Poetry competition CLOSED 11th May 2015 5:28pm
View Profile Poems by JacksGma


Post apocalyptic Shakespeare

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Poetry Contest

A "waterfall" style competition written in Sonnets
I am a big fan of Shakespeare and Sonnets and I also like the "Waterfall" effect (if theres a different word or term for it let me know) so heres my idea. I want you to write a Sonnet about a post nuclear war apocalypse. Thou art not held within the confines of speaking in Shakesperian tongue, regular english will do just fine. This will be a story in the end so each entry will be a new chapter or a continuation of the previous contestants chapter. The winning entry wil be judged by the Sonnet itself, not how it fits into the story.

Must be able to be read alone without the other entries and still make sense.

Must start where the previous entry left off. (as if adding a new chapter to the story)

No entry limit but no working off your own entry please. (no back to back entries)

New Sonnets only

Title your work!


*****This story (if theres enough entries) will change and twist with each Sonnet submitted so read the Sonnets as they come in so you don't miss out on an opprotunity to add your own badass flare in the perfect spot.*****

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Here's one to start this off.

-Sonnet of the War Child-

Transmutation, nucleus redesigned  
Experimental reconfiguring    
DNA strands set to be realigned    
Nuclear waste excelled disfiguring  
Radioactive sludge like solution  
Scientifically overhauls the flesh  
Manipulating it's evolution  
Creates the children the gutters caress    
Toxicity levels begin to grow  
Red swollen eyes burning from the crying  
Staring at the clouds which are black as crow  
Gathering now together and dying
Post nuclear war, child of the past  
Plays in the fallout of death ridden gas  

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748

A Dreadful Peace

The blackened landscape tells the tragic tale;
No leaf, no flower remains, no beast, no bird,
The only sound the poisoned wind’s low wail,
Across the land, no human voice is heard.

What monstrous force could thus plunge Earth in fire?
Could men not rise above their ancient hate,
Suppress their pride, control their fatal ire,
Could they not be the masters of their fate?

But no, the dice were thrown, the game begun,
The missiles launched, the planes sent on their way,
And Armageddon blotted out the sun
As billions perished on that fateful day.

And now the aftermath: no hate, no war;
It is the peace of death. Man is no more.

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Awesome work CeeJay. Thanks for getting this rolling. Who's next, what else happens?

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Anybody else?

Strange Creature
Joined 9th May 2015
Forum Posts: 7

The Lesson Learned?

Ten million years or more have come to pass;
The lonely planet keeps its steady spin.
On ash, Pandora’s Box once still now has
Appeared to open and reveal within.

But Lo!  Out of the box the bird doth rise!
A spark, a flame, a burst of life occurs,
Born of the dust, the ash, the phoenix flies
To create life among the soft murmurs.

Intrepid voices, disembodied, cheer;
The life emerging from its sepulchre,
Returns to greet the ever-present sneer
Of Helios, whose vigil was so pure.

Time takes a breath then sounds the herald horn
At Bethlehem, the beast waits to be born.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

Crossandra-ous Birth[Burst]

This time unlike disastrous dooms before
The forever file encryption happens  
in politely strict non-tandem rescue floor
leap-crossing polarizing eras to eonic havens

Does total loop-borrow from oldsoul pools
their firelet text pour-welds unto coilings within
How amazingly humble these live active tools  
align inspite of gross 'core-conserve' keyin

Fireball, this singlet stock soul awaits moment
to rock out of once-hostile weary layers in ashy debris
sky-colloides in a fusion with AkashGanga, the eternal figment
in icy-sleets pierce goblets of Fireball to rub-off war-histories

a still-fissile mindploy missile unearths, humid warmths lay
over earthen seed-skins, 'firecrackers' bloom in fatal clay

P.s: Crossandra ( Crossandra infundibiformis) is an orange to red to yellow flowering plant, commonly known as 'Firecracker' due to pod-exploding seeds

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

I really liked all 3. Uma, yours was awesome but I was aiming more for the Shakespearean style with the 10 syllable count but I guess it should have put it on the rules. Nice job folks

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

Tq Kros:) v.challenging comp (n yes, was thinking am crossing syllable counts).
Congrats to winner, loved Ceejay's n ur entry too.

Strange Creature
Joined 9th May 2015
Forum Posts: 7

Thanks so much!!  I am honored and so surprised...the other contestants' entries were awesome too.  I really am enjoying this website!!!

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