Poetry competition CLOSED 28th February 2013 11:26pm
View Profile Poems by Mourningcloak
RUNNER-UP: jaspersilence

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Strange Creature
Joined 2nd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 1

This one here. I loved this. So much of Poe in this.
Crestfallen_Still said:As Cold as the Grave in Which you Lie

You lie forgotten
On grounds barely tread
Overgrown with time
As time took you with

Your spirit still stirs
Awaiting the hour
When some dark spell
Brings you to power

Pinpoints of light
From a ghastly gaze
Your summer ended
In a shadowy haze

A vacant grave
As cold as your soul
Who's body cannot claim
As seasons grow cold

The candle flickers
As you pass by
With each breath taken
Another one dies

Only damp earth
Those lungs with no air
With a fetid decadence
And a heart of despair

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