Poetry competition CLOSED 15th September 2013 11:31pm
hemihead (hemi)
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What happened to Jonrot?

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Very good Devilish and dennis!!
Very good!! This is going to be a hard one to judge!!

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

anybody else care to partake?

poet Anonymous

Jon Was Gone (when I saw him)

I'd seen Jon around, but in the worst of places
I'm sure it was him, but then there was the acid

we were all in a field, behind the stage
I forget who was playing, but it was raining
and we were licking funny stamps with cartoon captions

I'm sure it was Jon that was first to start tripping
he was sure that the circus was coming to town
said he'd always had a dream to join them, and that he could now

I never really gave advice, or an opinion
I mean, I figured the kid knew what he was thinking
but, I started tripping as well
started asking him things like, "are there elephants there?,
can I ride them?, you think I could apprentice and train to tame lions?"

well, you know how Jon is, always quick with a line that can make you think what you just thought twice
he can tell you you're ugly but make it sound nice

so, we hitchhiked
ended up in Colorado
we were higher than the Rockies
ended up at a new Cannabis lab
and that's where I last saw him...

one minute we were talking, then there was a puff of smoke
and he was gone

I'm not long back from being lost myself
but I know he'll come back with a tale to tell

every time I see a clown, I have a real good look
try and see if it's Jon underneath

but, like I said
we were tripping, it was raining...
he could be anywhere
and get back any day

poet Anonymous

Nice one Hemi!


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