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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1852

I Want To Be Buried… No, I Want To Be Cremated, Wait, I Am Just Undecided (Introduction)

This is my introduction theories of death; however, I will be posting my findings, what are the thoughts on would like to be buried or cremated.

I had a Blog on this very same topic, and I could not believe a simple question would divide so many mentalities.
I had pastor who chimed in, and he and I went back and forth, and he could not show me any bearing the Bible about cremation, yet several parables about death, burial rites, then a sermon on the crucifixion of Jesus and his burial in tomb until he resurrected in three days following Good Friday.

I would delve farther into that theory somewhere in time and different variations from a religion perspective to debunk the truth or accept the myth.

In lieu of that above observation please take into consideration, after King Saul and his sons died, if you know your theology their bodies were cremated by the people of Jabesh Gilead, however it was only to prevent further desecration by the Philistines.

With that being stated traditional Jewish and Christian based faith have always favored burial, however, there is no biblical commanded against cremation. The Bible emphasizes that our bodies shall return to dust, and that goes without saying, whether through its natural decomposition or cremation.

Therefore, I did farther research from a philosophical angle then from a religious angle. I never knew the reasons that I received ventured on a mental flogging between the participation.

I would present the questions my own belief. Various opinions honed down to the afterlife if you get cremated, once your spirit leaves the vessel what happens to the body as it is commenced back to ashes to ashes, and dust to dust,

The religious jargon was even more surprising concerning the rituals following death.

In my religion there is not death, it is only the evolution of the spiritual subconscious that has manifested into a sphere, you returned if you cannot understand your life lesson, the meaning of your presence, I will explain that concept more in detail

When you are the Director of Nursing of a vast geriatric population these thoughts does make you question you own mortality and are doctors playing the Creator when residents have a DNR upon their wishes in place. I will cross reference to explain that death is never the final act of living it is only the beginning.

In the meantime, what do you think, and me being an advocate for Homelessness, Child Cancer, and Breast Cancer Awareness, this question has always been presented to me…what your thoughts after you are read this...

Should we commence the body back to whence it came from uno the earth or celebrate the ashes that is spread unto the wind, poured into the water, or immortalized in a sitting Urn.

How would you like for your family to remember your presence those are the questions I will delve into.

In part to that everyone please have a safe and spiritual ending of September there is another eclipse due in October, and why does this concern me when it comes to the alliance of those planets.

October 2, 2024
Annular Solar Eclipse

Everyone please enjoy your last week of September and ladies I truly hope you have checked your breasts during this month, and gentlemen if you visited your physical during this month, I hope you have asked for your prostate to me checked during the month of September

Until our minds entwine to soul searching for the meaning of life, please take care of yourself and others, have faith, and please smile back at the world

Love and Universal Hugs, always
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

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