Poetry competition CLOSED 8th April 2015 10:34pm
ChemicalRose (Meguana)
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1000 word poem

poet Anonymous

JohnnyBlaze said:Nine hundred ninety-nine words in my poem
Nine hundred ninety-nine words
Is drunk in some European saloon
Not just any Reba McEntire will do

* hiccup *


(the Word Counter totaled up exactly 1000 on your wall).

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

HollyDove said:lol.

(the Word Counter totaled up exactly 1000 on your wall).

That's because I'm poetic precision walking on two legs, Darlin.

Why, I'm so smooth and on target that I---wuh------

* stumbled backwards out of saloon second story window *

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Son, try placing your comments in the correct thread when posting.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I shall, thank you very much.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

no no... excuse me sir... I believe I did ...

I wrote my piece on word processor and it measured my words precisely at 1000 words...

So yes, I believe I did follow the rules.


Every one did great, ... too bad the competition was judged poorly,
but either way congratz to the winner,

and it's been fun writing my entry for this comp... though I deleted it for apparent reasons.

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 124

Including tags, places and dates which I consider as integral parts of my poems and that is why there are there, but excluding explanatory notes which I write as a courtesy to the reader my first poem "What Happens Now?" was 1210 words in length and my second one "A Deal With Alex" was 1022 words, so I was well on target with both contributions as the requirement was 1000 wards or more.
As for rhyming schemes, the first poem is starting with couplets (AA-BB) with style modulation to Terza Rima (AB-AB) and the second poem in Terza Rima throughout, so I was on target there too.
Spelling can be checked in a word processor.
Grammar… it is silly to ask from poets to be grammatical as poetry has its own grammatical rules which are not those of grammarians in most cases, but those of the context of each particular poem so I was on target there too.

For reasons similar to other contributors I have also deleted my entries declaring this competition a fiasko. (a ill conceived joke)
I am concerned about the integrity of the host and the safety of the poems,

mods, please keep an eye on him.

poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I can send any mod here a link to the same rap posted at another forum many years ago, where there actually is someone named Ranger Rick.

Kindly take your narcissism and be off with you.


poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous

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Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

hornyatmorn said:

For reasons similar to other contributors I have also deleted my entries declaring this competition a fiasko. (a ill conceived joke)
I am concerned about the integrity of the host and the safety of the poems,

mods, please keep an eye on him.

I agree

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