Erotica, but prose...

Word count: 1352
Wires (part four)
"'Come to the edge', he said. They said, 'We are afraid'. 'Come to the edge', he said. They came. He pushed them...And they flew." - Guillaume Apollinaire
I truly believe in soul mates. Maybe not the stereotypical kind that adorns valentines day cards and other such commercialised rubbish, but in people who change us, and we change them in the process. I believe that there are people out there that we have an inexplicable connection with. Someone who, on a level misunderstood by us, we embrace in quiet desperation, hoping that this knowledge we so craved will never leave us.
Max was one of these people.
He was beautiful and wild, and did things to the pit of my stomach that made me weak. It wasn't always like this. We were friends for a very long time, learning what made each other tick. Some days he was more like my brother than my friend, and I liked that. It was a friendship in which I felt safe and able to express myself. And I often did.
After the torment I went through with Piers, it was all too tempting to forget the seeds of submission that had been planted in my mind. Yet lying dormant under the smouldering bravado of his confidence, was the ash of a dark emotion. Something that was untapped and locked away. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would (quite literally) hold the key.
We talked one night like we always did, sharing a bottle and a few laughs. He had been out that night, and his friends didn't show up. It was a low edged moment.
"I think about you a lot" he came out with abruptly
"what do you mean?" I replied
"simple things. Us. The possibility of a future together"
There are some instances in life when you don't really know what to say, or the timing of the situation is purely inappropriate.
"I'm glad you're in my life" I replied. And I meant it.
He kissed me. Things never seemed rushed with Max. They were natural, always natural. He kissed my hair in a way that said things would be alright. And they were. They always were.
It was the same situation a few months later when I found myself drinking at his place once more. It was the same face. The same aching melancholy. The same kiss in theory, but in practice it was different. His hand wrapped around my throat, constricting my very air. His eyes were electric as I stared helplessly back at him, and I realised something that would change our relationship forever. He was enjoying the power, and I learned a very valuable lesson that night. I was getting off on his vicious streak.
Some days he would walk through the door and I would sink to my knees, my head to the floor, with my thighs just slightly apart, his favourite position. Within a few months, I took the plunge and bought him a leather collar as a gift. I wanted him to know that he owned a part of me, and that that part wanted to be owned. I laid the collar at his feet, and handed him a little silver key attached to a piece of ribbon that simply said two little words: Master's property.
True submission is an art form, something that takes over your entire life that can never be done half-heartedly. Every day I put my life into his hands, and he respected that trust, growing as a person with the new found power he had grasped as firmly as the grip he had on my neck. With that power, came confidence. A confidence to grow as a man, who was no longer merely a machine, but a cog. The oil. The very air in-between the colliding parts. Make a man believe he is God and he will ascend every expectation you have of him, and this is exactly where I wanted him. Over me. Always over me, and I would dedicate myself to his pleasure. It was always there in some respects. It was there when I would take the abuse I was given at school. It was there when I narrowly escaped with my life away from that abusive relationship. It was there when Piers whispered those words into the pleasurable centre of my brain. Violence had not only been a massive part of my life, but it was about to change me for the better. And I wanted to be saved.
People often misunderstand submissives. They see us as weak, feeble women, too scared to stand up to their men. Maybe this is the case in an abusive relationship, but not like this. This was a mutual respect, signed and sealed with the sanctity of blood. Our blood, and it often made an appearance. My faith in myself was growing from strength to strength, because I realised I had the ability to be whatever I wanted to be in this life. I applied for new jobs, I held my head high. I walked down the street with a purpose, and a secret, which would catch me at awkward moments of the day with a smile on my face. And I didn't give a single care to what other people thought off this lifestyle. I wanted it always. I wanted the pleasure of giving to benefit another, and when that another was happy I felt like I had achieved something worth while with my life. Finally.
The knives were always my favourite, and the trust you needed for this kind of play was unmeasurable. This particular night he pressed the knife against my throat.
“Sometimes I feel like you want me to kill you”
When I swallowed, I felt the cold steel of the blade press against a lump that was forming in my throat. For a second I felt like a vulnerable child, rigid with fear, my fingernails curled against the wood floor.
“Yes. I would die for you, Sir. But not now. Not like this.”
The blade nicked my throat as he pulled it away. He turned me to face him, as he made two cuts underneath my collarbones. The blood flowed down my chest.
“Please may I look at you Sir?”
“Granted” he replied.
“What is this to you?”
He dropped the knife and took me by the arms to the wall, pinning them above my head, and looked me square in to the eyes.
“This is my very nature, clawing its way out, telling me to take a hold of myself and bring about the revolution that I've been waiting for for a decade. You are the one that changes me forever into the man, the Master, you're soaking for”
He ran his hand down my bloody chest, finishing between my legs. And he was right. I was. When his hands returned to my face, my cheeks were covered in the blood prints of his fingers. We refused to move from the wall until we were completely satisfied. The night was young.
I loved Max in a way I'm not sure is possible to convey. It was a spiritual love, something that went beyond the boundaries of normality, to a place where our power intertwined, and we were blunt, and set free. I loved him because in the chaos of living he was my anchor, my friend, my brother, my lover, my martyr, my God. I breathed him through every nerve ending in my body. Our love was not textbook. It was not soft and gentle, but it was alive, and through each other, we lived the life we dared to dream.
It was in the afterglow of dark that I would lie on the floor, never daring to approach the bed without his permission. I was satisfied, and happy. The wires were singing with their messages overhead. The world was out of tune. I smiled in the silence.
“Goodnight slave” I heard from above me
“Goodnight Sir” I echoed from the floor.
“I love you” he whispered.
“I know” I simply replied.
Wires (part four)
"'Come to the edge', he said. They said, 'We are afraid'. 'Come to the edge', he said. They came. He pushed them...And they flew." - Guillaume Apollinaire
I truly believe in soul mates. Maybe not the stereotypical kind that adorns valentines day cards and other such commercialised rubbish, but in people who change us, and we change them in the process. I believe that there are people out there that we have an inexplicable connection with. Someone who, on a level misunderstood by us, we embrace in quiet desperation, hoping that this knowledge we so craved will never leave us.
Max was one of these people.
He was beautiful and wild, and did things to the pit of my stomach that made me weak. It wasn't always like this. We were friends for a very long time, learning what made each other tick. Some days he was more like my brother than my friend, and I liked that. It was a friendship in which I felt safe and able to express myself. And I often did.
After the torment I went through with Piers, it was all too tempting to forget the seeds of submission that had been planted in my mind. Yet lying dormant under the smouldering bravado of his confidence, was the ash of a dark emotion. Something that was untapped and locked away. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would (quite literally) hold the key.
We talked one night like we always did, sharing a bottle and a few laughs. He had been out that night, and his friends didn't show up. It was a low edged moment.
"I think about you a lot" he came out with abruptly
"what do you mean?" I replied
"simple things. Us. The possibility of a future together"
There are some instances in life when you don't really know what to say, or the timing of the situation is purely inappropriate.
"I'm glad you're in my life" I replied. And I meant it.
He kissed me. Things never seemed rushed with Max. They were natural, always natural. He kissed my hair in a way that said things would be alright. And they were. They always were.
It was the same situation a few months later when I found myself drinking at his place once more. It was the same face. The same aching melancholy. The same kiss in theory, but in practice it was different. His hand wrapped around my throat, constricting my very air. His eyes were electric as I stared helplessly back at him, and I realised something that would change our relationship forever. He was enjoying the power, and I learned a very valuable lesson that night. I was getting off on his vicious streak.
Some days he would walk through the door and I would sink to my knees, my head to the floor, with my thighs just slightly apart, his favourite position. Within a few months, I took the plunge and bought him a leather collar as a gift. I wanted him to know that he owned a part of me, and that that part wanted to be owned. I laid the collar at his feet, and handed him a little silver key attached to a piece of ribbon that simply said two little words: Master's property.
True submission is an art form, something that takes over your entire life that can never be done half-heartedly. Every day I put my life into his hands, and he respected that trust, growing as a person with the new found power he had grasped as firmly as the grip he had on my neck. With that power, came confidence. A confidence to grow as a man, who was no longer merely a machine, but a cog. The oil. The very air in-between the colliding parts. Make a man believe he is God and he will ascend every expectation you have of him, and this is exactly where I wanted him. Over me. Always over me, and I would dedicate myself to his pleasure. It was always there in some respects. It was there when I would take the abuse I was given at school. It was there when I narrowly escaped with my life away from that abusive relationship. It was there when Piers whispered those words into the pleasurable centre of my brain. Violence had not only been a massive part of my life, but it was about to change me for the better. And I wanted to be saved.
People often misunderstand submissives. They see us as weak, feeble women, too scared to stand up to their men. Maybe this is the case in an abusive relationship, but not like this. This was a mutual respect, signed and sealed with the sanctity of blood. Our blood, and it often made an appearance. My faith in myself was growing from strength to strength, because I realised I had the ability to be whatever I wanted to be in this life. I applied for new jobs, I held my head high. I walked down the street with a purpose, and a secret, which would catch me at awkward moments of the day with a smile on my face. And I didn't give a single care to what other people thought off this lifestyle. I wanted it always. I wanted the pleasure of giving to benefit another, and when that another was happy I felt like I had achieved something worth while with my life. Finally.
The knives were always my favourite, and the trust you needed for this kind of play was unmeasurable. This particular night he pressed the knife against my throat.
“Sometimes I feel like you want me to kill you”
When I swallowed, I felt the cold steel of the blade press against a lump that was forming in my throat. For a second I felt like a vulnerable child, rigid with fear, my fingernails curled against the wood floor.
“Yes. I would die for you, Sir. But not now. Not like this.”
The blade nicked my throat as he pulled it away. He turned me to face him, as he made two cuts underneath my collarbones. The blood flowed down my chest.
“Please may I look at you Sir?”
“Granted” he replied.
“What is this to you?”
He dropped the knife and took me by the arms to the wall, pinning them above my head, and looked me square in to the eyes.
“This is my very nature, clawing its way out, telling me to take a hold of myself and bring about the revolution that I've been waiting for for a decade. You are the one that changes me forever into the man, the Master, you're soaking for”
He ran his hand down my bloody chest, finishing between my legs. And he was right. I was. When his hands returned to my face, my cheeks were covered in the blood prints of his fingers. We refused to move from the wall until we were completely satisfied. The night was young.
I loved Max in a way I'm not sure is possible to convey. It was a spiritual love, something that went beyond the boundaries of normality, to a place where our power intertwined, and we were blunt, and set free. I loved him because in the chaos of living he was my anchor, my friend, my brother, my lover, my martyr, my God. I breathed him through every nerve ending in my body. Our love was not textbook. It was not soft and gentle, but it was alive, and through each other, we lived the life we dared to dream.
It was in the afterglow of dark that I would lie on the floor, never daring to approach the bed without his permission. I was satisfied, and happy. The wires were singing with their messages overhead. The world was out of tune. I smiled in the silence.
“Goodnight slave” I heard from above me
“Goodnight Sir” I echoed from the floor.
“I love you” he whispered.
“I know” I simply replied.
Forum Posts: 3273
Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012 
Forum Posts: 3273
Thank you, Missy.
Magdalena, please do come back with an entry! I have faith in your writing.
Magdalena, please do come back with an entry! I have faith in your writing.
Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2084
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084
Rule Number 2: If you open it, close it and always make sure it’s locked.
What will he do if I let him in? He won’t enter via the window; he wants to come in my back door. I can’t believe I just thought that. If I open the window he will grab me, drag me outside and fuck me in the garden bed below. My face buried in the dirt, my body fondled and scratched by branches and fronds. He will plough me through the gravel and mud like a wild beast ripping apart its prey.
I will scream with pleasure as he fucks me. And I will whisper to him, “Take me, I’m yours.”
I step forward and unlatch the window. I hesitate, but I stand my ground. He straightens up and slides the sash open. I can see him clearer, undistorted by the open air. He looks young and virile and I want him. He lifts one leg through the window, with his buttocks resting on the sill and his cock dangling from his pants, he squeezes his torso through the window opening. Without thought of consequence, I lunge forward, grab him by the neck and push him against the window frame. With one leg dangling in limbo, his body three quarters in and one quarter out, I snatch his cock and get down on my knees. I’m totally in control and most definitely out of my fucking mind.
He groans with aching lust as I gorge myself on his red hard cock. My hunger is overwhelming and I’m frothing at the mouth. I’m sucking him dry and I can taste his excitement. He can barely endure my affliction, but before he completely surrenders to me he throws me to the floor.
Rule Number 3: Hands are not for hitting; keep your hands to yourself.
My grip on the situation was short lived. The balance of power has turned now that I’m on the ground, I’m naked and I’m open. He slides his other leg through the window and towers over me. I’m drenched. My hair is still wet from the shower, my body is covered in perspiration and my cunt is wet and ready for my stalker. I’m no longer in control. I’m vulnerable and he’s menacing. I slide back on my elbows towards the door. He slowly takes off his belt and holds it like a whip. I start to panic.
I shuffle backwards out the bathroom, off the tiles and onto the timber floor. I reach for my handbag placed on a chair by the doorway and fumble for my savior. My intruder lashes out with his belt connecting with my wrist. I abandon my handbag and retreat to the opposite wall of the hall. I slowly rise to my feet nursing my lower arm, my eyes fixed on his dirty look. He whips at me again with a sharp crack and I let out a whining yelp. The leather strap slaps me on the shoulder leaving a mark that glows like a cherry. My lashed skin is tingling and I’m yearning for more. He raises the belt again; I swiftly show him my backside and catch a glimpse of his wicked smirk. Again he whips me with the leather strap, this time stinging my left butt cheek.
He is standing within in inches of me as I’m pressed against the wall. My cheek, breasts, hips, knees and toes are frozen stuck to the cold rendered surface. I can hear him breathe in unison with me. We are both electrified and have no idea what will happen next. He reaches out and caresses my cheek with the back of his hand. His affection is offensive. I turn my head and latch onto his finger with my teeth. He hisses in my ear and pulls my head back with a hand full of hair until my eyes begin to water and I release his fingers. I feel the badness of the leather belt silently slide around my neck as his muscles crush me against the wall. My mind is exhilarated and my pussy starts to weep with anticipation of what comes next.
Rule Number 4: If you care to fuck it, take good care of it.
He tightens the belt around my neck. My breath is restricted, deliberate and slow. His hands and fingers are everywhere, groping my breasts, violating my mouth, probing deep in my cunt and taunting my ass hole. He is smothering my clit and biting my neck. He is dominating every inch of my body, every piece of my flesh and he is holding my fragile breath. I long for his cock to be slid deep inside me. I moan and beg for him to fuck me. But he ignores me as he is in control, so I hold my breath and wait for his mercy.
His hand starts to linger around my pussy, working my citreous with three fingers, spreading the lips apart and reeling in my flow. He inserts each of the fingers one by one, alternating between the index, middle and ring fingers, pushing them up inside. I can hear myself moan as he fucks me with his manly hands, I sound like a cat on heat that’s been tied up to a tree. The sound expelled from my mouth is hideous, but I’m well beyond the point of self-consciousness. I can feel my muscles clench around his hand, I don’t know how many fingers are inside me and which holes he’s penetrating, but it feels fucking amazing.
He spreads my legs apart and eases his appendage up into my dripping swollen cunt. I’m gasping for air as he begins to drive his cock inside me slow and strong. With every lunge the belt tightens and slackens on his withdraw. I’m breathing to his rhythm and for his rhythm I do exist. He builds up speed with each thrust, which makes me groan with satisfaction. My legs grow weary and I start to slump against the wall, the belt gets tighter as he pounds faster and deeper than before. My body is numb all over, my mind is cloudy and I begin to feel faint. Suddenly there is a surge of heat around my pelvis and realize that I’m rubbing my own clit as he fucks me. The build up is long and intense. My body feels like it is being engulfed in flames as I begin to implode into oblivion. The intensity of the fire grows and in an instant I am burning out of control.
Euphoria has become me. The orgasm has the intensity of a train derailing from its tracks. For the moment that I explode, tremble and convulse, I do not breath, I can not see, the world is silent except for the ringing in my ears that drowns out my own frenzied screams. This is my nirvana, my enlightenment, my religion and my cocaine. This is my life and death fused together in one single perfect moment when a complete stranger makes me come.
Written by Alexander Case
Rule Number 2: If you open it, close it and always make sure it’s locked.
What will he do if I let him in? He won’t enter via the window; he wants to come in my back door. I can’t believe I just thought that. If I open the window he will grab me, drag me outside and fuck me in the garden bed below. My face buried in the dirt, my body fondled and scratched by branches and fronds. He will plough me through the gravel and mud like a wild beast ripping apart its prey.
I will scream with pleasure as he fucks me. And I will whisper to him, “Take me, I’m yours.”
I step forward and unlatch the window. I hesitate, but I stand my ground. He straightens up and slides the sash open. I can see him clearer, undistorted by the open air. He looks young and virile and I want him. He lifts one leg through the window, with his buttocks resting on the sill and his cock dangling from his pants, he squeezes his torso through the window opening. Without thought of consequence, I lunge forward, grab him by the neck and push him against the window frame. With one leg dangling in limbo, his body three quarters in and one quarter out, I snatch his cock and get down on my knees. I’m totally in control and most definitely out of my fucking mind.
He groans with aching lust as I gorge myself on his red hard cock. My hunger is overwhelming and I’m frothing at the mouth. I’m sucking him dry and I can taste his excitement. He can barely endure my affliction, but before he completely surrenders to me he throws me to the floor.
Rule Number 3: Hands are not for hitting; keep your hands to yourself.
My grip on the situation was short lived. The balance of power has turned now that I’m on the ground, I’m naked and I’m open. He slides his other leg through the window and towers over me. I’m drenched. My hair is still wet from the shower, my body is covered in perspiration and my cunt is wet and ready for my stalker. I’m no longer in control. I’m vulnerable and he’s menacing. I slide back on my elbows towards the door. He slowly takes off his belt and holds it like a whip. I start to panic.
I shuffle backwards out the bathroom, off the tiles and onto the timber floor. I reach for my handbag placed on a chair by the doorway and fumble for my savior. My intruder lashes out with his belt connecting with my wrist. I abandon my handbag and retreat to the opposite wall of the hall. I slowly rise to my feet nursing my lower arm, my eyes fixed on his dirty look. He whips at me again with a sharp crack and I let out a whining yelp. The leather strap slaps me on the shoulder leaving a mark that glows like a cherry. My lashed skin is tingling and I’m yearning for more. He raises the belt again; I swiftly show him my backside and catch a glimpse of his wicked smirk. Again he whips me with the leather strap, this time stinging my left butt cheek.
He is standing within in inches of me as I’m pressed against the wall. My cheek, breasts, hips, knees and toes are frozen stuck to the cold rendered surface. I can hear him breathe in unison with me. We are both electrified and have no idea what will happen next. He reaches out and caresses my cheek with the back of his hand. His affection is offensive. I turn my head and latch onto his finger with my teeth. He hisses in my ear and pulls my head back with a hand full of hair until my eyes begin to water and I release his fingers. I feel the badness of the leather belt silently slide around my neck as his muscles crush me against the wall. My mind is exhilarated and my pussy starts to weep with anticipation of what comes next.
Rule Number 4: If you care to fuck it, take good care of it.
He tightens the belt around my neck. My breath is restricted, deliberate and slow. His hands and fingers are everywhere, groping my breasts, violating my mouth, probing deep in my cunt and taunting my ass hole. He is smothering my clit and biting my neck. He is dominating every inch of my body, every piece of my flesh and he is holding my fragile breath. I long for his cock to be slid deep inside me. I moan and beg for him to fuck me. But he ignores me as he is in control, so I hold my breath and wait for his mercy.
His hand starts to linger around my pussy, working my citreous with three fingers, spreading the lips apart and reeling in my flow. He inserts each of the fingers one by one, alternating between the index, middle and ring fingers, pushing them up inside. I can hear myself moan as he fucks me with his manly hands, I sound like a cat on heat that’s been tied up to a tree. The sound expelled from my mouth is hideous, but I’m well beyond the point of self-consciousness. I can feel my muscles clench around his hand, I don’t know how many fingers are inside me and which holes he’s penetrating, but it feels fucking amazing.
He spreads my legs apart and eases his appendage up into my dripping swollen cunt. I’m gasping for air as he begins to drive his cock inside me slow and strong. With every lunge the belt tightens and slackens on his withdraw. I’m breathing to his rhythm and for his rhythm I do exist. He builds up speed with each thrust, which makes me groan with satisfaction. My legs grow weary and I start to slump against the wall, the belt gets tighter as he pounds faster and deeper than before. My body is numb all over, my mind is cloudy and I begin to feel faint. Suddenly there is a surge of heat around my pelvis and realize that I’m rubbing my own clit as he fucks me. The build up is long and intense. My body feels like it is being engulfed in flames as I begin to implode into oblivion. The intensity of the fire grows and in an instant I am burning out of control.
Euphoria has become me. The orgasm has the intensity of a train derailing from its tracks. For the moment that I explode, tremble and convulse, I do not breath, I can not see, the world is silent except for the ringing in my ears that drowns out my own frenzied screams. This is my nirvana, my enlightenment, my religion and my cocaine. This is my life and death fused together in one single perfect moment when a complete stranger makes me come.
Written by Alexander Case

Gender Specific Nightmare
“You know”, he said, “as long as we’ve known each other there’s always been something between us.”
She smiled and her come-back came quickly, “Yeah, it’s about this big around (she made a “C” shape about the size of a quarter with her fingers and cupped palm) and it’s about this long (she held the flat palms of each hand about 4 inches apart).”
He stared blankly at her for about 30 seconds, while she laughed - out loud!
“Must you,” he said, picking his words carefully, “turn every conversation into one about sex? Is that all I am to you, someone to call up every time you’ve got the ‘urge’; to come over and get off on? I may as well be one of those vibrating dildos you keep stashed in the drawer beside the bed.”
She smiled at the mention of her toys. At least they do their duty without complaining.
“Geeeze, I know lots of guys who would give their left nut for the way I carry on with you, going all insane and everything. You’re not going all fruity on me are you?”
“NO! For heavens sake, why would you even think that! I’m just saying that sometimes, just sometimes mind you, it would be nice to go out to a nice restaurant. Maybe take in a movie in a real theatre. Wouldn’t that be a nice change of pace? Instead of, the minute we walk thru the door, stripping off all our clothes and having mindless sex for hours like a couple of sex starved rabbits?”
Slower this time with her come back, she cast a hidden glance towards him
just long enough to see that he was serious this time.
“Well, you are the man of the house, and I guess it would be nice to actually go out. We could just hold hands and take long walks. Make goo-goo eyes like lovers do and make up cute little baby names for each other. I have to hand it to you mister, when you’re right, you’re Right! Everything you’ve mentioned does sound so much better than just having sex all the time.”
(she smiled outwardly at having hid her true feelings and not laughing, while hysterically snorting in his face)
“There you go! That’s my girl……”
The bolt of lightning and resulting thunder outside his window almost vibrated him out of bed.
He sat straight up, eyes blinking wildly in the darkened bedroom, his heart beating uncontrollably. Not so much from the sound, more the nightmare he was having. As he calmed down he reached out and made contact with the smooth, warm, naked flesh of her curved hip. From the cooing sounds she was making he knew she was still receptive to his touch as well as the thought on his mind. If you agreed with her point of view it was the only thought ever on his mind. He smiled because he knew she was right, but he would never admit to it. At least not out loud.
Now, as far as this nightmare business…Mental Note: No more raw food after 3 am washed down with way too much Saki. What was he thinking – eating bait! From now on everything was going to be fried. Deep fried!
“You know”, he said, “as long as we’ve known each other there’s always been something between us.”
She smiled and her come-back came quickly, “Yeah, it’s about this big around (she made a “C” shape about the size of a quarter with her fingers and cupped palm) and it’s about this long (she held the flat palms of each hand about 4 inches apart).”
He stared blankly at her for about 30 seconds, while she laughed - out loud!
“Must you,” he said, picking his words carefully, “turn every conversation into one about sex? Is that all I am to you, someone to call up every time you’ve got the ‘urge’; to come over and get off on? I may as well be one of those vibrating dildos you keep stashed in the drawer beside the bed.”
She smiled at the mention of her toys. At least they do their duty without complaining.
“Geeeze, I know lots of guys who would give their left nut for the way I carry on with you, going all insane and everything. You’re not going all fruity on me are you?”
“NO! For heavens sake, why would you even think that! I’m just saying that sometimes, just sometimes mind you, it would be nice to go out to a nice restaurant. Maybe take in a movie in a real theatre. Wouldn’t that be a nice change of pace? Instead of, the minute we walk thru the door, stripping off all our clothes and having mindless sex for hours like a couple of sex starved rabbits?”
Slower this time with her come back, she cast a hidden glance towards him
just long enough to see that he was serious this time.
“Well, you are the man of the house, and I guess it would be nice to actually go out. We could just hold hands and take long walks. Make goo-goo eyes like lovers do and make up cute little baby names for each other. I have to hand it to you mister, when you’re right, you’re Right! Everything you’ve mentioned does sound so much better than just having sex all the time.”
(she smiled outwardly at having hid her true feelings and not laughing, while hysterically snorting in his face)
“There you go! That’s my girl……”
The bolt of lightning and resulting thunder outside his window almost vibrated him out of bed.
He sat straight up, eyes blinking wildly in the darkened bedroom, his heart beating uncontrollably. Not so much from the sound, more the nightmare he was having. As he calmed down he reached out and made contact with the smooth, warm, naked flesh of her curved hip. From the cooing sounds she was making he knew she was still receptive to his touch as well as the thought on his mind. If you agreed with her point of view it was the only thought ever on his mind. He smiled because he knew she was right, but he would never admit to it. At least not out loud.
Now, as far as this nightmare business…Mental Note: No more raw food after 3 am washed down with way too much Saki. What was he thinking – eating bait! From now on everything was going to be fried. Deep fried!

Not Yet
No, no, let’s not unlock the furry cuffs just yet. I like seeing you pretend to strain against them; confined only in your mind and yet so naked before my eyes. Legs spread ever so slightly, unable to close them entirely, your faint glisten of moisture sparkling.
Can you feel my breath on your thigh? No? The goose-bumps tell a different tale. Your eyes now following my every move, lowering now to take in my hardness. The smile says it pleases you, yet the furrow of your brow signals a dilemma in your mind; wishing to be allowed to hold it with hands, lips or other erotic means….
but not yet. Not yet….
Be content to watch and envy my hands that grip it tightly, stroking it slowly from base to tip. Standing now at the foot of the bed, see how I bend the hard shaft down, gently stroking your foot, gliding him slowly up your leg. Dragging him slowly along your calf and up towards your thigh. Yes, struggle, trying to capture him….
but not yet. Not yet….
So close to where you want him. So close to where you need him. Your smooth skin feels so good and makes him grow harder, see how his throbbing head pushes far out beyond my tight fist. It’s time to slide him on towards your breast and those aching buds of yours. Yes, they are hot and hard; I can feel the heat as his head circles around and around. So good the heat and softness feel played against the hard throbbing. Your eyes are closed, does this please you? Shall I slide him up higher into that cherry lipped mouth of yours? Your eyes are pleading yes….
but not yet. Not yet….
Once more around your nipple then I’ll guide him up to your shoulder. Then over towards your lips, but not too close; stopping a mere breath from them. Can you feel the heat on your lips? See the moisture on the tip; you’ve done that to him as I have now done to you. Your eyes are wild and so is your body. Straining for real this time, these cheap furry cuffs are stronger than either of us has realized. But are they stronger than your lust, your desire, your need….
There are many discoveries ahead of us tonight; shall I give you relief from the cuffs?
but from the cuffs….
not yet. Not yet…..
No, no, let’s not unlock the furry cuffs just yet. I like seeing you pretend to strain against them; confined only in your mind and yet so naked before my eyes. Legs spread ever so slightly, unable to close them entirely, your faint glisten of moisture sparkling.
Can you feel my breath on your thigh? No? The goose-bumps tell a different tale. Your eyes now following my every move, lowering now to take in my hardness. The smile says it pleases you, yet the furrow of your brow signals a dilemma in your mind; wishing to be allowed to hold it with hands, lips or other erotic means….
but not yet. Not yet….
Be content to watch and envy my hands that grip it tightly, stroking it slowly from base to tip. Standing now at the foot of the bed, see how I bend the hard shaft down, gently stroking your foot, gliding him slowly up your leg. Dragging him slowly along your calf and up towards your thigh. Yes, struggle, trying to capture him….
but not yet. Not yet….
So close to where you want him. So close to where you need him. Your smooth skin feels so good and makes him grow harder, see how his throbbing head pushes far out beyond my tight fist. It’s time to slide him on towards your breast and those aching buds of yours. Yes, they are hot and hard; I can feel the heat as his head circles around and around. So good the heat and softness feel played against the hard throbbing. Your eyes are closed, does this please you? Shall I slide him up higher into that cherry lipped mouth of yours? Your eyes are pleading yes….
but not yet. Not yet….
Once more around your nipple then I’ll guide him up to your shoulder. Then over towards your lips, but not too close; stopping a mere breath from them. Can you feel the heat on your lips? See the moisture on the tip; you’ve done that to him as I have now done to you. Your eyes are wild and so is your body. Straining for real this time, these cheap furry cuffs are stronger than either of us has realized. But are they stronger than your lust, your desire, your need….
There are many discoveries ahead of us tonight; shall I give you relief from the cuffs?
but from the cuffs….
not yet. Not yet…..

Office sex
Hi baby, done for the day?
Good, let me close the door. Is there anyone still here?
Yes? oh good then we must be discreet. Come here Gorgeous,
let me open your blouse and feel your lovely breasts...
so nice...kissing your neck and shoulder as my fingers slide under
your blouse to unhook your bra...
your beautiful titties now free for me to taste
up against the desk baby...lean back against the desk
let me suck your hardening nipples till they ache...oh yes
baby, your nipples are so fucking swollen..don't strain baby,
relax..your pussy is getting wet I know, but I want to love
your titties for a moment longer...
you like my hands sliding down your sides as I suck your breast?
the heat building in your pussy says yes...
kiss me baby, a deep kiss...push your tongue into my mouth and taste me,
taste your titties, taste the chocolate and coffee I had moments ago
so sweet...
now lean back against the desk again as I kiss my way down your lovely neck,
your shoulder, chest, stopping to take one small suck of your nipples and down
my warm breath tracing along your sweet belly as my hands find the hem of your skirt
and slowly raise it till your pouting pussy is showing proudly
mmm,you were expecting me...
on my knees in front of you, my strong hands tenderly but insistently
sliding up and down slowly on your thighs, bringing warmth
and desire to your wet sex, I spread your legs with slight pressure from my shoulder
and slowly sink my face into your smooth sweet muffin,
breathing in the scent of your sex
slowly pushing my tongue into your delicious folds
can you feel the wanting in my mouth baby?
the yearning to please you, the wanton desire to possess you?
feel my hands on your thighs as they slide up to cup your ass cheeks
and draw you deeper into my lips crushed against your hard
little clit, my tongue swirling between your swollen ribbon lips
dipping into your sweetness and swirling, dipping in again,
more insistent now....
now my fingers have you pinned against the desk as I slide them smoothly
into your hot wetness, two fingers in your swollen wet pussy saying "come here baby"
and my mouth sucking ravenously on your aching're feeling the need to release your flood baby?.......
do it!.. do it now, drench my mouth, my hand and my face with your warm sweet juices,
pump your cum into my hand baby, squeeze your pussy muscles and push your creamy lotion
out all over me...mmm, good baby, so fucking sweet and musky on my lips, in my mouth on my chin and nose...
you're so fucking hot ...
I need your pussy now!!. here up against the desk. your blouse hanging open, skirt pushed up
around your waist and my trousers in a pile around my feet...i need you right now lover
...put your arms around my neck and raise your legs.. around my hips
lock your thighs over my hips so I can drive my hard fucking cock into your lovely wet sex...
my hands cupping your ass cheeks and lifting as my cock slams into you,
my sac swinging into your ass crack as I pound my fat cock into your hole
and use my strong hands to force your pussy down even further onto my aching manhood
one hand slapping your ass hard as my dick pounds in and my pelvis smashes into yours.....
oh baby... your gonna make me cum...oh fuck! your pussy is so damn hot!!
oh damn babe take my hard meat deeper, pull the juice up from my nuts. take it all in
yeah baby, take me, fuck me, fuck, fuck, damn you fuck......oh god I'm cumming babe,
feel my hot juice in your sweet wet pussy, feel me pulsing... my cock jumping
with each squirting blast of creamy cum into your pussy.... yeah baby take it all...
take all of my seed in your warm silky sleeve
Hi baby, done for the day?
Good, let me close the door. Is there anyone still here?
Yes? oh good then we must be discreet. Come here Gorgeous,
let me open your blouse and feel your lovely breasts...
so nice...kissing your neck and shoulder as my fingers slide under
your blouse to unhook your bra...
your beautiful titties now free for me to taste
up against the desk baby...lean back against the desk
let me suck your hardening nipples till they ache...oh yes
baby, your nipples are so fucking swollen..don't strain baby,
relax..your pussy is getting wet I know, but I want to love
your titties for a moment longer...
you like my hands sliding down your sides as I suck your breast?
the heat building in your pussy says yes...
kiss me baby, a deep kiss...push your tongue into my mouth and taste me,
taste your titties, taste the chocolate and coffee I had moments ago
so sweet...
now lean back against the desk again as I kiss my way down your lovely neck,
your shoulder, chest, stopping to take one small suck of your nipples and down
my warm breath tracing along your sweet belly as my hands find the hem of your skirt
and slowly raise it till your pouting pussy is showing proudly
mmm,you were expecting me...
on my knees in front of you, my strong hands tenderly but insistently
sliding up and down slowly on your thighs, bringing warmth
and desire to your wet sex, I spread your legs with slight pressure from my shoulder
and slowly sink my face into your smooth sweet muffin,
breathing in the scent of your sex
slowly pushing my tongue into your delicious folds
can you feel the wanting in my mouth baby?
the yearning to please you, the wanton desire to possess you?
feel my hands on your thighs as they slide up to cup your ass cheeks
and draw you deeper into my lips crushed against your hard
little clit, my tongue swirling between your swollen ribbon lips
dipping into your sweetness and swirling, dipping in again,
more insistent now....
now my fingers have you pinned against the desk as I slide them smoothly
into your hot wetness, two fingers in your swollen wet pussy saying "come here baby"
and my mouth sucking ravenously on your aching're feeling the need to release your flood baby?.......
do it!.. do it now, drench my mouth, my hand and my face with your warm sweet juices,
pump your cum into my hand baby, squeeze your pussy muscles and push your creamy lotion
out all over me...mmm, good baby, so fucking sweet and musky on my lips, in my mouth on my chin and nose...
you're so fucking hot ...
I need your pussy now!!. here up against the desk. your blouse hanging open, skirt pushed up
around your waist and my trousers in a pile around my feet...i need you right now lover
...put your arms around my neck and raise your legs.. around my hips
lock your thighs over my hips so I can drive my hard fucking cock into your lovely wet sex...
my hands cupping your ass cheeks and lifting as my cock slams into you,
my sac swinging into your ass crack as I pound my fat cock into your hole
and use my strong hands to force your pussy down even further onto my aching manhood
one hand slapping your ass hard as my dick pounds in and my pelvis smashes into yours.....
oh baby... your gonna make me cum...oh fuck! your pussy is so damn hot!!
oh damn babe take my hard meat deeper, pull the juice up from my nuts. take it all in
yeah baby, take me, fuck me, fuck, fuck, damn you fuck......oh god I'm cumming babe,
feel my hot juice in your sweet wet pussy, feel me pulsing... my cock jumping
with each squirting blast of creamy cum into your pussy.... yeah baby take it all...
take all of my seed in your warm silky sleeve

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Forum Posts: 3273
Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012 
Forum Posts: 3273
Great prose entries! Bumping for more...
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
Locomotive Function
Train rides in the fall are serenely textured. The canopy of colors that give the trees their last coat of life and protection wither with great discretion to bare truths.
Like the autumn trees, she's shed every panicle of reservation and that which shields her, and stands at the door of his compartment. 0715.
He said stop by for a drink.
It had been more than 20 years since she had last seen him. She had known him as boy, and also as an awkwardly eager but sensuous lover.
And now she stood knocking at his private door trying to control the staccato of her breathing, remembering his lips and gentle hands. But that was more than 20 years ago she kept telling herself.
He opens the door. Her excuse is clumsy. Girlish frivolity about not being able to concentrate at her seat. Chattering on about how strange it was they were both headed to Boston for the same conference.
He is more direct.
Taking the sides of her face in those hands of his, saying but one thing.
"I've missed you every day since."
With that, her clothes and reservations all lie crumpled at her feet. She stands before him bare. No longer the young sapling he knew so long ago. She's a woman with boughs and limbs that now show strength, and the relief of shade when needed.
His eyes signal the coming storm.
But he's not out to crush her with his fury, but weak and broken limbs will be shed in his wake for her reincarnation.
He stoops down and buries his face between her thighs. She wraps one leg over his shoulder, and one hand behind his head pulling him in deeper.
He can't believe how incredible she tastes ... He pauses for an eternal millisecond to confess he wanted to taste her the moment he saw her on the platform.
She's delirious with the acrobatics of his tongue.
The motion is syncopated to the rhythm of her hips.
The entire autumn symphony conducted by subterranean vibrations of the iron horse they ride ... She's straddling his inflamed sentinels ... He is blind, deaf and mute as she seeks to extract his tongue from its' very root ... He, every droplet of her flowing sap ... It's a battle of gravity.
She wants to continue the odyssey but is afraid how he'll react when ... Too late.
She tries to tell him, "Wait, you're going to make me ... squuurrr ... "
Her tepid warning only fuels his intensity and somehow his pace quickens over her clit and swollen lips ... Then he was in her with that magical tongue again.
She screams, "Noooo !!!"
Not wanting to give so much of herself to this stranger she had once known.
They enter a tunnel and the car is bathed in aureate and crimson light ... casting silhouettes of burlesque within ... He is a drunken hobo in this careening cabaret.
Waves of Chanel and musk inhaled with every panting breath ... exhaled through pulsating tongues.
"What? ... wait," she pleads. He now pushes her against the window of the car ... He's on his knees again devouring her from behind now ... Her pulsing clit and lips are death row inmates on his chain gang and she wasn't offering a pardon for the condemned ... They'd have to happily endure ... as she had all her life.
She came again ... violently.
She had to sit down but he wouldn't let her.
He rises and stands behind her ... gripping each side of her hips he enters her ... She grits her teeth.
He tunnels through her in the light.
Finding his rhythm as he engorges and fills her ... her breasts seem to bounce so hard that he has to take a hand to restrain one from behind ... she grips the other.
This only serves to heighten her pleasure for she loves her nipples being played with ... Caressed by his hands ... Again.
And suddenly there is a stop.
The train is in a station. They could hear the rustling of passengers boarding and departing.
His compartment offered a view of the empty southbound platform. He continues working over her body at a feverish pitch, as if he hadn't been with a real woman since they last saw each other.
He is biting and lapping at her back ... creating his own path ... mapping his own tracks for another journey ... She loves every cut and lick.
Then she looks up and out the window across to the empty southbound platform. There was a lone porter, sweeping. He'd stopped working though. His eyes glazed over, mouth agape as if he was seeing this beautiful thing again for the first time.
His bewilderment only amplifies her senses. She does what she thinks the proper thing to do from a train window as the steel behemoth pulls out. She waves to him.
With that gentile gesture, her fanatical lover pulled in for the undeniable ... She looked down between her legs to see his toes curling into fists as he erupted and shuddered in their descent.
His liquefied soul sated her body with melting embers.
But he still refused to let her take a moment of pause ... He disappears behind her once again, down to his knees ... That unquenchable tongue was back inside her deconstructing evolution and a millennia of science ... He sucks his own juices out of her ... Stands up, turns her around and cups the sides of her face to kiss her manically ... She inhales his tongue and this concoction that is them ... He is mouthing her like a carrion feeder does its' pups.
With her release she stumbles to the bed ... He crumples to the floor.
She reaches out an arm and hand to him.
"Come lie next to me, and tell me what else I've missed in the last 20 years."
Train rides in the fall are serenely textured. The canopy of colors that give the trees their last coat of life and protection wither with great discretion to bare truths.
Like the autumn trees, she's shed every panicle of reservation and that which shields her, and stands at the door of his compartment. 0715.
He said stop by for a drink.
It had been more than 20 years since she had last seen him. She had known him as boy, and also as an awkwardly eager but sensuous lover.
And now she stood knocking at his private door trying to control the staccato of her breathing, remembering his lips and gentle hands. But that was more than 20 years ago she kept telling herself.
He opens the door. Her excuse is clumsy. Girlish frivolity about not being able to concentrate at her seat. Chattering on about how strange it was they were both headed to Boston for the same conference.
He is more direct.
Taking the sides of her face in those hands of his, saying but one thing.
"I've missed you every day since."
With that, her clothes and reservations all lie crumpled at her feet. She stands before him bare. No longer the young sapling he knew so long ago. She's a woman with boughs and limbs that now show strength, and the relief of shade when needed.
His eyes signal the coming storm.
But he's not out to crush her with his fury, but weak and broken limbs will be shed in his wake for her reincarnation.
He stoops down and buries his face between her thighs. She wraps one leg over his shoulder, and one hand behind his head pulling him in deeper.
He can't believe how incredible she tastes ... He pauses for an eternal millisecond to confess he wanted to taste her the moment he saw her on the platform.
She's delirious with the acrobatics of his tongue.
The motion is syncopated to the rhythm of her hips.
The entire autumn symphony conducted by subterranean vibrations of the iron horse they ride ... She's straddling his inflamed sentinels ... He is blind, deaf and mute as she seeks to extract his tongue from its' very root ... He, every droplet of her flowing sap ... It's a battle of gravity.
She wants to continue the odyssey but is afraid how he'll react when ... Too late.
She tries to tell him, "Wait, you're going to make me ... squuurrr ... "
Her tepid warning only fuels his intensity and somehow his pace quickens over her clit and swollen lips ... Then he was in her with that magical tongue again.
She screams, "Noooo !!!"
Not wanting to give so much of herself to this stranger she had once known.
They enter a tunnel and the car is bathed in aureate and crimson light ... casting silhouettes of burlesque within ... He is a drunken hobo in this careening cabaret.
Waves of Chanel and musk inhaled with every panting breath ... exhaled through pulsating tongues.
"What? ... wait," she pleads. He now pushes her against the window of the car ... He's on his knees again devouring her from behind now ... Her pulsing clit and lips are death row inmates on his chain gang and she wasn't offering a pardon for the condemned ... They'd have to happily endure ... as she had all her life.
She came again ... violently.
She had to sit down but he wouldn't let her.
He rises and stands behind her ... gripping each side of her hips he enters her ... She grits her teeth.
He tunnels through her in the light.
Finding his rhythm as he engorges and fills her ... her breasts seem to bounce so hard that he has to take a hand to restrain one from behind ... she grips the other.
This only serves to heighten her pleasure for she loves her nipples being played with ... Caressed by his hands ... Again.
And suddenly there is a stop.
The train is in a station. They could hear the rustling of passengers boarding and departing.
His compartment offered a view of the empty southbound platform. He continues working over her body at a feverish pitch, as if he hadn't been with a real woman since they last saw each other.
He is biting and lapping at her back ... creating his own path ... mapping his own tracks for another journey ... She loves every cut and lick.
Then she looks up and out the window across to the empty southbound platform. There was a lone porter, sweeping. He'd stopped working though. His eyes glazed over, mouth agape as if he was seeing this beautiful thing again for the first time.
His bewilderment only amplifies her senses. She does what she thinks the proper thing to do from a train window as the steel behemoth pulls out. She waves to him.
With that gentile gesture, her fanatical lover pulled in for the undeniable ... She looked down between her legs to see his toes curling into fists as he erupted and shuddered in their descent.
His liquefied soul sated her body with melting embers.
But he still refused to let her take a moment of pause ... He disappears behind her once again, down to his knees ... That unquenchable tongue was back inside her deconstructing evolution and a millennia of science ... He sucks his own juices out of her ... Stands up, turns her around and cups the sides of her face to kiss her manically ... She inhales his tongue and this concoction that is them ... He is mouthing her like a carrion feeder does its' pups.
With her release she stumbles to the bed ... He crumples to the floor.
She reaches out an arm and hand to him.
"Come lie next to me, and tell me what else I've missed in the last 20 years."
Forum Posts: 3273
Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012 
Forum Posts: 3273
9 days left!
Forum Posts: 3273
Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012 
Forum Posts: 3273
You have just over a week... I moved the end date a little... Prose please!
Joined 19th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 4
I really enjoyed this. Very well written.
Joined 19th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 4
last night began as I got into the shower. wile the warm water ran down my body I couldn't refrain from the thousand thoughts that raced through my head what will it be tonight what wonderful sensations does he have in store for me this time. I knew it could be anything there was nothing that couldn't be done between us I trusted him with my life and he trusted me with his so it didn't matter really I knew I would feel his touch his kiss his caress and that is all that mattered to me. I have always longed to feel his touch. no matter how many times it was never enough.
I got out of the shower and dried myself off I didn't bother to put clothes on as I knew they would only be in the way, instead I slipped a long red silk cloak around my shoulders and tied it around my neck. one last look in the mirror and I was ready.
I entered the room and waited I knew the moment he arrived I felt my heart jump I didn't need to see I knew he was there but I longed to look into those eyes I turned my face upward and our eyes locked he had a slight smile soft as a whisper but said nothing. he slid the hood off my head placed both hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead. my heart thumped wildly. and still he said nothing. he untied my cloak and it fell to the floor. he smile widened ever so slightly. I closed my eyes and bowed my head. he carefully placed a blindfold over my eyes I was plunged into complete darkness. he placed his hands on my shoulders for a moment then slid then down my arms to my trembling hands he then lifted them and placed a small tender kiss on each hand before releasing one and leading me with the other.
he lead me into a room with no sound no feeling of movement in the air no smells I could see hear smell nothing. he paused for only a moment then lead me over to a place where he sat me down and leaned me back then lifted my legs and placed them accordingly. I lay silently waiting it wasn't long before I understood what the night would hold for me. I felt him place ropes around my wrists and ankles securely but not so tight against my skin. I felt the ropes begin to pull as I was lifted into the air. I held onto the ropes as there was nothing else I could do I could not hear his foot steps on the floor I had no idea where he was what he was thinking what he was seeing or where he would take me. it felt like forever waiting for his touch moments passed like hours and slowly I began to relax and give in to the feeling of the dark weightlessness. and then like a warm cloud I felt his breath on my skin it made me shiver with anticipation for his touch. I felt his breath upon my breasts and it made my nipples erect. I wanted to push my breasts forward closer to him but discovered I could do nothing I was completely helpless. slowly and ever so slightly his tongue grazed my nipple this sent sensations throughout my entire body as I could feel nothing else. he moved away and I whimpered softly begging him to continue. but he took his time touches across my skin here and there so slight it was almost nonexistent it was nearly maddening then he placed both hands on my sides near my back and pulled me forward I felt his mouth flush on my tender belly. I felt teeth and tongue hot and wet it made me squirm and pull against the ropes I fought desperately against them as I tried with everything I had to break them so I could wrap myself round him. but it was of no use I remained suspended and helpless. he let go I felt a sudden panic where did he go? my mind raced over and over again in my mind I screamed please please don't stop don't leave me like this please please.. and then as suddenly as he left I felt him again. his fingers grazed across my inner thigh making a line from my knees to that crevice where my legs meet my body I felt his finger grip the flesh of by ass cheeks as his thumbs pressed deeply into the crevices on both sides my body shook uncontrollably. he shifted his hands slightly lower and pushed on my inner thighs spreading my legs wide apart. his tongue pressed firmly against my swollen clit and traced a long line straight up to the top of my butt crack. the sensation was nearly overwhelming I threw my head back and my back bowed I pulled against the ropes suddenly I felt teeth digging into the flesh of my ass cheek my body shook uncontrollably. strange animal like noises escaped my lips. strong fingers rubbed against the tender skin between my legs it was soothing my head fell against my arm and I relaxed into his tender touch. his fingers began to slide easily as I grew more and more wet. effortlessly he slipped his fingers inside me and placed his thumb over my clit his hand pulled me forward and pushed me back my entire body swayed in the air. as my body moved forward I felt the warmth of his tongue across my nipple and as I swung back his fingers pressed against my tender g spot. I found myself pushing my breasts forward to reach his lips and then quickly arching my back to swing myself back against his fingers. push and pull push and pull. the sensation was dizzying my head began to swim my body trembled and shook. I saw flashed of bright red yellow and white light behind my eyes my heart raced and I felt as if I couldn't breath and then he moved forward giving me the constant sensation of both it was more than I could hold and I came trembling and breathless I hung my body shivering with the last remains of the peak of my desire.
I got out of the shower and dried myself off I didn't bother to put clothes on as I knew they would only be in the way, instead I slipped a long red silk cloak around my shoulders and tied it around my neck. one last look in the mirror and I was ready.
I entered the room and waited I knew the moment he arrived I felt my heart jump I didn't need to see I knew he was there but I longed to look into those eyes I turned my face upward and our eyes locked he had a slight smile soft as a whisper but said nothing. he slid the hood off my head placed both hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead. my heart thumped wildly. and still he said nothing. he untied my cloak and it fell to the floor. he smile widened ever so slightly. I closed my eyes and bowed my head. he carefully placed a blindfold over my eyes I was plunged into complete darkness. he placed his hands on my shoulders for a moment then slid then down my arms to my trembling hands he then lifted them and placed a small tender kiss on each hand before releasing one and leading me with the other.
he lead me into a room with no sound no feeling of movement in the air no smells I could see hear smell nothing. he paused for only a moment then lead me over to a place where he sat me down and leaned me back then lifted my legs and placed them accordingly. I lay silently waiting it wasn't long before I understood what the night would hold for me. I felt him place ropes around my wrists and ankles securely but not so tight against my skin. I felt the ropes begin to pull as I was lifted into the air. I held onto the ropes as there was nothing else I could do I could not hear his foot steps on the floor I had no idea where he was what he was thinking what he was seeing or where he would take me. it felt like forever waiting for his touch moments passed like hours and slowly I began to relax and give in to the feeling of the dark weightlessness. and then like a warm cloud I felt his breath on my skin it made me shiver with anticipation for his touch. I felt his breath upon my breasts and it made my nipples erect. I wanted to push my breasts forward closer to him but discovered I could do nothing I was completely helpless. slowly and ever so slightly his tongue grazed my nipple this sent sensations throughout my entire body as I could feel nothing else. he moved away and I whimpered softly begging him to continue. but he took his time touches across my skin here and there so slight it was almost nonexistent it was nearly maddening then he placed both hands on my sides near my back and pulled me forward I felt his mouth flush on my tender belly. I felt teeth and tongue hot and wet it made me squirm and pull against the ropes I fought desperately against them as I tried with everything I had to break them so I could wrap myself round him. but it was of no use I remained suspended and helpless. he let go I felt a sudden panic where did he go? my mind raced over and over again in my mind I screamed please please don't stop don't leave me like this please please.. and then as suddenly as he left I felt him again. his fingers grazed across my inner thigh making a line from my knees to that crevice where my legs meet my body I felt his finger grip the flesh of by ass cheeks as his thumbs pressed deeply into the crevices on both sides my body shook uncontrollably. he shifted his hands slightly lower and pushed on my inner thighs spreading my legs wide apart. his tongue pressed firmly against my swollen clit and traced a long line straight up to the top of my butt crack. the sensation was nearly overwhelming I threw my head back and my back bowed I pulled against the ropes suddenly I felt teeth digging into the flesh of my ass cheek my body shook uncontrollably. strange animal like noises escaped my lips. strong fingers rubbed against the tender skin between my legs it was soothing my head fell against my arm and I relaxed into his tender touch. his fingers began to slide easily as I grew more and more wet. effortlessly he slipped his fingers inside me and placed his thumb over my clit his hand pulled me forward and pushed me back my entire body swayed in the air. as my body moved forward I felt the warmth of his tongue across my nipple and as I swung back his fingers pressed against my tender g spot. I found myself pushing my breasts forward to reach his lips and then quickly arching my back to swing myself back against his fingers. push and pull push and pull. the sensation was dizzying my head began to swim my body trembled and shook. I saw flashed of bright red yellow and white light behind my eyes my heart raced and I felt as if I couldn't breath and then he moved forward giving me the constant sensation of both it was more than I could hold and I came trembling and breathless I hung my body shivering with the last remains of the peak of my desire.