Poetry competition CLOSED 24th October 2013 2:15am
View Profile Poems by praveengola

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No 'E' in POEM

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

See, the problem there is that, to be believable, you should have named the cancer...a lie, well done, hangs on detail.

Have another go at it, and maybe use a little sister or something, for the pity angle. I stand waiting.[/quote]

Well, I had a chit chat earlier today with Vizard about this topic and the inclusion of cancer. He was told point blank that cancer is no excuse for putting one's name to someone else's work no matter how distraught you are.  While I don't wish cancer on his mother or anyone, I will say that if that angle was used as a pity ploy, then I'm the wrong person to have pulled that on, since both myself and my daughter are survivors. So.... Let's hope Vizard's and my PM session had an impact on him and that I don't have to start posting pictures of all my scars to get my point across about how cancer is no fucking joke or something to be "used" in anyway.

nice try miss lavender but people are who they are. personal tragedy is no excuse and frankly using a family member's sickness as one is pretty low regardless if it is true or not.

we all got probs. shit is rough all over.
i know i'm a piece of shit but atleast i'm grown enough to admit it and take responsibility for my own actions...

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

i'm a D.Y.I. D.U.A.I guy
always askin for a light
pacific rim practition
low blow gut shot
down a digit
but the full ugly truth
in nail and tooth
my pic tattoo on MF DOOM
know the non fiction transition from prison
to convincin a girl in a sub division
to stop bitchin
b4 sista is found with incisions
in a cold bathtub
with organs missin
and flashbacks of masks of richard nixon
fixin up da stitchin

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483

summultima said:[quote-236457-vizard_dhawan]poem removed
i felt
words spoken
mistakes even done by SHAHRUKH KHAN

I want you to give a start to the compitition...

Vizard, as far as I had seen, DUP's been extremely polite enough in bearing up with mistakes...giving n-number of chances to correct them, may it be those recently ousted controversial members or those still having their joy-run with multiple profiles for disturbing/self-advantageous causes. I sense something v.wrong in ur approach & I say this as a fellow Indian for your good. Pls, learn to accept mistakes & if you do have accepted, do not repeat them.There's no point in just giving meaningless replies to everyone, esp. those who are  DU's undisputed talent pools (& I am not doubting/judging your talent in any way here)

Hope I make sense in my point & this is not a comp. entry obviously! [/quote]

Well said Uma...echo that!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483


Dirty thoughts fill my mind
as you walk swaying your hips
and biting your moist lips
I can’t think straight—
don’t know what to do,
just simply looking at you.

Horny thoughts turn on my libido
just thinking of a nightly tryst
with you, lustful bimbo
Rhythmic up and down motions
turning into wild gyrations
finally lit-up your warm moist pussy
sucking up my balls until midnight!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

        "Non-fifth Icon"

Lay not your ways of majority..  
upon all conundrums of conformity.
RHYTHMS and fascinating malformations.  Piping raw
within this country of transubstantiation's. Astronautics
of wordly affairs...
Cabals that do scar this world
with diabolic prosodial whims.
Standing at pulpits of failing
sands of important mirth.
Taking on a non-fifth iconic birth!  

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