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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1884

Straight Talk Live (The Gift Of A Beautiful Mind And Its Detrimental Journey To Recovery)

Undergrad Medical Journal

I have always relied earnestly on the pillar of my intellect to grasp opportunities for me. Exploiting various sectors of information at my fingertips to prime my mind in any fashion, religion, medical, philosophy, numerology, chakras, and reflexology.      
The utopia idealism that makes me the person I am to advance the greatness of myself.        
The mind is such a beautiful organ in all its simplifications and its morbid convolutions. Since I have chosen a field to advance my studies in psychological/sociological mental disorders of the mind, and the chaos one stores upon the firing of those neurotransmitters, which gives us the ability to decipher reality and fantasy.        
I dedicate this Straight Talk Live segment in regards to several Behavioral Health case files I have had the pleasure to study and research in its depth of perception.
With respect, and without allocating any HIPPA violations, I will only give you the relevant liberties; please take into consideration these are active cases files.        
The case that has me completely baffled is an adolescent who was diagnosed with Add/Adhd (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) at the age of five years old, this young man has been placed on several medications, in addition, melatonin to control bouts of insomnia. By the age of fourteen, he was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder. Has attempted suicide X2 times. Upon admission all blood work were within normal range.      
This child from birth derived from a decent upbringing, middle class family structure, and neither parent are verbal/ physical abusive, devoid of any alcohol or recreation drug usage, homeschooled until the age of twelve, actively involvement with peers (parent usually withheld medications during the summer months when child entered private school).    
I cannot seem to find any medical/mental sources, the child is not a sociopath (A sociopath typically has a conscience) or psychopath (But a psychopath has less regard for others, someone with this personality type sees others as objects he can use for his own benefit-most serial killers falls under his guideline. Keep in mind psychopaths are sociopaths, sociopaths are not psychopaths. No other learning disabilities pre-exemptions to note, other than the Add/Adhd diagnosis.        
This particular case file patient is residing in a residential treatment facility for daily assessments, counseling (peer/group) and from rendered treatment.      
As a parent who has awaited nine months to birth a healthy child, and nurture that child with the righteous scope of being a dutiful parent.        
When do the signs of chemical imbalance of the brain become evident? A time when the brain is not getting the receptive signals, the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are misfiring to adapt to the perceptions to configure or heed in conjunction within the proper alignment of the mechanisms of brain waves.          
I am not speaking in regards to Asperger Syndrome, Asperger Comorbidities (the simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient) or the missed diagnosis of Autism. In addition, neurological disorders of the brain; epilepsy, seizure disorders, and Tourette Syndrome, just to name a few.        
I can only assume, with any child’s disruptive behavior which has not been diagnosed or chemically modified by a prescribed mood stabilizer, becomes any parent’s worst nightmare, primarily, when you look upon your child with unconditional love, the nurturer of this child's welfare, and to provided his/her comforts, however, does the thought falter when that same individual is beyond redemption in the eyes of school, parent, and society.        
Could the mind somewhat be curtailed to promote itself for the grander good, despite the psychological deterrence when escalated in its own disadvantage; can most child/adult who suffer from prolong mental illness still function in the realm of society, while being medicated and receiving extensive counseling.          
For the loved ones who has to rationalize with self the decision does have their child admitted to a facility to assist with mental illness and receive psychiatric precautions around the clock. Does it make parents(s) feel as if they have somehow failed the offspring, will that same child, once discharged back into the conformations of society know how to survive outside the walls of a mental health facility, or a residential mental institution.        
Parents who have been diagnosed throughout as being mentally ill, unfavorably places a child at a greater risk to develop some type of mental disorder; be advised it does not automatically assure that their child ‘will be’ diagnosed as having any form of mental illness as they progress in life.        
Most children and yes even adults during their first initial interaction with society, seems to far better adjust than what one has been given credit for, nevertheless, only a few are far more likely to have mental illness relapsing in judgments, whereas, readmission is the sole priority in getting that child back on a the road to better understanding the world around him/her to thrive and be conscientious to take responsibly of their behavioral or actions.        
Hopefully, after my preliminary diagnosis regarding the above case file as my homework assignment, I will become better equipped to understand the dynamics to assuage the human mind and human behavior in its natural state of existence.        
And That Is Straight Talk Live For You        
Please continue to be good to yourself and others and be safe out there world      

This is my first case file study assignment I have to present to my preceptor this evening and then a group discussion. I could only give you limited facts. However, I do hope my Mental Health diagnoses and prognosis correlates with his.. You know how many medical journals books I had to research for this assignment.. too many.. And I am not even in my clinical rotating internship.. this assignment was hard as hell... For me, a good switch would had done the trick.. but you have not heard this from me... wink

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

I have been posting these medical journals, I am thinking about in 2025 going for my PH.D until I remember the times when I was holding on to dear life trying to maintain a 3.80 GPA after getting straight A's in my last year to get my Master's  Degree. Oh well I will keep trying to convince myself just to see if my intellect still functions like it once did years ago.. wow, these were my cherished memories.

This was a live blog shot my blogettes have been so supportive edging me on to just do it.

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