its potential; meditation, yoga, Chakra channeling, and adhering to the rare offering to succeed in astral quantum mechanics (it is very hard to obtain in not being spiritually attuned and using the limited of the brain power and central core of the mind-the hidden chamber, I refer to in respect).      
The mind is a terrible thing to waste therefore, when in doubt, use it to your fullest benefit. The mind is merely an epiphenomenon of the brain and can only be recognized in terms of neurology broaden terms.    
The human brain has three primary principalities. The greatest portion of the brain is what we refer to as the cerebrum, its main role is the center for intellectual functioning or reasoning. The cerebellum is the second structure, located at the back of the skull. It helps us in the prominence of balance. The third composition is the medulla, a stem which leads into the spinal column, that section along aids in the involuntary tasks such as respiration.      
These three basis components work together to help carry out the role of cognition, but they are not mind itself. The mind is not a physical entity.    
Regarding the cosmic nature of the mind, the element of surprise has been described for centuries from some of the greatest men of prominence in their field of studies, from philosophers and psychologists; Kant’s theories and Plato, Descartes, Einstein, and Socrates just to a few, in retrospect these legends within their time offered their general musings of the brain and the mind, and in comparison.    
Therefore, the brain versus the mind may not be a scientific question to sustain a quick solution, although, a question of quantum reality it is interchangeable of mind and matter.    
That has been another Straight Talk Live for you, this is a preface to a piece I have been working. I have been doing research in regard to Scientology and their dynamics, mind blowing. I see why so many stars take up their philosophy, it differs from the theory of Kabbalah in so many aspects.      
Stay blessed in your heart, stay focused in mind, and see the beauty in your eyes in everything you perceive and take consideration of others’ beauty in what they don’t.      
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

In The Prophesy Now In Moments Of Time

Humanity you sit in the circle of blessed miracles, my helm, have been reached              
My universal most trusted infinitive disciples may the gospel of the truth you must always preach              
Is the hindrance of your thoughts, Judas cascaded in envy to be              
I am exalted and you are the roaring echoes of ripple currents found in the depths of a darken unmovable sea              
Lost in the cyclone when trying to define what the minds cannot understand in the quietness of its mental euphoric elements of divine degrees                      
Let thy will be done always comfort the cerebral cortex, instill positive grains of generational worthy deeds              
That spiritual essence is the food of the intellect, and soothing to the heart to grant its afro-stratigraphic needs              
The kiss of treachery will betray humanity thrice              
False twined perceptions of politics will be obscured from the common man’s eyes              
Housed on Earth to live a prosperous existence, eat of the sea, inhale clean air, it’s a universal present until the afterlife takes a mortal’s last breath          
Imminent rebirth after death          
What have you done to the world          
You have declared war upon your land          
Battles you’ve lost, for woman, child, and man          

Shaking hands in peace, blood on your hands from broken treaties between governments, who now rules the land          
Pestilence, teratogens, violating the present of Mother Nature          
You gave the world a Book of myths, and told fables of a baby prophecy placed in a manger          
You pledge love in the name of your demigods, yet you cannot feed a begging stranger          
Divination is an act of faith which shadows its path                  
In the mirror, reflective eyes see, wraith, doom, despair, yet devoid of peace the incoming equation of earthly math                    
Shifting through the realm of time, beyond the light years from the moon                    
Where ancient secrets of our race blooms                    
The spirit of my staff touched waters where Moses was drawn from the Nile and blessed the streams that flowed from the Blue Lagoon                    
The Knights of the Round Table marched in battle within the flag, peace, war swayed                    
Catholics slaughtered the Templers for practicing ungodly rage          
The third eye vison, to see, and feel the pulsate sights as once Nostradamus                    
The clarity as clear as a window from your history to my nostrils drift the smell of another place, our Yoruba Gods bows to us Sun Goddesses’ wisdom and the kindred knowledge of our esoteric serenity each way it may shift                  
The tears of Mary seeped on that hill in Golgotha, her presence Yeshua took reverence we beseech                    
A Seer she loved spirituality who died in vain from his mouth the begotten one did teach                  
Love, honor, and obey, the golden rule of life He unto his disciples He did preach                    
Unexplained dead foul polluting the seas, the land, housed with maggots, the truth of destruction hid in the whys                  
Lions, tigers, and bears, humanity's conquest to capture, birds in captivity in cages refusing to flee once forgotten how now to fly  
Bye bye birdie you have wings, soar higher, higher, to the cradle of the skies                  
The religions of the world, yet no one heart stands to be right                    
Minds castrated by the laws of the Freemasons, the Skulls and Bones, the Illuminati, symbols in views, yet the puppeteers remain out of sight      
Mood-altering medication to control thoughts with hidden mind control infused with government plights                    
The devoid of goodness shall flood the heart, spiraling in the ways of the convincing beast              
Only ignorance shall sit and entertain self, when the world is revolving              
Mouths are for food, a passage for the soul where infinity meet              
Upon the soul the serpent always tricks upon the web in the lair of bitter treats    

My mind is an open book  
Show me your pages where love, peace and faith can never be hidden or mistook  
Is it written upon your sacred scrolls if I take a quick look  
The Euphrates River is drying up  
Upon my lips allow my spiritual salvation to swirl in my Grand Rising cup  
Shalom and slowly sip  
And marinate in the glory of its beautiful miraculous gifts      

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Straight Talk Live (Anger, The Emotion Of The New Dawn)

We are slowly surpassing nationwide protests. The loud outcries of injustice, which has permeated our streets. By trail of error in the year 2025, we, as citizens are mending rifts of the past, to clear a passage for all great occurrences to manifest.    
As we march in solitude to embrace our next Commander in Chief, who will continue to lead this great nation as he sits upon the throne at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. May the appropriate choice be the benediction as we try to resurrect to be the better nation, not to make America great again, but to fix in American what is considered fractured as I stand is disparity.    
It really is an immoral disgrace, every nation can come together within its own right to make its nation powerful through the eyes of, technology, trading, commerce, nuclear warfare. Whereas, America is still trying to attempt to catch up; when was the last time you actually have worn attire or have utilized an effective product that is manufactured in American, have driven a reliable vehicle from the Ford Plant, when it needs repair, most parts are readily shipped from aboard as far as Thailand. In addition, please be advised I am not disrespecting anyone who operates a Ford model.    
It is an offense by law to dwell in several countries and have the mentality I am cleverer than you. Most, and not all other political administration’s ruling is censored not to speak of their displeasure or portray by broadcasting its daily grievances.    
In America, we all have access to practice, adopt, or exercise our Free Will by Constitutional Amendments, which is to uplift, inspire as it rings with pride, and the fruits of its goal, others attempt to emulate with unity. We, as USA citizens have somehow forgotten those core values in not extending among each other.  
Here today, we have so much prejudice, a vile crusade led by the discreet' s uproar of indifference to various skin tones, who voice differences in opinions, and to motivate within their own cultures, and ethnic lineage.    
We raise or fist in mockery to a demoralizing system that is the laughingstock of other nation’s principles. Why, because we practice, separatism; our ignorance to rely, lean upon other's mentality out of disrespect and mistrust.    
The last time I truly witnessed the blending of this nation was during 2001, the 9/11 fiasco. Lives were lost, tears were sheds, disbelief radiated in the cruelness of one’s acceptance. In those peril times, we all grieved the bearings as a nation, we looked for guidance, however, not just one color, to our Commander in Chief to bring healing upon the nation, but as a whole, we rolled up our sleeves in the cleanup process, we donated blood, no one ever signed a waiver who get the pint(s) of our life-force. We held hands, lower flags in half-staff.    
And in our wavering faith during that turmoil, we embraced in each other.    
Fast forward times, we all stand bowing our heads in shame, where one, cries for equality and justice for all, fought hard and won. In as much, others, echoes the sentiments of the long-ago harsh sentiments of the past.    
People, we cannot go backwards, it only negates the progress and hinder our footsteps to go forward.    
It never would come down to what we write about, what we think we know to make others feel inferior, superior.    
When those bombs were bursting in air, did it really give truth to the night that our flag was still there. Yet, the principles of what I am seeing here today, in real time, advises me we have more work to do until this land gives this nation the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.    
This brings me to my next observation as a tax paying citizen, who contributes to the fundamentals of society’s future.    
Why is everyone walking the streets in silent anger. Hiding behind computer screens spewing, hate, rage, discrimination, bigotry, and racism. Are we at the cuspid where emotions, feelings have been hurled in the wind? Not caring what the offensive deeds of our words brings, or who we may hurt in the process when we deliver them.    
I have witnessed in aghast, citizens voicing their displeasure with sharing their presences of this country, most have forgotten, we are all in this realm we call life. Propaganda rings true, by the hands of loathing, militia groups are surging at an alarming rate, the left-wings are in full force to assign and carry out their pure blood, one pure race philosophy.    
Our blinders have been masked into what is the authentic truth.  Depopulation, by the elite, assignation by government mandated vaccinations, organ harvesting, manmade viruses, implanted microchips, and an alien invasion protocol tactical emerging, yes, researched under our very noses.    
In this country’s darkest hours, may the deity whom you pray to or give homage too, grant you mental peace, and instill serenity within your heart to treat accordantly as you deem to be treated.    
I will revisit this narrative, next week, there are still factual accounts that must me explored, mainly with the Strawman’s Theory. If perhaps you are not aware of its concept, I suggest you read, therefore when I post my research, you can comprehend for its accountability.    
Until our souls entwine to embark in embracing the truth, stay safe, stay strong, and please stay vigilant and blessed, I forecast some dark storms ahead my friends, however, continue to thrive for your spiritual rainbows.  
And That’s Straight Talk Live For You

Love and Hugs, always,


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

The Sacred Scrolls Of My Soul

Cincinnati, Ohio
Westin Hotel Suite

Ordaining my soul in black and white. I have been on a spiritual fast crusade and homeless for three nights in a roll.

I have given the essence of a soul that does not see colors, but by the will of Allah, I hear the despair of the streets, I see some sectors of society with empty hands, yet still have high hopes for a better future, I assist to the best of my ability when the shelters are just too crowded and no more beds to accept a body.

As I am giving out my goodie bags to strangers, no judgements, no questions asked, just the sentiment to advise them to stay warm and give them the address to the closet Homeless Shelter in New York. Out on the street, I am not the nurse, although I do carry a first aid kit, for wounds on the street, a person just cannot get to the ER for, my fingers have gotten so numb and red, but by the grace of Allah, I do not feel it, and I gave out two bags just last night, the last two that were left.

If you have a moment, check on your elderly neighbors.

How did we, as society, have people actually living on the street, and talk about heat, oh my goodness, no matter the soiled blanket for such little covering, stomachs growling knowing, the trash cans has been picked over, I have seen it all, and no matter the distance of this world, the homeless with always be my plight, above all, and I say that with some much integrity.

When you have looked in the eyes of despair, it breaks your heart, it capsizes your emotions, I have been giving out my goodies bags; deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, a roll of toilet paper, a bottle and a bottled water, to whoever, no names, only the smiles I like to see when a thank you just cannot convey the appreciation, my humbleness to the elders that homelessness has somehow befallen, thank you for at least, looking out for the improvised community, as frail hands, receive the divine rewards.

Allah is so good, the gown, my creation, I wore to the symphony three people asked me to make a replica, Allah is good all the time.

Make sure you love yourself, therefore, it should come so naturally to love others.

Until our souls touch upon humanity in the brief moments of time, please take care of yourself and be mindful of others.

Live Blog Shot Before The Symphony

Love and Hugs, always,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN🖤

Gown by A Queen's Crown Apparel ™

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Dedicated to the homeless. All proceed from this attire, will be donated to a Homeless Shelter.

Live Blog, I could not hide my remote in my hand this time. Enjoy your evening

Attire By A Queen's Crown Apparel ™

The Afterparty

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

On The Streets Of New York

I could stand here in front of a cell phone on a selfie tripod, whisper to you the sweet stirrings of life is going to be grand, tell you to smile, and just push through it, I can write the softest of liberties and preach to you about life, death, evolution, rebirth, sex, drugs and good ole rock-in-roll, and then add a wisp of love, sex, romance, words that signifies a poem to any readers eyes, however, on this day, just you and I chat about life.

Mentally Walk With Me

Have you ever been so hungry, your stomach growls, it speak for the emptiness of no consumed food, have you ever been cold, I mean really cold until your hands and fingers go so numb, you tear up because no warmth is provided, have you ever had to go to the restroom, and no bathtub, no sink, and not even a commode, no toilet paper,  just squat and go, no gas and electric, well I have and I have to give my humbling and most profound respect for the people of this civilization who have somehow been deterred from life, or maybe their plans for that American Dream, just did not materialize as planned, unforeseen circumstances, or maybe even setbacks, incorrect life choices.

My children, I will call them for this night, those faces I endure with silent tears, shaken voices that look upon me, not to judge, pulling soiled sheds of clothing together just to look presentable, knowing I only see hearts, and listen to the window of the mind.

If you do not overstand, it is a feeling of being defensiveness of your surroundings, yet, a selflessness act of compassion, which seep into your bones,  however, for me, I just do not seem to dry eyes, my shoulder are only so strong, no matter how many times I hand out those goodie bags, when the last goodie bag is given, why do I feel the saddest, like I never have extended my hand… The mental mindset of the forgotten one(s) who still needs some form of assistance, even its small, I have negated, and I do not expect no thank you or kudos, not even spoken words, a smile and a withered hand of comfort is my reward.

When the smell of urine, makes my night, to see pots of fecal matter, weathered Kings, still sitting upon their throne, lost in the old days of time

It is a hard life on the street, everyone, when you see a homeless person, in passing, it is so much deeper than that, some of those homeless people suffer for PTSD, Bi-Polar, and other mental illness disorder.

I am hoping humanity will always find a way to help the less deserving, and now that we are mandating of these 2025 agenda, once again, I am praying the homeless society are not overlooked.

It makes me a tad apprehensive to judge anyone’s journey through life. You have busses, and planes, taking people to other countries, please, POTUS within the four forwarding years, please assist with our homeless, they matter as well.

Homelessness is a complex issue that affects individuals in various ways, in addition, I worry about silent denied medical or mental illness, lack of education, substance abuse.

Please be advised, yet homeless individuals are at a higher risk for both infectious and non-infectious diseases. They often face chronic health conditions, mental illness, and substance use disorder when left untreated or mismanaged.

May our souls gravitate always toward a better understanding of life and finding positive ways to find helpful solutions.

Love and Universal Hugs, always,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

“I will be honoring my French, Haitian, and Creole heritage throughout the month of February.”

Ladies, please make sure you check your breasts, the month of January is slowly surrendering to the past.

Stay healthy, stay happy, and smile for yourself and always encourage others.

Love and giving out some Universal Hugs,
SKC.. just walking back to complete my last round of revisions_👠👠

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

The Time Is Now To Be Awoken

“Good Morning/Mourning”
There is never comfort in a good morning

It is a word derived from the translated three Books Of The Dead, I would strongly recommend everyone to read.

In this day and age, we have submitted our temple unto mankind systematically destroying through the media, technology, from the food we eat containing GMO’s, and cancer-causing agents, (Death Merchants) to his manmade pharmaceutical poison we digest for medical elements, to the propaganda spewing from the media that enables our brain cells to think on our own.    
Most able bodies among the world’s vast population here today have concerns about dying when we look forward to spiritual rebirth. We worry about materialist gains in life we can never take to our resting places once our last breath is taken of this earthly life.    
The greater good of humanity’s fortune is always found in the four chambers of the heart. Kindness, Courage, Love, and Spiritual Awareness once those elements are tapped into as the heart takes its circulating oxygenated beats, the dynamics of your aura will be a force to reckon with. In my line of nursing profession, time is always the crucial component to breathe, or the expiration when it no longer ceased to exist.    
In still dismays me, how we find peace within ourselves when we are facing imminent death. The tears of life seeping from our eyes knowing we hated deeply in our hearts, whereas, it should have been a time to foster love, in retrospect, when animosity, loathing, spoke the true words in the absence of peace.    
Incapable of reliving forsaken times, therefore, we cling on to our Bible, the Torah, and yet, we attempt to find the hidden significance of our ancestral rites of greatness in the Holy Quran. We hold tightly to a loved one’s hands as last sacraments are prayed over us, or we kneel at the altar asking why such burden one must carry alone.    
Does it really take much to love and honor each other, uplift one another to our righteous glory? When one is on their deathbed, it should be a time of inner celebration, inner peace shall fill the moment when words cannot convey, or when the pain has surmounted, and the only comfort is closing one’s eyes for rest.    
Unfortunately, today, society has become blinded with the throes of vanity until the point it has become the warmth of our hearts, a mainstream taboo we have physically and spiritually adopted.    
As of late, it appears the only visual touches the human soul can submerge the heart and mind comes in the form of social media; Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok just to name a view.    
Nothing is sacred as of old any longer, at this rate we have surpassed the days of Sodom and Gomorrah; you can get nudity, sodomy, rape, murder, racial, bigotry, peep shows, chat room, webcam masturbation sex, let’s not forget disruptive Karen’s and their fifteen-minute fame of glory by one click, and on your cellphone.    
Are those the only elements life has to offer now?  We are the computer chip what technology has come to reap, whatever happened to molding the younger generation’s minds, preparing them to survive once they graduate and step out into the real world.    
There are so many events that are occurring around the globe, but we are not being advised. We are being blindsided by #WOKE, Donald Trump's second Republican second term, his ongoing legal woes.

The Abortion Pill Right Debate, NASA has reported Alien activity in the skies in India, digital currency, implanted brain chips, and according to the government, America is now at a debt ceiling crisis.  
I am slightly perplexed here; did we just not send over billions of dollars and high-powered equipment to Ukraine in the assistance in their war against Russia. Why we are being blinded by political jargon here. China and Russia have built a stronger alliance, in addition they have incorporated several African continental countries to rebuild a once apartheid country.    
More on this AI (Artificial Intelligence) Did we not see this coming, think back when we were programming our computers under our voice command, our television, our remote controls, then Seri/Alexa came along, the Artificial Intelligence voices of the future, then the installing of the doorbells that greet our visitors, surveillance camera you can see while utilizing your cellphone, your touchtone computer screens, your television apps that operate under voice command.    
We have been under Artificial Intelligence for so long, however, as of late I could only assume the hardware and the purpose to incorporate it more aggressively must be important per the government.  It is embedded on a corporate front very rapidly, I do wonder as time progress and AI becomes the second nature of our life, how does this correlate with employment, are we at the throne where machine replaces humanity, I am just thinking in broad terms here.  
As this evolution of man verses the machine is taking place, and not just in America, please take into consideration, China technology is so far advance. They have made life-like robots. Where is this world heading to, what are we headed into.  
Please make sure you take care of your mind, the world is a lot to process, and as you notice time is moving so fast, it truly is, so enjoy the moment in time before they fade into the past, drink plenty of water it keeps the body hydrated.

Here today, you have ICE officials, in various states knocking on citizens' doors, deporting them, did we see this coming, here today, ask yourself, would it had been different had the opposite administration got elected. If anyone has ever read, Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl, it feels a tad parallel, and that is my personal opinion.

I suggest you really get in tuned with those 2025 Agenda mandates, those laws and dismissals affects so many citizens from Higher Education to Medicaid, getting those potholes fixed(infrastructure), climate control.

Just be prepared for the unseen, eggs prices will be escalating due to the Bird flu, I love in these days and time I was raised by my Haitian Creole Mother and European French father, as a vegan, and the ingrained knowledge to harvest my own fruits and vegetables.
May the Creator always bless your forwarding steps.  

Informative For Future Reference
Who Was The Book Of The Dead Made For?

The Book of the Dead is the modern name given to the collection of texts the ancient Egyptians wrote to help the dead and guide them through the Tuat (underworld). This collection consists of formulas, hymns, incantations, magical words and prayers. The Book of the Dead is not a work from a single period of ancient Egypt, but it is a compilation ...

I am studying the adopted English language, which was not the original Jews' dialect it was Hebrew.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2157

Thursday Girl's Night Out (Discussion- Immigration Reform And This new Republican Administration)

When the teacher becomes the unscrupulous student in this dominion we call life, is it our perspective to assume he or she has been well educated to master such a craft of surrendering, sentiments, politics, well versed in his/her creed to adhere to other’s thoughts in any given subject matter, as he or she magnify their experiences one has succumb too, or does it qualify one to withhold warranted credentials, the mind must reevaluate to once again become the student to relegate his/her mentality to higher standards to continue, to teach, and then to tutor a better understanding of a true destiny when interacting, unbiased submitting when listening, and a sense of reasoning not to fear what he or she still has yet to comprehend.

Someone, whom I admire once advised me, ‘reach one teach one’ how can you reach when the mind totally shuts down, ignoring the dynamic phases the cerebral cortex has to process, and then modify in lament terms for us to converse, for others to understand.

In life, we all have a past, yet we stand in the present, blind faith we walk upon into the future, and for the fortunate ones who may cross that bridge in time, hopefully, complied in wisdom, and knowledge, whereas there will be no tolls or no mental hindrance of its bearer.  

In the spirituality of loving oneself, it is given, as well as received, gifts of the heart, mind, body, and the deeper revelations of the soul, we tend to lend daily. The naked exposure of its ugliness comes to light, when such God gifted warranties are relied upon for catastrophic destruction.

The doctrine of true Karma of what we sow, in retrospect, we will most likely come to reap. Bringing forth the concept, inner love starts within our sacred temple, the radiance of good seeds that have been sown will always prevail from one generation unto the other, however, at times, and I vaguely, state that, the concept, the sins of the father will be visited among the children.  

The mystical Gatekeeper of the Chi, in its purest element form is the Holy Grail of our inner realm; the mouth we speak, the voice of reason, the eyes, we look upon in wondrous or damnation, the ears, such beautiful sounds of adherence to learn, hear, only to discuss the complexities we surrender unto.  

As an once ER Trauma/Critical Care Nurse, Level III, I’ve seen my share of the young, elderly, take final breaths of earthly life and I’ve always contemplated was it fate, is this their destiny, which has taken its course, or is it simply God’s plan, and if so, then who am I to question.  

Most people think the less road traveled will get them to their destination much faster, it may, nonetheless, it does not stop the passage of life’s greater force, the unknown, which, tends to come at you much quicker, at that pivotal point in life, you either sink or you swim.  

Enjoy the remainder of your day and have a spiritual Friday and a pleasant weekend.
SKC, Interim, DON, APRN

Live Blog Shot at 2:41am

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