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Good Reads - No Extreme Content

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

coloring outside of you

I think I came screaming from the womb        
with an chronic case of      
And that was mostly how  
it's been until you showed up.  
When I was in kindergarten,        
we were coloring the ditto sheet      
with an apple on it,        
for the letter A.        
All of the kids colored theirs red        
with green leaves.        
But I liked yellow apples,      
and green apples,      
and red apples,        
so I made a striped apple,        
with all three colors sort of slipshod        
and bleeding outside of the lines        
in a merry visual cacophony;        
I made the leaves brown.        
The other three kids at my coloring table      
laughed at me.        
I was weird,        
because apples aren't striped,        
and because my coloring was wrong.        
When I was 16, on a whim,      
some girls and I  
drove an hour to St. Augustine,        
crammed like sardines in a 1986 Chevette        
with no air conditioning,        
to eat hand-churned ice cream        
and smoke really good cigars,        
until everyone puked except me        
and my girl T.      
As I sat there, puffing a cigar,        
taking in the tourist sites and the        
Florida skyline,        
eating the history,        
the street artists,        
and the man in dreadlocks singing        
a U2 song like a bohemian dream        
with an open guitar case in front of him,        
and I knew I could live forever      
I wished then I was old enough to buy        
whiskey for the cigar,        
or had the foresight to        
steal some
and a man stopped dead and said,        
and I swear this is true:        
"The only other woman I've ever seen        
smoke a cigar is my wife."        
I never learned about boundaries,        
and my light is more beautiful for it.        
So everything in me screams      
to break these arbitrary rules  
you showed up with.        
I think of the street artists,        
and I wonder if I'll live forever.      
I wish I never        
that you colored        
your apples  
Written by Betty
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Where the fuck is Betty? I need more Betty!

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

A Mind Off-Grid, Nr.01 - The Cycle Of The Thing

Josh (Joshua Bond)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

The Little World

"None of the answers of my pious preceptors would satisfy me, and my demands that they cease taking things for granted quite upset them. Close reasoning was something new in their little world of Semitic mythology." - H. P. Lovecraft  

Read to me the lesson  
and I'll memorise the words,  
sing to me the standard songs  
and I'll recall the tune...  
The stories told  
time and time again  
create a world  
as wholly and as magically  
as when the eternal hands crafted  
sea, and sky, and soil.  
The Book is a door  
and the Word is a candle  
lighting the dark room beyond.  
When I am close to Thee,  
then I am close to a place  
where light charges the bones.  
So read to me the lesson  
and I'll memorise the words,  
sing to me the standard songs  
and I'll recall the tune...
Written by The_Silly_Sibyl (Jack Thomas)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

A letter to You

Sometimes you write of darkness
that spills from your fingertips,
As naturally as the prints
marring your hands

As if pain has become more recognizable to you
than your own fingerprints.

You say that you're unlovable.
You say that you're a disappointment.
and god knows the things you tell yourself
that no one ever hears.

And though we are just strangers,
I want to tell you that
You're Wrong.

You may call yourself Destruction,
but there's nothing wrong with rainbowed gasoline.
Without it, those scraps of metal would never find freedom on the concrete.
 And truck stops
are a driver's second home.
A place to rest their weary hearts
and find the energy to keep moving forward.

and I know, I know, I know
what's its like when Sadness becomes routine
and your hands keep shaking from the coldness inside you.

I'm not sure if the sun is shining,
But if it isn't
I'll make a canvas of the walls
to try and bring it back.

And I'm sorry if this comes out sounding awkward
(I've never been good at this)
But I guess what I'm trying to say is:


          Please, Don't Disappear.

My ears couldn't handle the silence.
Written by randomMeAndBob
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Thought Provoker
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 522

Good reads here ... but so far this kicks ass... like REALLY kicked ass !

Trixareforkids said:And now for a kick in the ass...


Thanks for compiling this section Trixareforkids ! Cool stuff !

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

ThornWithin said:Good reads here ... but so far this kicks ass... like REALLY kicked ass !

Thanks for compiling this section Trixareforkids ! Cool stuff !

My pleasure. Please feel free to contribute any good reads you come across

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

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