Poetry competition CLOSED 20th January 2015 11:52am
summultima (uma)
View Profile Poems by summultima
RUNNER-UP: toniscales

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aloof sexuality

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

write me an erotic poem...
but don't use normal sex speak. i don't want cock, balls, fuck, cunt, etc etc. say something erotic/steamy/get into her pants worthy, but say it with words you could say around a six year old.

can you do it?

-2 submissions per poet
-no curse words
-at least 100 words

and go!

I would very much like to have some judges in this one. if you are interested, shoot me a private message!

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 31st Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 49


Friction like I've never known.
An anamalistic need for physical contact swept over me like a storm.
Never have I ever felt a fever like this before.
My heart was racing as fast my hands explored her vast lands.
The same lands  I've mapped and memorized I was claiming as mine once more.
I took her mountains and her valleys till her oceans caught fire when river met sea.
A sea a sailed on proudly and vigorously.
No apologies were given because we spoke with more than words.
Her lips spoke my name and I was hooked again,
Completely hers.
She placed the stars in my eyes the moment she placed her universe in my hands
It was a friction like I've never known..
A fever I'll forever long for.
Thank God for small fights and compromise.

poet Anonymous

and we're off! thanks Donnie and Preston!

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 107

The Lust Stand

A lustre a little,impetuous a wind,
Vindictive to my sleep,my night queen.
Gleaming knife,golden edges sharp,
Thirsty you are too,
Desires,enigmatically tough.
Try I to cut myself,
But you never give up.
Misty lake gloryfying the night sky
Lusty blood o' mine,
slipping to flow inside!

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 13awards
Joined 7th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 126

All At Sea

Even now I can recall the furniture
placement and colour schemes,

The floundering man at sea framed
against the flowering rose wallpaper
in the hallway, withering away under
shades of ocean blue

I recall where I was
who was there
the time, it was darkening outside
summers halfway point
wheat in the fields
humidity high

I remember what he wore down to
the pattern on his T-shirt,
the dark laces on his trainers,
the golden perm in his hair
the way he looked flushed
as he nervously spoke,
could he have a word
beckoning me to the floundering man
amongst the roses
would you like to go out with me
till the day I die
who could forget
and my reply of a shy
but..to my credit I looked him in the eye as I spoke
Oh and then the pause..
It was at that moment
I swear he turned into a god
of the genius thoughtful kind
all I'd read
wanted to happen
scenario wished for

His immortal lines
as he took the lead
smiling he whispered
Come here
as he put his arms around me
mine around his
and then he kissed me
with a rush of emotions
blood flowing
his cigarette breath
I didn't care
I was here
in love
for the first time
and I did
get involved deeply with the kissing
I doubt even to this day that he's ever
had a better kisser than me.

**Maybe not as erotic as you require so discount my entry if its not to requirments

Just G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 920

Bathing in Fire

water droplets
skim rampantly
like gasoline
tracing molten
then lingering
  at the small
     of my back
they're foiled
by slick tiles;
the clean slates
which provide
no purchase,
besides to project
whims and fantasy
these visions won't stop
until i gasp for last breaths
these eyes won't open
until i'm forever engulfed
i    n     f    l    a    m    e    s

poet Anonymous

oh my stars! this is going to be hard to judge!

if anyone is interested in judging, let me know! send me a private message.

poet Anonymous


I want to wear your skin

Peel the secrets
From your eyelids
Comb the wisdom
From your hair

I want to wear your skin

Sculpt the shape
Of your lips
Wrap my sillouette
Around yours
Taste the nectar
From your mouth
As it melts,nocternal
Spewing streams of lava
From the center
Of our hips
We create
the ultimate universe


Balm of searching hands
In the garments
Of ethereal expectations
The air between us
Spun over,the lenght of my spine

My hands cup
The lunar light
Upon your body
Skies will blind us


Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 5th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 67

There’s something about starting at the top
Trails that lean downwards…
There’s a sensation in feeling each ridge…
Feeling each compression of fibers remarkably
hmmmmm...Well and perfectly
There’s something about being able
To sense
The respirations of life…hitched with anticipation
There’s something about descending downwards that leads
To a pause…
To an admiration…
To a freedom…
To a release…
There’s something about trails...
Especially when they start at the top.

******posted previously

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 5th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 67

The Taste
There's is something about that first taste!!
That slickness to which it makes itself at home...
the invitation to partake in more...
Holding it,
 Reveling in it's ability to create a yearn...
   The lucious way it brings my mouth alive...
     Starting off slow..then hungrily taking more!
There's nothing like it!
Even when I try to go on "strike"
The call to return is stronger than my will to abandon...
So I continue to go back...
 returning for that "first taste"
   accepting that I am a prisoner, willingly ready!!
That damn Diet PEPSI!!  Get's me every time!!

poet Anonymous

Waltz of the Enamoured

we did a bit of a lambada mixed with
something of an old fashioned tango
took turns leading
twirling through the crescendos
our sweaty palms locked together
the pheromones assaulting every inner drive
hearts thumping in unison through the climax
stepping into the next song entranced
floating free in the warmth of sweet rhythm
limbs entwined and eyes locked in depth
swaying intensely in an embrace that could set the standard
paced perfectly in physical harmony
the waltz of the enamoured
we danced again
then again

poet Anonymous

it's gettin' hot in here! so take off all your.....

oh wait. we're supposed to not be using that kind of language.

great job, poets. great job!

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

she’s a butterfly in i(mm/nv)ersion
mesmerizing to his fertile wind(ing)s
in a topsy turvy ambiguity
not alien to this posture in routine
succulent thigh f(lower/orew)ings  
unfurl maximum in pulsating flutters
opens its craving mouth between  
in moaning renditions
it’s in those kindling fires of hawkmoth
that her uncurling proboscis pierces self  
diminutively razing in  
spindle (de/ac)celerates
churns out long layering latencies
lays down herself  
in this incalculable game
the self cannibal
mothy chemicals  
across her catalytic dendrites  
know truth  
of her martyrdom
a widow spider nearby  
scrambling her copulation prey
shies away  in shame
from the scene-
(i/co)mpulsive (giv/dy)ing  
in love’s propulsive movements
spring’s falling plum flowers over her
aren’t in as much dignity as her remains
rising against and above them in selfless ways
of a decisive papery achene
dissolve them not to nothing
their particulate disseminates
they survive across ter(ms/rains)

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409


kneaded over inseparably in hungry twists
tied airtight with each other in beady loops
interlocked to intermingled dewy porous buds
secretes sap to be sucked empty, to be fed fully
in random transfers, pickled bite of non sweaty
pliable mounds inserted in between in sudden turns
spreads mouthy flavour of your salt-lotus-y flesh
ingests me gradually in wanted vulnerability
exposed fully to your gasping pangs in action
gloomy blooms now I count in enlarging vacuum
starving me in air of your omnipresence’ absence
dying need is that bitten appetite, eat and let eat

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 13awards
Joined 7th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 126


A collector of man's desperate desire,
falling into line with the head rush felt
from searching fingers to heated breath
upon my neck I do turn for you now.

And let this be the symbol of my want for you
to place your contentment between my thighs
your fingers now dwell within.

Make it the home of our short time we have

for whilst you are there
you are mine to keep.

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