Poetry competition CLOSED 11th May 2019 3:32pm
View Profile Poems by Absence
RUNNERS-UP: Heart_symphony and eleven_mashariki

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2nd chance

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 7th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 21

The monk who fell in love

East Monastery
Young monk in meditation
Transendence he seeks.

Downtown Seattle
City girl needs adventure bliss
East City seems perfect.

Blue lined skies,white clouds
Brilliant weather to go places
Long trip accomplished.

Tour guide to temple
Ancient architecture unique
So fascinating

Eyes lock, connection.
Soul travel, quicker than light
True love birthed.

The owls chorus loud
The stars shine with fiery awe
Neither of them can sleep

Three more temple trips
A smile, a wave, a small chat,
Cupid's bow strikes twice.

Her stay is now up
She leaves her card at the inn
Could he come calling?

All balance now lost
The thoughts of beauty blonde flood
Fatal grip achieved

Bags packed, goodbye said
With the card from the good inn
A man must find love.

Dark clouds, thunder storms
Though the journey be tough
A monk, in love was!
Written by Kingvirky
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Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 120

First want to thank everyone. Some amazing poetry here. The winner is...

I'm in love. And I love to be in love. This poem speaks so much to that side of me. Congratulations!

This poem hit home with me. Wonderful ink.

This put a smile on my face. Lovely.

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