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I don't want to find a cure for the common cold

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 22nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 115

I like Plato, I don't like his ideas about forms. I prefer Aritsotle's idea on all that; seems much more plausable.

poet Anonymous

I agree. To be honest, the only part of Plato's philosophy I really detest are his views regarding poetry.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 22nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 115

Yeah, Plato's ideas on poetry sound a bit conservative and pedantic; a bit like a retired bank manager grumbling about loud music. But it was a long (long...) time ago that he was coming up with all these ideas. I mean, how we're brought up is much different now, so it's kind of inevitable that we'll find some of those ideas obscure.

poet Anonymous

I don't know, Aristotle was Plato's student and he was much more enlightened regarding art. Although, even his ideas are a bit conservative, with his insistence on simple storylines and plot over character. Still, as you said, both of them were writing well over a thousand years ago. Tastes will change over such an extensive period of time...

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

If I had to pick two philosophers who were complete drips, it would be those two...Kierkegaard, Hume and Fred all the way. A matter of opinion of course!

poet Anonymous

As someone who is a total nihlist, I rarely read Philosophy. Alas, I have been forced to take it alongside my literature course, although I do quite enjoy the work of Aristotle and Descarte.

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

Are you familiar with Nietzsche sir?

poet Anonymous

Yes I am. I've been reading his The Birth of Tragedy.

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

The philosopher with the biggest balls

poet Anonymous

i like nietzsche,i also like camus and sartre.plato sounds stodgy when he speaks abt poetry, but as has been pointed out, writings cannot be severed easly from the times they were written.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 22nd Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 115

I love Nietzsche. Thus Spoke Zarathustra is one of the only books I've re-read time and time again. I always get frustrated with all these philosophers though. It's all a bit sit on your arse and speak loftily to others. I liked Aristotle's idea about having to get up and experience life before you can find truth. Take drugs, drink yourself to shit, fuck as many people as you can, then spend twenty years as a recluse in Serbia. Yeah.

poet Anonymous

nietzsche is perhaps one philosopher who doesnt give u the pedestal-talk!

Strange Creature
Joined 24th May 2021
Forum Posts: 2

I agree that taking medicine is a last resort to help yourself get better. Apart from drinking fluids (e.g. tea) and resting all the time, you also need to make sure that you stay warm. For this you need to have a warm room that always keeps you warm, I would buy radiators at https://www.radiatoroutlet.co.uk/ because I like their design and they warm the room well, respectively you will be constantly warm and you will get better faster.

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