Poetry competition CLOSED 18th June 2012 6:14pm
View Profile Poems by ScottSF21
RUNNERS-UP: siphondarkness and firedaughter


Edgar Allan-Poe(ms)

Pretty Normal
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 76

Poetry Contest

So for this, write a poem, any sort, either in the style of one of Edgar Allan Poe's, or with the same subject matter.
I've always loved Edgar Allan Poe, so I take huge interest in poems similar or that remind me of his- its something about the way he writes!

Obviously, would hugely help if you could link me the poem you've been inspired by also

But yeah, no rules really, other than a max of 2 entries per person

Good luck! Can't wait to see some!

-Oh and here are some poems of his, if you're ill-acquainted with his work! - http://www.poemhunter.com/edgar-allan-poe/poems/

The Illusionist ofSorrow
Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 10th June 2012
Forum Posts: 341

My Dream

I had drifted silently off,
To the sound of the trough,
Relaxing me until I fell,
Through another gate of hell,
This dream is not of waves,
But of old, decrepit graves,
Upon one of the graves was,
An old man, a faux pas,
He held within his hand,
Not grains of wonderful sand,
A skull was beaten in,
Murder, was his sin,
As he looked at me,
It was appearent that I could see,
Rising from his grin,
I could tell I was his next mortal sin,
He rose up to his feet,
His smile filled with deceit,
From his hand he drew,
A blade to carry through,
Ripping through my flesh,
Blood pouring out fresh,
Dropping to the ground,
I could barely make a sound,
Until I closed my eyes,
Did my story revise,
I jumped up out of bed,
To upset to lay my head,
I sat up the whole night,
Waiting to see the warm sunlight...

( I just wrote this out of my head soooo....rofl.)

The poem that I wrote refered to by Edgar Allen Poe was "A Dream Within A Dream"


Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

The Gardener (My twist on the tell tale heart)

We hired a new gardener    
She seemed so plain..    
That's why I was surprised    
When I had saw where she had lain..    
My husband untrusting    
And the gardener no better    
Maybe it fits best..    
If I just behead her..    
So I stayed up all night    
Plotting my revenge    
And I sat    
As my plan unhinged..    
I thought it out    
I'll go in disguise    
And wait for the moment    
And take her by surprise!    
I plotted and planned    
For the next couple of nights..    
Til' finally, FINALLY    
The time was just right...    
I followed her home    
and quiet as a mouse    
I tiptoed quietly    
right into her house..    
When she asked me what I was doing    
I replied, "Just taking some off the top"    
And once I started...    
I couldn't stop..    
I couldn't until    
Her body was a mess..    
I took my prize home    
and hoped for the best...    
My husband woke up    
and waltzed into the room    
The first question he asked    
" Wheres the gardener? She's usually here by noon.."    
Oh how that burned me up    
How it just set another bomb    
And pretty soon..    
His head will be gone..    
So again I found myself waiting    
For yet another to sleep    
And I will admit    
I almost did weep..    
But I can't turn back now    
From all that I have done    
There's only one left    
and the job needs done...    
I crept inside    
quiet as a mouse    
I dont know why I did    
For it was my own house..    
But I found it calming    
So I went and found an axe..    
I always save the best    
For very, very last...    
I raised it up    
High above my head    
And brought it down hard    
On him and the bed..    
He never even knew!    
I could tell by his eyes!    
This came as a shock    
And equal surprise!    
I had finally laid down    
From a long days work    
When I saw the lights    
And heard the sirens jerk....    
I didn't know what to do!    
I had no place to hide!    
Where do I put them?!    
Somewhere they cant find..    
I went to the door    
after I heard a stern knock    
They were asking about her..    
It was the cops..    
I told them the best lie    
Probably one for the books    
Words can be just as decieving    
As those of looks..    
They are all gone    
And I finally rest my head..    
And I look over    
They are both in bed..    
I scream and scream    
As loud as I can!    
I wake up to shaking..    
From my husbands hand..    
I look around the room    
And ask "Wheres the Gardener?"    
"Oh don't worry, " he says,    
"I fired her..."

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

The Haunting Laugh (a twist on the tell tale heart)

I try to live the American dream
but I made many faults
He was there watching
laughing at it all

That chuckle was annoying at first
Then it became stuck in my mind
like a bad, bad song
Then it started to burn every time

Soon it plagued me
and started to leave scars
I started to make more mistakes
all because of his "har har"

So one day I had a marvelous idea
I would kill my torturer, in cold blood
My scheme went off without a hitch
A simple cup of tea, with a poison touch

When he began to cough and wheeze
I started to smirk
Days after the deed
I finally got back to work

At first my work succeeded
but then I began to slip
I started to scream out of pain
I heard the sound again

I couldn't rest anymore
I dug down to his remains
He still had the laugh on his face
his everlasting joke in his grave

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

My Annabel Lee(twist on Annabel Lee)

The Fates are ever so cruel
My heart could love
but it also could break
They foretold that for me love wasn't enough

They gave me her...
or rather gave her my heart
I knew the deep ties of love
as if I was but a string on Cupid's harp

Life was heavenly happiness
but even divine strings can break
as if by a formal decree
commanded by The Fates

It came in the form of a plague
a silent calender with a deadline
I knew all to late
and I had to bury a girl whose heart was mine

I cursed The wretched Fates
for casting their hex
I cursed them and I cursed love
for I never knew what to do next

So I withered away into dust
unable to escape my darkened state
and then The Fates gave me a gift
I was with her again, at the white gates

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 690


It rose from the darkest pits
like a worm, slithering
into thoughts and minds
of the imbeciles of society,
an elegant deception
to crave out, a self portrait
of profane grace and disillusion
from the horrors of the deep black,
the theme for this sordid play.

Washing away emotions in vanity's cold kiss
you can't fathom the weight the devil holds
in these quiet withering years of loneliness
seeking company not unlike his own.

Enact it again, that mortal's despair
and a thousand times over in limbo
and with vigor go mad and become the sin,
this tragedy called man has a conqueror.



Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 9th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 53

Lo! How I missed you there.

A Haar befell my pensive estate
was it by chance or was it by fate?
that the chilling wind illed my embrace.
as I was conscripted into the grip of the fog
and pursued by the baleful eyes of the monstrous black dog.

The encumbrance that I faced
was a tremendous woe as I paced
brooding on a certainty
that this twas nothing more but idle fantasy.

Oh! how I have missed eloquence from your Quill
it sits on my desk there now, evermore still.
Hope for me  that no Gehenna awaits my  import
as my soul stole leaves this mortal port
and beggeth  safe passage to an Elysian field
where my heart, my love,  will  find  a place to bield.

My fears and tormented doubts
like the damned, fill my mind with awful shouts.
grotesque and much akin to gargoyle skin
as between Scylla and Charybdis,I cannot win.

I hunger hour upon hour for a glint of respite
but be that as it may,it appeareth not in ill tempered spite.
The hourglass sands poureth out from under me
quickening like a sinking pit pulling me into a mire of misery.
Twere it not a bogle haunted world this one
Hermes would sendeth this letter of care
I would hold in my arms a love more rare
and behold your emerald Selenelike stare.
Lo! How I missed you there.

Ragdoll Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 26th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 86

♥ ஜ Soulful Atmosphere ஜ♥  (my twist on A Dream)
A tortured paleness of dark blue
finds serenity behind this bare veil.
A violent peace shared
While waiting for a fading release.

A majestic curiosity covers blackened strands
of a eternal game, testing our souls.
Tearing them to shreds
in a pit of sinning sympathy.

Tonight we must forget
times life and lifes time.
A first or a last
of abandoned moments.

With this love abandoned
a dark beauty appears.
Through the violence of the past
amidst the thorny stems of love.

A new darkness awaits us
exotic and alien to our souls.
Erasing the evils of the past
with a blink of our deviate eyes....

Naked Satirist
Fire of Insight
Singapore 6awards
Joined 5th May 2012
Forum Posts: 496

inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's A Dream within a Dream structure, written with a realist twist.
A Play within A Play

I, another spectating spore
Amid this sea of applauding roar
For the grand curtain has drawn
That mythical world flashed gone
How I wish to my reality, it progress
Sick of this perpetual forced egress
Like a droplet on a seawave's crest
The ocean summon, their play I belong
Born and bound to sing their song
But mind, my own, that world i long
While I dread... while I dread
A trace of reason struck my head
O Man O Man! How did I not see,
That world cannot live without the sea
O Man O Man! How did I not see,
It has become a part of me
And all that we do or did
Is but a play within a play
  for a play within a play

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 9th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 53

Wow! Thanks everybody

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