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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1897

Straight Talk Live (The Gift Of A Beautiful Mind And Its Detrimental Journey To Recovery)

Undergrad Medical Journal

I have always relied earnestly on the pillar of my intellect to grasp opportunities for me. Exploiting various sectors of information at my fingertips to prime my mind in any fashion, religion, medical, philosophy, numerology, chakras, and reflexology.      
The utopia idealism that makes me the person I am to advance the greatness of myself.        
The mind is such a beautiful organ in all its simplifications and its morbid convolutions. Since I have chosen a field to advance my studies in psychological/sociological mental disorders of the mind, and the chaos one stores upon the firing of those neurotransmitters, which gives us the ability to decipher reality and fantasy.        
I dedicate this Straight Talk Live segment in regards to several Behavioral Health case files I have had the pleasure to study and research in its depth of perception.
With respect, and without allocating any HIPPA violations, I will only give you the relevant liberties; please take into consideration these are active cases files.        
The case that has me completely baffled is an adolescent who was diagnosed with Add/Adhd (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) at the age of five years old, this young man has been placed on several medications, in addition, melatonin to control bouts of insomnia. By the age of fourteen, he was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Has attempted suicide X2 times. Upon admission all blood work were within normal range.      
This child from birth derived from a decent upbringing, middle class family structure, and neither parent are verbal/ physical abusive, devoid of any alcohol or recreation drug usage, homeschooled until the age of twelve, actively involvement with peers (parent usually withheld medications during the summer months when child entered private school).    
I cannot seem to find any medical/mental sources, the child is not a sociopath (A sociopath typically has a conscience) or psychopath (But a psychopath has less regard for others, someone with this personality type sees others as objects he can use for his own benefit-most serial killers falls under his guideline. Keep in mind psychopaths are sociopaths, sociopaths are not psychopaths. No other learning disabilities pre-exemptions to note, other than the Add/Adhd diagnosis.        
This particular case file patient is residing in a residential treatment facility for daily assessments, counseling (peer/group) and from rendered treatment.      
As a parent who has awaited nine months to birth a healthy child, and nurture that child with the righteous scope of being a dutiful parent.        
When do the signs of chemical imbalance of the brain become evident? A time when the brain is not getting the receptive signals, the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are misfiring to adapt to the perceptions to configure or heed in conjunction within the proper alignment of the mechanisms of brain waves.          
I am not speaking in regards to Asperger Syndrome, Asperger Comorbidities (the simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient) or the missed diagnosis of Autism. In addition, neurological disorders of the brain; epilepsy, seizure disorders, and Tourette Syndrome, just to name a few.        
I can only assume, with any child’s disruptive behavior which has not been diagnosed or chemically modified by a prescribed mood stabilizer, becomes any parent’s worst nightmare, primarily, when you look upon your child with unconditional love, the nurturer of this child's welfare, and to provided his/her comforts, however, does the thought falter when that same individual is beyond redemption in the eyes of school, parent, and society.        
Could the mind somewhat be curtailed to promote itself for the grander good, despite the psychological deterrence when escalated in its own disadvantage; can most child/adult who suffer from prolong mental illness still function in the realm of society, while being medicated and receiving extensive counseling.          
For the loved ones who has to rationalize with self the decision does have their child admitted to a facility to assist with mental illness and receive psychiatric precautions around the clock. Does it make parents(s) feel as if they have somehow failed the offspring, will that same child, once discharged back into the conformations of society know how to survive outside the walls of a mental health facility, or a residential mental institution.        
Parents who have been diagnosed throughout as being mentally ill, unfavorably places a child at a greater risk to develop some type of mental disorder; be advised it does not automatically assure that their child ‘will be’ diagnosed as having any form of mental illness as they progress in life.        
Most children and yes even adults during their first initial interaction with society, seems to far better adjust than what one has been given credit for, nevertheless, only a few are far more likely to have mental illness relapsing in judgments, whereas, readmission is the sole priority in getting that child back on a the road to better understanding the world around him/her to thrive and be conscientious to take responsibly of their behavioral or actions.        
Hopefully, after my preliminary diagnosis regarding the above case file as my homework assignment, I will become better equipped to understand the dynamics to assuage the human mind and human behavior in its natural state of existence.        
And That Is Straight Talk Live For You        
Please continue to be good to yourself and others and be safe out there world      

This is my first case file study assignment I have to present to my preceptor this evening and then a group discussion. I could only give you limited facts. However, I do hope my Mental Health diagnoses and prognosis correlates with his.. You know how many medical journals books I had to research for this assignment.. too many.. And I am not even in my clinical rotating internship.. this assignment was hard as hell... For me, a good switch would had done the trick.. but you have not heard this from me... wink

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

I have been posting these medical journals, I am thinking about in 2025 going for my PH.D until I remember the times when I was holding on to dear life trying to maintain a 3.80 GPA after getting straight A's in my last year to get my Master's  Degree. Oh well I will keep trying to convince myself just to see if my intellect still functions like it once did years ago.. wow, these were my cherished memories.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1897

Straight Talk Live (The Beginning Of A Crumbling Society)

Who is really fighting this war is in question by some, not all. It appears this unorthodox third war is involving American against Russia or China against America. Ukraine is just the pawn in these dirty games of politics.

China or Russia is not allies with NATO, and as it speaks, they are converging with several other countries, excluding America.

China is working diligently to bring that purpose to life their new money systems will exclude American for commence.  

I asked that introduction question in lieu of some strange occurrences in the name of politics I have come to discover. China is backing Russia with their military engagement. It peeves me when our government can aid billions to another country, continue to give financial and military aid backing, but lack the proper overseeing for its Veteran’s Medical or Behavioral Health care, subsequently, for the homeless basis needs, shelter, and grooming essentials.  

Not to forget we house countless of illegal immigrants crossing the borders daily. We provide free housing, medical, schooling, food assistance, and interpreter assistance.

I will always extend my deepest regard of happiness for anyone who wants to seek and find the chance of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but that twisted concept is becoming questionable in this day and time.

The pitfalls need of the adrenaline of attention. Classified in lament terms, the fifteen minutes of fame mentality.  

Henceforth, as much as that sounds good, to be in the spotlight, all eyes on me, there are prices for the misperception of that life’s path, leading to its success. Narcissistic endeavors that bring the soul distress to those surrendering to it.

Fame can get you murdered through human sacrifice, in some secret societies, the loss of innocence, or the product of anxiety or depression. I stated that for the readers who have that third eye of perception, of what is taking place in society on a higher plateau of the elite.

The clash of the economy is dwindling in funds to aid its citizens. We have moved out of the tsunami of Covid-19, and funds are being rescinded by the government, such as the SNAP benefits, the extra money for those who drew Unemployment benefits payments, and some Child Credits some parents were receiving.

Would the deficit from those purses, cause most families to search more for social services, food for home, will be rendered through Food pantries, the Dollar Stores increases in sales.  

I truly hope homes are stocking up on items if there ever was a universal catastrophe to occur, most families would be prepared. Look around, theses of disasters can happen without warning. If there was spill of toxins into the water systems and it could not be contained how many of you would be caught without a stockpile of bottled water, dry goods, a radio, and canned goods, also, a Brita Water Filter System to place on your sink faucet.  

There have been various train derailments that have been discovered transporting toxic and hazardous waste or in liquid form, and the EPA has declared a cleanup, but how deep has it seeped into the soul, how wide as it integrated in our rivers, some of these reported spills into the eco systems has lessened the sea life of fishes and other underwater plant life.

Mental Health has been on the uprise among kids, and that statistics consist of children who have been admitted to a mental faculty the duration of the hold observation.

Parents, please talk to your kids and teenagers about their emotions and what they are feeling, the anxiety related in their mind are real, therefore, get to the root of their problem or seek a reputable Mental Health Counselor who is trained to do so..

I will elaborate more on Mental Health and children at a later date in time.

These are my observations, until our souls entwine on the fate of the wind, stay blessed to your mind, and a beautiful spirit beckoning unto other.

Oh, it feels peaceful when I am away from the blaring lights, zoom cameras, modeling clothes, and Blog action, a quiet moment, with me, myself, and I, getting some me time to channel my Charkas and reflect on world related issues.

Be good to yourself, and each other, and whatever you do in life, please find the time to smile.


Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 19th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 55

What is spoken here is so true and well-composed

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1897


Blessed be unto the caress of the gentle wind            
Close my eyes, traveling to a land long before the creation of sin            
I hear the hooves of chariots as man stand in God’s image            
Oh, greatness of thou Pyramids, Pharaohs calling within another dimension              
The Nile, I bathed the heritage of my melanin in the bosom of its depth              
The Ankh, my amulet adorned proudly around my ancestor’s neck              
I breathed the air, so laden of roses, frankincense, myrrh and sweet-smelling Jasmine              
Goddesses bowing unto their God’s Psalms, the spillage of blood as history begins              
Hieroglyphics, my beautiful language sings of yesterday’s glory              
Lineage, the legacy, mummified buried of greatness, hidden from books telling of its rich stories            
The melanin content giving credence to my lineage flavored skin          
Life barriers of mythical properties once you take it all in              
Tells of my centuries, history of young and old              
What shall be first, shall be last, shall be first again according to my ancestral sacred scrolls              
Bow unto my Deity the greater investor of my soul              
African dances, spiritual ceremonies, the rite of passage as time once beautifully foretold          
The salutations reaping from my mouth I humbly console        
As my mind relieve you from earthly dismiss as wickedness blindly patrols            
Hushed whispers, sailed in the blanket of night              
Sweat from dusk to dawn, with no relief in sight              
For a taste of salvation, equality, freedom shall be phrased in its beautiful echoing songs              
I hear the voices, the cries from the Motherland, see your tired feet, Oh God, I hear the bemoans              
Footsteps dancing with the coatings of hope heard in the soft resonate of the wind, intellectual reparations we now commend              
Unity sang unto the North star all night long, faith, courage as it silently blends            
Goddess of the spiritual prophecy, who governs me              
Gives me the blessings to lavish my creed              
Rules the beat of my timeless heart              
I curtsy unto your grace, bless my temple, honor unto my Chi, my sacred parts              
Shh.. inhaling the land’s inheritance from where I once roamed              
Opening my eyes, the Motherland, my soul shall return with open arms of its enriching home        
I bow my head in the chasm of humanity as my mind, body, and the crux of my spirit in benediction atone

Take care of yourself and always be mindful of other's pilgrimage through his 3D dimension we call civilization.

Love and Hugs, always,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1897

Straight Talk Live (Living On The Edge Of Society)

As of late I have been studying human nature. Society’s pivotal problems, court documented crime cases, bemoans, unusual circumstances at the highest level, the duality of the sex’s indifferences. I have sat in a cushioned chair and listened intensely to the most deep rooted mental insufficient people who cannot seen to cope on a basic superficial level outside the realm of civilization.  

Within my observation, I have come to recognize, no one is better off than the other when it comes to composing our conduct to what is deemed adequate by humanity’s requirements.

We as a whole walk around each other in silent fits of rage, we drive in our expensive cars, travel outside the city limits to our places of employment, live in our suburban homes, and have our executive jobs to keep us afloat at a prestige level of existence. In addition, a lucrative education gifted from generation rites from ivy league institutions.

Therefore, sadly when the mind can no longer compute within the dwelling of self-success or self-reliance to master what is acceptable in the eyes of the law then this is where my expertise comes into play. I have always fathom how anyone who has the epitome to build their own success seem to self-demise. I can comprehend we all come from different walks of life, different upbringing, and social disadvantages for a vast segment of society.  

Could it be the debauched route one would praise of its worth? Silver spoons held in hands and dreams already given on silver platters that lessens our values when we become the prey to the inferiority in our mind who we have curtailed to be.

Most people I have had the pleasure to interact with has worked hard for their legacy, whereas, when the chemical component of the mind breaks down. Most therapists must comb through the two hemispheres with a fine-tooth comb.  

During counseling the mouth becomes a tape recorder we must repeatedly play back to listen, in earnest, to catch that one glitch, which would explain the deviant wheels set in motion to become a malevolent mind.

Segregating the boundaries and the parallels into fine particles; is it the family unit, finding it’s not a deterring factor, most have been reared by parents of superior education values and most have educated offsprings of exception distention, and the gateway to sow future success, it is a lack of sexual preference, desires. Or lack thereof, I cannot quite elaborate, that is moreso, a medical related issue, however, it is discussed in retrospect, most may tell you, they, meaning, the majority of men are quite satisfying to the opposite sex.  

I have yet to counsel any criminals with follies toward the transgender society from a clinically deranged person (s) to comment a heinous crime towsrd that segment, not saying they are not out there, because studies show they are, however, it goes against my beliefs and my spiritual upbringing to council, so those are the cases, if ever presented to surrender my professional and clinical observation in a court of law. I will have to pass along to another collage, Getting a person declared mentally unstable or stable to stand trail through the court system who has commitment an ofensive crim against another for their preferred lifestyles is my profession, however, without becoming judgmental, and still ethically uphold my creed.  I will still have to pass those complex cases along, per my grann's request and generational oath. It is what it is, in my defense as a healer of mental illness.

After those demographics have been discussed and taken into consideration, then we come into the forensic science of how a precarious mind can develop into becoming sadistic in its own stability to lessen in its value to demoralize in a narrow mindless façade giving way to criminal intent.  

I am new at this; therefore, I am still processing. I am no longer in college, sometimes to read about others and then properly diagnosis someone's sanity does tend to make one question it's on. Therefore, when you view those criminal element shows and you see someone in court accused of a violent crime and there is a doctor testifying as a expect witness, take into consideration the countless mental health sessions that psychologist or psychiatrist has spent with that patient trying to isolate the mind from the crime and the person from the criminal determination.  

It is disheartening at times to be the judge and jury of anyone else’s mind, to have to be dispassionate and disassociated from a mind that were once full of vigor, life, now from listening I am still perplexed because you never can come to the understanding what went awry.  

You can grasp at concepts, perceptions, histories, but it will never give you the true reason of is objective, you can medicate to quiet the mental instability.

Subsequently, when it comes to that day in court. These patients stand on the oath of the crime they are accused of as a badge of honor, no regrets noted in therapy, and no remorse, the mind has been self-altered and adapted to that particular person way of thinking.

As I will always advise, please take care of the mind, it is a precious commodity in all its beautiful stages of life from birth to the medical diagnosis of its natural decline, Alzheimer’s and Dementia  

Time will be going back momentary therefore, please pay most attention to Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, it is a form of depression, and its silent culprit is triggered by a lack of sunlight. Most people are most often affected by SAD during winter months, when the days are shorter and darker. Therefore, Light therapy, medications, and psychotherapy are the treatments available this disorder…

And that’s another Straight Talk Live For You

Take care of yourself, mask up, vaccinate if you believe, and always be kind to others

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

A Queen’s Crown Apparel™

Live Blog Shot (Discussing world related issues, the devastation from two hurricanes- I was in a great mood, I just got a pedicure, manicure, and my three-month colon cleansing, my running crew and myself have a weigh in on Tuesday, and I will not be participating as a runner in the New York Marathon 2024, only as the Coach, however, if my Team Captain happens to have an emergency, then that is when I will have to step in).

Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
Joined 11th June 2024
Forum Posts: 53

Can I post here some thoughts/observations?
I'll delete this if you'd rather I don't post here.
I ramble a bit (I'm guessing everyone knows that already)
This is all wildly fascinating, the brain is just so impressively complex. Trying to figure out if a mental disorder/disturbance is purely a result of nature or nurture (likely a bit of both, maybe apart from psychopathy) though genetic predisposition is a definitely a factor. I more or less inherited generalised anxiety disorder. I was diagnosed a long time ago but never looked into the actual symptoms til years later and it's encompasses a whole mindset and set of behaviours, I always just thought were normal (obviously, case by case).
Sociopathy is interesting too, you never know what could cause that (or more to the point how people will deal with being chipped away essentially and or other factors). Obvious potential factors like abuse generally come with other tell-tale signs like anixiety, dissociative disorder or potential amoral inclinations, which is more inclined to stem from an inability to properly express or process emotions resulting in over emphasised or dulled emotiinal responses and would likely come on in certain situations or randomly (like someone I knew, it was heartbreaking) as opposed to the "permanent empathy fatigue" (I'm just calling it that) associated with a full blown sociopath. Which also suggests (imo), barring brain damage, if you're born with an emotional capacity it can't be entirely shut off.
Feel free to call me a complete moron or tryhard pseudo-intellectual, that's ok I probably am.
Sorry,  I just find this really interesting.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1897

Use All The Capabilities Of Your Mind Will You

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.    
In my studies and relevant theorists based of Einstein’s ideology. The man was simply brilliant in his mental aptitude of creating mind of matter and using all the dynamics of the brain’s two hemispheres. Before we even begin, we must come to understand in brevity exactly what gifts we receive from either side of the brain.    
The left side of the brain is responsible for logic and reasoning    
The right side of the brain controls intuition and the core of our emotions    
Therefore, if a person has had an unfortunate cerebrovascular accident (stroke) the damages to the body such as partial paralysis, speech is noted to be on the left side, then the right side of the body will be affected and vice versa with the complexities of the brain the thought process. With that being said, let’s delve into the beautiful necessaries of life and what the brain’s two hemispheres are capable of allocating.      
The speech pattern, that enticing and alluring vernacular engagement we use daily or in the stare of its receptive responses. Have you ever wondered the phases one must adhere to bring the thoughts into the medium of communication for someone to comprehend its subsidies?      
In simplistic terms of gravities terms, the left side of your brain primarily controls the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain dominates the left side of your body.    
Now comes the intuition of the question, which was asked, can you separate the brain and the mind yet can still operate as a whole from a spiritual level or in quantum physics adaptations.      
You must keep the notion in mind, the brain is made of physical matter and the mind is not.      
In my adolescent years, my grann use to say use your brain and not your mind… reading several volumes of English Britannica Encyclopedias all day long, and not quite understanding the visual dialect, I think I was using my brain and, in my mind, I was thinking how to make an excuse in disregarding them, and finding any means not to be disrespectable to sass her stern educational politics when being self-taught of what my brain evidently came to tolerate.      
Upon that conception, my mind had to systemically absorb a cognitive patten to balance those two hemispheres to finally accept, either I grasp the presented circumstances or continue to be ignorant of information, which was there, although, gibberish, unlearned, and foreign to my mindset.      
Somehow through the grace and many hard smacks upon my hand to pay attention and focus. I became the concept in differing the dynamics of the brain, mental growing into the understanding, it is a very powerful tool of chance in the progress of where we stand, sit, or lie, my motto is, ‘knowledge is power’ it is our most divine reward to separate fact from fiction and discord from the distinction of reasoning; it opens oppressed doors by utilizing dialogue, or by the sense of contributing to the cause and constructive liabilities of its beautiful or haunting actions.      
In essence, the brain is a substantial organ in the body that controls all vital human functions, along with the factual account we only use ten percent of our brain’s compatibles. There are different advantages one could use to unlock its potential; meditation, yoga, Chakra channeling, and adhering to the rare offering to succeed in astral quantum mechanics (it is very hard to obtain in not being spiritually attuned and using the limited of the brain power and central core of the mind-the hidden chamber, I refer to in respect).      
The mind is a terrible thing to waste therefore, when in doubt, use it to your fullest benefit. The mind is merely an epiphenomenon of the brain and can only be recognized in terms of neurology broaden terms.    
The human brain has three primary principalities. The greatest portion of the brain is what we refer to as the cerebrum, its main role is the center for intellectual functioning or reasoning. The cerebellum is the second structure, located at the back of the skull. It helps us in the prominence of balance. The third composition is the medulla, a stem which leads into the spinal column, that section along aids in the involuntary tasks such as respiration.      
These three basis components work together to help carry out the role of cognition, but they are not mind itself. The mind is not a physical entity.    
Regarding the cosmic nature of the mind, the element of surprise has been described for centuries from some of the greatest men of prominence in their field of studies, from philosophers and psychologists; Kant’s theories and Plato, Descartes, Einstein, and Socrates just to a few, in retrospect these legends within their time offered their general musings of the brain and the mind, and in comparison.    
Therefore, the brain versus the mind may not be a scientific question to sustain a quick solution, although, a question of quantum reality it is interchangeable of mind and matter.    
That has been another Straight Talk Live for you, this is a preface to a piece I have been working. I have been doing research in regard to Scientology and their dynamics, mind blowing. I see why so many stars take up their philosophy, it differs from the theory of Kabbalah in so many aspects.      
Stay blessed in your heart, stay focused in mind, and see the beauty in your eyes in everything you perceive and take consideration of others’ beauty in what they don’t.      

I thought I would stop through and wish everyone a safe and spiritual Wednesday before the blaring lights and my Blogging consume my time.

I am introducing my Fall Line, and yes, I made some embroidery errors on two shirts, which when that happens, I discount next to nothing (tax purposes). So much for rushing a thriving craft.

A Queen's Crown Apparel™
SKC, Interim DON, APRN

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