Poetry competition CLOSED 4th August 2012 1:18am
View Profile Poems by Magdalena
RUNNER-UP: theemptyechoes

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Breaking Down The Walls

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Poetry Contest

write a poem or poems about letting someone in...about the difficulties and advantages...
-no word restrictions
-no entry limit...post as many as you please
-new and old submissions allowed

I wanna live your trials of excepting someone into your walls...trusting them with your heart, soul, and everything you've got inside and out

I wish everyone luck..

If you have any questions PM me

Thought Provoker
Tibet 2awards
Joined 2nd July 2012
Forum Posts: 351

The cautious believer
" You mean the world to me"
His confession terrified her soul
He of course knew she felt the same.

" I want to hold you dear and near"
She visibly panicked... Love and romance
Were not her forte.

" I want to spoil you with affection"
Her breath became unstable and violent
Tears of shame were exposed.

" I don't know how to love"
He was aware of her past rejections
He understood her cautious ways.

"Time is on our side"
Placing a soft kiss on her temple
Afterall patience is a virtue.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Thank you for your submission..I must say I absolutely love the poem you've presented to me today:)

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

As I Move Closer

Locked up in dreams of the visions I create
in ethereal mysteries of faraway places
Walking on soft and tender with bare feet
carefully as not to fall and hit the ground
Nothing is solid enough to give myself completely
so I glide along where expectations slip away
I embrace the beauty that I hold in my hands
as gentle kisses from my lips I give to you
I could grasp hold of you let my life depend on you
take out my heart and place it in your hands
it could slip from your fingers and hit the ground
as I bleed in rivers of rejection once again
So I take a step closer to your waiting arms
a sigh escapes as I break from my world
you make me feel safe with the words you say
even though my seat belt still keeps me secure
I give in pieces of me every day with hope
walking on soft and tender with bare feet
you speak of mysteries and far away places
I hold you without my life depending on you
In each moment that we share I want you more
fingers still scarred from the many burns endured
you soothe the sting of memories dark and cold
I smile from the outside in as your warmth holds
In the moment to moment is where I shall live creating memories to treasure....

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Thanks for your submission...I very much enjoyed reading this:3

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

She could maybe love me..
If I could try and hide
All those petty feelings
I keep bottled up inside

She could love the outside me
Not the one within..
If only she could see,
I'm my greatest sin

All these nasty scars
I've found a way to hide..
82 to count exactly..
All of them are mine

If she knew I broke a promise (not to her)
All because of him..
The way it tore me in two
When I heard of 'them'..

She could maybe love me..
If I could continue to hide..
But she deserves so much more
Than my sugar-coated lies

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

You could mold me a heart
Out of colorless ash
It suit me just as well
As all did in the past

You could cut me a heart
From paper and glue..
Stick it right to this chest
It'd be almost true

If it never needed to beat before
Then why should it now?
I can hold on through the pain,
It's the only way how

So dear, make me a heart
Stop this emptiness and pain
Give me something I can call mine
Something to suffice when it rains

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Nice poems Krissy:)...thinks for your submissions...

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 6th July 2012
Forum Posts: 7

Beware of Potential Death

The wall is up to protect the world,
for if anyone were to enter
they may get lost among the jumble
and there is a high chance of death.
Within my head
there are dark clouds
and occasional thunder/lighting storms.
If I were to let you in,
demons may seize you
and drag you into their dark caves
were the unthinkable happens.
I chose to keep the rest of the world out
only to keep them from danger.  

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Thank you for your submission:3

Lost Thinker
Joined 13th May 2012
Forum Posts: 55

The Walls

The four walls I built round me
Stand high and tall as though they were
At the centre of those walls
I built-
A comfortable home made purely of
stone and
come what may, I'll adjust to the
hurricanes and storms
which everly blows
to keep within it
a temperate weather

The four walls I built sometimes
cracks and crumbles
Upon the slightest alien touch.
Regardless, I pick up its pieces
to mend it back together
Each time- thicker
Each time- wider and higher

One wall made of blazing fire-
For those irrational liars
A second wall made of soft feather-
For those gentle souls, it gets softer
A third wall made of saline wood-
To be carved by the wise in mind
A fourth wall that isn't there-
Reserved for the trusted
amongst family and friends

I move these four walls about:-
Stealthily, Slowly, Gently. . .

You stand at the foot of my walls-
What would your next move be?

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 195

Thanks for your submission XD

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

The Freedom To Love You

I'm finally making progress by letting you in
Pain came to an end let the healing begin
Make me forget the complexities of life
The heartache I left please baby make it right
Make it make sense so I can understand
So I won't be confused instead I'll be your man
Make me never ever want to get drunk again
My sweet now and later never become my then
Make me see the light and not cry at night
Make me feel safe, at ease, and alright
Baby with you I want to make it last a lifetime
You're more than my everything I consider you my lifeline
Make me feel strong make me feel grown
Make me feel with you don't make me feel alone
Make me feel secure make me feel mature
Make me be responsible for loving you because you're
The closest thing to happiness I've felt in a while
You made me a believer I'm no longer in denial

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

I want to trust you
And let you take control
I want to feel you
deep, in my very soul
So will you love me?
As I have loved you?
I want to let you inside
And feel your molten lava in my core
I'm not just some whore
You have no idea what's in store
I love you.
Have you known?
Have my feelings not shown?
So take your hammer
(Show me love, show me trust)
Break down the walls around my heart
I give you the key
Now lets have a start

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Could It Be?

I never thought in a million years
That you'd be the one to wipe away my tears
Forced me to love you and confront my fears
The pain and hurt I once held dear
You took my hand and led me to paradise
To believe in you was your best advice
I acknowledge all the love you've given
You broke me out of my dark and cold prison
A dungeon of lies, deception, and abandonment
You set me free your love is heaven sent
Right on time when I thought it was too late
I kept hope alive and you restored my faith
Trustworthy fits you it describes you well
I love you so much it hurts like hell
To know at any moment you could jeopardize our bond
The love that we share could instantly be gone
Just like that but still I don't worry
Because deep in my heart I believe you won't hurt me
Like all the others that came before you
You don't know how much I really do adore you
I'll be here for you if you be there for me
Let's have a happy ending if you tell me a story
Romeo and Juliet committed suicide for love
That what I was doing before I knew where you was

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